Good vampyres vs evil vampyres -- Jossology 401

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 06:49
VIEWED: 7373
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Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Prince Vlad the Impaler, a/k/a Dracula The First Good Vampyre killed a lot of bad vampyres
(1431-1476 A.D. when somebody put a stake through his heart)

The Mystery of Jahbulon—Strange God of Rothschild, the Masonic Lodge, and the Khazar Jews Who Rule the World. Vlad the Impaler (Dracula the good vampyre) was a Christian fighting Turkey (Khazaria = Khazar jews).

Why Jews are like Vampires, Rabbi's Rosh Hashanah 5770 Sermon: Its not like vampires have ever gone away. There never seems to be a period when they weren’t around, there was their nemesis Buffy just a few years ago, Anne Rice’s Lestat and friends, a new incarnation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula nearly every decade. As I told my young friend Hannah, you and I, my fellow Jews, are vampires. Now don’t be scared, let me explain. Vampires since their introduction in gothic literature have always been non-Jewish fantasies on what Jews are. The most obvious aspect is that Jews were often seen as a dark exotic tribe feeding on the energy of the gentile populace. There were serious charges of blood libel, of using gentile blood for Passover matzah, that resulted in the real murder of Jews throughout the middle ages, and even as recently as 19th century Syria. Jews were often called “bloodsuckers” by their neighbors.

Five Reasons Vampires Aren’t Jews, by Rabbi Wolpe: Their day begins at night, they show a certain aversion to the sign of the cross and they dress in black. Of course, I am talking about Jews.

Imaginary Vampires, Imagined Jews: 1897 was a watershed year in Jewish history. The first Zionist Congress convened in a grand hotel in Basel, Switzerland. With much less pomp and circumstance, the Yiddisher Arbeter Bund, the Jewish Labor Movement, was clandestinely founded in a Vilna basement (socialist movements being illegal under Tsarist rule). In New York, Der Forverts, the world's largest-circulation and longest-running Yiddish newspaper, began publication. Meanwhile, in Odessa, the Hebrew-language Ha-Shahar, the first and most influential Zionist journal, was founded under the initial editorship of Ahad Ha'am. And now, thanks to Blood Will Tell, an engaging and insightful new study by Sara Libby Robinson, Jewish historians may consider adding a surprising entry to this list of 1897 events that proved so repercussive in Jewish history: the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula. While never explicitly identified as a Jew, the figure of Dracula—and vampires more generally—encompassed an array of anti-Semitic stereotypes: rootless, of East European origin, dark-complected, and lustful for the money and blood of others. Assessing a wide range of themes in which blood and vampirism were evoked in late-19th-century European "scientific" thought (Social Darwinism and criminology in particular), Robinson argues that Stoker's depiction of Dracula exploited widespread anxieties about the dangers posed by the flood (and the blood) of Yiddish-speaking immigrants to Great Britain.

Thrilling Hebrew Tales!: On Jewish Vampires, Golems, Tzaddiks and 'HebrewPunk', by The Arty Semite in Jewish Daily Forward

As you may well know, author Bram Stoker (1847-1912) based the title character of his 1897 novel Dracula on an actual human being, or should we say inhuman being. In this website, we will try our best to make the distinction between the real and the imaginary, the facts and the fiction. This is not an easy task, considering the amount of vampire lore which has imbibed our culture since Dracula was first published in 1897. Vlad the Impaler probably caused more rivers of blood to flow than any other tyrant in the history of the world. Vlad the Impaler, a.k.a. Vlad III, Dracula, Drakulya, or Tepes, was born in late 1431, in the citadel of Sighisoara, Transylvania, the son of Vlad II or Dracul, a military governor, appointed by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Vlad Dracul was also a knight in the Order of the Dragon, a secret fraternity created in 1387 by the Emperor, sworn to uphold Christianity and defend the empire against the Islamic Turks. Transylvania, along with Moldavia, and Wallachia, are now joined together as Romania. The name Dracul can be interpreted in two ways, the first translation from Romanian would be "Dragon", but it sometimes also means "Devil". Vlad was not called Tepes, which means ""spike" in Romanian, until after his death; instead, he was known as Vlad Dracula, the added "a" meaning "son of", so essentially, throughout his life, he was known as the "son of the Devil". During his reign, Vlad Dracula also had people decapitated, had their eyes gouged out, had them skinned alive, boiled, burnt, dismembered, eviscerated, or sometimes just physically disfigured for his own amusement. In one particular incident, Turkish ambassadors who had refused to remove their Phrygian caps in his presence were asked why they insulted him in such a manner. When they replied it was because their hats had to remain on their heads according to custom, he graciously honored their tradition by ordering their hats permanently nailed to their heads, never to be removed again. Impalement was a particularly horrible way to die, Victims were either impaled from the anus or in the case of women, the vagina, but rarely from the mouth, as this usually meant a quicker death. The impaled would then be hoisted up, their own weight dragging them down upon the thick stakes, the process sometimes taking several hours. Vlad Dracula was only referred to as the Impaler sometime after his death, a "title" he would have probably liked to have held during his six year reign, for the number of those who suffered this cruel fate at his hands may number well into the hundreds of thousands.

