Military Equipment Spending (and what else it could have bought)

UPDATED: Monday, December 12, 2011 09:32
VIEWED: 2713
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Thursday, December 8, 2011 3:18 PM


I wonder if we stopped our military spending, if we can have free public tertiary education for the brightest kids in the country.


Thursday, December 8, 2011 3:40 PM


You so don't want the people who spent that money running your education program. Oh wait, they already do.

Anyone see the vote on making the US a police state? 93:7. The "we'll stage this to have a veto to say I'm not a dictator just got enough votes to override that veto.

I see we're still represented...

by 3 democrats, 3 republicans, and an independent.

* Sen. Thomas Coburn (R, OK)
* Sen. Thomas Harkin (D, IA)
* Sen. Mike Lee (R, UT)
* Sen. Jeff Merkley (D, OR)
* Sen. Rand Paul (R, KY)
* Sen. Bernard Sanders (I, VT)
* Sen. Ron Wyden (D, OR)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:30 PM


I don't know if Rand Paul truly feels that way, or if his dad promised him a spanking if he even thought about voting yes. Either way, glad to see him there on the pitiful list of 7.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)


Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:54 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I don't know if Rand Paul truly feels that way, or if his dad promised him a spanking if he even thought about voting yes. Either way, glad to see him there on the pitiful list of 7.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)

I get the feeling Rand Paul had no opinions prior to becoming a Senator, and that now his dad uses him as a Senate seat, but I think that he is being trained to become a stand in for that voice.

Anyway, need to remember those guys. They clearly swore to uphold a constitution that contained the 4th. I think the rest of them got the budget constitution that didn't include the bill of rights.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, December 8, 2011 5:52 PM



Originally posted by canttakesky:

I wonder if we stopped our military spending, if we can have free public tertiary education for the brightest kids in the country.

Your right, we could build great things to be looted by our conquerers while they rape, butcher, and/or enslave the brightest kids in the country.

The truth is it does not matter how much butter you have if someone else as all the guns.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Thursday, December 8, 2011 6:13 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

No "superpower" is ever going to remain a viable nation as long as it spends nearly as much on the military as the rest of the world combined does.

We could cut our defense budget by half and still spend more on defense than any other nation.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, December 9, 2011 2:15 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:
No "superpower" is ever going to remain a viable nation as long as it spends nearly as much on the military as the rest of the world combined does.

We could cut our defense budget by half and still spend more on defense than any other nation.

Are you ready to turn in half your guns?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, December 9, 2011 2:22 AM



Originally posted by pizmobeach:
Are you ready to turn in half your guns?

You only need half your guns if you were twice as nice to your neighbors.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)


Friday, December 9, 2011 4:53 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Are you ready to turn in half your guns?"


I'd do this in a heartbeat if the government would agree to a similar degree of disarmament.

It seems foolish that they should wish to disarm the militia, though. We are the cheapest branch of Defense.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Friday, December 9, 2011 9:27 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you ready to turn in half your guns?"


I'd do this in a heartbeat if the government would agree to a similar degree of disarmament.

It seems foolish that they should wish to disarm the militia, though. We are the cheapest branch of Defense.

I'd welcome your contribution! I wish it were that simple! I'm not sure there are many who would join you though, and since it's such a hypothetical we'll never know.
I think there are parallels between individuals and their guns and the military, "hell no! Not until they pry them from my cold dead hands...."
"The world/neighborhood is a dangerous place, better to be over armed than cry about it after the tanks troll down main street..."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Friday, December 9, 2011 9:34 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

We could cut our defense budget by half and still spend more on defense than any other nation.

What makes a superpower is not ability to defend. Its ability to project force.

Since World War 2 the general peace of the world has been maintained by the United States ability and apparent willingness to project force across the entire world in defense of our allies and national interests. Up until World War 2 the historical trend was for larger and more destructive conflicts covering ever expanding portions of the world. We have reversed this trend by making the United States a factor in any nation's military calculations.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, December 9, 2011 9:43 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
You only need half your guns if you were twice as nice to your neighbors.

Depends on your neighbors. Hitler's neighbors were very nice.

Your polite, friendly, invite them to a BBQ, next thing you know the've annexed your house and are carting your 1/8 jewish grandma off to a camp.


