US Army psychological operations officer picked as dead patsy at Indian church massacre, eyewitnesses saw 4 lonenut shooters

UPDATED: Monday, August 6, 2012 07:58
VIEWED: 6677
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Monday, August 6, 2012 7:03 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

BTW Indians are NOT Arab Muslims. The dead patsy had "Remember 9/11" tattoo.

Indian father of Emmy award winning director Amardeep Kaleka killed during movie about False Flag alien invasion


"We need to brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way."
-US attorney general Eric Holder, Operation Fast and Furious, CSPAN2

Obama insiders have publicly bragged that they have an ace up their collective sleeves against political enemies-staged mass shootings, bombings and other nasty terror. It is so easy to carry out a false flag and cast yourself as the hero while demonizing your opposition. All you need is a drugged up patsy to take the fall. This new tragedy has all the classic hallmarks of a sloppy false flag and the timing is just what the tyrants ordered.

Sikh Shooting Ties Into DHS ‘Veterans as Terrorists’ Narrative

Lone gunman identified as US Army vet while reports of multiple shooters ignored

The tragic shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, which is now being treated as an act of domestic terrorism by the federal government, is set to be blamed on a US Army veteran, fitting perfectly the narrative pushed by the Department of Homeland Security that veterans are a terror threat on a par with Islamic extremists.

“The gunman who shot six people to death and wounded three others during a rampage at a Sikh temple in a Milwaukee suburb was an Army veteran who may have been a white supremacist, according to a law enforcement source involved in the investigation,” reports CNN.

The man was also described as having a “9/11? tattoo on one arm, indicating to temple member Kanwardeep Singh Kaleka “that there’s some level of hate crime there.”

Of course, Sikhs adhere to a completely different religion than Muslims but that hasn’t stopped them falling victim to a number of racially charged attacks since September 11, 2011.

Despite the fact that a number of different eyewitnesses reported multiple shooters, the narrative of the lone gunman, a disgruntled US Army veteran, has now been fixed. This conveniently dovetails with recent efforts by the feds to demonize returning veterans as potential terrorists, which itself is part of the wider move to smear conservatives as domestic extremists.

The FBI has also gone out of its way to characterize returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as a major domestic terrorist threat. Additionally, Janet Napolitano said she stood by an April 2009 DHS intelligence assessment that listed returning vets as likely domestic terrorists.

Just a month later, the New York Times reported on how Boy Scout Explorers were being trained by the DHS to kill “disgruntled Iraq war veterans” in terrorist drills.

Just as with the James Holmes ‘Batman’ massacre, overwhelming evidence of a wider plot has been immediately brushed aside while authorities and the media work feverishly to massage the narrative behind the SIkh shooting.

Testimony from one eyewitness that four men carried out the attack has been dismissed, despite the fact that his story is corroborated by other victims who told family members that there were “multiple shooters” involved.

In addition, the Chairman of the temple stated that there were a “few suspicious men were seen on Temple premises,” again clearly suggesting the involvement of more than one person.

Such testimony will be suffocated in a blitz of media hype and hand-wringing over the threat posed by veterans, conservatives and gun owners as the federal government further greases the skids for eviscerating Posse Comitatus and re-focusing the weaponry of the war on terror domestically to target adversaries of big government tyranny.

Sikh Temple Massacre: Multiple Shooters and Domestic Terrorism

Get ready for the corporate media to spin the FBI’s characterization of the shooting in Milwaukee as white supremacist domestic terrorism.

“Unnamed officials told NBC News that the suspect had served in the U.S. army, had many tattoos, and held ‘some kind of radical or white supremacist views’ but was not known to be affiliated with any radical group. The suspect had only traffic tickets on his criminal records, the officials told NBC News,” the Daily Beast reported late Sunday.

“Tattoos on the body of the slain Sikh temple gunman and certain biographical details led the FBI to treat the attack at a Milwaukee-area temple as an act of domestic terrorism, officials said Sunday,” the Los Angeles Times said on Sunday afternoon.

“A federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media refused to say whether the gunman was thought to belong to a hate group or some other violent group because the investigation was still unfolding.”

The shooting appears to be the work of an organized team. Despite the police and FBI stating there was only one shooter who was shot dead by police, people at the scene insist there was multiple shooters:

This inconvenient fact will be assigned to the memory hole as the establishment media follows the official narrative now being formulated – the shooter was a white supremacist with telltale racist tattoos who a) belonged to a political group that will be scapegoated and held up as an example of violent rightwing extremism, or b) was a “lone wolf” who followed racist political philosophy (more than likely sharing attributes outlined in the Department of Homeland Security’s “rightwing extremism” document, including the supposed threat by returning veterans).

India plans Mars mission -- Obama, Commies and Rabbi Rockefeller hate competition


"It is necessary secretly - and urgently - to prepare the Terror. What we need is more Red terror. More and more and more. Put more force into the terror!"
—Vladimir Lenin, Jewish Bolshevik Communist dictator of Soviet Russia, letters to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Richard Grenier, The Washington Times, "Vladimir Lenin as Genghis Khan," October 8, 1996; Dr. Texe Marrs, The Power of Prophesy, "Gulag USA: Concentration Camps in America," December 2002; Dr. Texe Marrs PhD, Captain USAF Intelligence, Power of Prophesy, "Legacy of the Illuminati: Revolution of Blood," January 2001)

The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized;
a mode of government by terror or intimidation.
-Webster Dictionary, 1913

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
-Hussein Obama Soetoro

"To all my conspiracy oriented friends on the right who think I'm planning to unleash some secret agenda, you're absolutely right. What’s the difference between a hockey mom and pit bull? A pit bull is delicious. My step-father always told me it's a boy-eat-dog world out there. My father was born in Kenya and I of course was born in Hawaii (wink)."
-Communist Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro, 2012 White House Presstitues Dinner

Operation Gladio false flag terrorist army by all NATO nations

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
–Rabbi David Rockefeller

“Terrorism is the? best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.”
—Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber Rothschild

Just tell yourself it's a Joss Whedon TV show, not a Commie in the White House


Monday, August 6, 2012 7:58 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Did cops respond too fast and kill one of the Pentagon's MKULTRA team after shooting a cop 8 times?

