So is this where we're up to with Benghazi?

UPDATED: Thursday, November 29, 2012 02:33
VIEWED: 2106
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:10 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


There were two attacks in Benghazi that night. The first was a spontaneous response to the anti-Islamic film that had caused similar protests in Cairo and elsewhere. That is important: there would have been no terrorist attack if the film hadn’t provided the opportunity for mayhem. Most of the protesters were members of local salafist militias, who quickly realized that the security at the consulate was nearly nonexistent. They organized a second attack with heavier weapons, including mortars. And so we have four essential facts that do not contradict one another:

1. the attack was a spontaneous reaction to the film

2. it was followed by an organized attack.

3. both attacks were populated and organized by terrorist militias, with loose ties to Al-Qaeda.

4. security at the consulate was inadequate

Read more:

This all sounds pretty discouraging for the scandal-mongers.


Thursday, November 22, 2012 2:53 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by kpo:
There were two attacks in Benghazi that night.

It'd be nice if he showed how he came to this conclusion. There's a lot of doubt that there was ever a protest. Even the Obama administration now claims it was a planned terrorist attack, not a spontaneous event.

Also seems that investigation of the attack is moving very slowly, if at all.


Little sign of Libyan probe into consulate attack

BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) - After more than two months, Libya's investigation into the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi appears in limbo. Key security commanders and witnesses say they were never questioned. No suspects have been named, and gunmen seen participating in the assault walk freely in the eastern Libyan city.

Hanging over the probe is a fear of reprisals from extremist militiamen. Farag al-Fazani, a young commander of a Libyan security force commissioned to protect the U.S. post at the time of the Sept. 11 attack, says he sees militants he recognizes from that chaotic night.

They recognize him too.

"I get death threats by phone (saying) you are an infidel and spilling your blood is permitted," said al-Fazani. "No one can protect me. I see them and they know me."

The dangers in the city are clear. On Wednesday, the head of one of the city's security agencies, National Security chief Col. Farag el-Dersi, was shot to death by three attackers as he headed home from work. It is the latest in a string of killings of officials with no word on who is behind them, though there is no indication they are connected to the investigation.

U.S. and Libyan leaders have sworn to hunt down those who carried out the Sept. 11 assault, in which gunmen blasted their way into the consulate compound after nightfall and killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. Most officials and witnesses have blamed fighters from Ansar al-Shariah, an Islamic extremist militia in the city. But much remains unexplained _ including what was the attack's motive, why did Libyan security pull back from the consulate and even what time the attack started, much less the bigger questions of whether outside terror groups like al-Qaida had a hand.

The FBI, which sent a team to Tripoli immediately after the attack to work with Libyan investigators, has said nothing about its findings so far. At FBI headquarters in Washington, spokesman Michael Kortan on Wednesday declined to comment on the Libyan's conduct of the probe.

At United Nations headquarters in New York, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice told reporters, "You know the FBI and the State Department's Accountability Review Board are conducting investigations as we speak. And they will look into all aspects of this heinous terrorist attack, to provide what will become the definitive accounting of what occurred."

"None of us will rest, none of us will be satisfied until we have the answers, and the terrorists responsible for this attack are brought to justice," she said.

From the Libyan side, there has been little sign of an investigation.

Numerous senior security officials in the city approached by The Associated Press knew nothing about the probe, and none said they had been questioned by investigators. The commander of Joint Operation Room who oversaw the security forces' reaction during the attack said he sent a report to the ruling General National Congress but received no feedback and had not been contacted by investigators.


Thursday, November 22, 2012 3:02 AM


America loves a winner!

Intelligence Director James Clapper Alters Benghazi Story from Earlier Sworn Testimony on al Qaeda

CBS News

(CBS News) WASHINGTON - CBS News has learned that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) cut specific references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack - with the agreement of the CIA and FBI. The White House or State Department did not make those changes.

There has been considerable discussion about who made the changes to the talking points that Rice stuck to in her television appearances on Sept. 16 (video), five days after the attack that killed American Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, and three other U.S. nationals.