"Hero. I have come to respect you." "I am forced to agree with Hero here."- Chrisisall, 2009.
"I agree with Hero." Niki2, 2011.


Friday, December 9, 2011 10:03 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"What makes a superpower is not ability to defend. Its ability to project force."


And this is why we should not aspire to be a superpower. Clasping our billy club and glowering at the world is not my idea of good policy.

"next thing you know the've annexed your house and are carting your 1/8 jewish grandma off to a camp."

If anyone were to do this, it would be with the support of our very large military. (i.e. a dictator in our own country.) Even if we funded our military at a mere 10% its current levels, there is no foreign nation who could invade us successfully. Our Jewish grandmothers are simply not in any real danger from outside threats.

"We have reversed this trend by making the United States a factor in any nation's military calculations."

I appreciate your love of robust welfare programs, but if the world wants us to police them, they can contribute money for that defense. Otherwise they can police themselves. I wonder how many foreign nations both want our 'stabilizing' presence and are willing to contribute national revenue to pay for it?



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Friday, December 9, 2011 12:36 PM


Hero's posts are not consistent. First you say we need the military to not be conquered and raped and then you say it's to project force.

Either way, I don't want the govt. spending any money, not in defense or anywhere else. I think I will rely on the american people to defend us, that was what has worked in the past, when the nation was in peril. The only real serious military operation by the govt. on US soil left a million people dead. I want them as far away from our defense as possible.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, December 9, 2011 1:20 PM



Originally posted by Hero:
What makes a superpower is not ability to defend. Its ability to project force.

Since World War 2 the general peace of the world has been maintained by the United States ability and apparent willingness to project force across the entire world in defense of our allies and national interests. Up until World War 2 the historical trend was for larger and more destructive conflicts covering ever expanding portions of the world. We have reversed this trend by making the United States a factor in any nation's military calculations.

so you traded off larger conficts for a myriad of smaller ones. It's not exactly peace then, is it?

I think you'd have to be a die hard patriot, and a rather naive one at that, if you view all american military interventions post ww2 as have a peace giving, positive influence on the world, when there have been a number of fairly obvious ones which have destablilised regions and created conflict. Not to mention that penchent for regime change and installing brutal, unpopular puppet leaders.

Let's face it, the US military has not ever been about bringing peace to the world, or stability, it has been about protecting and expanding US market interests. If a brutal regime want to do business US style, then nobody in power gives a bat shit care about whether civilians are being tortured, murdered, or mistreated. But if it gets in the way of business, like those pesky commies who don't do trade, then watch out. The military are coming for YOU


Friday, December 9, 2011 1:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you ready to turn in half your guns?"


I'd do this in a heartbeat if the government would agree to a similar degree of disarmament.

It seems foolish that they should wish to disarm the militia, though. We are the cheapest branch of Defense.

There ya go. Also, I'd note for the record that I'd be more than happy to turn in half my guns, as long as you can show me when and where it was that the U.S. government paid for them or gave them to me.

Seems an odd calculation to me, Pizmo, that you seem to want to be sure that the military always outguns the populace. It's almost as if you think the government has something to fear from its people. Ironically, this is pretty much the antithesis of what the founders envisioned (a militia made up of the general population, and no standing armies).

But yes, I could easily turn in half my guns and still be well-defended. Why, I could even "project force" outside my property lines, so according to "Hero" here, I'd be a superpower.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Friday, December 9, 2011 1:58 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
The military are coming for YOU

Yep. They just got authorized by the Senate to do just that.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)


Friday, December 9, 2011 2:56 PM


Bah, no one is EVER going to invade us - culture shock alone would drive them into writhing balls of misery, clawing at their eyes screaming "oh gawd, make it stop!", not to mention as soon as they started impinging on the "turf" of inner city collectives, be they citizen, druglord or street gang, they'd get chopped to fekkin pieces, and the rural rednecks would have a field day, scream yee-haa and dig up all that shit they buried in anticipation of the BATFE finally gettin around to them and put it to good use.

Seriously, I'd lay money on it - you take a fully equipped North Korean BATALLION, with FULL fuckin TO&E and drop them wholesale into EITHER podunksville, or an inner city ghetto, they will become combat ineffective within eight hours, and be utterly destroyed in twenty four.
And the immediate and primary casualties will be psychological.(1)

Frankly, the biggest danger to us is our so-called protectors and their fuckin protection racket which doesn't protect us.

