Occupy Wall St. Orchestrated not in the street, but in the White House

UPDATED: Thursday, October 27, 2011 18:31
VIEWED: 3427
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:14 AM


America loves a winner!


Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've written here. Been really busy with research, blogging and my radio show, but I wanted to share some info with you on the Occupy Wall st protest.

First let me begin by telling you what you probably already know. It's the usual suspects.

I'm sure you all remember Steve Lerner. He is a former ACORN boss. Lerner was one of the early organizers. Lerner has visited the White House numerous times, as well as keeping an active roll in ACORN.

Wade Rathe is involved in the organizing, both here and abroad. Not ony is Rathke founder/head of ACORN International, but he is organizing the overseas arms as well.

Maude Hurd, of ACORN fame made her presence known in the Boston protests this past week.

Drummond Pike, from Tides foundation is supporting the groups. You all know Tides. Pike is former Weather Underground, as well as head of Tides. Soros is a huge donor to Tides, as well as other radicals , including Theresa Heinz kerry. We have gone over that before.

Bill Ayers has posted the Occupy Wall st statement on his wordpress blog. Again, another Weather Underground member.

On the Occupy Wall st website there is a section stating the stand in solidarity with MoveOn. You all know Move on. It was started by Jeff Jones and Tom Hayden. More Weather Underground
Now let's talk about Zucotti Park. That is the "privately owned" park where the protesters are camped.
Zucotti Park is owned by a property group called Brookfield properties.
Mayor Michale Bloomberg 's girlfriend, Diane Taylor, sits on the board of directors at Brookfield, so obviously there is a Bloomberg connection, but it gets even more incestouous.

Brookfield also owns a company called Granite Wind, a subsidiary of Brookfield renewable energy. They just received a $168 million dollar green loan from Obama's DOE.

Not only did they get the loan, but VP Joe Biden's son lobbied for the loan through his firm, Oldaker, Biden & Belair, which was founded by Biden's son.

I bet you can already guess who is a major stockholder in Brookfield. You guessed it Soros.

So in summary,
Brookfield Properties owns Zucotti Park.
Bloomberg's girlfriend sits on the board of Brookfield. Her name is Diane Taylor. Brookfield also owns Granite Wind in NH and NY. They received a $168 Mil dollar green loan from O's DOE.
Joe Biden's son lobbied for the loan.
Soros is a major stock holder in Brookfield.
The use of Zucotti was return favor.
Bloomberg is in a pickle now. The protest has spread to a public park. RE: Washington Square Park. I am sure the neighbors are thrilled.

On top of the insider favors, the unions are all represented. I pointed out the SEIU connection, but AFL-CIO, Working Families party, various other ethnic groups are in the mix. I expect the buses full of LaRaza and the other ethnic groups to arrive this week.

Here is links to all the info I have provided in this post:

The DOE loan to Brookfield:

More on the DOE loan: Remember the name Brookfield Renewable Power.

Biden's kid lobbied for Brookfield to get the DOE loan:

This is the one that says Bloomberg's GF is on the board of Brookfield:

Here is the Soros stock info RE: Brookfield:

This is Rathke's input:

Bill Ayers posted this statement for the protesters on his site:

Can't forget Patrick Gaspard. He still works in the White House. He is ACORN's man in the inside.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:21 AM


oh right. wtf ever. If the white house could orchestrate something this big and this international, we'd be in a lot better shape right now. Is self perody really this much fun for you?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:24 AM


America loves a winner!

self perody ?

Not sure I understand what you're asking, but it seems you can't / won't respond to the points brought up.

As you wish.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 7:30 AM


It's not the white house (though they may be involved), but my own inquiry has confirmed a number of the backers AURaptor mentions.

Whatever is truly behind the Occupy Party, it is global, yes. That does not put my fears at ease. Especially now that some of our own police and military are involved.

I have some great concerns that people are being misled, and that things are going to end badly for everyone.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 8:51 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
Not sure I understand what you're asking, but it seems you can't / won't respond to the points brought up.

You don't have any points, you have some loose associations. You have tin foil hat conspiracy theory 101. You have the next Glenn Beck special!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:03 AM


"Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

Niki looked into this too, and she found much the same people behind it. However, she believes that doesn't necessarily make the movement NOT a grassroots movement.

So ultimately, it depends on whether you like those organizations or not, NOT whether or not they're involved (they are).


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:11 AM



I think ultimately it's if you like and agree with the message or not and if that message is generated by the movement, or the people funding the movement.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 9:19 AM


That works, to a degree, though it doesn't cover the case where the message may not be the same as the intentions of the movement, whomsoever is generating both.

^That's where I am.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:21 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:

You don't have any points, you have some loose associations. You have tin foil hat conspiracy theory 101. You have the next Glenn Beck special!

The blogger ( not Glenn Beck, and not me ) has those clear and relevant observations. Scoff and mock all you want, but it still doesn't change 1 gorram thing.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:38 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:
The blogger ( not Glenn Beck, and not me ) has those clear and relevant observations. Scoff and mock all you want, but it still doesn't change 1 gorram thing.

Congradulation the blogger has observations. The problem is the wild conclutions that are drawn from them.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:45 AM


America loves a winner!

And we see the crassic Saul Alinsky, 101.

Ignore the facts, bypass the details, and go straight for the ad hominem attacks.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:48 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

And we see the crassic Saul Alinsky, 101.

Ignore the facts, bypass the details, and go straight for the ad hominem attacks.

I love you so fucking much for proving what I posted in the other thread even more right...


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
More like

Liberal: I believe X because the facts support it.