In 1436, Vlad II Dracul ascended the throne of Wallachia. He was ousted in 1442 by rival factions in league with Hungary, but secured Ottoman support for his return agreeing to pay the Jizya (tax on non-Muslims) to the Sultan and also send his two legitimate sons, Vlad III and Radu, to the Ottoman court, to serve as hostages of his loyalty. Vlad III was imprisoned and often whipped and beaten because of his verbal abuse towards his trainers and his stubborn behavior, while his younger brother Radu was much easier to control. Radu converted to Islam, entered the service of Sultan Murad II's son, Mehmed II (later known as the Conqueror), and was allowed into the Topkapı Palace. These years presumably had a great influence on Vlad's character and led to Vlad's well-known hatred for the Ottoman Turks, the Janissary, his brother Radu for converting to Islam and the young Ottoman prince Mehmed II (even after he became sultan). He also distrusted the Hungarians and his own father for trading him to the Turks and betraying the Order of the Dragon's oath to fight the Ottoman Empire. Vlad was later released under probation and taken to be educated in logic, the Quran and the Turkish and Persian languages and works of literature. He would speak these languages fluently in his later years.[8] He and his brother were also trained in warfare and riding horses. The boys' father, Vlad Dracul, was awarded the support of the Ottomans and returned to Wallachia and took back his throne from Basarab II and some unfaithful Boyars. Vlad's second wife was Jusztina Szilagyi of Moldavia, with whom he had two sons: Mihnea I "the Bad" (Mihnea I cel Rău, ?-1510) and Mihail (?-1485). According to local legend, she died during the siege of Poenari Castle, which was surrounded by the Ottoman army led by his brother Radu Bey and the Wallachian Janissary. A woodland archer, having seen the shadow of Vlad's wife behind a window, shot an arrow through the window into Vlad's main quarters with a message warning him that Radu's army was approaching. McNally and Florescu explain that the archer was one of Vlad's relatives who sent the warning out of loyalty despite having converted to Islam and served in the ranks of Radu Bey. Upon reading the message, Vlad's wife threw herself from the tower into a tributary of the Argeș River flowing below the castle, saying she would rather rot and be eaten by the fish of the Argeș than be led into captivity by the Turks. Today, the tributary is called Râul Doamnei (the "Lady's River", also called the Princess's River). In 1459, Pope Pius II called for a new crusade against the Ottomans, at the Congress of Mantua. In this crusade, the main role was to be played by Matthias Corvinus, son of John Hunyadi (János Hunyadi), the King of Hungary. To this effect, Matthias Corvinus received from the Pope 40,000 golden coins, an amount that was thought to be enough to gather an army of 12,000 men and purchase 10 Danube warships. In this context, Vlad allied himself with Matthias Corvinus, with the hope of keeping the Ottomans out of the country (Wallachia was claimed as a part of the Ottoman Empire by Sultan Mehmed II). Vlad Țepeș planned to set an ambush. Hamza Pasha, the Bey of Nicopolis brought with him 10,000 cavalry and when passing through a narrow pass north of Giurgiu, Vlad launched a surprise attack. The Wallachians had the Turks surrounded and defeated. The Turks' plans were thwarted and almost all of them caught and impaled, with Hamza Pasha impaled on the highest stake to show his rank. In the winter of 1462, Vlad crossed the Danube and devastated the entire Bulgarian land in the area between Serbia and the Black Sea. Disguising himself as a Turkish Sipahi, he infiltrated and destroyed Ottoman camps. In a letter to Corvinus dated 2 February, he wrote: "I have killed peasants men and women, old and young, who lived at Oblucitza and Novoselo, where the Danube flows into the sea, up to Rahova, which is located near Chilia, from the lower Danube up to such places as Samovit and Ghighen. We killed 23,884 Turks without counting those whom we burned in homes or the Turks whose heads were cut by our soldiers...Thus, your highness, you must know that I have broken the peace with him (Sultan Mehmet II)." Vlad III's younger brother, the highly capable Radu Bey, and his Janissary battalions were given the task of leading the Ottoman Empire to victory at all expense by Sultan Mehmet II. After the Sipahis' incursions failed to subdue Vlad, the few remaining Sipahis were killed in a night raid by Vlad III in 1462. However, as the war raged on, Radu and his formidable Janissary battalion were well supplied with a steady flow of gunpowder and dinars; this allowed them to push deeper into the realm of Vlad III. Radu and his well-equipped forces finally besieged Poenari Castle, the famed lair of Vlad III. After his difficult victory Radu was given the title Bey of Wallachia by Sultan Mehmet II. By 8 September, Vlad won another three victories, but continuous war had left him without any money and he could no longer pay his mercenaries. Vlad travelled to Hungary to ask for help from his former ally, Matthias Corvinus. Instead of receiving help, he found himself arrested and thrown into the dungeon for high treason. Corvinus, not planning to get involved in a war after having spent the Papal money meant for it on personal expenses, forged a letter from Vlad III to the Ottomans where he supposedly proposed a peace with them, to give an explanation for the Pope and a reason to abandon the war and return to his capital. After the sudden death of his brother Radu III the Fair in the year 1475, Vlad III declared his third reign in 26 November 1476. Vlad began preparations for the reconquest of Wallachia and in 1476, with Hungarian support, invaded the country and crossed the river Danube. Vlad’s third reign had lasted little more than two months when he was assassinated. Vlad's head was taken to Constantinople as a trophy, and his body was buried unceremoniously by his rival, Basarab Laiota, possibly at Comana, a monastery founded by Vlad in 1461.