Republicans have accused her of making misleading statements by referring to the assault as a "spontaneous" demonstration by extremists. Some have suggested she used the terminology she did for political reasons.

...The head of the DNI is James Clapper, an Obama appointee. He ultimately did review the points, before they were given to Ambassador Rice and members of the House intelligence committee on Sept. 14. They were compiled the day before.

"The statement released Monday evening by the DNI's spokesman regarding how the Intelligence Community's talking points were changed gives a new explanation that differs significantly from information provided in testimony to the Committee last week," House Intelligence Committee spokeswoman Susan Phalen told CBS News. "Chairman Rogers looks forward to discussing this new explanation with Director Clapper as soon as possible to understand how the DNI reached this conclusion and why leaders of the Intelligence Community testified late last week that they were unaware of who changed the talking points."

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, November 22, 2012 3:24 AM


I really think this story is played out. It appears that Obama has successfully rendered it moot in terms of any sort of conspiracy to cover it up. Mistakes were made, people died...oh gasp...ever hear of Iraq? Romney and Republicans chose not to talk about it for two months, so it seems like schoolyard sour grapes to try to make a big deal out of it now. Petraeus ultimately lived up to Move On's moniker of Betray Us, and he has so muddied the waters of truth, that there's no where else to go with it. It also kind of sickens me to see John McCain flailing around on this thing with Susan Rice. He just comes off as an angry old man trying to return soup in a deli...(apologies to Larry David).

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Thursday, November 22, 2012 3:45 AM


America loves a winner!

So Jongs, you're just going to fall in line w/ the MSM , who wants to completely ignore the whole part where an Obama appointee chose to remove the actual reason for the attack in the first place, and instead give Ms Rice the talking points of a video, for no real reason, what so ever ?

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, November 22, 2012 4:45 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
Intelligence Director James Clapper Alters Benghazi Story from Earlier Sworn Testimony on al Qaeda

CBS News

(CBS News) WASHINGTON - CBS News has learned that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) cut specific references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack - with the agreement of the CIA and FBI. The White House or State Department did not make those changes.

Highlighted the most overlooked part.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:17 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
So Jongs, you're just going to fall in line w/ the MSM , who wants to completely ignore the whole part where an Obama appointee chose to remove the actual reason for the attack in the first place, and instead give Ms Rice the talking points of a video, for no real reason, what so ever ?

I believe that a continued battle would be a waste of time. Petraeus testified and the result was just more confusion and more partisan interpretation of events. It'll be the same when Hillary testifies in December.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:16 PM



But, as unwarranted and invasive as this all is, there is some sweet justice in having the stars of America's national security state destroyed by the very surveillance system which they implemented and over which they preside. As Trevor Timm of the Electronic Frontier Foundation put it this morning: "Who knew the key to stopping the Surveillance State was to just wait until it got so big that it ate itself?"

It is usually the case that abuses of state power become a source for concern and opposition only when they begin to subsume the elites who are responsible for those abuses. Recall how former Democratic Rep. Jane Harman - one of the most outspoken defenders of the illegal Bush National Security Agency (NSA) warrantless eavesdropping program - suddenly began sounding like an irate, life-long ACLU privacy activist when it was revealed that the NSA had eavesdropped on her private communications with a suspected Israeli agent over alleged attempts to intervene on behalf of AIPAC officials accused of espionage. Overnight, one of the Surveillance State's chief assets, the former ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, transformed into a vocal privacy proponent because now it was her activities, rather than those of powerless citizens, which were invaded.

With the private, intimate activities of America's most revered military and intelligence officials being smeared all over newspapers and televisions for no good reason, perhaps similar conversions are possible. Put another way, having the career of the beloved CIA Director and the commanding general in Afghanistan instantly destroyed due to highly invasive and unwarranted electronic surveillance is almost enough to make one believe not only that there is a god, but that he is an ardent civil libertarian.

As I continue to maintain, in the end, the bastards of the world will hand us the very means of their destruction on a silver platter.



Thursday, November 22, 2012 6:49 PM


And those bastards will be replaced with new bastards. Wheel never stops turning.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Friday, November 23, 2012 4:41 AM


America loves a winner!

