White Genocide in South Africa...entertaining the InsaneAsylum Piratenews conspiracy a moment

UPDATED: Friday, July 7, 2017 10:09
VIEWED: 1705
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Friday, July 7, 2017 9:26 AM


Is South Africa one of the greatest cluster fucks of all time?

South Africa today, no real culture left? no real identity? A border with holes in it? 5 or 6 offical working languages, sometimes all seperate and sometimes none talking to each other?

A famous crackpot conspiracy poster here? JohnLee PirateNews radio? Would often post nonsense on how Freemasons? Jews? Globalists? Israel? Royals of Europe? Lizards? The Queen? illuminati were trying to destroy the USA, bring down America?

Almost everywhere on this planet from news media broadcast and printed newspapers we heard the news of South Africa, a Racist White Supreme Nation. A racial segregated nation? A white supremacist racism which was defeated to create a post-apartheid South Africa with no more white supremacy? South Africa became open, free, mutli-cultural, multi-racial, no longer racist, more progressive and more free? or did it?

It is said every human, every ethnicity, every race of person, first came from Africa, the Yellow man, the White man, the Brown Man, the Blackman, the Redskin man, every human originally comes from Africa, from South Africa, from East Africa, from N.Africa, from Guinea, from Congoland, moving across lands, into islands, Australoid, India, the Americas, Europe chainging over time, DNA of living and ancient people detect in modern Native Americans a trace their blood, part of their DNA related to that of native people from Australia and Melanesia. Australo-Melanesian bloodline spread across the world, DNA in some living Native Americans, including those of the Aleutian Islands and the Surui people of Amazonian Brazil

Let me first start you off with the Khoisan Question age of tribalism, a blood fued and race war going back to the dawn of time of mankind itself?
Prove to me that the Khoisan/Bushmen people are apart of the black race!
The Khoisan Once Were Kings Of The Planet. What Happened?

Dwindling African tribe may have been most populous group on planet

First people, culture, race, ethnicity, language to go extinct maybe not the Whites but the ' Khoisan ' ???
The Capoid person or Khoisan, also known as Capoids, Hottentots and Bushmen, are one of the major human ethnicity or 'races' as it was described in poltically incorrect times, today they are limited to areas of S.Africa and southwestern Africa, the "Capoid" term proposed in 1962 an anthropologist who divided the Sub-Saharan Africans into groups, one of these groups were Capoids from an argued origin near the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, it is said Khoisan together with the Pygmies and other Africans evolved from the original Homo sapiens people and around 1,500 years ago the Khoisan occupied most of southern Africa and the Pygmies occupied the rain forests of west and central Africa, Nelson Mandela is of partial Capoid/Khoisan ethnicity, Mandela's tribe, the Xhosa, speak a Bantu language with some Khoi-San loan words but the Khoisan may face cultural extinction, they were known as some of the last "hunter-gatherer" societies on Earth.

Most Americans think of native Africans as black and of white Africans as recent intruders; and when they think of Africa's racial history they think of European colonialism and slave trading. But very different types of peoples occupied much of Africa until as recently as a few thousand years ago. Even before the arrival of white colonialists, the continent harbored five of what many consider to be the world's six major divisions of humanity, the so-called human races, three of which are native to Africa. To this day nearly 30 percent of the world's languages are spoken only in Africa. No other continent even approaches this human diversity, and no other continent can rival Africa in the complexity of its human past.
Bushmen/Khoisan speakers, who first appeared in what is now South Africa about 30,000 years ago, DNA speaking genetically they're about as far from the Black African Bantu as Italians are from Basques, by the 1960s, some scholars regarded the Khoisan as a separate race known as the Capoid race, so Who is the oldest race really?

I see a lot of posts, blogs, chat on skye, twitter, forums and I see many posts, the Rightwing, the Leftwing, the Conservative, the Liberal, the Democrat, the Republican...all kinds of posts

When you see South get a lot of DOOMSDAY...the WORLD IS ENDING...from South Africa...even South African Blacks whill admit things have gone kinda backwards

on twitter, facebook you can see feed ofthe cities, some is tourism ads, some media spam, sometimes you see real people on the instagrams and snapchats and websites like youtube liveleak...however what you do see is decay, unemployment and violence and crime starting to Skyrocket?
Why is the South Korean economy worth more than the Economy of all African Nations COMBINED??

I don't really believe in the idea of a 'White Race' but let's entertain its concept, to me what the whites of Europe seem to be is a collection of tribes and langauges and people, Saxons, Germanics, Tatars, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Belo Russo Mongol, Jews, Franks, Celts, Scandanavians...they do kind of share similar features, languages and cultures. Also the current European citizen in Germany, France, England, Rome, Brussels has become a multi-ctural mix, mutli racial mix from all over the world, the idea of a 'race' would seem defunct but maybe not, there is an identity of sorts and peoople who argue over ethnicity, heritage,
North America and the nations of Canada and the United States of America, it can be said became dominated by 'White Culture' the British, the French, the Dutch...the old white and old money people of Europe, some of Ameerica's Founders may have even been W.A.S.Ps Freemasons adding to this whole global conspiracy you see in the alternative media.
One conspiracy you read is how 'White Culture' is dying or under attack

An eye opener here was how far different opinions were here on the whole illegal immigrant, foreign invader, refugee, muslim migrant thing on fireflyfans. I remember the debate getting strong in 2014, and more debate in 2015, in January 2016 I came out and said the old culture of Europe may be doomed and huge changes might come
Some people were very anti- they talked of langauges, America's borders and the US culture...while some were very open borders and helping all peoples, maybe even those who were not genuine refugees?