The gravest danger to our national security, *IS* our "National Security".

(1) - Turn on every TV set in the whole place, as loud as it'll go and shove it up to a window, then set it on our most awful programming possible, infomercials, talkshows, reality tv, whatever...
TRUST me, you'll cause pyschological casualties in droves.


Friday, December 9, 2011 5:20 PM


Just wanted to make a further note re 'peace' since ww2. NUmbers listed are deaths.

1946-54: France-Vietnam war (600,000)
1947: Partition of India and Pakistan (1 million)
1947: Taiwan's uprising against the Kuomintang (30,000)
1948-1958: Colombian civil war (250,000)
1948-1973: Arab-Israeli wars (70,000)
1949-: Indian Muslims vs Hindus (20,000)
1949-50: Mainland China vs Tibet (1,200,000)
1950-53: Korean war (3 million)
1952-59: Kenya's Mau Mau insurrection (20,000)
1954-62: French-Algerian war (368,000)
1958-61: Mao's "Great Leap Forward" (38 million)
1960-90: South Africa vs Africa National Congress (?)
1960-96: Guatemala's civil war (200,000)
1961-98: Indonesia vs West Papua/Irian (100,000)
1961-2003: Kurds vs Iraq (180,000)
1962-75: Mozambique Frelimo vs Portugal (?)
1964-73: USA-Vietnam war (3 million)
1965: second India-Pakistan war over Kashmir
1965-66: Indonesian civil war (250,000)
1966-69: Mao's "Cultural Revolution" (11 million)
1966-: Colombia's civil war (31,000)
1967-70: Nigeria-Biafra civil war (800,000)
1968-80: Rhodesia's civil war (?)
1969-: Philippines vs the communist Bagong Hukbong Bayan/ New People's Army (40,000)
1969-79: Idi Amin, Uganda (300,000)
1969-02: IRA - Norther Ireland's civil war (2,000)
1969-79: Francisco Macias Nguema, Equatorial Guinea (50,000)
1971: Pakistan-Bangladesh civil war (500,000)
1972-: Philippines vs Muslim separatists (Moro Islamic Liberation Front, etc) (150,000)
1972: Burundi's civil war (300,000)
1972-79: Rhodesia/Zimbabwe's civil war (30,000)
1974-91: Ethiopian civil war (1,000,000)
1975-78: Menghitsu, Ethiopia (1.5 million)
1975-79: Khmer Rouge, Cambodia (1.7 million)
1975-89: Boat people, Vietnam (250,000)
1975-90: civil war in Lebanon (40,000)
1975-87: Laos' civil war (184,000)
1975-2002: Angolan civil war (500,000)
1976-83: Argentina's military regime (20,000)
1976-93: Mozambique's civil war (900,000)
1976-98: Indonesia-East Timor civil war (600,000)
1976-2005: Indonesia-Aceh (GAM) civil war (12,000)
1977-92: El Salvador's civil war (75,000)
1979: Vietnam-China war (30,000)
1979-88: the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan (1.3 million)
1980-88: Iraq-Iran war (1 million)
1980-92: Sendero Luminoso - Peru's civil war (69,000)
1984-: Kurds vs Turkey (35,000)
1981-90: Nicaragua vs Contras (60,000)
1982-90: Hissene Habre, Chad (40,000)
1983-: Sri Lanka's civil war (70,000)
1983-2002: Sudanese civil war (2 million)
1986-: Indian Kashmir's civil war (60,000)
1987-: Palestinian Intifada (4,500)
1988-2001: Afghanistan civil war (400,000)
1988-2004: Somalia's civil war (550,000)
1989-: Liberian civil war (220,000)
1989-: Uganda vs Lord's Resistance Army (30,000)
1991: Gulf War - large coalition against Iraq to liberate Kuwait (85,000)
1991-97: Congo's civil war (800,000)
1991-2000: Sierra Leone's civil war (200,000)
1991-2009: Russia-Chechnya civil war (200,000)
1991-94: Armenia-Azerbaijan war (35,000)
1992-96: Tajikstan's civil war war (50,000)
1992-96: Yugoslavian wars (260,000)
1992-99: Algerian civil war (150,000)
1993-97: Congo Brazzaville's civil war (100,000)
1993-2005: Burundi's civil war (200,000)
1994: Rwanda's civil war (900,000)
1995-: Pakistani Sunnis vs Shiites (1,300)
1995-: Maoist rebellion in Nepal (12,000)
1998-: Congo/Zaire's war - Rwanda and Uganda vs Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia (3.8 million)
1998-2000: Ethiopia-Eritrea war (75,000)
1999: Kosovo's liberation war - NATO vs Serbia (2,000)
2001-: Afghanistan's liberation war - USA & UK vs Taliban (40,000)
2002-: Cote d'Ivoire's civil war (1,000)
2003: Second Iraq-USA war - USA, UK and Australia vs Saddam Hussein (14,000)
2003-09: Sudan vs JEM/Darfur (300,000)
2003-: Iraq's civil war (60,000)
2004-: Sudan vs SPLM & Eritrea (?)
2004-: Yemen vs Shiite Muslims (?)
2004-: Thailand vs Muslim separatists (3,700) Arab-Israeli wars