Conservative: No that is a lie!

Liberal: Which part, the facts or the conclusion?

Conservative: Stop trying to confuse things, your wrong, you hate this country...USA, USA, USA....

Liberal: What?

Conservative: Shut-up and listen you stupid socialist/commie/nazi.

Liberal: Do you even know what those words mean?

Conservative: They mean you hate this country, USA, USA, USA...

Liberal: All you are doing is shooting off at the mouth. You’re not making any sense.

Conservative: NO! I won't let you take my guns away!

Liberal: WTF are you talking about.

Conservative: You pinko-commies want to take my guns, you can have them when you pry them from my cold dead fingers.

Liberal: When did we start talking about guns?

Conservative: USA, USA, said shooting... USA, USA....

Liberal: Well maybe if you stopped chanting you would hear what I'm saying.

Conservative: Now you want to take away my rights to free speech, never you socialist!

Liberal: Your an idiot.

Conservative: See that, all you liberals are the same; you can't have a decent conversation with liberals they just resort to name calling....USA, USA, USA......

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:50 AM


America loves a winner!

The problem is, you choose your own facts, which more times than not, aren't facts at all.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 10:56 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

The problem is, you choose your own facts, which more times than not, aren't facts at all.

Do you feel alright? Normally you comebacks are a bit more snappy. Maybe you are not getting enough sleep. Perhaps all those people protesting and the fact that they are getting bigger is worring you.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:07 AM


America loves a winner!

Ha ha... you're funny. Losers and low life commies finally coming out of the closet doesn't worry me in the least. Good to see the Democrats openly embrace them.

If anything, it makes me smile.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:11 AM




Originally posted by AURaptor:

Ha ha... you're funny. Losers and low life commies finally coming out of the closet doesn't worry me in the least. Good to see the Democrats openly embrace them.

If anything, it makes me smile.

YOU make me smile! "Losers and low life commies" I'm really starting to wonder if you are not trying to parody the conservative stereotype.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:11 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
So ultimately, it depends on whether you like those organizations or not, NOT whether or not they're involved (they are).

No, Byte. The issue is whether or not they are in charge of the movement; whether or not they are orchestrating and/or coopting the demonstrations, busing people in and feeding their speakers talking points, using some arm of the MSM to stir folk up and give slanted coverage, etc. That's what matters. That some rich philanthropists contribute to the OWS cause does not make it astroturf. Either OWS is a disorganized bunch of crybabies who have no idea what they want or what they're doing, or OWS is a well organized astroturfed propaganda machine with some demonstrable, unified agenda. The right cannot have it both ways (but, my goodness, how they try).

And while I have you here, Byte. Maybe I missed it, but I've yet to read what you're so afraid is gonna happen here? I thought for a while that you were afraid of a government crackdown or the like, but now it's looking as if you actually fear the protestors--what do you see?


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 11:52 AM


The corruption of power, once they realize that they have it.

The same thing any wise person fears, when they consider the question of AND THEN WHAT.

While I myself have certain contingencies which would likely make this a non-issue for me, and do not particularly CARE if it takes another "reign of terror" to break the back of classism in what was intended to be a classless society (but never in fact was)... it's worth considering that other people might fear or be offended by that, either due to the potential bloodshed and violence bleeding over onto them (perhaps even literally if it goes ugly enough), or being on the wrong end of whatever agenda they might come up with AFTER they get whatever they wanted in the first place.

Conversely theres also the chance of this being used to kick off the long-standing REX84 plan and it's refinements - and thus those wanting to put that plan of action into motion supporting this in order to help create a "threat" significant enough to justify activating it.

So yeah, there's cause for concern - oh indeed there is, especially since the latter isn't theory at all, but official fuckin policy, and has been since the early 80's if not before.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:04 PM


I am NOT right wing.

I have never claimed that they are cry babies.

I am concerned the movement might be astroturf taking advantage of good people.

I am afraid FOR the protesters, I am afraid for all of us.

I see forces moving, not just the protesters. The protesters don't realize, but they're a smokescreen, to distract attention. They might even be pawns, which is truly frightening - pawns are considered expendable, and are sacrificed.

Why is it global? Why is it GLOBALIST?


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 12:14 PM


In short, this pings me as classic problem-solution-crisis model.

State a problem.

Tell people the solution is to give you some kind of power. People balk initially.

Create a CRISIS!

People flock back to you to RESTORE ORDER.

Of course, the point of it is to pass that initial solution, and then some. In restoring order, the grip tightens that much more, the gap between have and have not, powerful and powerless increases.

The other option is that it's Divide And Conquer, with the Tea Party as the other astroturf. Neither side is intended to accomplish anything, which is why both are so bent on working in the system (and not changing anything). It's only met to polarize and pit the opposite sides against each other, hijacking that tribal partisanship so many people have bought into.

Very possibly it's both, as the partisan back and forth distracts from the more insidious efforts both sides are secretly working towards.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:05 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

"Create a crisis"???? Don't we have a ready-made crisis, a number of them, which the majority of Americans already recognize and want something done about? If these crises were created, it was by Bush, the Tea Party, and the Republicans. People are sick of it.

Okay, I just got back from doing my stint...I did what's below and wrote it all out, but the cable guy came to fix our internet (sporadically up and down) and didn't leave before I had to, so I saved it. This is what I have to say in response to the original post:

Funny. Let's see. Zucotti Park is owned by Brookfield; Bloomberg's girlfriend is on their board, "so obviously there is a Bloomberg connection". Right. Brookfield owns Granite Wind, which got a loan from "Obama's" DOE, for which Biden's son lobbied. Woooo...conspiracies to the left of us, conspiracies to the right of us...volleyed and thundered!