One of the things I come across everyone once in a while is this Conservative, Libertarian, Rightwing, Republican, National, alt-right media thing and they are covering South Africans and their affairs.

They say Nelson Mandela is long dead and we see a a worsening economy, it looks more likely South Africa is on the way to becoming another backward Zimbabwe founded on racism. Some commentators, bloggers and even mainstream writer says it’s time for the United States to start admitting white South Africans as refugees to the United States – before things escalate to genocide. One popular South African singer Steve Hofmeyr, who is a foremost crusader for white right-wing has soemthing like 222,000 followers, his Twitter timeline not only features local issues of so-called white victimhood, he's a Trump supporter and speaks sometimes on the White Genocide topic, Brit Greek American? Milo Yiannopoulos worked at Brietbart news as its flamboyant poster boy, this site as featured South African topics. The U.N may even come to debate the whole White Genocide thing and White South African Satus as Refugees? South Africa is still being touted as the Rainbow Nation that works for all, welcomes all races and religions, is for all languages and cultures but it is not happy with its fellow black Africans and most particularly the islamic Somalis.

In South Africa, most of the old food makers, farmers are from the old stock of White South African, these peoples are the Boer farmers. This culture is now extinct in Europe, they are origianlly mostly from Holland and Netherlands, some were German, some French and were old Dutch and Afrikaans peoples, the Black Africans still hold resentment and hatred for the old European White Boer peoples and theer are maybe hundreds of attacks and murders on white farmers...these White people no longer live in Europe and only Live in South Africa

So get this....I'm reading up on the country and the origianl South Africans are called 'khoisan bushmen'...the Black Africans you see in South Africa today are not Natives but invaders from the North. Bhantu, Zulus, tribes from Middle and Central Africa near the Congo come down. South Africa with its first towns and cities, it was originally conolized by European settlers in the 1600s and 1700s, European art, language, buildings. The British Empire expands and spreads its laws, wisdom, boats and gunships, first taking part in the Slave Trade and then later regretting that decision the British seek to reverse ther whole slavery thing. In 1795, Britain comes in, fights, gained control of South Africa, slaves are free, soon conmflicts between Natives, Boers, African Blacks and others begin, a journey the “Great Trek.” This Trek begins and White Afrikaners move north into other lands and other States and the politics and wars and conflict follows. Also added into all this mix came peoples from India, China, Arabia or Arab Sultanates or other ethnic groups and culture from other parts of the Empire. British quickly learned about the rich natural resources in the Afrikaner republicc and we now launch into the two Boer Wars.

The First Boer War was fought between 1880 and 1881. The Afrikaners won the First Boer War, but the British still wanted that wealth, oil, diamonds, gold whatever, they coveted the rich African resources. The Second Boer War was fought from 1899 to 1902. White Boer Europeans in South Africa were then responsible for establishing apartheid in the twentieth century, the word “apartheid” means “separateness” in Afrikaans. After these Boer Wars, many poor, homeless Afrikaners moved into other countries in Southern Africa like Namibia and Zimbabwe. Some just kept moving across Africa and others moved to distant places like South America, Australia, and the southwestern United States. The original Black 'khoisan bushmen' peoples may had been exterminted by invading Blacks from the North if not for ther protection of these White Boer peoples? The 'khoisan bushmen' don't really look typical Black African and instead look a little like Sudanese, Mauratania, South Pacific Islander, maybe even Arab like or Indo or East Asian, their visual appearance and culture is unique and their DNA seperate and ancient...these original indigenous Africans have a sperate look , language and culture to other Africans who are in fact also invaders like the European, and the conspiracy says like their European, Indian and Asian friends they may also go extinct in the New South Africa. Murder rates, kidnapping, shootings at an all time high, you seem to be talking similar levels like parts of Afghanistan and parts of Iraq. Some say build another state inside a state in South Africa: a separate White homeland for Afrikaners or deja vu all over again?


Friday, July 7, 2017 9:47 AM


Dear Buddha, put down the comma button and the crackpipe and go ta bed...


Friday, July 7, 2017 10:09 AM


who knows...its possible Trump may be one day considered a 'Centrist'and the next White Power Hitlerish Freak will have Come From Sotuh Africa...btw that Robert Mugabe guys was one freak, crashed the Zimbabwe Economy and even proudly refered to himself as the "Black Hitler"

crash economy, hyper inflation, then its a million, trillion, Billion Dollars just to buy one milk or a loaf of bread


Originally posted by Wishimay:
Dear Buddha, put down the comma button and the crackpipe and go ta bed...

you will love these



White Genocide in South Africa #SaveTheBoer

discussing the White Genocide in South Africa

Another from the internets, YellowChinaman talks with BlackAfrican?






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