Sikh Temple Shooter Was In Army Psychological Operations

Following the pattern of numerous other mass shooters down the years, the accused gunman behind yesterday’s massacre at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin worked in psychological operations while he was with the U.S. Army.

“A U.S. Army spokeswoman told Yahoo News that Page served from April 1992 until October 1998 as a member of the psychological operations unit. He was never deployed, but won numerous medals, including two for good conduct and one for humanitarian service. Wade received basic training in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, moved to Fort Bliss in Texas and finished at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.”

40-year-old Wade Michael Page’s involvement with psychological operations bears similarities to accused Colorado shooter James Holmes, who was treated by University of Colorado psychiatrist Dr. Lynne Fenton, a former U.S. Air Force doctor.

Questions have been asked about what drugs were prescribed to Holmes given that psychiatric drugs like Ritalin, Paxil, Zoloft, and Prozac have been proven to induce violent tendencies in a minority of people.

Indeed, virtually all of the most well known mass shooting cases over the last 20 years were carried out by individuals who had been prescribed SSRI drugs by psychiatrists, with several of them connected to the U.S. military-industrial complex.

Other domestic terrorists like Timothy McVeigh were also intricately involved in clandestine Army operations and visited by psychiatrists connected to the U.S. Army.

Page’s involvement with Army psychological operations, added to reports of multiple shooters being responsible for the massacre, suggests that the incident could have been some kind of drill of which Page’s role only comprised one part.

Testimony from one eyewitness that four men carried out the attack has been dismissed, despite the fact that his story is corroborated by other victims who told family members that there were “multiple shooters” involved.

In addition, the Chairman of the temple stated that there were a “few suspicious men were seen on Temple premises,” again clearly suggesting the involvement of more than one person.

Sikh Shooter a Former Psyop Soldier Linked to FBI’s National Alliance and jewish Southern Powerty Law Center

The alleged shooter in the Wisconsin Sikh shooting is a former soldier who worked in military psychological operations, according to the corporate media.

CBS News reports that Page enlisted in the Army in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998. He was last stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in the psychological operations unit.

Psyops are not confined to the military and usually span a number agencies, including the CIA, DIA, NSC, NSA, and SAIC.

In 2002, the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon defined psychological operations as “integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own. Also called IO.” (emphasis added) (see Joint Publication 1-02: Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms).

Since the alleged shooter, Wade Michael Page, is now characterized as a white supremacist, the Southern Poverty Law Center is leading the information campaign to portray him as a racist skinhead. In addition to fronting a “hate rock band,” the Southern Poverty Law Center “has found that Page also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group,” according to SPLC propaganda minister Mark Potok.

The National Alliance, like most white supremacist groups, is controlled by the FBI.

In 2007, its supposed leader, Green Beret David Kellerman, said he worked for the FBI. During a trial on weapons charges, Kellerman “said he went to work for the FBI with orders to infiltrate the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group, in 2000 and relay intelligence. The group’s founder wrote a book that is widely believed to have inspired the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing,” the Miami Herald reported.

Is it possible the SPLC is somehow connected to the latest shooting? In 2005, court papers revealed that the supposed anti-racist organization ran an “informant” (informant and agent provocateur are often interchangeable) at Elohim City prior to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995.

“The potentially explosive contents of the teletype, among other things, exposed for the first time an informant operation being conducted by nationally known civil rights lawyer Morris Dees through his organization the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC),” J. D. Cash wrote for the McCurtain Daily Gazette in October of 2005.

In some detail the FBI acknowledged the SPLC was engaged in an undercover role where it monitored subjects for the FBI believed to be linked to executed bomber Timothy McVeigh, the white supremacist compound at Elohim City and the mysterious German national Andreas Carl Strassmeir.

Strassmeir was a German intelligence officer and the leader of the Aryan Republican Army at Elohim City, Robert Millar, worked closely with the FBI. “Founder Millar repeatedly shared information with law enforcement officials. During a June 31, 1997 court proceeding, FBI Senior Agent Peter Rickel testified Millar was in regular contact with the agency in the years before the bombing,” writes Jim Redden in his book, Snitch Culture.

As we noted in the case of the 1st SS Kavallerie Brigade Motorcycle Division bust in July, the FBI controls the virtually all white supremacist groups.

It came out during the trail of reputed racist Hal Turner that he was a “National Security Intelligence” asset working for the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. His code name was “Valhalla” and “he received thousands of dollars from the FBI to report on such groups as the Aryan Nations and the white supremacist National Alliance, and even a member of the Blue Eyed Devils skinhead punk band,” according to The Record.

The FBI has run racist and white supremacist groups since the 1960s. Under COINTELPRO, the FBI “subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Ku Klux Klan and other right-wing groups,” Brian Glick writes. Racist groups were used to create a strategy of tension by attacking groups on the so-called left, including anti-war, Chicano and Puerto Rican activists and nationalists.

It now appears the government has taken its psyop to the next level. Instead of merely concentrating on small time busts and demonizing “rightwing extremists” for propaganda purposes in a complaint corporate media, they have decided to add the racist “white power” angle to the domestic terrorism narrative.






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