Maybe you should CHECK OUT Brookfield, which has been around a long time and appears to be a Canadian firm. Also: "Brookfield's major shareholder, Branscan, was also able to take advantage of the rebounding market to take the company public". So where did you get that Soros is the major stockholder? According to (Brookfield's website which you linked), Soros owns 113,160 share. Every other name on the list owns MORE. Soros owns 0.01% of the total assets managed! Show where you got that "Soros" is a major stockholder. Brookfield is huge and has all kinds of investments and subsidiaries, tying Soros to it as a "major stockholder" is a joke.

As to the OWS statement, it's ALL OVER the internet, too many times to count, so how does that involve Ayres posting it? Lerner is a long-time union activist, still involved tho' no longer employed by the unions: "At a time when a lot of people in labor have become, if not resigned to their fate as a marginal force in American life, increasingly confused as to how to reverse it, Lerner has a lot of fight left in him."

You hate MoveOn and ACORN; that proves nothing. They are community-organizing groups which have been targeted by moneyed interests on the right in order to minimize voting registration of minorities, among other things. You've bought beautifully into all the propaganda about it which the right has baited their hook with, none of which has been proven true. PROVE, with verifiable facts, that there is anything wrong with either.

I'm not surprised MoveOn and ACORN are joining the protest, why there is something wrong with them OR unions being part of it is only in your mind; ALL the little guys have been targeted, and unions have been one of the main targets of the Tea Partiers and those who got elected in 2010 supposedly on "jobs" but who have done nothing about jobs except cause people to LOSE THEM.

There are no " insider favors"--lobbyists abound everywhere, that's their job, so seeing a connection is ridiculous.

The blogger you so adore is hard-core right-wing nutcase. Try this on for size (I know YOU'll love it, but maybe some with brains will find their jaws dropping)

I have a plan for the 2012 elections.

Instead of having great candidates beat on each other for for two years, how about we team them up?

Yes folks, I am talking about running a Dream Team.

Put it this way,..A long drawn out battle will weaken every one of them. There will be nobody left who will be able to beat the rock star Obama.

Let's do this.
Run Palin and Allen West, or Allen West and Herman Cain at the top of the ticket. That takes away the left's most potent weapon, the notorious race card. You all know it will be used until it falls apart if you run a white candidate. The truth doesn't matter with the race card. It's effective, so take it away.

Put Palin as head of energy.That is certainly her strongest asset.

Put Ron Paul at the Fed Reserve and Romney at the Treasury.
Ron Paul is an expert on the Fed and Romney is a sharp business man. Both are suited for those positions.

Michelle Bachmann would be perfect as head of the EPA.
Put Huckabee on the Dept of Education.

If Trump is serious, put him on the banking commission as head of Fannie and Freddie. He is in the business of properties and development.

Bolton could be Defense secretary or even Secretary of State. Foreign policy is his strength
you've got a bunch of bullshit posted by a nutcase right-wing blogger, and that's your "proof"? Gawd.

Byte, you're buying into it. Before you were QUESTIONING the OccupyPolice and such; now you're convinced they're "involved"?? Which is it? I suppose that makes the Bethlehem Police Department part of the conspiracy, too, and it's inconceivable that ex-Marines, who are suffering the same things we all are, have no right to stand up and make their voices heard. Our "miltary" isn't involved, it's retired and non-active Marines only who are speaking up.

It's all a really good crock of shit, I commend you Raptor. The ACTUAL and obvious ties to the Tea Party have been documented many times, the Koch Brothers' involvement and money, etc.

Cav is absolutely right. If Obama were so smart and had such influence, there are a whole host of things he could have managed which he hasn't.

I don't know where you got that I looked into the movement and found the same people "behind it". Could you clarify that please, because NONE of the people ranted about by Raptor were people I found behind anything. The post you linked to was about Adbsuters and how OWS got are you connecting that to those Raptor's little blogger is harping on?

The ONLY reference to Stephen Lerner being connected to Adbusters is, again, all over the internet by "FreeRepublic", "theblaze", "Redstate", "thenewamerican", "lunaticoutpost" (good name!), "conservapedia", ""--in some cases they come up more than once--and tons of other obviously right-wing blogs. I gotta hand it to you guys, you're damned GOOD...I can't find any other link which would confirm Lerner is "behind" Adbusters or that Adbusters itself is some kind of subversive organization. I find lots of "Obama economic terrorism", "Adbusters, a Canadian “anti-consumerist” activist group began “subvertising” for a so-called Occupy Wall Street campaign, drawing from the publicity already in place for the Day of Rage. The Party was on!", "Unfortunately, the Left and its Complicit Media have co-opted most of the message and meaning of the OWS, draining it of any legitimate philosophical vigor and steering it towards the mortal shoals of inane class warfare rhetoric, the so-called “99%” pabulum. " The same sources show up page after page with the same stuff (how do they DO that, anyway?), slathering google and ensuring that nothing else shows up.

What I find is stuff like

Leftist protest Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing anti-capitalism rally, with beginnings as an astroturfing campaign funded by a George Soros group called Adbusters; invoked by Bill Ayers "Days of Rage," the first Occupy protest was staged on September 17, 2011 in New York City after months of planning by co-founder of SEIU Stephen Lerner. Occupy Wall Street protesters consist of radicals, anarchists, nihilists, college students, hippies, special interest groups, labor unions and vendors. They dislike capitalism, blame greed, Wall Street and the banks for economic hardship, and have been seen spitting on U.S. Military personnel. Similar 'Occupy' demonstrations have spread to a dozen cities, and has caused thousands of arrests across the United States.

