Columbia Space Shuttle Crew Not Told of Impending Doom by Explosion on Reentry

UPDATED: Saturday, February 2, 2013 21:53
VIEWED: 1803
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Saturday, February 2, 2013 6:22 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

No wonder NASA ended its manned space program!


"After one of the MMTs (Mission Management Team) when possible damage to the orbiter was discussed, he (Flight Director Jon Harpold) gave me his opinion: 'You know, there is nothing we can do about damage to the TPS (Thermal Protection System). If it has been damaged it's probably better not to know. I think the crew would rather not know. Don't you think it would be better for them to have a happy successful flight and die unexpectedly during entry than to stay on orbit, knowing that there was nothing to be done, until the air ran out?"

With an attitude like that, no wonder NASA walked on the Moon. LOL


Buzz Aldrin makes Masonic LIONS PAW sign to keep The Secret under penalty of death

"This kind of tension that I felt simmered for the next few weeks but it never has been able to surface. We were to become public-relations men for space exploration, in a sense, merely 'salesmen'. The word made me terribly uncomfortable and self-conscious when it was first used. What a surprise. The people who lined the streets were polite but not at all enthusiastic. I felt all six of us were fakes and fools for allowing ourselves to be convinced by some strange concept of duty to be sent on the mission. My intellect was not separated by the jagged and dangerous wall of my emotions. The rule of my emotions was absolute and ruthless. I yearn for a brightly lit oblivion and I wept for it. Should anyone discover that I was in the hospital for nervous problems the explanation was going to be that I was treated for a 'neck' problem. The other problem, if at all possible, was to be kept secret. The last two years of my life, from the time I left the lunar quarantine quarters until I enter Wilford Hall (the mental hospital at U.S. Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas) were characterized by depression which depended, then temporary optimism, and then I'd sink to a new low. My life is unreal. It was incredulous. She had really believed al lthat crap she read about me, about her, and about all of us. Suddenly ll my life tingled with a crazy unreality. When I began this book I wanted it to be as honest as possible. I looked great -- there was only one problem -- I believed my competence to be rooted in reality. Early in June an event was scheduled that we regarded as a new beginning for us, and we looked forward to it. I wanted to be my very best. The occasion was a big meeting at the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. They invited members of the society of test pilots, and I was supposed to be the guest speaker. What intrigued me most was I couldn't give a speech! Instead, Roy Neil, the NBC newscaster, would interview me in an 'informal way'. The afternoon of the banquet I went to Roy's motel, and said, 'Do you want to go over any questions with me?' And he said they would be easy to answer and there would be no preparations, that wasn't necessary. As banquets go it was a large one, the base commander -- General and Mrs White -- were there. I was more apprehensive as time went on. The first question that Roy Neal asked me was, 'Now that two years have gone by, why not tell how it REALLY felt to be on the Moon?' Now if there was any one question that was anathema to me, that was it. Roy, I suppose, felt he had no choice. Yet it had always been impossible for me to answer that question with any decent response. My throat went dry, I became dizzy, I carefully picked my way through with a reply, thinking that al lthe test pilots in the audience were going to burst out with laughter. I remember little more of that interview. When it was over, I stepped down and stood before the Chamber of Commerce where wives were waiting for autographs, I signed a few, then I began to shake uncontrollably. I grabbed Joan and ran for the door. In the privacy of an alley near the auditorium, I choked my emotions, I wept. when I composed myself, I was inconsolable. I judged myself too harshly and I got drunk."
-Colonel Buzz Aldrin USAF, from his autobiography, "Return To The Earth" (quoted in NASA Apollo Rockedyne engineer Bill Kaysing's book "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle")

LIONS PAW sign in Freemasonry

The sign of the Fellow Craft alludes to the penalty of the Fellow Craft obligation. The sign is made by cupping the right hand over the left breast, drawing it quickly across the body, then dropping the hand to the side. The penalty that the sign alludes to is "having my left breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given to the wild beasts of the field and the fowls of the air." Explanation of the Fellow Craft sign: The action of cupping one hand over the left breast and drawing it quickly across the body signifies the heart being ripped out if the candidate should violate his Fellow Craft obligation.

Mars astronauts should never return to Earth, says Buzz Aldrin

Col Buzz Aldrin of Apollo 11 with Josh Poet, singer of the
Hollywood award winning music video WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON
directed by Pirate News


Saturday, February 2, 2013 9:53 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

My next-door neighbor in living next door to Ted Bundy, except Bundy killed 24,975 less people in his underground lair.


"About Wernher von Braun being a Nazi -- which is not necessarily true -– he worked for the Nazis, but we don’t know he was a Nazi himself."
-Dr Phil "Bad Astronomer" Plait PhD, employee of NASA's GLAST Gamma Ray Space Telescope

Von Braun: Remembering the Nazi scientist who built NASA

"Yes, I was a member of the Nazi party and the SS. I would appreciate it if you would treat this as confidential ... for the sake of NASA.”
-Wernher von Braun, FBI file

"Dr. Werhner von Braun was subject of investigations conducted by the FBI in 1948 and 1961. Information was developed that he received an honorary SS Commission as a Lieutenant and had been a member of the Nazi Party."
-John Ehrlichman, White House Counsel to President Nixon

Project Paperclip

25,000 slaves genocided in Von Braun's underground Nazi lair

"The Moon is a bright gamma-ray source. The Moon is brighter than the Sun in gamma rays. The Moon is exposed to cosmic rays and solar flares. When cosmic rays hit the ground, they produce a dangerous spray of secondary particles right at your feet, and trigger little nuclear reactions that release more radiation in the form of neutrons. The lunar surface itself is radioactive!"
-Dr Robert Naeye PhD, NASA GLAST Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope, "Solar System: Sun, Moon, and Earth", 23 Aug 2007

"No manned spacecraft now exists that can withstand the radiation from the Van Allen belts, through which a craft must traverse to make it to the Moon."
-SpaceCast News Service, March 9, 1998

Yeah, NASA cared so much about Apollo astronots it killed 11 of them durign Apollo, not counting salughtered ground crew and family members.






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