Obama says only Cannibal Cops can have guns, Cannibal Cop convicted and fired same day

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:41
VIEWED: 11961
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Monday, February 25, 2013 8:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Welcome to billionaire jew mayor Bloomberg's Cannibal Cop And Pedophile Rabbi Victim Disaramament Zone

NY wife: Officer wanted to kill me, eat others


NEW YORK (AP) — The estranged wife of a police officer struggled to keep her composure Monday as she testified about discovering shocking online chats and other evidence on his computer showing he had discussed killing her and abducting, torturing and eating other women.

"I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit, and they would have fun watching the blood gush out of me because I was young," Kathleen Mangan-Valle told a Manhattan jury that one chat revealed.

Kathleen Mangan Valle, the wife of 'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle, is driven out of Manhattan Federal Court on Monday

Mangan-Valle, 27, also read about plans to put one friend in a suitcase, wheel her out of her building and murder her. Two other women were "going to be raped in front of each other to heighten their fears," while another was going to be roasted alive over an open fire, she said.

"The suffering was for his enjoyment, and he wanted to make it last as long as possible," she said.

WHAT TRAFFIC COPS WATCH ON THEIR COMPUTERS: You know you're going to jail when your own lawyer presents this photo to prove how "normal" you are...


Lawyers for 'cannibal cop' want to show potential jurors shocking image of woman hogtied

Lawyers for an accused cannibal cop want this woman served on a platter . . . for potential jurors.

The twisted photo of the hogtied, nude blonde — lying prone on a serving tray, with an apple stuck in her mouth — is among three shocking images that the defense wants to show would-be panelists for the upcoming trial of Gilberto Valle.

Another pic submitted by lawyers for the deviant cop shows a buxom brunette who is bound, gagged and tied to a spit over an open fire in a wooded clearing.

Off to the side, a man who is shielding his face from the camera appears to be turning the naked woman over the flames.

The third is a cartoon of a nude woman partly submerged inside a clear, bubbling pot of vegetables atop a stove being tended by a mustachioed cook wearing an apron and hunting cap.

“Well Karyn you seem to be cooking up quite nicely . . . Your guests are going to get a very special dinner tonight,” the chef says in a dialogue balloon.

The cartoon woman’s face is obscured by a hot-pink rectangle — because Valle or someone else superimposed the face “of a real victim,” prosecutors alleged in court earlier this week.

The disturbing pics were submitted by Valle’s lawyers as part of a proposed jury questionnaire to help screen out people too squeamish to deal with the testimony and evidence at his upcoming trial.

The defense says potential jurors need to be “especially vetted,” in part because “at trial Mr. Valle will acknowledge that he has unusual, sexual fantasies which involve imagined acts of violence against women — a fetish that will be difficult for most jurors to comprehend.”

According to court papers, the images were given to the defense by prosecutors — after investigators seized them from Valle’s computer following his arrest last year for allegedly scheming online to kidnap, rape, torture, cook and eat women.

They were initially filed under seal, but were made public yesterday after a legal challenge by The Post.

”Because of this prosecution, Mr. Valle has been subjected to a level of embarrassment and mortification that is impossible to articulate,” public defender Julia Gatto wrote Manhattan federal Judge Paul Gardephe, in petitioning for details of a psychological exam to remain sealed.

Mangan-Valle broke down in tears several times, but the emotional peak of the day came when a defense attorney showed her pictures of Officer Gilberto Valle in uniform feeding their newborn daughter, prompting her and Valle to openly weep as the judge sent the jury away for an afternoon break.

Cannibal Cop with his next meal?

The drama came on the first day of testimony at the closely watched trial of the 28-year-old Valle, a baby-faced defendant dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" by city tabloids.

Valle is accused of conspiracy to kidnap a woman and unauthorized use of a law enforcement database that prosecutors say he used to help build a list of potential targets. A conviction on the kidnapping count carries a possible life sentence.

The officer has claimed his online discussions of cannibalism were harmless fetish fantasies. But in opening statements Monday, a prosecutor said "very real women" were put in jeopardy.

Cannibal Cop on his lunch break

"Make no mistake," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Randall Jackson. "Gilbert Valle was very serious about these plans."

Defense attorney Julia Gatto argued that her client "never intended to kidnap anyone." She added: "You can't convict people for their thoughts, even if they're sick."

A college graduate and New York Police Department patrolman, Valle appeared to be leading a normal life before "things got bad," his wife said. "Weird stuff started happening."

Mangan-Valle testified her husband began asking questions about where she liked to jog, what the lighting was like and whether other people were around. Using spyware on his computer, she said, she uncovered gruesome photos and the names, heights and weights of women.

She also found that he had visited a fetish website that featured images of dead women.

"I was scared. ... I'd never seen that before," she said.

Once Mangan-Valle fled her home and reported his strange behavior to the FBI last year, agents uncovered "a heinous plot to kidnap, rape, murder and cannibalize a number of very real women," Jackson said.

The officer had attempted to contact potential victims, including a New York City elementary school teacher, to learn more about their jobs and residences, the prosecutor said. His Internet research also included the best rope to tie someone up with, recipes, human flesh, white slavery and chemicals that can knock someone out, Jackson said.