Somehow, I just knew the fact that an Obama appointee was the one who made this call would be overlooked by the usual suspects.

I wonder if I'm psychic.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, November 23, 2012 6:20 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
And those bastards will be replaced with new bastards. Wheel never stops turning.

I disagree, a big part of my intentions is to wreck the social and political structures which create such bastards in the first place, which strip empathy and humanity away from our children in the name of raising them, and while lookin at it in the here-and-now it seems a struggle, looking back down the past twenty years or so we've made amazing strides on it.

See, that was Robespierres mistake, every time he cleaned house, ya just got more bastards, as you say - he kept treating the symptoms instead of the root cause, which can be helpful and satisfying, but doesn't never address the underlying problem, which is the creating of people so mentally and emotionally screwed up they're capable of such things.

Doubly ironic that ole Robespierre wound up one of those bastards himself, becoming in the end the very thing he strived against cause his ambition blinded him....
It's prolly a good thing that I am such a slacker, then.



Friday, November 23, 2012 7:52 AM



Originally posted by FREMDFIRMA:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
And those bastards will be replaced with new bastards. Wheel never stops turning.

I disagree, a big part of my intentions is to wreck the social and political structures which create such bastards in the first place, which strip empathy and humanity away from our children in the name of raising them, and while lookin at it in the here-and-now it seems a struggle, looking back down the past twenty years or so we've made amazing strides on it.

See, that was Robespierres mistake, every time he cleaned house, ya just got more bastards, as you say - he kept treating the symptoms instead of the root cause, which can be helpful and satisfying, but doesn't never address the underlying problem, which is the creating of people so mentally and emotionally screwed up they're capable of such things.

Doubly ironic that ole Robespierre wound up one of those bastards himself, becoming in the end the very thing he strived against cause his ambition blinded him....
It's prolly a good thing that I am such a slacker, then.


I can picture you as more in the Danton mold. "Danton voted for the death of Louis XVI in January 1793. After the execution had been carried out, he thundered "The kings of Europe would dare challenge us? We throw them the head of a king!" Danton had a conspicuous share in the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, which on the one hand took the weapons away from the disorderly popular vengeance of the September Massacres, but which would become the instrument of the institutionalized Terror."

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."

Benjamin Franklin


Sunday, November 25, 2012 8:04 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

This is how I reckon it:
The whole thing went down, Obama made the wrong choice when asked what to do, or not do. To cover up his oops someone greatly exaggerated the response to the movie protest (it was a lame youtube movie that some guys made in their basement for goodness sake, I doubt that many people had actually seen it, though I'm sure their numbers are pretty high now since it was talked about after the incident). I guess theoretically it could have been a crime of oppertunity, but I don't think it was.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Monday, November 26, 2012 5:52 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I believe that a continued battle would be a waste of time. Petraeus testified and the result was just more confusion and more partisan interpretation of events. It'll be the same when Hillary testifies in December.

Thank you for your rational reaction, Jongs; I agree. The whole thing is a tempest in a teapot, in the end, compared to other happenings. As you said, mistakes were made, and the only reason it's been given the attention it has is that it's become a political football, as have so many. I wish the MSM would move on, already, instead of repeatedly hashing it out again and again. It's just tiring, and there are so many more important things happening in the country, and especially around the world, that the focus on this one thing makes us look foolish. "{P}artisan interpretation of events", and partisan use of events to create controversy, is about it.

Same with the Petraeus "scandal", in fact moreso, given it's about several foolish people and a waste of tax dollars on an investigation that never should have taken place. So the man had an affair; how many do every day, even in high places? I don't think the man should have lost his job unless he actually did something wrong RELATED to his job.

It is the way it is because of politics, and as you said, the wheel keeps on turning. Wait for the next "scandal"...

ETA: I loved "It also kind of sickens me to see John McCain flailing around on this thing with Susan Rice. He just comes off as an angry old man trying to return soup in a deli". I feel the same--and I see he's backtracking (somewhat) now--it's been awfully sad to see him become such a pathetic old man, leaping just as far as he can to score points against Obama. His continued anger over losing the election has warped him, and the McCain I used to respect is long gone, never to return I fear.