Vlad the Impaler: How is Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth related to him? The heir to the British throne said genealogy shows that he is related to Vlad, giving him a stake in the future of Romania. The prince has long worked to conserve the forests and has bought a home in the Transylvania region.

Evil Seed: Bush vs. Kerry vs. Dracula? They're distant cousins

A History of Khazarian Jewish Conspiracies and Zionism: his article refers to Khazarian Zionists and their long influential history: A history which has been hidden and shrouded in shadows of secrecy. In no way does the author of this article hold any religious, anti-semantic, or political views toward the opinions expressed herein. All uses of the term "Jew" in this article, relate directly to, and only to, the history of Khazarian Judaism. A small percentage of the Israeli population, are united by religious Zealotry and Ultra Nationalism. They oppose Israeli democracy and peaceful dealings with the Palestinian people. They also believe God is without opinion of right and wrong. They are the Khazar Zionist Jews. They were a warlike tribe which lived deep in the heart of Asia. They were so warlike even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia in to eastern Europe. In eastern Europe they set up a giant Khazar kingdom, which spanned over 800,000 square miles. It was the largest and most powerful country in all of Europe. They were phallic worshipers, similar to many pagan barbarian religions in the world. The king became so disgusted with the degeneracy of his kingdom, he decided to adopt a monotheistic faith. He converted to, "so called" Judaism, which quickly became the state religion. He opened synagogues and schools. Within a few centuries, the Khazars convinced themselves they were "Jewish. Lineage: They were Russian, Mongol, and Nordic with heavy Turkish accents. The Khazars were believed to be the same people as the Huns. The Khazars controlled the large and powerful pagan empire across most of Russia. They made there living as traders and middlemen, levying taxes on goods carried on trade routes through their land. In a series of wars, the first from (642-652 A.D), and the second from (722-739 A.D.) some 300,000 Khazar warriors prevailed against invading Muslims, saving Russia and eastern Europe for Christianity. Charles Martel, the leader of the franks was a Khazarian ally and played a big role in helping defeat the Muslims. Martel was the grand father of Charlemagne, to whom 34 of the 43 presidents of the United States are descended. Eventually, the Khazars became known simply as "Jews" and their true origin was lost. In its place their leader sold to them and the rest of the world a false history. A belief that they were the "biblical Jews," and the fallacy continues today with devastating consequences. The Khazars were, and still are fascinated with the ancient mystical form of Judaism called Kabbalah. Kabbalah is the Jewish form of ancient gnostisicm, a belief that god is uncounscious yet everywhere. The Khazarian empire lasted over 300 years, infiltrating every nation in the world. They were the commercially controlling entity ( the bankers, the commerce), the reigning super power. In the years preceding the French Revolution, the foundation had been laid for a new order in the world. So, Kabbalist helped establish the ultra secret Illuminati, which became a cover for plots that would begin eroding Christian civilization. As the 20th century dawned, the Khazar Jews turned their attention to the Romanov dynasty of Russia. The Jews had long hoped to overthrow the Czar. Jewish philosophers such as Moses Hess and Karl Marx helped contrive a philosophy to help make such an overthrow possible. International Jewish bankers of New York, London, and Hamburg also conspired to help finance the plan. Eventually, the Romanov dynasty was overthrown, and the Bolshevik communist party was put in place, led by Khazar Jews. In fact, almost 75% of the high ranking officers in the Communist party where Khazars (even Lenin). Today, the Khazars, or (Ashkenazim) are the vast majority of those who call themselves "Jews." Almost 80%. They claim to be Semites and descendants of Shem the son of Naoh, which is false. In truth, Arabs are the true descendants of Shem. Only 3% of Jews fit in this category. The Khazar Jews actually descended from Yepheth (Japhet) and spoke a language known as Yiddish, which many of them still speak today. The most powerful and well known Khazarian family is the Rothschild family. The Rothschild's own around 81% of Israel. The flag of Israel flies the hexagram symbol from the Rothschild family red shield. The Rothschild family is estimated to be worth over 500 trillion dollars. Conspiracy theorists tend to sum up "The Khazarian Conspiracy" in one passage. "John Revelation 3.9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Perky Michelle Trachtenberg, a good jew fighting evil vampyres in USA for her evil grandparents in Israel


Tuesday, November 1, 2011 6:49 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Blue bloods: Prince Charles joins campaign to save Transylvania's forests for his vampyre ancestor Count Dracula

Seems Dracula drank blood to feed his Blue Blood disease of porphyria (genetic iron deficiency from generations of incest).






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