Gatto countered in her opening statement that there was "no proof of a crime here. The charges are pure fiction."

Cannibal Cop with wife and genocidal jews FDR and Eleanor Rooseveldt

Valle, she said, had always been aroused by "unusual things," including the thought of a woman boiled down on a platter with an apple in her mouth. He found a home at a fetish website with 38,000 registered members, where regulars discuss "suffocating women, cooking and eating them," she said.

The defense has denied that Mangan-Valle was a potential victim. Valle had made clear that his wife "was unavailable for any kidnapping fantasy," the defense has said in court papers.

On cross-examination, Gatto asked Mangan-Valle if she declined to meet with the defense before the trial began.

"You're representing the man who wants to kill me," she responded. "No, I don't want to talk to you."

Valle is expected to take the stand to make the case that it was all role-playing fantasy. The defense also is planning to call experts to explain the fetish subculture and to show jurors the videotaped testimony of the fetish website's co-founder Sergey Merenkov.

Merenkov called the site "a clone of Facebook, but it is oriented to people with fetishes that are not considered standard." Asked about the most popular fetishes, he responded, "All sorts of asphyxiation" and "peril cannibalism."

Tiger Howard Devore, a psychologist and certified sex therapist who specializes in dealing with sexual dysfunction and fetishes, said the cannibalism fetish known as voreaphilia isn't common.

"For most laymen, they're going to think about it as cannibalism," Devore told The Associated Press in an interview Monday. "But what it really is, is an obsession about consuming the flesh of the other, and this can have a whole range of expressions. ... It is mostly played out in fantasy, mostly played out in role-playing."

There are well-known criminal extremes like Jeffrey Dahmer, who saved pieces of his victims' body parts and ate the flesh, Devore said, though "the instances of this kind of violence are extremely rare."

Do you want to know more?


Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:17 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

You won't see this trial coverage on CNN, Fox, MSNBC today, but you will hear national 'news' about a poor man sent to jail for faking illness to get a free dinner (yes I heard that on national news today).


Welcome to our live coverage of the trial of accused "Cannibal cop" Gilberto Valle.

DAY 2: The trial resumed Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Four women, who prosecutors say were Valle's "intended targets," are expected to testify.

12:04 PMLauren Johnston
Prosecutors allege Valle's gruesome plans involved cooking a Maryland woman who was his college classmate and is ID'd in the complaint against Valle as "Victim-1":


"I was thinking of tying her body onto some kind of apparatus.... Cook her over a low heat, keep her alive as long as possible," he said in online message to sick pal before the brunch."

12:48 PM"Gearty, Robert" Jury returns for cross-examination of the former Molloy student. The courtroom is less crowded than Monday but it's still a good crowd.

12:47 PM"Gearty, Robert" The woman testifies that Valle once arranged to meet her at a her job for the City University of New York.

She can't remember the exact date but says when Valle showed up, he was in his police uniform and drove up in a police car.

Prosecutor Jackson asks the witness if it was typical for friends to visit her at work, drawing an objection from Valle's attorney.

Judge Gardephe sustains the objection.

She does answer his last question, one that the prosecution has asked other alleged would-be victims.

"At any point did you indictate to Mr. Valle that you consented to be the focus of discussions involving sexual violence or other kind of violence?" Jackson inquires.

She answers matter-of-factly, "No."

12:54 PM"Gearty, Robert" Valle has his hand on his chin and plays with a pen as his attorney questions his high school chum. He avoids looking at his former friend.

MONDAY RECAP: Valle's wife Kathleen Mangan took the stand, breaking down in sobs as she described discovering her husband's alleged plot to "slow cook" and eat more than 100 women.

She choked out testimony recounting the fate Valle fantasized for her:

“I was supposed to be tied by my feet, my throat slit, and they were going to watch the blood rush from my body,” she said.

The key players in the proceedings are:

Judge Paul Gardephe.
Prosecutors Randall Jackson & Hadassa Waxman.
Defense attorneys Julia Gatto and Robert Baum.

The trial at Thurgood Marshall Court House in Lower Manhattan is expected to last two weeks. Daily News reporter Robert Gearty is in the courtroom filing live updates. Stay with us.

NYPD Chew!


Thursday, February 28, 2013 3:50 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Yesterday prosecutors called FBI agents to testify on Officer Galle's internet forum chats on murdering, cooking and eating 100 women:


3:55 PM yesterday

"Gearty, Robert" FBI agent Walsh reads a July 2, 2012 e-mail Valle sent to the webmaster of saying he had paid $15.95 for a premium account but he had not been updated yet.

"I am a girl meat hunter on the site," Valle says in the e-mail, the FBI agent tells the jury.

The witness says a premium account allows the user access additional content on the website which caters to deviants with violent sexual fantasies.

2:20 PM yesterday

Lauren JohnstonBefore the lunch recess, FBI agent Corey Walsh was on the stand and read excerpts from gruesome web chats between "cannibal cop" Gilberto Valle and a sick friend in Pakistan that wrote under the name "Aly Khan." The below document, submitted in evidence as Exhibit 428, is one of many examples of Valle's chats with Khan.