I (1947-49): 6,373 Israeli and 15,000 Arabs die
II (1956): 231 Israeli and 3,000 Egyptians die
III (1967): 776 Israeli and 20,000 Arabs die
IV (1973): 2,688 Israeli and 18,000 Arabs die
Intifada I (1987-92): 170 Israelis and 1,000 Palestinians
Intifada II (2000-03): 700 Israelis and 2,000 Palestinians
Israel-Hamas war (2008): 1,300 Palestinians


Friday, December 9, 2011 7:05 PM



I see you posted what I posted last time someone said that, but your list is more complete. Source? (I quibble with some of the numbers, made me curious.)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Friday, December 9, 2011 7:49 PM


I dispute some of the figures as well, as being on the lowish side.


Friday, December 9, 2011 9:24 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


One of those Israeli-Arab conflicts is missing a U.S. body count.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Saturday, December 10, 2011 4:15 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Bah, no one is EVER going to invade us - culture shock alone would drive them into writhing balls of misery, clawing at their eyes screaming "oh gawd, make it stop!", not to mention as soon as they started impinging on the "turf" of inner city collectives, be they citizen, druglord or street gang, they'd get chopped to fekkin pieces, and the rural rednecks would have a field day, scream yee-haa and dig up all that shit they buried in anticipation of the BATFE finally gettin around to them and put it to good use.

Seriously, I'd lay money on it - you take a fully equipped North Korean BATALLION, with FULL fuckin TO&E and drop them wholesale into EITHER podunksville, or an inner city ghetto, they will become combat ineffective within eight hours, and be utterly destroyed in twenty four.
And the immediate and primary casualties will be psychological.(1)

Frankly, the biggest danger to us is our so-called protectors and their fuckin protection racket which doesn't protect us.

The gravest danger to our national security, *IS* our "National Security".

(1) - Turn on every TV set in the whole place, as loud as it'll go and shove it up to a window, then set it on our most awful programming possible, infomercials, talkshows, reality tv, whatever...
TRUST me, you'll cause pyschological casualties in droves.

I was thinking more along the lines of pelting them with McNuggets, KFC's Failure Bowls, McRibs, and Snuggies and Sham-Wows, but yes, point taken. :)

ETA: For those unfamiliar with KFC's Bowl fo FAIL, there's this:

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, December 10, 2011 5:40 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you ready to turn in half your guns?"


I'd do this in a heartbeat if the government would agree to a similar degree of disarmament.

It seems foolish that they should wish to disarm the militia, though. We are the cheapest branch of Defense.

Seems an odd calculation to me, Pizmo, that you seem to want to be sure that the military always outguns the populace. It's almost as if you think the government has something to fear from its people. Ironically, this is pretty much the antithesis of what the founders envisioned (a militia made up of the general population, and no standing armies).

You have me confused with someone else - I have repeatedly posted how much I hate the military over spending, I've even posted graphics detailing the imbalance. Btw - do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military?? Is that your goal? Are you afraid of your government?

As far as The Founders - they also envisioned slavery and blood letting for health care - I don't think we have to go backwards for guidance, our world is a very different one from theirs.

