Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets

UPDATED: Friday, March 8, 2019 20:47
VIEWED: 5842
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Sunday, July 23, 2017 2:36 AM


I was looking forward to this film, and I cannot recall a more satisfying experience in awhile. Arrival was excellent, but a different type of film. Perhaps Rogue One is the nearest to compare in terms of satisfaction of expectations.

I understand Valerian and Laureline was a comic series which this is an episode from. I am astonished at the level of extravagance derived from a comic storyline. I have not read the comic.

I can say there were some parts which reminded me of Fifth Element, and upon reflection there were quite a few similarities, but they were not obvious at the moment.

This was an extravagant exposition of sight, sound effects, story, concepts, action, and adventure. I do recommend it to anybody who thinks it is for them. And see it in cinema at least once - I expect to see it at least another time in cinema. If you are into 3D, it may be the best candidate for that format.

There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers. Otherwise there were a few parts that I found gadgety or gimmicky.

There were many things happening, and I think I will need several viewings to catch it all. For those who want to pay attention to the details, the opening scenes provide some subscripts specifying time progression, but due to scenes distraction I failed to keep noticing them, so you might try to note them.

I don't really get how the lead character is so immature, irresponsible, incompetent, and still a Major - perhaps it is merely to appeal to ADHD or slacker target audience of the comic series. Sergeant Laureline was the far more competent and interesting character. Not sure I understand how Princess Liho's decision or choice was valid, or why, or what parameters she used. Maybe she just got lucky, but perhaps there was more to it. More viewing may reveal how her choice was better than any other, and why, but right now I'm not getting it.

This may be the best film of the year - I think it's certainly the best Sci-Fi film so far this year. This should hold up well for years worth of rewatching to come. Excluding Arrival, Rogue One, Edge of Tomorrow, I am not sure what was the last film this experience could compare to.

If you are the type who likes to read the end credits, such as the cast, you will need to get out your recording device and either record video or a couple pics and then review later. Get your device booted when he gives her a ring. Way too many cast credits crammed into the full screen width and too fast.
I expect that this cast will be getting a lot more roles now, because the film will propel them. The direction, transition, and editing serves them well.


Sunday, July 23, 2017 3:23 PM


Hey, I just submitted my review. I went to see it last night. I didn't see your review posted until just now, as I was reviewing my post for errors.



Sunday, July 23, 2017 4:24 PM


I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:


I understand Valerian and Lorelei was a comic series which this is an episode from. I am astonished at the level of extravagance derived from a comic storyline. I have not read the comic.

I agree, it makes me want to read it and see what inspired Besson so much.


I can say there were some parts which reminded me of Fifth Element, and upon reflection there were quite a few similarities

As you'll see in my review, I got that feeling sharply when Rihanna's character Bubble appeared on the scene. But what made me think Fifth Element specifically was

Select to view spoiler:

her speech when she was dying in Valerian's arms; all about loving Laureline. Hmmmmm, LeeLoo, Laureline.....LeeLoo, Laureline. There's something I didn't notice until now


This was an extravagant exposition of sight, sound effects, story, concepts, action, and adventure. I do recommend it to anybody who thinks it is for them. And see it in cinema at least once - I expect to see it at least another time in cinema. If you are into 3D, it may be the best candidate for that format.

Agreed. I want to go back and see it in IMAX, it was that stunning to see. Maybe not so much in the plot development, but it was a good story idea.


There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers. Otherwise there were a few parts that I found gadgety or gimmicky.

Again agreed, wholeheartedly. It felt forced and uncomfortable, off kilter. I didn't believe it for a second. Was it poor casting, weak script, weak acting or do we put this on the director? Sometimes directors have a bad day, so to speak.


There were many things happening, and I think I will need several viewings to catch it all. For those who want to pay attention to the details, the opening scenes provide some subscripts specifying time progression

Good call. I thought it was a brilliant opening sequence; from the use of David Bowie's song, to the images, it was all quite inspiring and gave me hope that this would be a great experience, if not a great film.


I don't really get how the lead character is so immature, irresponsible, incompetent, and still a Major - perhaps it is merely to appeal to ADHD or slacker target audience of the comic series. Sergeant Lorelei was the far more competent and interesting character. Not sure I understand how Princess Liho's decision or choice was valid, or why, or what parameters she used. Maybe she just got lucky, but perhaps there was more to it. More viewing may reveal how her choice was better than any other, and why, but right now I'm not getting it.

Again, I agree. Perhaps it was the casting, I don't know because I heard this actor is quite good, normally. By the way, great pick up on your part. I didn't even consider that until you brought it up. She was much better, I agree with you on that as well. I think too that they were cast because of a target audience the suits of the studio had in mind. Besson may have been handcuffed in that department (in order to get the money to make his dream movie, etc.).

Here's a thought about the princess's choice. Perhaps she chose him due to his immaturity, and so forth, because deep down she felt that he would transform at the right time and do the right thing. There is a moment when Laureline asks him to trust her...."if you love me" type of thing. He gives in to that trust and maybe that's why she chose Valerian. Remember the opening sequence at the beach? I know I'm reaching here, but that's what I mean about the script and plot development; it's a very subtle tie-in. I always say that the writing is key in any film, it must serve the plot and characters well.