1:37 PM yesterday

"Gearty, Robert" After hearing more chats about cooking and eating women ... the judge tells jury it's time to go to lunch. Be back in an hour.

Officer Valle is son of Son of Sam?


Thursday, February 28, 2013 4:25 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Cannibal Cop researched recipes for human flesh:

Cannibal cop's wife testifies: "Husband Wanted to Kill Me, Eat Others"


Kathleen Mangan-Valle, Wife Of Alleged 'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle, Testifies In Court (VIDEO)

NEW YORK — The trial of a New York police officer accused of conspiring to kill and eat women featured grisly testimony Tuesday as an FBI agent described the Internet correspondence between the officer and a man in Great Britain who spoke as if he were mentoring the officer on the art of cannibalism.

Agent Corey Walsh read passage after passage from emails and text messages between Officer Gilberto Valle and a man the government said used Moody Blues as a screen name and MeatMarketMan as an email address.

"I'm dying to taste some girl meat," the agent said Valle wrote.

Some of the passages went into sickening descriptions about cooking and eating women. Others sounded so absurd they bordered on cartoonish, feeding the defense argument that Valle and friends he met on extreme sexual fetish websites were merely engaging in fantasies.

In describing one potential victim, Moody Blues suggested "cutting off her feet and barbecuing them in front of her" while she was still alive.

Throughout, jurors remained stone-faced as they followed the words on screens before them while Walsh read them aloud in a federal courthouse in Manhattan, where the charges of conspiracy to kidnap and improper use of a federal database system could bring Valle, 28, a life sentence if he's convicted.

The government called several women who were the subjects of some of the Internet correspondence to testify how they knew Valle just before Walsh took the witness stand.

Kimberly Sauer, of Germantown, Md., went to the University of Maryland with Valle and had nothing bad to say about her former classmate. Like the other women, including one who had never met him, she knew nothing about the Internet desires of Valle and the others. On cross-examination, Sauer told defense attorney Julia Gatto that she never felt threatened by Valle.

Sauer learned of the case only after she received from Valle's wife last year in the middle of the night a disturbing Facebook message that sounded so crazy that she texted him to warn that the account must have been hacked. Either that "or you're trying to sell me into white slavery," she recalled joking in the text.

Walsh said Sauer was a central subject for Valle and Moody Blues, who claimed he had fantasized about cannibalism since he was 6 years old but did not fulfill the desire until 35 years later.

In one correspondence, Valle suggests a woman named Kimberly – prosecutors say Sauer – would be easy prey because she lived alone.

"I can knock her out, wait until dark and kidnap her right out of her house," he wrote, according to prosecutors.

The agent said Moody Blues suggested eating their victim alive but Valle responded: "I'm not really into raw meat."

Walsh said they also discussed cooking Sauer, basted in olive oil, over an open fire and using her severed head as a centerpiece for a sit-down meal.

"I just can't wait to get Kimberly cooking," the agent quoted Valle as saying.

The agent said Valle's computer had a file titled "Abducting and Cooking Kimberly: A Blueprint," which included a photo of Sauer.

Walsh testified that the federal probe began after Valle's wife, Kathleen Mangan-Valle, in September gave the FBI in Reno, Nev., a computer Valle had used.

Walsh described communications between Valle and his co-defendant, Michael Vanhise, of Trenton, N.J. He said the two negotiated the price to be paid for a Manhattan teacher to be taken to New Jersey in a suitcase for Vanhise to rape and kill.

The agent said Valle asked Vanhise whether he wanted the woman clothed or naked and Vanhise said he wanted her clothed.

"Excellent. I'll leave her clothes on. I'll give you the pleasure of unwrapping your gift," Valle was quoted as saying.

Vanhise, like Valle, has pleaded not guilty. His lawyers also say he engaged only in Internet fantasy chats.

The government hasn't said what role Moody Blues, who has been portrayed as a co-conspirator, played in the investigation.

Cannibal Cop's wife leaves federal court after testimony


Thursday, February 28, 2013 4:48 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

‘Cannibal cop’ pal Michael Van Hise chatted about raping his baby daughter

‘Cannibal Cop’ partner Michael Van Hise wanted to keep children as sex slaves: prosecutors.

The creepy New Jersey man busted in the “Cannibal Cop” case chatted about having sex with his newborn daughter, prosecutors said Thursday.

Michael Van Hise, 23, is charged with offering to pay NYPD Officer Gilberto Valle $5,000 to kidnap a woman and deliver her to him to be raped and murdered.

But he had other sick interests, authorities said. In a posting on the website, Van Hise said he would like to rape his young nieces and “do the newborn,” prosecutor Randall Jackson said.

“Yeah that would be hot to hold the infant between us . . . ” Van Hise’s sick recipient replied, according to Jackson.

Manhattan Federal Court Judge William Pauley denied Van Hise bail, calling the conduct “such a danger to the community there is no set of conditions . . . that could be set for bail.”

Van Hise's attorney Alice Frontier said the chat took place while her client was cooperating with the FBI.

Read more:

The “Cannibal Cop” case sank to a new level of depravity Monday when prosecutors said the cop’s partner in perversion wanted to make his own 3-year-old stepdaughter a sex slave and offered up his two nieces for rape.

