Arrests made in Tulsa, OK murders

UPDATED: Sunday, April 8, 2012 07:59
VIEWED: 1193
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Sunday, April 8, 2012 4:13 AM


America loves a winner!


Two men arrested over Oklahoma 'hate' shooting spree

Last Updated: 7:59 AM, April 8, 2012
Posted: 2:06 AM, April 8, 2012

TULSA, Okla. -- Police arrested two men early Sunday in connection with the North Tulsa shootings that saw three black people killed and another two injured, police said.

Cops apprehended two white males -- 19-year-old Jake England and Alvin Watts, 32 -- at 1:47am local time, KOKI reported.

They will be charged with three counts of murder and two counts of shooting with intent to kill.

A statement from the Tulsa Police Department said, "Within 24 hours of its formation, the task force 'Operation Random Shooter' has completed its mission. Our sympathy goes out to the families of the victims and we hope that our efforts can bring some resolution and closure to these heinous acts."

Not really sure I understand the 'hate' part of all this. I think it's pretty much implied that , when ever you intentionally shoot someone w/ a gun like this, you're not doing it out of indifference, or 'like' .

SMILE for the camera, dudes. Now you're gonna DIE!


Sunday, April 8, 2012 4:27 AM


It was only a matter of time before the Nazi's showed up.

Black Panthers + Neo-Nazi's = BOOM!


Sunday, April 8, 2012 5:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


The victims, all black, were seemingly shot at random as they walked in the street during a seven-hour period early Friday.

The killer did not utter slurs before blasting his victims with a small-caliber handgun, said investigators, who are trying to learn if the same weapon was used in each attack.

Police did not rule out the possibility of a hate-fueled rampage.

I think that's where they get the "hate crime" suspicion. Five people shot over a long period of time, all but two shot individually at different locations in a black neighborhood, by white guys.

believe the attacks are linked because they happened at around the same time in the same area and all five victims were out walking.
Makes a certain amount of sense.

As to hate always being part of it, you know it's not. There is gang violence, in which some kid may be sent out to kill someone they don't even know; robbery; and other reasons for killing. It's the fact that they were all shot individually, over a period of time, in different locations, etc. Sad this kind of bullshit is so damned prevalent in our country.

As to the white supremacy group, all I could think of was "oh, shit, here we go..."

Because nothing diffuses racial tension like gun-toting racial separatists patrolling an already on-edge community.

Schoep, whose neo-Nazi group is based in Detroit, tells Riptide the patrols are a response to white residents' fears of a race riot.

The patrols are comprised of between 10 and 20 locals and "volunteers" from across the state, including some from Miami, he added. He couldn't go into specifics on what kind of firepower, exactly, the patrols had with them.

"In Arizona the guys can walk around with assault weapons and that's totally legal," Schoep said, referring to the group's patrols of the US-Mexico border. "What I can tell you is that any patrols that we are doing now in Florida are totally within the law."

Asked if the patrols wouldn't just make things worse -- spark a race riot, for instance -- Schoep insisted they were simply a "show of solidarity with the white community down there" and "wouldn't intimidate anybody."

"Whenever there is one of these racially charged events, Al Sharpton goes wherever blacks need him," Schoep said. "We do similar things. We are a white civil rights organization."

Schoep was also quick to clarify that he isn't taking sides in Trayvon Martin's controversial shooting. "That's for the courts to decide," he says. Besides, Schoep says, Zimmerman's not even white.

"I think there is some confusion going on," Schoep says. "A lot of people think that this guy who shot Trayvon was white... but he's half Hispanic or Cuban or something. He certainly doesn't look white to me."

There's your proper racist; obviously they're not there to protect Zimmerman, just the "real" white people who aren't "or something".

Gettin' scary...I've been getting a whif of potential Rodney King aftermath for a bit now, sorry to say. Hope the tinder box doesn't catch fire, that would be AWFUL!


Sunday, April 8, 2012 7:59 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Not really sure I understand the 'hate' part of all this. I think it's pretty much implied that , when ever you intentionally shoot someone w/ a gun like this, you're not doing it out of indifference, or 'like' .

Yeah really.

Honestly once you start slinging lead at people I think the ONLY consideration of motive should be for the purpose of preventing such events in the future, cause other than cases of self-defense, I don't think most people CARE specifically WHY you started slinging lead, most especially them it was flying AT.
Sure as hell I don't.

That said, the Detroit based punks in question here, care to GUESS where most of their financial support actually comes from ?
If you said "The Feds", you'd be right - I swear, it seems like half the damn race-baiting bastards in the country are either on the Federale payroll or being quietly supported from the shadows by planted agents, were it not for that factor a lot of these groups would just come apart into individual and ineffective grumblers, but no, once again our so-called 'protectors' are either a primary source of public endangerment, or aiding and abetting one, as usual.
Due to the events back in the sixties with COINTELPRO and whatnot, many of the black community nutters are generally much better at identifying and chasing off agents provacateur, but it seems like the white power folks almost turn a blind eye on purpose cause without that financial support they'd be insolvent - and without the white power folks to point the finger at, a lot of the black race war groups would then have to justify themselves to their own communities, and would not be able to do so.
Ergo, in my opinion, if you wanna put an end to THAT particular bit of back-n-forth bullshit and violence, stopping the FBI from egging it on might be a damn good start - remember they are not only culpable for handing Ramzi Youssef a live bomb in 1993, but were also holding up that whole Elohim City crew financially, as revealed when a judge forced them to hand over about ninety PAGES of documents detailing FBI and SPLC involvement which went far beyond surveillence and into the realm of active support, yet no effort was made to prevent construction or delivery of the supposed ryder truck bomb to the oklahoma federal building - not to mention the question of where the other devices came from and how they got there, unasked and unanswered to this day.

Anyhows, that dickhead Shlep, or whatever his name is, is more or less on the goddamn Federale payroll - who you think paid for his field trip, cause it sure as hell wasn't him!
Dumbfucks like him wouldn't even be a THREAT without the financial and logistical support of our so-called 'protectors' and the threat from the other side evolves naturally in response, so if there is a race riot on this one, a good chunk of the blame for it lies right where it usually does.
And they DON'T EVEN HIDE IT WELL, Shlep and company have cashed multiple checks straight from the Treasury Dept!







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