The best and worst news ever.

UPDATED: Saturday, July 30, 2016 15:27
VIEWED: 1999
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016 8:54 PM


"We found impairments in white matter in the main tract connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain in children with either autism, ADHD or OCD, when compared to healthy children in the control group," says Dr. Stephanie Ameis, first author on the study and clinician-scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's (CAMH's) Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute. This particular white matter tract, the corpus callosum, is the largest in the brain and among the first to develop"

You remember all that blathering I did a couple years ago about connective tissue? Ok, so you've slept since then.

Anyway, I've been posting for years that autism is a connective tissue defect, and this article proves it. (The white matter they talk about IS connective tissue in the brain, btw...)

Sulfur is used by the body to repair and form connective tissue. If you cannot break it efficiently down you cannot process enough for a child to get what it needs to form regulation brain structure.

I have also guessed that 20% of the population has a sulfur processing deficiency in some form (you can be affected anywhere in the process from sulfur to sulfite to sulfate). 9% of women and 5% of men report unusual reactions to alcohol- which has a ton of sulfites. This would probably correspond to the numbers of children with spectrum disorders, once you factor in the number of people that never had kids or has more than one ASD child.

My spouse's mother has a sulfa drug allergy, and my spouse has Aspergers.
I have a sulfite intolerance and I and my kid are Dyspraxic. Different intolerances form different brain disorders. The high IQ is caused by ramped up connections in some parts of the brain and disconnects in others.

This means that processed food really is causing a large portion of brain disorders. It also means it has made humans smarter, since sulfur has been used since Roman times, but has also caused much of the disability and violent behaviors.

Would humanity be better off without these preservatives? I know I am. I hate the thought that I may not have been who I am without them, but I may have also been happier and more productive without the struggles I had in school and now, physically.

I think this also means that some of these disorders could be treated with focused steroids that act on connective tissue, but could not be cured, unless the parts of the genome that affect mineral adsorption and usage could be chopped out and repaired, and since that is something that has far far far too many variables, means it will NEVER be fixed in humans. (Thus the worst news ever part of the headline)
Each mineral used by the body would have it's own section(s) of code that regulate it. Also, other substances used by the body like folic acid disregulation may cause other mental disorders, so the whole thing turns into a jumbled ball of strings....

Anyhow. Don't care much if you read this or understand or care. Just wanted to get it out of my own head.

PS. It could also mean that once they figure out what causes what that they could reverse engineer it to figure out what intolerances parents have that they don't know they have, and help people be healthier there, too. Just a thought. Might cut heart attack and stroke rates, among other things.

PSS. Also, sulfur kills bacteria, which is why they use it in food. It also kills GOOD bacteria, which is probably causing a whole host of other problems as well.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016 11:51 PM



Thursday, July 28, 2016 12:10 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:

"We found impairments in white matter in the main tract connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain in children with either autism, ADHD or OCD, when compared to healthy children in the control group," says Dr. Stephanie Ameis, first author on the study and clinician-scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health's (CAMH's) Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute. This particular white matter tract, the corpus callosum, is the largest in the brain and among the first to develop"

You remember all that blathering I did a couple years ago about connective tissue? Ok, so you've slept since then.

Anyway, I've been posting for years that autism is a connective tissue defect, and this article proves it. (The white matter they talk about IS connective tissue in the brain, btw...)

Sulfur is used by the body to repair and form connective tissue. If you cannot break it efficiently down you cannot process enough for a child to get what it needs to form regulation brain structure.

I have also guessed that 20% of the population has a sulfur processing deficiency in some form (you can be affected anywhere in the process from sulfur to sulfite to sulfate). 9% of women and 5% of men report unusual reactions to alcohol- which has a ton of sulfites. This would probably correspond to the numbers of children with spectrum disorders, once you factor in the number of people that never had kids or has more than one ASD child.

My spouse's mother has a sulfa drug allergy, and my spouse has Aspergers.
I have a sulfite intolerance and I and my kid are Dyspraxic. Different intolerances form different brain disorders. The high IQ is caused by ramped up connections in some parts of the brain and disconnects in others.