NYPD Officer Gilberto Valle’s accused co-conspirator, Michael Van Hise, was arrested last week on charges of plotting kidnapping and was ordered held without bail Monday for allegedly planning fiendish crimes against children in his own family.

Van Hise’s lawyer Alice Frontier accused prosecutors of building a case on just racy talk — but prosecutors say Van Hise’s abnormal plotting with Valle went way beyond fantasy to felony.

For example, Van Hise sent a photo of his wife’s 7-year-old niece to two individuals in the chat room, offering her and her 9-year-old sister for rape.

The prosecutor said Van Hise confessed to an FBI agent he and Valle were “serious” about their plot to kidnap and rape a woman.

He also admitted to getting sexually aroused around children, Jackson said.

And Van Hise’s wife, whose toddler daughter and nieces figured into the alleged sick plot, added to the bizarre scenario by defending him as a “big teddy bear.”

“They make him out to be a monster. He’s not. He’s as hard-core as a baby,” said Bolice Van Hise, 22, following her husband’s hearing in Manhattan Federal Court.

She claimed his sadistic online chatter and postings were nothing more than his imagination run amok. She said Van Hise would never harm her nieces or the daughter she had from a previous “abusive” relationship.

“When he’s around kids, he becomes a kid,” the wife said.

Bolice Van Hise said she learned of her husband’s obsession with fetish websites before they got married.

“I was cool with it,” she said, admitting to participating in sadomasochism and autoerotic asphyxiation (strangled to unconsciousness during sex) with Van Hise.

“It’s disturbing, yeah. But you have to accept your partner’s flaws in a marriage,” she said.

Valle, 28, was arrested in October on charges he illegally used a police database to stalk women he wanted to kidnap, rape, torture and “slow cook.”

The flesh-hungry cop hooked up with Van Hise in a Darkfetishnet chat room and hatched a $5,000 deal to deliver a woman in a suitcase for Van Hise to rape.

Valle is set to go to trial Feb. 4. His lawyer plans to call the forensic psychiatrist Park Dietz as an expert witness to say Valle suffers from paraphilia, a sexual disorder in which people derive excitement from imagined psychological or physical suffering.


Saturday, March 2, 2013 2:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Cannibal Cop's MoodyBlues released on bail for kiddie porn, murder and cannibalism

'Cannibal Cop' Gilberto Valle’s alleged co-conspirator ‘Moody Blues’ Bolinger has backyard dug up by British authorities

British authorities dug up the garden of alleged cannibal cop consipirator Dale Bolinger. He bragged in online chats of dining on two women and a child.

The cops take shovels to Dale Bolinger’s backyard garden, while the suspect calmly bicycles away, free on bail.

Bolinger used the alias “Moody Blues” in chilling Internet exchanges with NYPD Officer Gilberto Valle about their mutual taste for human flesh, authorities said.

Their graphic e-mails were deemed “too prejudicial” for admission at Valle’s ongoing trial for conspiring to kidnap, eat and cook female friends — including his wife. The defense says he was merely fantasizing and took no steps to carry out the plans.

A second man from the same area of Canterbury was arrested along with Bolinger, with British media reports indicating the suspect was his 30-year-old son, Rick.

Bolinger is the married father of two adult children, and was recently suspended from his nursing job at a local hospital. He is estranged from his wife, Rosemary — a cerebral palsy sufferer and advocate.
- dug -british-cops-article-1.1276920#ixzz2MJM0rHqC

- child-porn-charges-article-1.1276679! img/
Alleged victims of the 'Cannibal Cop': (From left) Archbishop Molloy High School students Maureen Hartigan and Kristen Ponticelli, Gilberto Valle's college friends Kimberly Sauer and Andria Noble. "But it's in fun" says defense liar.


Kathleen Mangan-Valle, 27

Estranged wife of Gilberto Valle

Special education teacher

She met Valle through the dating website in the fall of 2009. They had a baby girl the following year.

Mangan-Valle downloaded spyware on her computer after she became concerned about how “weird” Valle had been acting.

She found pictures of her and friends in bondage situations.

“I was supposed to be tied by my feet, my throat slit, and they were going to watch the blood rush from my body,” she testified at the trial.

Mangan-Valle fled to Nevada where she turned the evidence over to the FBI.

Kimberly Sauer, 29

Marketing representative for three radio stations outside Washington, D.C.

Attended school with Valle at University of Maryland where she was a communications major.

Met with Valle, his wife and infant daughter for brunch in Gaithersburg, Md., in 2012.

Twelve days before the meeting, Valle put together a document, “Abducting and Cooking Kimberly: A Blueprint,” with a smiling photo of Sauer on the cover.

Alisa Friscia, 29

Friend of Mangan-Valle's who used to work with her at a public school in East Harlem.

Valle once showed up outside of the school in his squad car even though his wife no longer worked there.

Valle told one of his alleged co-conspirators that for $5,000, he would deliver Friscia to him so he could do what he wanted with her. He also talked about killing and eating her himself.

Kristen Ponticelli, 18

Was a standout softball player at Archbishop Molloy High School in Queens, which Valle once attended. Now in college.