The Occupy Wall Street movement was inspired by the Arab Spring protests in Cairo that were organized by the Muslim Brotherhood. Egyptians camped out in Tahir Square until Hosni Mubarak resigned.

Jezus, they sound like PN (without the Jewphobia).

I'm not going to buy into "debating" something this disgusting. I figured it wouldn't take the right too long to gear up and start trying to demonize it; I'd say they were just about right on time. Good little soldier, Raptor, good little soldier.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:28 PM


I've "bought" into it? Niki, ONCE AGAIN, I listen to neither side. My concerns are my own.

My response was to the Glen Beck picture Nick posted, and in that picture, all of those entities can be confirmed to have a connection to the OWS movement.

In the link I posted, you did some research with me, and we came to the same conclusion.

You can take it back, if you like. But don't confuse a conversation I'm having with Nick and Cav with the conversation you're having with AURaptor.


Before you were QUESTIONING the OccupyPolice and such; now you're convinced they're "involved"?? Which is it?

Do a find on this thread. Find one place where I said I'm convinced. You are the first time the word comes up. All I've said is that I have doubts. Also, this may be an issue of context - clearly OccupyPolice and OccupyMarines are participating in the movement (involved in it), it is less certain if those factions are in whole or in part involved in a possible conspiracy.

I don't like your attempts to discredit me. Not you, not Nick, and not HKCav; it means you see me as your enemy. I have no evidence for my worries, you may feel free to dismiss them, I have not once here made any accusation towards the protesters or people like yourselves. But I also caution you, not to allow your fervor with this movement be hijacked into something partisan, whether it is the Democrats doing so, or the Republicans, through entities such as here.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:38 PM




Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
My response was to the Glen Beck picture Nick posted, and in that picture, all of those entities can be confirmed to have a connection to the OWS movement.

In the link I posted, you did some research with me, and we came to the same conclusion.

The issue I have is that just because there are connections does not mean there is a grander scheme.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:38 PM


Golly, how'd I know this was a Rap'thread? The Obama derangement reeks 'round here.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:39 PM


Sure. It also doesn't mean that there's not.

Protip: I speculate. Constantly.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:38 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, Byte, you never used the word "convinced". But everything you're saying says it quite clearly:

I see forces moving, not just the protesters. The protesters don't realize, but they're (note: THEY ARE, not even they might be) a smokescreen, to distract attention. They might even be pawns, which is truly frightening - pawns are considered expendable, and are sacrificed.
How much clearer can you get?

In short, this pings me as classic problem-solution-crisis model.

State a problem.

Tell people the solution is to give you some kind of power. People balk initially.

Create a CRISIS!

People flock back to you to RESTORE ORDER.

Of course, the point of it is to pass that initial solution, and then some. In restoring order, the grip tightens that much more, the gap between have and have not, powerful and powerless increases.

The other option is that it's Divide And Conquer, with the Tea Party as the other astroturf. Neither side is intended to accomplish anything, which is why both are so bent on working in the system (and not changing anything). It's only met to polarize and pit the opposite sides against each other, hijacking that tribal partisanship so many people have bought into.

Very possibly it's both, as the partisan back and forth distracts from the more insidious efforts both sides are secretly working towards.

Absolutely nowhere in that post, or others, is there even a word or hint that you consider the possibility the movement might be valid, and not a conspiracy of one kind or another. It's either one conspiracy or the other, or "very possibly" both. That's how your posts have read all along; speculating on what KIND of conspiracy it is, nowhere that it might NOT be a conspiracy. Naturally that's the impression we get.

You stated

Niki looked into this too, and she found much the same people behind it. However, she believes that doesn't necessarily make the movement NOT a grassroots movement.

In the link I posted, you did some research with me, and we came to the same conclusion.
Nowhere did any of those names come up in my research! I followed the money, and nowhere were any of the names Raptor has thrown around involved. Obviously we did NOT agree; I even asked for clarification, and you wrote "Yeah, I don't think it's grassroots." That was days ago, so what do you mean exactly by saying you're "not convinced" it's a conspiracy? There's a contradiction in there somewhere. I found nothing to show any negative or any conspiracy behind adbusters, OWS or anything else. Please show me where you think I DID:

In other words, yes you HAVE made it clear you think it's some kind of conspiracy, we NEVER agreed, in fact we've been diametrically opposed for some time now, and I'm quite capable of determining things for myself, especially as I don't believe everything always has to be a conspiracy. I investigated and came to one conclusion; I don't know what investigating you did--you said in that thread that it hadn't been much--but you've come to the absolute conclusion that OWS is a conspiracy, you've made that quite clear.

I make no effort to discredit you. I'm DEBATING you, with facts; you're, as you say, "speculating"--but nowhere within that speculation is there any hint that you might consider OWS as an actual movement, only astroturf. You indicate absolutely no "doubt" whatsoever, and haven't from the beginning.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:47 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I just caught

My response was to the Glen Beck picture Nick posted, and in that picture, all of those entities can be confirmed to have a connection to the OWS movement.
That blows my mind. Glen Beck MAKES STUFF UP, it's his JOB to make people think there are conspiracies all around--left-wing ones, of course. Even FauxNews got rid of him when he got too far "out there". There is no proof whatsoever that anything ever written on Glen Beck's blackboard has any semblance of familiarity with REALITY! It was a JOKE by Nick:

You don't have any points, you have some loose associations. You have tin foil hat conspiracy theory 101. You have the next Glenn Beck special!
Did you really take that seriously??