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 6:56 AM


America loves a winner!

Susan Rice's meeting w/ GOP leaders didn't exactly go over too well. If anything, it made matters worse.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:33 AM



Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.
A warning to everyone, AURaptor is a known liar.
...and now a Fundie!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:37 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

And of what " reality" do you speak ?

How Susan Rice, instead of merely , honestly, admitting that she wasn't sure as to the specifics of the attack, chose instead to promote a lie, about a video , which no one had seen, while it had been on youtube for several weeks, prior to 9/11 ?

Please, elaborate, and tell us what you're talking about.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 9:15 AM



Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

I do not fear God, I fear the ignorance of man.
A warning to everyone, AURaptor is a known liar.
...and now a Fundie!

It's pretty funny watching them flail about when they've decided something is the next big scandal - and everyone ignores them.

Anyone see Pulitzer-prize winner Tom Ricks' interview on Fox the other night? He didn't give them the answer they wanted, so they killed the interview.


Fox: When you have four people dead including the first US ambassador in more than 30 years, how do you call that hype?

Ricks: How many security contractors died in Iraq, do you know?

Fox: I don't.

Ricks: No, nobody does, because nobody cared. We know that several hundred died, but there was never an official count done, of security contractors dead in Iraq. So when I see this focus on what was essentially a small fire fight, I think number one, I've covered a lot of fire fights, it's impossible to figure out what happens in them sometimes. And second, I think that the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political partly because Fox was operating as a wing of the Republican party.

Fox: All right. Tom Ricks, thanks very much for joining us today.

Ricks: You're welcome.

Now they're claiming that Ricks appologized to them afterward - something Ricks says never happened.

"Fair & Balanced." What a joke.

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:08 AM


I've stayed out of this thread, waiting for some facts to come down.

But, a couple of points:

1. seems I remember when the R's were claiming that Obama wasn't standing up for the filmmakers' freedom of speech, and was apologizing to Muslim baddies for American freedom.

2. Seems like the R's got raped at the polls, and they're now trying to reclaim their manhood by attacking Susan Rice. They aren't gonna stop until they "save face" by getting a victory over SOMEBODY, ANYBODY.

3. Just found out the other day that Susan Rice is a BLACK woman. I hadn't followed the story that closely. The OLD WHITE GUYS that run the Republican party AREN'T picking on her because of racism. Of course they're not.

4. I heard about that poll the other day. A majority of the American people think this is over and done.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 7:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You pretty much nailed it, NewOld. I caught the FauxNews thing, too, and giggled...they just can't handle opposing viewpoints, poor babies--hell, their audience might actually LISTEN to the opposing viewpoint, so gawd forbid they should let them HEAR it!

There are a few, however, who recognize this for what it is--even on the right!

Former Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman on Monday urged lawmakers, including those in his own party, to temper their criticism of the administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Huntsman, who served as U.S. ambassador to China under President Barack Obama, said that it would have been nearly impossible for authorities to instantly obtain accurate intelligence about who was responsible for the September attack, which resulted in the death of four officials. Because of that, he said, recent criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for not immediately declaring the attack an act of terror was either politically motivated or misplaced.More at]
Knew I liked that guy! If the GOP hadn't been so desperately wedded to their fringe right, I wonder...

Then there's Joe Liebermann, who said her answers to the questions satisfied him just fine:

But independent Sen. Joe Lieberman also met with Rice today, and he said he was satisfied with her explanation of events.

SEN. JOSEPH LIEBERMAN, I-Conn.: I found her statements to be significant. She was just as clear and absolute as she could be that she based her testimony and her statements on Sunday morning television on the talking points that she got from the intelligence community.]

A Republican senator on Wednesday praised U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice during an interview on CNN, saying Rice is a “very smart, very intelligent woman” and that she shouldn’t be held responsible for the misleading information she presented on the Benghazi terror attacks during her Sept. 16 Sunday show appearances.

Because of the dust-up, McCain called Rice “not very bright” and a group of House Republicans called her “incompetent.”

But Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) doesn’t believe that to be the case. While Isakson told CNN’s Soledad O’Brien this morning that the administration needs to answer questions about what happened in Benghazi, he added, referring to Rice, “what you don’t want to do is shoot the messenger.” Rice “is a very smart, very intelligent woman. I know this Ms. Rice, I think she’s done a good job as Ambassador to the U.N.,” Isakson saidMore at
It's a political hack job and everyone knows it. It's only SOME Republicans' attempts to make a mountain out of a molehill. If they had problems, it should be with those who actually made the mistakes. The fact that they don't actually give a shit about having their "questions" answered was made patently clear by McCain skipping the meeting to instead appear on TV:

Most of the Republican members of a Senate committee investigating the terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, skipped a classified briefing by administration officials on the incident Wednesday, CNN has learned.

The missing lawmakers included Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who at the time of the top-secret briefing held a press conference in the Capitol to call for the creation of a Watergate-type special Congressional committee to investigate how and why the attack took place.

When CNN approached McCain in a Capitol hallway Thursday morning, the senator refused to comment about why he missed the briefing, which was conducted by top diplomatic, military and counter-terrorism officials. Instead, McCain got testy when pressed to say why he wasn't there.

"I have no comment about my schedule and I'm not going to comment on how I spend my time to the media," McCain said.

Asked why he wouldn't comment, McCain grew agitated: "Because I have the right as a senator to have no comment and who the hell are you to tell me I can or not?”

When CNN noted that McCain had missed a key meeting on a subject the senator has been intensely upset about, McCain said, "I'm upset that you keep badgering me."

While McCain refused to shed light on why he didn't show, his spokesman Brian Rogers emailed CNN a short time later with an explanation. He blamed it on a "scheduling error" but wouldn't provide any more detail.

....the two hour briefing that ran from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. McCain's press conference took place at noon.
If one were drawn to conspiracy theories, one might wonder why they want to focus on Susan Rice and her appearance on TV, rather than the actual issues...

It is rumored that President Obama plans to nominate U.N. ambassador Susan Rice as Hillary Clinton's successor as Secretary of State. Since there is a history of black women named Rice running the State Dept., you might think her confirmation would be a formality. No way. Senate Republicans are talking about a comment she made shortly after Ambassador Stevens was killed in Libya and acting like she is a new Benedict Arnold. They are openly praising Sen. John Kerry to the moon as a better appointee. Apparently he improved drastically since 2004, since he wasn't getting many kudos from them then. What they really mean, of course, is "We don't give a hoot who the Secretary of State is, but we would sure like a special election for a Senate seat in Massachusetts since we think Scott Brown could win it." But saying this out loud is considered gauche in Senate circles.

That is, of course, IF one were given to conspiracy theories and wondered why the right is making SUCH a fuss over Rice as possible Sec. of know, saying their questions hadn't been answered to the press while skipping the meeting to answer their questions...and focusing on an ambassador's remarks GIVEN TO HER as what to say to the press...

Tit for tat got us where we are today. If we want to be grownups, we need to resist the ugliness. If we each did, this would be a better reflection on Firefly and a more welcome place. I will try.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 8:58 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

And of what " reality" do you speak ?

How Susan Rice, instead of merely , honestly, admitting that she wasn't sure as to the specifics of the attack, chose instead to promote a lie, about a video , which no one had seen, while it had been on youtube for several weeks, prior to 9/11 ?

As Geezer keeps pointing out, it's not a lie if SHE believed it when she said it.

As to the idea that "no one had seen" the video in question, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo would disagree, since it was the seen of some serious protests the exact same day.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 9:21 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

As Geezer keeps pointing out, it's not a lie if SHE believed it when she said it.

Not just Geezer. That's long been rappyboy's rationalization of Bush's lies.

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:37 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:

They are openly praising Sen. John Kerry to the moon as a better appointee. Apparently he improved drastically since 2004, since he wasn't getting many kudos from them then. What they really mean, of course, is "We don't give a hoot who the Secretary of State is, but we would sure like a special election for a Senate seat in Massachusetts since we think Scott Brown could win it."