I don't think the military give up their guns any more than you do. They'll find a bunch of reasons we need them to be armed to the teeth. "We have been making so many enemies over the last 20 years with our Peace Missions that every one wants to get us - so now more than ever we need a strong military!"

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 5:50 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Bah, no one is EVER going to invade us - culture shock alone would drive them into writhing balls of misery, clawing at their eyes screaming "oh gawd, make it stop!", not to mention as soon as they started impinging on the "turf" of inner city collectives, be they citizen, druglord or street gang, they'd get chopped to fekkin pieces, and the rural rednecks would have a field day, scream yee-haa and dig up all that shit they buried in anticipation of the BATFE finally gettin around to them and put it to good use.

Seriously, I'd lay money on it - you take a fully equipped North Korean BATALLION, with FULL fuckin TO&E and drop them wholesale into EITHER podunksville, or an inner city ghetto, they will become combat ineffective within eight hours, and be utterly destroyed in twenty four.
And the immediate and primary casualties will be psychological.(1)

Frankly, the biggest danger to us is our so-called protectors and their fuckin protection racket which doesn't protect us.

The gravest danger to our national security, *IS* our "National Security".

You're right of course, not to mention that it doesn't relate to any specific goal another country would have regarding the US. Like, "why?" would they do that? Killing our military is way too hard! So no one's going to do that.
You want to hurt the US then 9/11 showed the way - and it doesn't matter if you think it was inside or not, just the economic effect of it showed how attacking our Money and using Terror, was more effective than any military adventure could ever be. And so much cheaper, and there's almost nothing we can do about it (so drink the good stuff).

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 5:52 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"Are you afraid of your government? "


I am. Aren't you?

"do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military??"

Of course not. Surely you are familiar with asymmetrical warfare.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Saturday, December 10, 2011 5:54 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

""why?" would they do that? Killing our military is way too hard! So no one's going to do that.
You want to hurt the US then 9/11 showed the way "


So you DO understand asymmetrical warfare.

Don't forget the Cole.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:34 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you afraid of your government? "


I am. Aren't you?

"do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military??"

Of course not. Surely you are familiar with asymmetrical warfare.

I am in the minority - I am not as afraid of our government doing things to it's citizens with malice as most people who post here are. I am more worried about what they do and don't do because of ego and incompetence, the things that we all struggle with.

"asymmetrical warfare" - maybe not in how you mean it or in this context - please enlighten.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 10:55 AM



I was thinking more along the lines of pelting them with McNuggets, KFC's Failure Bowls, McRibs, and Snuggies and Sham-Wows, but yes, point taken. :)

Eff throwing it at em, do worse, FEED it to em.
Flood their command channels with spam, porn and leetspeek.
Steal all their tent pegs, lob beehives into their camp in the middle of the night, infect them with bedbugs, hide lockjaw beartraps in the snow randomly around their perimeter...

BELIEVE me, there's no *END* to the misery a typical smartass american could inflict on such unwanted guests, it'd be like Afghanistan, ten thousand times worse - the Russians KNOW this, which is why you might have noticed, all of their contingency plans did *NOT* include landing troops here, EVER, despite the cold war propaganda and bullshit.

The Chinese, North Koreans, they'd be in worse shape, as I said, culture shock alone would devastate them, and hell, set up a speakeasy and brothel somewhere close on the sly and you could get half of em to fuckin defect without even tryin, setting up a fifth column and internal coup before they knew what hit them.

Btw - do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military?? Is that your goal? Are you afraid of your government?

I believe that was our founders intention - I've posted the exact discussion from the Federalist/Antifederalist papers often enough, although it's so long most folk don't read it, but it was always on both sides the INTENTION that the citizenry outgun the military, and at least one specific point was made that the ratio of such should be four-to-one but cursed if I can remember exactly where at the moment, remember we're talkin a huge amount of paperwork there.

And yes, anyone with half a clue *IS* afraid of their government the moment the citizenry does not outgun it.