Valle told a conspirator Ponticelli was “the most desirable piece of meat I’ve ever met.”

Andria Noble, 27

Like Sauer, Noble attended University of Maryland with Valle. She moved to Columbus, Ohio, where she is a prosecutor specializing in misdemeanor cases.

She was “number one” in “my fantasties,” Valle wrote. “The second I met her, I knew I had to have her.”

He told one of his co-conspirators she'd be "difficult" to abduct because she's married, but that she'd be "worth it."

Maureen Hartigan, 26

Attended Archbishop Molloy with Valle. Played basketball and soccer there. Graduated from Drew University in Madison, N.J.

Works for City University of New York in Manhattan where, she said, Valle once dropped by her office in his squad car. Valle allegedly superimposed her face on a picture of woman being tortured on a fetish website.

Lives in Long Island City.

Cannibal Cop prepares dinner


12:05 PM yesterday

The arrest took place on Oct. 24, 2012, Foto says.

The agent testifies that Valle told him about the dark fetish network.

"He believed dark fetish network to be a small group of people." Foto says.

He tells the jury Valle said he would be willing to help the FBI determine who on the website was real and who was fantasy.

"He said it was hard to make that distinction," the agent says.

11:57 AM yesterday

Foto says he asked Valle if he knew why he was being arrested.

The agent says Valle told him he believed it was for conspiracy to commit murder.

11:57 AM yesterday"Gearty, Robert" The drama is growing as the agent begins to testify about his post-arrest interview with Valle.

11:57 AM yesterday

Foto says that after Valle was taken into custody he told him that everything would be okay."I don't think so," Agent Foto recalls Valle as respomding..

British cannibal MoodyBlues loves cannibal cops

This is a photo of 'cannibal cop' Gilberto Valle’s alleged co-conspirator Dave Bolinger aka ‘Moody Blues.’ Bolinger, a married dad, was arrested near Canterbury, England, on Feb. 21, along with his son, officials said. On Friday, British police showed up at his home with shovels and started digging up the back yard seeking evidence.

In online chats with Valle, Bolinger claimed he had eaten two women and a 5-year-old. After his arrest in October, Valle told law enforcement agents that "Moody Blues" seemed more serious about his sick feats than others in the Dark Fetish chat world.

12:39 PM yesterday

"He said Moody Blues and Aly Khan were more serious than other users," Agent Foto tells the jury.

12:39 PM yesterday

Agent Foto says Valle told him that he had discussions about killing and eating women with Moody Blues, Aly Khan and Michael Van Hise.

Foto says he knows Moody Blues is Dale Bolinhger a man just arrested in the United Kingdom on kiddie porn charges.

Bolinger's arrest was reported today..

Cannibal Cops don't always eat donuts

12:49 PM yesterday

FBI Agent Foto testifies that Valle told him that his chats about kidnapping and cannibalizing women were bleeding into his personal life.

He was spending more time on the computer and was "basically exhausted," the agent says.

"He said he was pulling away from his wife and stopped having sex with her," Agent Foto says.

12:50 PM yesterday

Foto says that during his interview with Valle after his arrest, the officer told him that he met Kimberly Sauer in Maryland after communicating with "Moody Blues" about kidnapping, killing and cooking her.

Foto says he asked Valle if he was on would-be kidnap victim Alisa Friscia's block on the upper East Side on March 1 2012.

"He said yes to drop off his wife to have lunch with her," Foto testifies. Friscia testified Thursday that he never met Valle's wife on that date.

12:51 PM yesterday

Defense attorney Robert Baum picks right up on the length of the interview as he begins his cross.

"You took no notes over a four-hour period and now four month later you are recounting for the jury what Valle said?" Baum asks the agent.

The agent says simply, "Yes."

1:04 PM yesterday


- Prosecutors say 'cannibal cop' Gilberto Valle (pictured above with estranged wife Kathleen Mangan) illegally used an NYPD laptop and its national crime databases to look up information on his intended kidnap targets, including high school classmate Maureen Hartigan.

-FBI witness says that when Valle was arrested on Oct. 24, 2012 he said he assumed it was for "conspiracy to commit murder," and described his chats with fellow fetishists on the Dark Fetish network saying he had conversations about kidnapping, killing and eating women

- FBI agent witness says Valle claimed after his arrest that he would not have gone through with any of the sick plans he described in his late night chat sessions with alleged co-conspirators "Aly Khan," and "Moody Blues."

- It was revealed Thursday that the man behind the handle "Moody Blues," Briton Dave Bolinger was arrested on Feb. 21 on kiddie porn charges. He told Valle in chats that he had eaten two women and one 5-year-old child. UK police arrived at his home Friday with shovels to search for evidence.

2:47 PM yesterday

Courtroom report from Robert Gearty: A face in the crowd

One of the courtoom regulars is Art Ravitz who has been taking the bus daily from Easton, Penn., to attend the trial.

Ravitz is a 73-year-old court buff who likes to watch justice in action. This is the first time he has ever sat in on a trial in New York.

He says what interests him about the "Cannibal Cop" trial is nature of the case and that involves a police officer.

The testimony, he says, has been "pretty gruesome."