This means that processed food really is causing a large portion of brain disorders. It also means it has made humans smarter, since sulfur has been used since Roman times, but has also caused much of the disability and violent behaviors.

Would humanity be better off without these preservatives? I know I am. I hate the thought that I may not have been who I am without them, but I may have also been happier and more productive without the struggles I had in school and now, physically.

I think this also means that some of these disorders could be treated with focused steroids that act on connective tissue, but could not be cured, unless the parts of the genome that affect mineral adsorption and usage could be chopped out and repaired, and since that is something that has far far far too many variables, means it will NEVER be fixed in humans. (Thus the worst news ever part of the headline)
Each mineral used by the body would have it's own section(s) of code that regulate it. Also, other substances used by the body like folic acid disregulation may cause other mental disorders, so the whole thing turns into a jumbled ball of strings....

Anyhow. Don't care much if you read this or understand or care. Just wanted to get it out of my own head.

PS. It could also mean that once they figure out what causes what that they could reverse engineer it to figure out what intolerances parents have that they don't know they have, and help people be healthier there, too. Just a thought. Might cut heart attack and stroke rates, among other things.

PSS. Also, sulfur kills bacteria, which is why they use it in food. It also kills GOOD bacteria, which is probably causing a whole host of other problems as well.

I'm glad to support fellow browncoats in dealing with life's injustices wishie. Unburden yourself all you wish.



Thursday, July 28, 2016 6:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

WISHY, just because the corpus callosum "connects" the right and left halves of the brain doesn't mean that it's the same stuff as the "connective tissue" which connects bone to bone, or skin to skin.

The corpus callosum is is made of nerve cells which are heavily surrounded by a fatty sheath called myelin. "Connective tissue" is made of a completely different material including collagen.

What is the link between the two tissues except for the somewhat accidental linguistic overlap where both tissues reference the word "connect"? After all, "connect" is also referenced as the connecting rod in your vehicle, and internet connections, but nobody would argue that they are the same as each other, or the corpus callosum. Or your connective tissue.

Connective tissue and the corpus callosum are made of completely different types of tissue, produced by different metabolic pathways, and serving entirely different biochemical functions. So while I'm absolutely convinced that autism is a physical, neurological disease and not a behavioral disorder, it's not the same one that you're thinking of.

"Sulfites" aren't the only problem. In fact, it's more possible that the reactions to sulfur in various forms (sulfa drug reactors don't react to sulfites, people with autism aren't especially reactive to either sulfite OR sulfite drugs) and autism have more to do with autoimmune disorders than with sulfur processing. Maybe your family has two (or more) disorders? Nothing says that all of your family health issues are necessarily tied up with one fancy gift bow.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Thursday, July 28, 2016 11:55 AM


"impairments in white matter in the main tract connecting the right and left hemispheres"

Is still connecting, is still something they thought was passive.

Is still obvious that the connections aren't functioning right.

And yes, I know there is all different types of connective tissue. Duh.

I didn't say the people with Autism had intolerances, I'm saying the parents do, and I doubt any studies have been done either way. You can have intolerances for decades and not know about it.


Thursday, July 28, 2016 5:15 PM


OK, I was cooking dinner and I realized why no one gets why I'm saying "connective tissue."
It's because connective tissue disorders are variable disorders, one day something can function and the rest of the time, it doesn't or not well, anyway. It can affect many things or one thing.

Autism is just like that. It's why it's taken so long to figure the difference in Bipolar, ADD, and Aspergers, and Autism because they all CAN have similar affects, and there is a thousand symptoms that vary daily in the person and across the spectrum. Your connections find new pathways, but if there is no functioning connection the signal never gets through, so it has to be an effect of random connections being affected to different stretchy degrees, just like ligaments in Ehler-Danlos can work one day and be too stretchy the next.


Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:27 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
OK, I was cooking dinner and I realized why no one gets why I'm saying "connective tissue."
It's because connective tissue disorders are variable disorders, one day something can function and the rest of the time, it doesn't or not well, anyway. It can affect many things or one thing.