You can't even make out what the wording is, just "Soros" and a bunch of arrows to different organizations! That blows my mind, absolutely, I truly thought you were smarter than that. I go back to saying you buy into it. Maybe you just have a penchant for distrusting people, I dunno, but anyone who takes Glen Beck's myriad conspiracy theories seriously...well, there is no possible meeting of the minds.

I'll just quote Nick and give up:

The issue I have is that just because there are connections does not mean there is a grander scheme
Ever played Six Degrees of Separation?

And yeah, I'm not trying to discredit you, I'm disagreeing forcefully with you and deriding you or anyone ELSE who puts their faith in Glen Beck!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2:49 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Storymark:
Golly, how'd I know this was a Rap'thread? The Obama derangement reeks 'round here.

Squeal like a stuck pig, it doesn't change the facts, one bit.

That your knee jerk reaction is to cry 'Obama derangement' only shows how dead on the mark it is.

What's funny, is despite the detailing of all the connections and histories of those involved, it's 'tin foil' this and 'derangement' that...but merely whisper 'Koch brothers' with out any clue of what that even means, sends the Left into apoplectic fits.

Soros who ?

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:17 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
I am NOT right wing.

I have never claimed that they are cry babies.

I am concerned the movement might be astroturf taking advantage of good people.

I am afraid FOR the protesters, I am afraid for all of us.

I see forces moving, not just the protesters. The protesters don't realize, but they're a smokescreen, to distract attention. They might even be pawns, which is truly frightening - pawns are considered expendable, and are sacrificed.

Why is it global? Why is it GLOBALIST?


I know you're not right wing. Three years ago I mistook you for a libertarian and you corrected me then. I have not been confused about your political beliefs since. I wasn't talking about you. I was talking *to* you about the OP, about the contention that OWS is all some lefty plot. Nor was I suggesting that you believe the protestors to be crybabies, that was a reference to comments made by AURaptor on several occasions. I was talking about AURaptor and his ilk. You and I are not alone here in cyberspace. There are many others and I generally write my posts with that context in mind.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:27 PM


Niki, seriously, what the hell? You're being defensive, and taking this out on me.

I AM speaking only of possibilities.

First, CONTEXT. I was responding to HKCav.


And while I have you here, Byte. Maybe I missed it, but I've yet to read what you're so afraid is gonna happen here? I thought for a while that you were afraid of a government crackdown or the like, but now it's looking as if you actually fear the protestors--what do you see?

HKCav as asking what I'm AFRAID of and what I see. And, in SO many places have I told you I'm paranoid, and I can't be sure that what I see is in fact reality.

"ping" - "strikes" "feels like"

I discuss two options (strategies) that the OWS vs Teaparty COULD be.

By neglecting the context, you can certainly twist what I'm saying to look like I'm more certain than I am, but everything I've said before then contradicts it, and I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm usually pretty consistent!

And, Niki, I just SAID that I was NOT responding to AURaptor's list! Okay?! But we both did in fact notice that OWS has a connection to Tides Center, which has a connection to Soros, which has a connection to ACORN. I wasn't talking about our conclusions about whether it was grassroots or not, which we agreed to disagree on (context again!), but the movement's CONNECTIONS, which we did!

Frankly I know nothing about those two organizations, and I don't care! But it does concern me that there is money backing the movement, because that means someone may very well be controlling it!

I have no doubt that it's astroturf, I've made that clear, true. My doubts are in whether there is a CONSPIRACY, and whether there are not-benevolent agendas behind it.

Are we really going to quibble over my FEELINGS now? Or do you respect me enough to take my clarifications at face value instead of ARGUING about what YOU think *I* FEEL?

Also, I'm starting to seriously wonder if you have simply never dealt with anyone who has paranoia?


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:35 PM



I'm disagreeing forcefully with you and deriding you or anyone ELSE who puts their faith in Glen Beck!

Oh my flaking sprakkum! YOU ARE COMPARING ME TO HIM?!

That thread I posted was LONG before Glen Beck ever touched on any of this! And did you miss my "A broken clock is right twice a day" comment?!

I don't listen to Glen Beck*, I had NO IDEA he had hit on similar lines of research as me until Nick posted it!

Now you ARE trying to discredit me (inadvertently or not), by comparing me to that muckraker, and I've had quite enough of it!

*A couple years ago, my dad used to pick me up at work, and he listened to Glen Beck TO ANNOY ME. I do not willingly ever listen to Glen Beck!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:41 PM


Sorry, HKCav, looks like there's misunderstandings all around here.

Some more offensive than others.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 3:53 PM


Fine. You know what? My FEELINGS aren't relevant anyway. My mistake was in clarifying what my fears are, and opening up to you people.

What-the hell-ever.

Let's agree to disagree, and I'll try to hold my tongue until I either have proof, or some proof is presented that does not come from obviously biased sources.

I do actually hope that the movement is genuine, and does not become subverted.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:03 PM


I'm sorry, Byte. I was asking for exactly what you shared in your post(s) above. Thank you. Seems like Niki just felt implicated or something 'cause ya mentioned her. I dunno, sometimes...

Sorry you got clobbered.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:18 PM


Maybe I'm being unfair. I go on an internet message board, I should expect hard reactions. I don't get a free pass if there are ways my mind fails compared to normal minds. And if I'm not clear, especially if I'm saying something that I know is controversial and that I've tried to avoid saying much about beyond sound bites, then people are going to take me the wrong way.