I say, the time has been when every pulse of my heart beat for American liberty, and which, I believe, had a counterpart in the breast of every true American; but suspicions have gone forth — suspicions of my integrity — publicly reported that my professions are not real. Twenty-three years ago was I supposed a traitor to my country? I was then said to be the bane of sedition, because I supported the rights of my country. I may be thought suspicious when I say our privileges and rights are in danger. But, sir, a number of the people of this country are weak enough to think these things are too true. I am happy to find that the gentleman on the other side declares they are groundless. But, sir, suspicion is a virtue as long as its object is the preservation of the public good, and as long as it stays within proper bounds: should it fall on me, I am contented: conscious rectitude is a powerful consolation. I trust there are many who think my professions for the public good to be real. Let your suspicion look to both sides. There are many on the other side, who possibly may have been persuaded to the necessity of these measures, which I conceive to be dangerous to your liberty. Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.
Patrick Henry, June 5th 1788
The man was damn near prophetic in his accuracy, from top to bottom.

I don't think we have to go backwards for guidance, our world is a very different one from theirs.

Oh I doubt that, in fact the more things supposedly change, the more I see nothing has really changed.
Having Antifederalist leanings myself, all we seem to have done in the end is exchange one set of feudal lords for another, and then paint over it with a whitewash of so-called democracy, but these days that whitewash is wearing a bit thin, is it not ?
If we cannot reform it, then we must replace it - and with what, that is the question ?
Need we actually replace it with anything at all ?
What BENEFIT does a Federal Government provide ?
(Ok, trick question that - there ARE some, but most of them within Constitutional bounds, and those that are not should be appended by amendment, instead of ignoring the very foundation of our law whenever it becomes inconvenient, because that reduces ALL our law, the very concept of the rule of law, to a farce, a parody.)

And yes, I get your concept, but where to go with it is the important part, I think, localising power as much as possible is both wise and in keeping with our intended structure of government - having decisions made by those actually directly affected by the results, instead of a pack of feckless petty curs a thousand miles away from any real consequence of their actions.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, December 10, 2011 11:21 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you ready to turn in half your guns?"


I'd do this in a heartbeat if the government would agree to a similar degree of disarmament.

It seems foolish that they should wish to disarm the militia, though. We are the cheapest branch of Defense.

Seems an odd calculation to me, Pizmo, that you seem to want to be sure that the military always outguns the populace. It's almost as if you think the government has something to fear from its people. Ironically, this is pretty much the antithesis of what the founders envisioned (a militia made up of the general population, and no standing armies).

You have me confused with someone else - I have repeatedly posted how much I hate the military over spending, I've even posted graphics detailing the imbalance. Btw - do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military?? Is that your goal? Are you afraid of your government?

1) Yes, I actually do think it's possible for a population to outgun its government. In fact, when this country was founded, that was exactly how it was, and this was done by design and quite on purpose.

2) Is that my goal? No more than it's your goal to disarm the populace. You seem to be trying to create a false dichotomy here, an invalid comparison. You've been doing it since you asked if I would give up half my guns - which *I* paid for - in order to get the military to give up half its guns - which I *also* paid for. It's simply not a serious comparison or choice. If you want to make if a valid comparison, first you'd have to agree to make the military personnel pay for all their own weaponry and ammunition, as I do all mine. Nobody gives this stuff to me, and it's for damn sure that your tax money isn't paying for my guns and ammo.

3) Am I afraid of my government? Of course. Anyone in this country who isn't at least a little concerned is an idiot. When your own Senate is voting 93-7 to allow the military to hold U.S. citizens forever without any charges ever being filed or reason being given, only an idiot wouldn't be at least a little afraid of his government.


As far as The Founders - they also envisioned slavery and blood letting for health care - I don't think we have to go backwards for guidance, our world is a very different one from theirs.

So you would agree with the proposition that there's not really any "freedom of the press" in this country, unless you actually own and operate a manual printing press, right? After all, that's what they envisioned, not computers and cameras...


I don't think the military give up their guns any more than you do. They'll find a bunch of reasons we need them to be armed to the teeth. "We have been making so many enemies over the last 20 years with our Peace Missions that every one wants to get us - so now more than ever we need a strong military!"

Again, the critical difference being, I control my purse strings; the military does not control its own funding.

By the way, the bit about the founders envisioning slavery - how'd that work out? And perhaps more importantly, how'd it end?