"I think the prosecution has built a strong case but this guy (defense attorney Robert) Baum really pulled the case out of the fire with his questioning of the FBI agent (Corey Walsh)," Ravitz says.

2:50 PM yesterday

Another unexpected turn of events:

The jury returns to the courtroom and is told by Judge Gardephe that there will be no more testimony today.

He tells the jury some legal issues have come up that require his attention. A few jurors seem happy to be going home early.

Gardephe instructs the panel of six men and six women not to discuss the case with anyone, not to read anything about the case and to keep an "open mind."

The trial resumes Monday morning.

The legal issues the judge alluded to deal with defense lawyer Robert Baum's cross examination of FBI Agent Foto.

Baum wants to elicit testimony about portions of Valle's post-arrest interview that Foto was not asked about during his questioning by prosecutor Jackson.

The defense believes there are comments Valle made to Foto that the jury did not hear that are potentially exculpatory.

Gardephe said the post-arrest statement is "critically important" to both sides so he does not want to make a ruling in haste.

He wants prosecutors and the defense to put their arguments on paper by Saturday afternoon.

Then he will rule.

Do you want to know more?! img/
Cannibal Cop Gilberto Valle's proud father, Gilberto Sr, leaves Manhattan Federal Court! img/
Cannibal Cop mother leaves Manhattan Federal Court, looks like her son's victims! img/



Outside the Manhattan federal courtroom where the “cannibal cop” trial was getting under way Tuesday, it was all jokes and puns — “the ADA’s gonna pepper the witnesses with questions” and “stick a fork in him — he’s done.”

Until the tiny, beautiful 18-year-old that NYPD Officer Gilberto Valle had talked about cooking to death took the stand. Then all nervous laughter ceased.

Kristen Ponticelli, whom Valle had zeroed in on when he would go back to his old high school, Archbishop Molloy, and watch girls’ softball games, was the “type” he was obsessed with: petite and pretty, with very long brown hair.


Just like Valle’s wife, who testified Monday. Just like the two women who thought they were his friends and who also took the stand Tuesday.

Kristen is so young and delicate that prosecutor Randall Jackson only asked her, “Do you know Officer Valle?” She answered in a tremulous girl’s voice, “I do now.”

Considering another victim, his college chum Kimberly Sauer, Valle writes, “I want to cook her over a low heat to make her suffer as long as possible. She’s been one of my favorite victims to fantasize about for about 10 years now.”


Bingo. Sexual fantasy. That’s all it was, claims Valle’s lawyer Julia Gatto — “Fifty Shades of Grey” meets “Iron Chef.” Except that Valle, who as a cop had a Glock, told a fellow sicko that he has a woman he can kidnap for him for $5,000.

This isn’t velvet handcuffs, or French maids’ costumes or even Tyson Chandler on a Harley wearing nothing but whipped cream.

This is the planning of a crime. Valle is a monster. It is difficult not to believe that, had FBI agents not intercepted him, he would have become a real-life Hannibal Lecter. 1.1274471#ixzz2MQgehTQB!/ img/
Cannibal cop's wife is not happy her husband wanted to kill her for dinner in India, fled to Nevada


The lawyer for the “cannibal cop” ate an FBI agent alive on Wednesday.

On the third day of Gilberto Valle’s conspiracy trial, his lawyer, Robert Baum, went after the agent who had been leading the jury through a pile of emails and electronic messages the feds say show he was planning to kidnap, rape, cook and eat several women he knew.


The G-man, Special Agent Corey Walsh, read more of the messages to the jury earlier on Wednesday, including one deeply disturbing exchange with an alleged co-conspirator in Pakistan, Aly Khan.

The pair was discussing plans for a woman Valle, 28, described as his “girlfriend” — the mother of his then-3-month-old daughter, Kathleen Mangan.


“So you’re fixated on Kathleen?” Valle asked, after sending Khan pictures of his soon-to-be bride.

“Yes,” Khan answered. “She’s too good. She deserves to be eaten.”

Khan said he had slaughtered goats before — he had sent Valle a YouTube video showing how to do it — and said killing a woman would be “easy.”

Valle said he thought he could talk Kathleen into taking a trip to India, and they could slaughter her there.

“I’ll kill her as humanely as possible,” Khan said.


“It’s all right,” Valle said. “You don’t have to be humane.” He said they could “tie her up and rape her” together.

Khan said he wanted to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“Fine by me,” Valle said. “She hates that.”

The exchange was dated January 2012, and Valle said he would try to get her to India a month later — but he never did. He had also told Khan that he lived in Pennsylvania, and that Kathleen was a teacher — even though she had stopped teaching a year earlier.

Now turn in your guns to the billionaire jew mayor of NYPD's Victim Disarmament Cannibal Kill Zone!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013 7:05 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

'Cannibal cop' won't testify at trial; fetish Web site creator wanted 'Facebook-like place for kinky fantasies'

The defense team for a New York City police officer charged with conspiring to kidnap, kill and eat women is making its case to a Manhattan jury after the government finished presenting evidence by showing what it found on the officer's computer — images including a video of a chained woman screaming as the flame of a torch lashes her body.