Niki likes this movement, she's right to defend it. But I do want to be clear, I think the people who are involved in the movement on a local level are fine people. What doubts I have are - questionable. To the extreme. I know they are. But the way I work makes me unable to shake or dismiss doubts. Even when I know that they're questionable.

It's what makes me the cheery and idealistic person you all know.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I never compared you to Glen Beck. I said clearly that what you indicated was that you believed what he put on that board. I don't believe what he put on that board, and Glen Beck's little "blackboard classrooms" are a joke to the majority of people, so I found it astonishing you would buy it.

Nor did I pick up on Nick's question about what you were afraid of, that does give that one post better context. I understand. But I made note of the fact that in numerous places (not just that), what you've been posting has indicated quite clearly that you believe OWS is astroturf--in fact you said exactly that more than once. If it's astroturf, someone's behind it, if someone's behind it, it is therefore a conspiracy. If someone puts something up openly, that's one thing. But if there is money used to create a movement without the origin of that money being openly admitted, that IS a conspiracy. How do you differentiate astroturf (a false grassroots movement funded by someone who hides their identity) from conspiracy? No offense, I just don't see the difference.

No, I've never been around anyone who has paranoia, at least not until I came here. That's not pointing a finger at you, by the way, I hear a lot of conspiracy talk here.

I assume by "other people" taking your more "personally" you mean me. That's an assumption. I don't take what you think or feel personally; I was quite clear that I was attempting to DEBATE the issue with you, as I would with anyone else (except those with whom there is no communicating at all, of course). Yes, it angers me that it seems like everything we discuss here seem to be not what it appears to one or more of us; I don't see why nothing can possibly be just what it appears, and I think this is a GOOD thing, so watching FauxNews and Raptor and others try to make it something else is offensive to me.

I don't know where you get the opinion that there is money behind the OWS; they've taken in donations, but other than that I know of none. Adbusters started it all with a call to action. You wrote "Frankly I know nothing about those two organizations", yet you make a lot of connections. Adbusters is involved with many, many organizations, as quoted in that thread. Tides is one of them.

According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros' Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to San Francisco-based Tides Center. Tides then gave Adbusters grants totaling $185,000. Was Soros responsible for the grants to Adbusters? That's unclear.
Six degrees of separation. Yes, it's all over the net--but look at the sources. "Soros" is like "Murdoch"; any hint of either having anything to do with ANYTHING immediately makes people think they're behind it. But what do you KNOW, for a fact, about Soros?

Several months ago, the California Highway Patrol diverted a wacko fan of right-wing websites and Glenn Beck’s Fox News show from opening fire on our offices. After a 15-minute shootout, he was taken into custody and is now awaiting trial.

Among the many lies and misrepresentations repeated by the sites and shows that the gunman, Byron Williams, watched and listened to was the bizarre idea that George Soros “owns” the Tides organizations — through which he is allegedly pursuing a nefarious agenda to destroy America.

As a public charity, Tides is not owned by Soros, nor was it started by him. Soros is the founder and chairman of the Open Society Institute. It is just one of hundreds of funders that partner with Tides in programs to promote economic justice, democratic processes and human rights.

The Open Society funds are only a small percentage of Tides’ total contributions — far less than 5 percent of our $112 million total in 2009.

Amid the cacophony of screed, I didn’t focus on these lies about Soros. It has been bad enough to try to wrap my mind around how Beck and others were repeatedly labeling us “communists” and “socialists” and “anti-American” — on a channel that describes itself as “fair.”

Tides may be progressive, but we are enthusiastically American. Were it not for the capitalist system, not a dollar would flow through Tides. Families, foundations, corporations and collaborative groups use our services to make charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations that they recommend for grants.

I recently attended a dinner party hosted by Soros. We’d been introduced once some years ago, but I’d never spoken to him before. In the course of the evening, he captivated the table as he talked about the economy and current affairs.

As I was leaving, he posed an unexpected question. What did it feel like, he asked, to have had an “assassin” headed for our offices?

I have gotten many similar questions — though no one had used the word “assassin.” I responded that it deeply shocked and stunned us.

In some ways, I don’t think we’ve come to grips with the idea that something like this could happen in the country we’ve tried to make a better place for everyone — as do many in the nonprofit sector. Later, back in my hotel room, I started thinking about Soros some more. Why has he become the object of such anger?

It is not uncommon that financial leaders become demonized over business accomplishments. There are legendary targets, as John Rockefeller was in his day. Or executives like Charles Keating Jr., Michael Milken and Ken Lay, who break the law — something of which Soros has never been accused.

Through his philanthropy, Soros has also made extraordinary contributions to this country and around the globe — especially in Eastern Europe. In many ways, he demonstrates what is great and vibrant about America. He is certainly not the only U.S. immigrant to have accumulated a staggering fortune. Nor is he the only wealthy person to create a philanthropy focused on protecting human rights and improving the lot of marginalized communities.

His interest in contributing to politics can’t quite explain it either. There are hundreds of Americans who give in similar or greater amounts to candidates and one or another of the parties. Warren Buffett and the “Google boys” fly in private planes. Bill Gates has created a bigger philanthropy. Vinod Khosla is both an immigrant and, like Soros, an enormously successful capitalist. Oprah Winfrey has built a media empire and is openly supportive of President Barack Obama. So, what is it about Soros?

I don’t know. It might be that he speaks with a pronounced Hungarian accent. Perhaps it's because he’s proven himself smarter than most lions of Wall Street. For example, he foresaw the housing bubble and, unlike almost everyone else in the financial industry who denigrated his concerns, positioned his investments correctly in anticipation of the debacle.