If you want people to give up their guns, there's a constitutional process we can undertake to make that happen. All you really need is an Amendment which overturns the Second Amendment to the Constitution. If you can get that passed and ratified, then I'll turn in all my guns, because the Constitution would then say that I have to do so. I have my doubts that such a thing will happen, though.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, December 10, 2011 12:44 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Originally posted by pizmobeach:

Originally posted by AnthonyT:
"Are you afraid of your government? "


I am. Aren't you?

"do you really think it's even remotely possible for the populace to out gun their military??"

Of course not. Surely you are familiar with asymmetrical warfare.

I am in the minority - I am not as afraid of our government doing things to it's citizens with malice as most people who post here are. I am more worried about what they do and don't do because of ego and incompetence, the things that we all struggle with.

"asymmetrical warfare" - maybe not in how you mean it or in this context - please enlighten.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Did I misspell it? It's when a violent conflict develops between a formal military and an informal, poorly-equipped, but elusive opponent.

In the case of the U.S. citizenry, the poorly-equipped and elusive opponent is literally everywhere. They don't outgun you, but they outnumber you. By droves.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:00 PM


from wiki

Asymmetric warfare is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differ significantly.

"Asymmetric warfare" can describe a conflict in which the resources of two belligerents differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. Such struggles often involve strategies and tactics of unconventional warfare, the "weaker" combatants attempting to use strategy to offset deficiencies in quantity or quality.[1] Such strategies may not necessarily be militarized.[2] This is in contrast to symmetric warfare, where two powers have similar military power and resources and rely on tactics that are similar overall, differing only in details and execution.

The term is frequently used to describe what is also called "guerrilla warfare", "insurgency", "terrorism", "counterinsurgency", and "counterterrorism", essentially violent conflict between a formal military and an informal, poorly-equipped, but elusive opponent.


Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:18 PM


The Asymmetric warfare crowd are ironic in that they set the idea up to paint their opponent,s terrorists, as having the unfair advantage, but it is really their side that has it - made all the more ironic by their tie to the nietzchian idea that war happens because of the imbalance of force. I think I take Nietzche's point, something like this: Incidents are always there, it's just the one which was used in a conflict that we call "the cause"; but really, there are agenda monkeys waiting for something they can use as an excuse; but that said, how the agenda monkeys got there was they all lined up on the side of whoever had the superior force.

Ergo, those who touted the concept of assymetrical warfare as a threat to global stability themselves became unbalanced on the side of assymetrical force and are now a threat to global stability.

I guess it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anyway, I concur that those casualty numbers are low in places, it was that they were not low evenly that aroused my suspicion, but thanks for the link.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, December 10, 2011 1:48 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by AnthonyT:


Did I misspell it? It's when a violent conflict develops between a formal military and an informal, poorly-equipped, but elusive opponent.

In the case of the U.S. citizenry, the poorly-equipped and elusive opponent is literally everywhere. They don't outgun you, but they outnumber you. By droves.

I'd not heard it by that name and I did check out wikipedia - but rather than assume what you meant by it I thought I'd ask for your definition or how it applied here (if you'd said "guerilla warfare" I'd have known instantly). So do you think we are at war with our government?

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 2:41 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Kwicko:

1) Yes, I actually do think it's possible for a population to outgun its government. In fact, when this country was founded, that was exactly how it was, and this was done by design and quite on purpose.

Back then it was possible, "more flintlocks." Now it's not, right? I mean I would love to have a tank in my driveway. Or maybe an F-15.
I think The Founders, if they could see us today… would frekkin' hope we could run our own show at this point and not have to "get the manual out" every time we had a dilemma. "I'm confused, I'm tortured, what would great great great grandpappy have done???" Gods, can't we think for ourselves? They did. Maybe we're genetically inferior to them?


Originally posted by Kwicko:
2) Is that my goal? No more than it's your goal to disarm the populace. You seem to be trying to create a false dichotomy here, an invalid comparison. You've been doing it since you asked if I would give up half my guns - which *I* paid for - in order to get the military to give up half its guns - which I *also* paid for. It's simply not a serious comparison or choice. If you want to make if a valid comparison, first you'd have to agree to make the military personnel pay for all their own weaponry and ammunition, as I do all mine. Nobody gives this stuff to me, and it's for damn sure that your tax money isn't paying for my guns and ammo.

Nicely played, and yet a completely different analogy. You love your guns and don't want to give them up, the military loves their weapons and doesn't want to give them up. If you don't want to see the similarities in the American male pysche in both, I can't make you. It's actually part of the mentality, so par for the course.