3rd party quote-- those weren't Niki's words, just for proper attribution.
I just saw that one over on myself and was gonna post on it.

Seems I also remember when John Kerry-- John Kerry!-- was a traitor, a commie, Jane Fonda's lover, a guy who risked the lives of his crew for his own glory, self-wounded himself at least once, made up EVERYTHING he ever did in Vietnam, including shooting surrendering prisoners, insulted the entire nation by throwing his medals over the White House fence, I can't remember what else the Swift Boaters accused him of. Not to mention ugly and funny-looking... and marrying a Ketchup heiress for her money.

And even if Scott Brown can't win that seat, that's 1 less Democratic vote in the Senate. But even the Republicans couldn't be THAT crassly calculating. Of course they couldn't...


Wednesday, November 28, 2012 4:48 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

And of what " reality" do you speak ?

How Susan Rice, instead of merely , honestly, admitting that she wasn't sure as to the specifics of the attack, chose instead to promote a lie, about a video , which no one had seen, while it had been on youtube for several weeks, prior to 9/11 ?

As Geezer keeps pointing out, it's not a lie if SHE believed it when she said it.

As to the idea that "no one had seen" the video in question, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo would disagree, since it was the seen of some serious protests the exact same day.

2nd part first.. the "exact same day", that day being.. Sept. 11th ?

As for Susan Rice, I think she did what she was told. ( And was sent out, as a sacrificial lamb, instead of Hillary, for exactly that reason )

While it may not be a 'lie', it still shows great incompetence, not only on her part, but in the part of those who KNOWINGLY supplied her w/ suspect intel.

If we weren't certain on the details, then don't speculate. That's pretty SOP for just about any intel issue, or investigation. But that's exactly what happened.

Why? I think it's self evident why.

The Admin needed a diversion, to track the story off of what was happening, which would ruin the 'Arab Spring! - Everyone LOVES us now ! ' scenario ', and they sent out the UN amb, instead of Hillary, because they KNEW that anyone who took issue w/ Susan Rice could easily be dismissed as being a 'racist' or 'anti-woman', and that's exactly the card which the WH dealt, as soon as it became clear that their story was full of hokum.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, November 29, 2012 2:33 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by m52nickerson:
Well the rigth does get upset when reality slams them in the face.

And of what " reality" do you speak ?

How Susan Rice, instead of merely , honestly, admitting that she wasn't sure as to the specifics of the attack, chose instead to promote a lie, about a video , which no one had seen, while it had been on youtube for several weeks, prior to 9/11 ?

As Geezer keeps pointing out, it's not a lie if SHE believed it when she said it.

As to the idea that "no one had seen" the video in question, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo would disagree, since it was the seen of some serious protests the exact same day.

2nd part first.. the "exact same day", that day being.. Sept. 11th ?

As for Susan Rice, I think she did what she was told. ( And was sent out, as a sacrificial lamb, instead of Hillary, for exactly that reason )

While it may not be a 'lie', it still shows great incompetence, not only on her part, but in the part of those who KNOWINGLY supplied her w/ suspect intel.

If we weren't certain on the details, then don't speculate. That's pretty SOP for just about any intel issue, or investigation. But that's exactly what happened.

Why? I think it's self evident why.

The Admin needed a diversion, to track the story off of what was happening, which would ruin the 'Arab Spring! - Everyone LOVES us now ! ' scenario ', and they sent out the UN amb, instead of Hillary, because they KNEW that anyone who took issue w/ Susan Rice could easily be dismissed as being a 'racist' or 'anti-woman', and that's exactly the card which the WH dealt, as soon as it became clear that their story was full of hokum.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

Did they learn how to do this from Colin Powell? With a very few changes, you've just described to a tee what happened with him going to the UN with all those phony photos of mobile bio-weapons labs.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I was wrong" - Hero, 2012

Mitt Romney, introducing his running mate: "Join me in welcoming the next President of the United States, Paul Ryan!"

Rappy's response? "You're lying, gullible ( believing in some BS you heard on msnbc ) or hard of hearing."






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