Or maybe it’s because he is passionate about human rights and the plight of immigrants. His Open Society Foundations, for example, focus on the Roma people — marginalized immigrants throughout central Europe, and they have a long commitment to the people of Burma, where a military regime has attacked human rights for many years.

But Soros is somehow viewed as the avatar of evil by intolerant right-wing extremists.

It is about time to call out this baseless criticism for what it is: bullying in its worst form, using an individual for political gain.

Glenn Beck, and his sponsor, Rupert Murdoch, who, like Soros, is an immigrant, may think they have the right to knowingly foster lies about Soros — and Tides, for that matter — though, as we have seen, it can lead extremists to pursue violence.

In most matters in this world, balance returns and those who have pushed the pendulum’s arc in one direction must deal with the fact that it inevitably reverses course.

But I’m scared for Soros. He is lambasted by the likes of Beck more than anyone. As the would-be “assassin” recently indicated, Beck says he doesn’t advocate violence — but Williams is probably not the only unbalanced soul out there who wants to “start the revolution” with an act of violence.

All of us, including Beck, need to take more responsibility for how we speak of others. Especially about those with whom we disagree.

Otherwise, when bad things happen, we share the responsibility. (by Drummond Pike , the founder and chief executive officer of Tides Foundation) as biased a view as the view from the other side, but I have to ask: How much do you or any of us actually KNOW, for fact, about Soros, and how much is the way his name has been used? I'm going to do some research, just for my own edification, before deciding anything.

But back to my problem. My problem is that by playing Six Degrees of Separation, anyone on any side can make up nefarious "connections" to anything they want. I don't necessarily buy it.

As to your feelings, I'm not sure I said anything at all about your feelings, I don't know where you got that idea. I've been discussing facts, as best I can find them. I don't know where you get the "discredit" thing you've now accused me of twice...why can't one disagree without it being an attempt to discredit?

By the way, I don't think I'm defensive, I think I'm angry, mostly that some people immediately reach for something bad to be behind virtually everything--especially anything they don't agree with (again, NOT meaning just you, or even primarily you).

Now I've got to go eat dinner, I've spent WAY too long at this. For me, until I see some kind of VALID proof, and given how it's sprung up so many places on it's own--and yes, it's on its own here, I KNOW that, and I'm sure other places--I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that OWS is astroturf or a conspiracy or anything else. We'll just agree to disagree on that point. Until something VALID proves one of us wrong.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:33 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

PS--I was typing all that and you and Cav communicated before I posted it. I understand better from your last post, and I recognize that on my own side I'm so sick of everything seemingly HAVING to be a conspiracy that it riles me up. It's not about you personally, Raptor started it with his assininity. Part of it is I'm so sick of the right being so damned GOOD at scaring people, at making them see what isn't there and turning them against things that might be good for them, and at making them vote against their own interests, that sometimes it gets the better of me. It's definitely not about you, I would react the same way to anyone who had this same exchange with me; I don't react to Raptor or Wolf because I know what to expect from them and I know what idiocy it is. But those I respect can "get" to me, my enemies never can.

We'll both just have to wait and see what develops. Part of how I feel right now is I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to find actual FACTS, with the result that I read an awful lot of trash, lies and truly nasty adjectives. It pisses me off exactly as much as if I'd read such garbage coming from the left...I should stop looking sooner and try another day, obviously.

Now I've absolutely GOT to's 7:30 and I haven't eaten since breakfast. That probably didn't help! Nor the frustration of the damned internet service going up and down like a yoyo, when we just signed up with the bastards two weeks ago! NOR the goddamned huskies taking off in the fog this morning and being gone longer than they ever have before, while Jim sat in the car trying to stay warm because he'd had his run first. Nor OccupyOakland having been attacked in the wee hours of this morning, and some of my people having been caught up in it. Nor several other things hanging over my head. Not a great day, all things considered. If we can, let's chalk it up to our brains for the most part; yours in how it works, mine in how it's fucking FRAZZLED today and pissed at the world!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 4:39 PM


No, Niki. A conspiracy involves a CRIME.

Astroturf can, theoretically, be harmless. And while I don't like manipulation, like astroturf technically is, it's not like I haven't contemplated tactics for use against TPTB that are scheming.

By the definition of astroturf as events or organizations that have monetary backing from any groups that are not local fundraising, I believe this is an astroturf. What I haven't decided is if people are in any danger.


By the way, I don't think I'm defensive, I think I'm angry, mostly that some people immediately reach for something bad to be behind virtually everything--especially anything they don't agree with (again, NOT meaning just you, or even primarily you).

I'm sorry. It's honestly not a mindset that I can shift away from or help.

I can, however, attempt to control how much of it I let out of my mouth - or my fingers, as it happens to be.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 6:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"... has confirmed a number of the backers ..."

Backers? Or co-participants? Just b/c different individuals and groups more or less agree on one thing (maybe we SHOULD run the country for the benefit of the people and not Wall Street - what a concept!) doesn't mean select associated groups or people are 'running' the whole movement.

It's like the anti-war movement during Vietnam. There were the hard-core hippies who really lived on communes and tried to spread peace and love. There were the college students who were basically middle-class kids who wanted to stop the big problem that was Vietnam. There were disillusioned Vets. There were violent radicals trying to exploit social unrest. (No, not the Weathermen.) Actual Communists ... families ... ethnic groups tired of dying in the wars of old white male farts ...

Not ONE of them was 'running' the movement.

It may just be an idea whose time has come. I know I certainly hope so.

I think the current tax structure is about right for corporations. - Geezer

Without the benefit of the surrounding society, a corporation dies. If society looks at a corporation and says 'work, or die', what work should be demanded of the corporation for it to earn its survival?