Originally posted by Kwicko:
3) Am I afraid of my government? Of course. Anyone in this country who isn't at least a little concerned is an idiot. When your own Senate is voting 93-7 to allow the military to hold U.S. citizens forever without any charges ever being filed or reason being given, only an idiot wouldn't be at least a little afraid of his government.

Concern is not Fear - pick one. I am not afraid of my government. I sincerely pity anyone anywhere living in Fear.


Originally posted by Kwicko:

As far as The Founders - they also envisioned slavery and blood letting for health care - I don't think we have to go backwards for guidance, our world is a very different one from theirs.

So you would agree with the proposition that there's not really any "freedom of the press" in this country, unless you actually own and operate a manual printing press, right? After all, that's what they envisioned, not computers and cameras...

Right. They did not envision the Internet so things they didn't write about it don't apply.


Originally posted by Kwicko:
By the way, the bit about the founders envisioning slavery - how'd that work out? And perhaps more importantly, how'd it end?

We evolved and "grew" out of it, we realized that there was a more humanitarian way to treat people and we were not tied to the past. You mean like that?


Originally posted by Kwicko:
If you want people to give up their guns, there's a constitutional process we can undertake to make that happen. All you really need is an Amendment which overturns the Second Amendment to the Constitution. If you can get that passed and ratified, then I'll turn in all my guns, because the Constitution would then say that I have to do so. I have my doubts that such a thing will happen, though.

I don't want people to give up their guns - I want people to realize that there's parts of themselves in the people they dislike/hate/don't agree with, that the other side of the isle is still in the same room. I think it would reduced the angsty drama and get us working together on improving life on the planet. I know, I'm not holding my breath.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 2:51 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

And yes, I get your concept, but where to go with it is the important part, I think, localising power as much as possible is both wise and in keeping with our intended structure of government - having decisions made by those actually directly affected by the results, instead of a pack of feckless petty curs a thousand miles away from any real consequence of their actions.

This is the thing we agree on most, and I think it's one thing that actually has a chance of changing. When I said: "I am more worried about what they do and don't do because of ego and incompetence," I was specifically thinking of Mitch Mc-muthafucking-Connell and the anti-Republicans. Once in office they feel they are above all reproach. It's not effective, it leads to where we are, gridlock, and that's no way to run a country.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, December 10, 2011 4:54 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


You love your guns and don't want to give them up, the military loves their weapons and doesn't want to give them up. If you don't want to see the similarities in the American male pysche in both, I can't make you. It's actually part of the mentality, so par for the course.

Except I *did* volunteer to give up half my guns. You may have missed that. Or selectively ignored it. "Par for the course", I believe is your expression for that.


Right. They did not envision the Internet so things they didn't write about it don't apply.

They also did not envision modern medicine, so I guess your remarks about bloodletting don't apply, either.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:55 PM


I still like my exploding collars idea...

"I'm going to vote against this, even though 90% of my constituents are demand... KERBLAMMM!"



Sunday, December 11, 2011 3:36 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I still like my exploding collars idea...

"I'm going to vote against this, even though 90% of my constituents are demand... KERBLAMMM!"


Talk about a bloodletting! Especially given Congress's approval numbers these days...


Sunday, December 11, 2011 5:22 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"So do you think we are at war with our government?"


No. Although the government has repeatedly made provocation upon its citizenry, I do not think there is war currently. Everyone is still being very polite about everything.

"Concern is not Fear - pick one. I am not afraid of my government. I sincerely pity anyone anywhere living in Fear."

Ah. Semantics. All right. I am concerned that there will come a time when the citizenry shall be at war with the government. If that were to ever happen, I would be fearful of the resulting horrors. I think that if such a war ever develops into a reality, most people will be living in Fear, regardless of your pity.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Monday, December 12, 2011 9:32 AM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Am I afraid of the government? Yup, they have too much power as demonstrated by this recent issue. I'm glad my OR senators have half a brain and oppose the bill.

I have to admit that Frem's in-case-of-invasion plan made me smile.

I'm one of the few people who thinks we do still need to spend money on the military, I'd be willing to negotiate how much that should be though, especially since they don't use the money we give them as wisely as they should.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya






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