Defense attorneys presented evidence Tuesday beginning with the videotaped testimony of a Russian man who runs a fetish Web site where the government says Officer Gilberto Valle, 28, met co-conspirators interested in capturing, raping, killing, cooking and eating women.

The defendant will not testify.

Sergey Merenkov, 34, said in testimony videotaped Feb. 19 that he started the Web site with partners in 2010 to create a Facebook-like environment for people with kinky fantasies to communicate. He said the majority of the 4,500 active users, 25 percent of which he estimates to be women, are in the United States or Europe.

According to a transcript already in court records, the Moscow who says his primary job is to distribute Spanish ice cream will testify people commonly engage in role play on the Web site, such as when a woman poses as a witch and a mob of 10 or more angry villagers prepare to hang her.

"The girl could write, 'I'm shivering from fright. They're pulling me to the noose. I can feel the rope already on my neck,'" he testified.

Merenkov's testimony is aimed at supporting defense arguments that Valle was role playing when he spoke in dramatic details with others on the Internet about killing and cooking at least six women he knew, including his wife.

Valle was arrested in October after his wife discovered the chats on his computer and fled their Queens home, turning a computer over to the FBI in Reno, Nev.

In a final flourish Monday, prosecutors revealed the contents of two computers Valle used, including disturbing images from Web sites devoted to torturing and eating women.

FBI computer forensics examiner Stephen Flatly testified Valle frequently visited several Web sites showing women in various stages of forced duress, including one that offered images of women who did not survive.

"Some are dead. ... A couple of them appeared to have been strangled," he said.

As Flatly described the images displayed on video monitors in federal court in Manhattan, some jurors put hands to their mouths. One shook her head. Another wiped his brow.

One cannibalism Web site allegedly visited by Valle promised customers they would "only receive the highest quality human beef." The jury also heard how the officer allegedly looked up "how to tie up a girl," ''human meat recipes," ''how to chloroform a girl," ''I want to sell a girl slave," ''how to cook a girl," ''death fetish" and "huge cooking tray" among other topics.

The FBI analysis of Valle's laptop yielded an apparently staged video of a naked, screaming woman hanging over an open flame that came close to her skin. There also were several photos of women with bright red apples stuffed in their mouths.

Two images of naked women roasting on a giant spit were discovered in a computer file of several dozen photographs Valle kept on a former college friend whom prosecutors have identified as a target of the alleged plot. The face of one woman prosecutors say he targeted was cut out and pasted onto a cartoon of a woman being boiled in a pot.

His browsing history also revealed an article titled "Cannibalism can be addictive, expert says."


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:19 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Officer Valle, 28, faces up to life in prison when he is sentenced on June 19. With the conviction, he loses his job as a police officer loses his head start on the Zombie Apocalypse.

New York cop convicted in cannibalism plot

NEW YORK (AP) — Police Officer Gilberto Valle's lawyers said he was just spinning sick and twisted fantasies for his own pleasure when he chatted online about abducting, roasting and eating women. A jury, though, decided he was deadly serious.

Valle, 28, was convicted Tuesday of conspiracy in a macabre case that opened a window on a shocking Internet world of cannibalism fetishists. He could get life in prison at sentencing June 19 but is likely to face much less.

His lawyers branded the outcome a "thought prosecution" that sets a dangerous precedent, while federal prosecutors said the verdict proved that Valle crossed the line from fantasy to reality and was genuinely bent on committing "grotesque crimes."

Valle slumped in his chair, dropped his head and wept when the verdict in what the tabloids dubbed the "Cannibal Cop" trial was announced after more than two days of deliberations: guilty of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and guilty of illegally using a police database.

The jurors left the courthouse without comment. Most did not immediately respond to emails and phone messages or declined to discuss the case.

Valle's mother, Elizabeth, shook her head.

"I'm in shock and want to be left alone," she said. As she sat on a wooden bench after almost everyone had left the courtroom, she said loudly: "This is going to kill my mother."

Prosecutors said Valle plotted in lusty, lip-smacking detail to abduct, torture and cannibalize six women he knew, including his wife.

While none of the women were ever harmed — and only his wife discovered his schemes — prosecutors said he took concrete steps to carry out his plot.

They said the New York City police officer looked up potential targets on a restricted law enforcement database; searched the Internet for how to knock someone out with chloroform and where to get torture devices and other tools; and showed up on a woman's block after striking an agreement to kidnap her for $5,000 for a New Jersey man who wanted to rape and kill her. That man was also arrested and is awaiting trial.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement: "Today, a unanimous jury found that Gilberto Valle's detailed and specific plans to abduct women for the purpose of committing grotesque crimes were very real and that he was guilty as charged. The Internet is a forum for the free exchange of ideas, but it does not confer immunity for plotting crimes and taking steps to carry out those crimes."

The defense insisted all along that he was just fantasizing and never intended to harm any of the women.

"This was a thought prosecution," his attorney Julia Gatto said outside court after the verdict. "Obviously, the case involved thoughts that were unusual and bizarre and frankly very ugly. We think that the jury couldn't get past that and they never got to the law."

Another Valle lawyer, Robert Baum, said of the verdict: "It sets a dangerous precedent."