While Wall St. is going through the roof, Main St. is paying all the bills.

Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in taxpayer funded bailouts, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, gave themselves billions in bonuses, and paid no taxes?

Yeah, me neither....


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 6:52 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think Byte hopes she is wrong, she certainly doesn't want it to be bad or go south.

Niki, I hope your day got better, well, your evening. If there's one thing that pisses me off royal its when my Internet/computer isn't working, I feel cut off.

Murdock = Soros

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 7:03 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

What Kiki said. I couldn't put it into words, but yes, I was part of the anti-war movement then, and while I know there were those organizations who helped, I also know that the vast majority of us were simply there because of the war.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:15 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
That your knee jerk reaction is to cry 'Obama derangement' only shows how dead on the mark it is.

Skippy, I call it derangement because you are a fucking deranged little ball of hate. And you're Hi-Larious.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:17 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"... has confirmed a number of the backers ..."

Backers? Or co-participants? Just b/c different individuals and groups more or less agree on one thing (maybe we SHOULD run the country for the benefit of the people and not Wall Street - what a concept!) doesn't mean select associated groups or people are 'running' the whole movement.

This is the person who was convinced they had backers when they had a simple website and *gasp* a video camera. In 2011. Where most people carry the damend things in their back pocket.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:14 AM



This is what support looks I think I need some ice cream!

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:27 AM


Yes, a video, a website, (both later, in fairness, proven to not actually have any affiliation) and hundreds of similar protests cropping up globally within the week.

Also, a close look at the origins of the movement does suggest they weren't initially organized on a local level. Perhaps you should look into where Adbusters is headquartered, where the first Occupy groups showed up, and what the connection between the two might be.

Clearly I'm out of line having an opinion and deserve mockery. 9_9

I may have promised Niki that I would try to limit myself to easily ignored soundbites or less instead of full-blown crazy paranoid babbling, but I'm still going to defend myself from someone taking a cheap shot at me.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:30 AM




Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Yes, a video, a website, (both later, in fairness, proven to not actually have any affiliation) and hundreds of similar protests cropping up globally within the week.

Also, a close look at the origins of the movement does suggest they weren't initially organized on a local level.

Clearly I'm out of line having an opinion. 9_9

No, people are just questioning your opinion.

So it was not organized at a local level. With the internet not much is now.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 10:32 AM


No, with the internet that's not all that special, but the origin of where it was organized does have some relevance as to the other argument Niki and I were having, which I'm trying not to get into again. -_-


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:26 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
That your knee jerk reaction is to cry 'Obama derangement' only shows how dead on the mark it is.

Skippy, I call it derangement because you are a fucking deranged little ball of hate. And you're Hi-Larious.

I've never even played hockey. Sheesh.



Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:49 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Byte, as to

hundreds of similar protests cropping up globally within the week.
This has been going on, you do realize, since mid-September. Nothing cropped up "within the week", and it is only this past week catching fire. I can guarantee that our group started with a few RESIDENTS of Marin deciding to support OWS, and the people who have joined us--the largest gathering thus far being about 300--are all Marin residents sick to death of what's been happening and wanting to get their voices heard, period. There's nothing nefarious going on HERE, and I think it's pretty much the same in all the towns that have started their own groups. I can't speak for any others, but the idea you SEEM to be suggesting...that somehow there are infiltrators of some sort who got all these protests to start up around the nation and around the world...leaves me speechless.

May I ask; why exactly do you have so much invested in it being astroturf? People are volunteering their own time, local sponsors are giving food, etc., and certainly WE'VE had no outside money coming in, we're working off donations, and I saw those donations go into the pot myself--apparently we've raised about $300, which right now is planning to be used to put out bumperstickers. It just strikes me that you seem to have some investment in it being some kind of conspiracy; certainly I could be wrong, but that's all you write, period. Others are offering suggestions, discussing that it might or might not, offering that if other organizations feel the same way we do it doesn't necessarily mean they are "behind" it all, etc., etc., but you seem totally convinced it is something nefarious. I don't get it, that's all.

Me, I'll wait to see. I KNOW what's happening in the group I'm in isn't orchestrated--in fact the organization is somewhat lacking and I've offered to help with some of that. Given that so many of the groups are so differnt in how they're choosing to organize and what they're planning to do, and doing it all on a shoestring with people volunteering and providing stuff, I'm willing to wait and see if someone or some group emerges and tries to take center stage or manipulate us or whatever before I decide if the movement is being orchestrated. From what I've seen, and what our people saw in Oakland, that's not the case. I'm just not sure why it's so single-minded for you.

And I'm VERY confused as to who has "taken a cheap shot" at you. I certainly never intended to; I thought we had sorted all that out; and this was the first post you put up since then, so I'm not sure where you think it's coming from. Just curious, no offense intended.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, October 26, 2011 1:13 PM


Since you ask:

Adbusters is Canadian, and first suggested the idea of an Occupy Wall Street protest. There was also some initial Ozzie interest in the movements. As such there was some global element from the beginning.

Not invested, I simply notice the non-local origins. Astroturf is simply a term to compare to grass roots, where grass roots are always of local origin. It is not itself an evil thing unless or until supporters are actually betrayed.

I am not yet sure if the Occupy movements have any nefarious interests using them.

Storymark likes to mock me when he thinks I'm being too conspiracy minded, and he isn't friendly about it. That comment was directed at him.

He was also trying to bait me, which worked, but I'd really rather leave you all to do your thing and just give heads up if I see any safety concerns to maybe watch out for.






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