You could refer to that as a semiconductor.

Autism is just like that. It's why it's taken so long to figure the difference in Bipolar, ADD, and Aspergers, and Autism because they all CAN have similar affects, and there is a thousand symptoms that vary daily in the person and across the spectrum. Your connections find new pathways, but if there is no functioning connection the signal never gets through, so it has to be an effect of random connections being affected to different stretchy degrees, just like ligaments in Ehler-Danlos can work one day and be too stretchy the next.


Friday, July 29, 2016 6:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
OK, I was cooking dinner and I realized why no one gets why I'm saying "connective tissue."
It's because connective tissue disorders are variable disorders, one day something can function and the rest of the time, it doesn't or not well, anyway. It can affect many things or one thing.

Autism is just like that. It's why it's taken so long to figure the difference in Bipolar, ADD, and Aspergers, and Autism because they all CAN have similar affects, and there is a thousand symptoms that vary daily in the person and across the spectrum. Your connections find new pathways, but if there is no functioning connection the signal never gets through, so it has to be an effect of random connections being affected to different stretchy degrees, just like ligaments in Ehler-Danlos can work one day and be too stretchy the next.

But all you're saying is that each condition is variable in its presentation from person to person, and from day to day. That's not enough of a link between the conditions to claim a "connection" (which implies cause-and-effect) between them; there are a LOT of conditions which have variable presentation including autoimmune disorders and endocrine disorders and cancers.

As far as I can tell, autism is a real, neurochemical/electrochemical disorder, evidenced best by the fact that many people with autism die young from previously undiagnosed seizures. The behavioral symptoms and structural changes are the RESULT of something, not the cause. Most likely, when the real cause of autism is found, the clouds will part and there will be a hallelujah moment, because all of the cause/effect lines will be laid bare. (Except for the 10% or so of lookalike conditions which have been lumped in with autism but which will be discovered not to have the same cause.)

I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some sort of blood-brain barrier defect. The human body, like many biological organisms, tends to use the same chemicals to different purposes in different parts of the body. Many immune-signaling components like calcineurin and VIP tend to have immune-related functions on one side of the barrier, and neurochemical functions on the other side of the barrier; the immune system for the most part is NOT supposed to be active in the brain. But if the barrier is breached all hell breaks loose.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Friday, July 29, 2016 6:26 PM


Did you read the article?

The fact they say "impairments" means there is either lack of something or a malformation or a blockage in the structure that is visible on their high res scans they've been doing. In children. There isn't time for damage to be done, it has to be a formation error. If Autism was something that happened gradually in all cases, I could see your point, but in many cases they can tell in newborns that something is wrong.


Friday, July 29, 2016 11:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think, WISHY, that if you -re-read the article you'll find multiple references to children, but none to newborns.

However, when newborns are tested, there is ALREADY a peptide/ neurochemical imbalance in the blood.

As I understand it, fetal neurodevelopment requires that neurons and glial cells MIGRATE to the right place and make the right connections, and that the cells know what the "right" place is by complex neurochemical signalling.

I'll try to get a link posted which discusses the details of neural development from the view of a neurodevelopmental biologist ... whose son was born with autism.

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, July 30, 2016 7:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Here it is: the best discussion of neurodevelopment I've ever read

I think it's time you disabused yourself of that pleasant little fairy tale about our fearless leaders being some sort of surrogate daddy or mommy, laying awake at night thinking about how to protect the kids. HA! In reality, they're thinking about who to sell them to so that they can get a few more shekels in their pockets.


Saturday, July 30, 2016 3:27 PM


Wait, what if it's a formation error AND a migration error??

That would make sense, that if the formation isn't shaped right, and then it tries to put a square peg in a round hole? Reminds me of an article that said that gay males brains have differently shaped fibers in the Thalamus (I think it was) than straight males, they know the shape of the fibers is important.

It would explain why the disabilities can be so devastating in those that are severely autistic. There's no way to connect the dots in large sections of the brain that are affected.






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