In one of the numerous online conversations shown to the jury, Valle told a man he met in a fetish chat room, "I want her to experience being cooked alive. She'll be trussed up like a turkey. ... She'll be terrified, screaming and crying."

In another exchange, Valle suggested a woman he knew would be easy prey because she lived alone. The men discussed cooking her, basted in olive oil, over an open fire and using her severed head as a centerpiece for a sit-down meal.

"I'm dying to eat some girl meat," Valle mused in yet another exchange.

During the trial, Valle's wife tearfully testified that she fled the couple's home with her baby and contacted the FBI after putting Internet tracking software on his computer and discovering what he was up to.

Members of the jury recoiled upon seeing what appeared to be mostly staged Internet images from a sexual fetish site Valle visited. The images included photos of wide-eyed women with apples stuffed in their mouths like roasted pigs and a video of a chained, naked woman screaming as flames appeared to scorch her crotch.

Marcellus McRae, a former federal prosecutor in Los Angeles now in private practice, said it was a stretch by the defense to claim Valle was prosecuted for his thoughts because the jurors were required to find that he took one or more concrete steps to carry out the conspiracy.

"It's not just a thought crime. It's a thought-and-action crime and conviction," he said.

So PNAC Rebuilding Amerika's Defenses and Operation Northwoods are signed confessions by Bush, Cheney, Rummy plotting conspiracy to carry out the 9/11 mass-murders...


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 12:41 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

He thought his wife was a real dish.

The terrified spouse of accused “cannibal cop” Gilberto Valle repeatedly broke down in sobs, and twice had to leave the witness stand, during testimony yesterday in which she recounted the horrific discovery that her new husband was allegedly plotting to torture and murder her — and rape and cook her friends, too.

Testifying for the prosecution, Kathleen Mangan-Valle tearfully described reading an online chat last year in which her husband, a six-year NYPD vet, made “plans” with an Internet buddy to take her life.

"I was going to be tied up by my feet and my throat slit, and they were going to have fun watching the blood gush out of me because I was young,” she said, choked with emotion.

The pretty brunette said her husband’s Internet pal warned him she might cry in the process and instructed: “Don’t listen to her. Don’t give her mercy.”

“Gil just said, ‘It’s OK. We’ll just gag her,’ ” she told prosecutor Hadassa Waxman. “I was going to be stuffed in a suitcase.”

In an opening statement before Mangan-Valle took the witness stand, Manhattan federal prosecutor Randall Jackson told the jury that the cop plotted to kidnap and kill his wife “in order to satisfy a deeply held desire he had to cannibalize human flesh.”

Mangan-Valle, 27, also said Valle — who wept repeatedly throughout his wife’s testimony — intended to prolong her suffering, recounting, “He said he wanted me to live as long as possible, that he had no remorse at all.”

She said Valle’s friend Andria Noble “was going to be burned alive.”

“He talked about devising an apparatus so the girls could be on the spit for 30-minute shifts and be taken down so they would live longer,” she said.

“The suffering was for his enjoyment, and he wanted to make it last as long as possible.”

Valle, 28, also allegedly discussed raping two women “in front of each other to heighten their fear” and abducting a woman his wife, a former Teach for America volunteer, had worked with at a public school in Harlem.

“He was going to get her in her apartment and put her in a suitcase and wheel her out and deliver her for rape and murder,” the wife testified.

Mangan-Valle said she grew suspicious when Valle lost interest in sex with her following her pregnancy and the birth of their daughter and began spending hours at night on the Web in their Queens home.

One time they did have relations, she said, “he couldn’t finish” and “ran off into the bathroom.”

“I thought there was something wrong with me,” she sobbed.

So she opened the laptop they shared, saw he was still logged in and noticed icons for a Web site called “darkfetishnet.”

“I just remember it was porn, and it was disturbing,” she said.

“I know S&M is popular, with ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ but this seemed different. The girl on the front page was dead.”

After she confronted her husband about the discovery, “things got bad” and “these very weird things started happening,” said Mangan-Valle, who met the cop on the OKCupid dating Web site and married him after giving birth to their daughter.

“I started running because I thought that would help if I was thinner or prettier,” Mangan-Valle said.

She broke down after describing how Valle “seemed very interested in my running route” and asked if there were street lights or many people around.

“He encouraged me to run at night,” she said.

She said she installed “keylogger” software on her computer to find out what Valle was up to. The next morning, she checked the spyware and saw “a lot of Web sites that I’d never seen before, and pictures of feet that weren’t attached to bodies.”

“I went to a Web site I didn’t know about . . . and there was a woman just on the front page. She was dangling,” she said.

“She was naked with blood all over her.”

Mangan-Valle said she took their baby daughter, Josephine, and the computer and returned to her home state of Nevada, where she called the FBI.

In opening statements, public defender Julia Gatto told the jury that Valle’s chats were merely “preposterous, infantile chatter” prompted by a “bizarre” sexual fetish.

Under cross-examination by Gatto, Mangan-Valle broke down again as photos of her hubby holding their baby were displayed.

She denied the lawyer’s suggestion that her marriage had been a good one, noting acidly: “The wedding was nice. The marriage was not.”






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