A history of the Federal Tax Brackets (1913-2011)

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 14:30
VIEWED: 2100
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Saturday, July 14, 2012 6:39 PM


I didn't even know that they had such a concise fact sheet of tax brackets on the internet, downloadable in PDF form until tonight.

I'm just going to break down the top and bottom brackets for every decade year for a single person ('20, '70, '90, etc.) I'm also going to post the NOMINAL breakdown, and none of the adjusted for inflation stuff....

There are SOOOOOO many variables to all of this, such as what it meant for a majority of American's to only pay 4% income on the first 4k of their money when they made way less than that in a year in 1920, for instance.

I'm curious to see what responses this generates.....

1920: $0-$4,000 - 4%; $1,000,000+ - 73% (*)
1930: $0-$4,000 - 1.5%; $100,000+ - 25% (*)
1940: $0-$4,000 - 4%; $5,000,000+ - 79% (*)
1950: $0-$2,000 - 20%; $200,000+ - 91% (**)
1960: $0-$2,000 - 20%; $200,000+ - 91% (***)
1970: $0-$500 - 14%; $100,000+ - 70% (***)
1980: $0-$2,300 - 0%; $108,300+ - 70% (****)
1990: $0-$19,450 - 15%; $19,450+ - 28%
2000: $0-$26,250 - 15%; $288.350+ - 39.6%
2010: $0-$8,375 - 10%; $373,650+ - 35%

(*) - Listed tax rates and brackets apply to all taxpayers.

(**) - Applicable marginal tax rates are determinied by the bracket (Married Filing Separately) corresponding to one-half of taxable income.

(***) - Single is same as married filing separately.

(****) - From here on out all brackets were separated and I used the "single" status for tax rates. (1980)


I don't even know what to say..... That really should lead to a LOT of discussion........

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 12:20 AM



How other than actual physical "HATE" for me has this topic not seen a single reply with over 60 views now?

It's not as if ignoring it will preclude you from somehting you have to pay for anyway... In fact, I could probably give those who ask tips on how to minimize their tax burden.....

You're all so self-proclaimed smart, but when you see a tax bracket system, broken down to the high and low, for every decade on the 10's, and the post has been up for over 24 hours with over 60 views there's not ONE SINGLE REPLY??????????

All I have to say to those people is keep ignoring me because I used the C word. I won't call out idiots.... but I'll call out friends. Fuck you Frem, for enabling them.... the haters of me on this board.

I might be a bastard, but I was a bastard that made a lot of sense in some arenas and would sacrifice my own life to kill people who threatened ruining innocience.

Your post did it....

Now everyone is justified by just ignoring my posts.

Right or wrong...

Thanks, old friend.....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:06 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

What I wish they could provide is a list of available tax breaks, deductions, "loopholes", etc. for past years. Income tax is computed mostly on Adjusted Gross Income (except Capital Gains), but knowing how much adjustment is done to the income prior to getting to the taxable part would be interesting.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:20 AM


Well, I didn't reply because this is the first time I've seen it. Don't know where it was hiding- I don't just read the 5 threads on the main page, but also check the Top 100 list for RWED every day.

Beyond that, it shows what we Libs have always known and always said: In America's greatest and best times, Tax rates on the rich were very high. So what would a Lib have to say besides, "We toldja so"? And the wheels started coming off in the early 70's, after Vietnam and Nixon. What could we Libs say about that except "We knew it was his fault."

And of course, right wingers are stuck with their theory about "increasing taxes on Job Creators (rich guys) will keep them from creating new jobs and saving the economy." And they're stuck on "Nixon was not a crook, just mis- understood", and every Democrat since (Carter, Clinton and Obama) has been a doofus, liar, cheat, scumbag, horndog, fraud or Kenyan, and so worse than Ol' Tricky Dick, SO they ain't gonna post on any thread that has cold facts to prove them wrong.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:33 AM


Same as I told the other one;
In order to hate you, I'd have to give a fuck ABOUT you... and I don't.



Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:21 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You nailed it, Geezer, on the head. Whatever the tax bracket are "officially", that doesn't tell us what anyone actually PAID, and that would be the relevant information for me.

Now I WOULD be actually interested if someone calculated what the actual taxes by different brackets are paid, with loopholes and such. ALL brackets, mind you, not just the rich. But what they give us is just fodder for the righties to crow that we have such "high" taxes on the rich and corporations as a political talking point, it bears little or no resemblance to what is ACTUALLY paid.

Otherwise, "everything you said", NewOld...not that anyone will pay attention to it.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:27 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Well, I didn't reply because this is the first time I've seen it. Don't know where it was hiding- I don't just read the 5 threads on the main page, but also check the Top 100 list for RWED every day.

Beyond that, it shows what we Libs have always known and always said: In America's greatest and best times, Tax rates on the rich were very high. So what would a Lib have to say besides, "We toldja so"? And the wheels started coming off in the early 70's, after Vietnam and Nixon. What could we Libs say about that except "We knew it was his fault."

And of course, right wingers are stuck with their theory about "increasing taxes on Job Creators (rich guys) will keep them from creating new jobs and saving the economy." And they're stuck on "Nixon was not a crook, just mis- understood", and every Democrat since (Carter, Clinton and Obama) has been a doofus, liar, cheat, scumbag, horndog, fraud or Kenyan, and so worse than Ol' Tricky Dick, SO they ain't gonna post on any thread that has cold facts to prove them wrong.

I'm not even going to argue this post NOBC.

I'm just going to say that HERE is your chance to prove your thoughts about this.

This is EVERY Tax Bracket from 1913 until today.

I only did the "decade" thing to peaque interest.

Anybody with the time and drive to truly prove one way or another from one political pole to another during important voting years (even non-presidential years) could find this a treasure-trove of information for their cause.

I was just looking for...... something...........

All the talk on this board and nobody has nothing to say....

It's all laid out right here. History......

Make of it what you will.....

Rethug or Demoncrat....

I think you both got a lot of "splain'in" to do.....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Wednesday, July 18, 2012 2:30 PM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Same as I told the other one;
In order to hate you, I'd have to give a fuck ABOUT you... and I don't.


I don't know who "the other one" is Frem, but we know that's not true.

We've got way to much history for a few drunken posts to get between us.

What's the problem with you anyways? I'm just too old to be saved, or for you to even bother with?

Just fucking wierd to me that you'd turncoat on me in 2 seconds like that without even a warning. Am I really THAT bad?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book






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