This may be the best film of the year - I think it's certainly the best Sci-Fi film so far this year. This should hold up well for years worth of rewatching to come. Excluding Arrival, Rogue One, Edge of Tomorrow, I am not sure what was the last film this experience could compare to.

I'm not quite sure where I stand in terms of "Best of" but it's much more than critics give it credit for. But I do agree that Arrival, Edge of Tomorrow and Rogue One (in that order) are better films. I consider this film to be Fifth Element on steroids; and yes, there's nothing to compare it to other than the aforementioned Fifth Element. It's busy, frantic style, it's military theme and the grand scale Good vs. Evil aspect...all hallmarks of Besson's space epic.

By the way, I waited, along with several in the theater, for the end credits in case there were any "codas." Sadly, there were none.

P.S. Rogue One is on Netflix.



Monday, July 24, 2017 2:41 AM


Another item I forgot to mention.

Some of you may recall a film from 2005 which used as introduction the film company logo, changing context into a visual aid for a teacher of history, and children students - but wait, this is all a memory, in the brain of one of those students, now subject of a mind control procedure, who escapes from The Institute - but wait, this is all really just a video recording archive, being viewed by The Operative.

If you can recall and consider all of the complexities and layers of transitions of this sequence - which don't really make logical sense, then you may have a better bed of context for the beginning of Valerian - except that Valerian will make sense by the end of the film.

Another thing. The concept from the object in the title did not really make sense to me, but I was happy to see they laid the concept out very well within the film - I didn't feel they were spoon feeding it to me, although readers of the comic may have felt it remedial.


Monday, July 24, 2017 2:56 AM


I really should have used the phrase fast paced. There are likely some periods of reduced pace, but I don't recall them right now.

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

I can say there were some parts which reminded me of Fifth Element, and upon reflection there were quite a few similarities
As you'll see in my review, I got that feeling sharply when Rihanna's character Bubble appeared on the scene. But what made me think Fifth Element specifically was

Select to view spoiler:

her speech when she was dying in Valerian's arms; all about loving Laureline. Hmmmmm, LeeLoo, Laureline.....LeeLoo, Laureline. There's something I didn't notice until now

I was more struck by

Select to view spoiler:

Princess Liho - did they just say Leeloo?

Plus an integral character critical to mission success is a performer who can shape-shift.
And thanks for pointing out her name was Laureline, not Lorelei.


This was an extravagant exposition of sight, sound effects, story, concepts, action, and adventure. I do recommend it to anybody who thinks it is for them. And see it in cinema at least once - I expect to see it at least another time in cinema. If you are into 3D, it may be the best candidate for that format.
Agreed. I want to go back and see it in IMAX, it was that stunning to see. Maybe not so much in the plot development, but it was a good story idea.

Excellent suggestion. I will look for an IMAX showing on Tuesday. I cannot recall a film more suited to IMAX - except maybe Edge of Tomorrow, which I did not see in IMAX.
I'm not sure about your plot comments. I have not yet separated plot from the compilation of new concepts, backgrounds, gadgets. Other than the concept that a moron like Valerian could even survive in that time without being relegated to the short ship to school, not sure the plot is suffering.


There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers. Otherwise there were a few parts that I found gadgety or gimmicky.
Again agreed, wholeheartedly. It felt forced and uncomfortable, off kilter. I didn't believe it for a second. Was it poor casting, weak script, weak acting or do we put this on the director? Sometimes directors have a bad day, so to speak.

I have difficulty conjuring the Director at fault here. He managed with 5th Element, Transporter, even the platonic of The Professional - that seemed a deft touch, to avoid creepiness. I have not seen either leads in roles before. Laureline seemed more a model type acting (better to use Emily Ratajkowski, who seems to be much better actress), but Valerian seems dismal. Perhaps their problem was all of the CGI, green screens, blue screens, etc - just couldn't act without background. If these roles, or at least his, get re-cast, the next installment could be all that we hope for. But how could they miss this in the dailies? the obvious problems should have been visible despite the missing CGI. But maybe it was too late to recast. It must have been a nightmare during editing to try to salvage that footage. I don't even know how central the romance was to the storyline in the comic. Perhaps the romance garbage was a idea in hindsight?


I don't really get how the lead character is so immature, irresponsible, incompetent, and still a Major

He seems incapable of even graduating a Boot Camp, let alone a viable participant of Officer Candidate School


- perhaps it is merely to appeal to ADHD or slacker target audience of the comic series. Sergeant Lorelei was the far more competent and interesting character. Not sure I understand how Princess Liho's decision or choice was valid, or why, or what parameters she used. Maybe she just got lucky, but perhaps there was more to it. More viewing may reveal how her choice was better than any other, and why, but right now I'm not getting it.
Again, I agree. Perhaps it was the casting, I don't know because I heard this actor is quite good, normally.

I've never seen him

By the way, great pick up on your part.
What are you talking about? My comment about his immaturity, or rank, or her comparable genius, or Liho's decision? Or something else?

I didn't even consider that until you brought it up. She was much better, I agree with you on that as well. I think too that they were cast because of a target audience the suits of the studio had in mind. Besson may have been handcuffed in that department (in order to get the money to make his dream movie, etc.).
Here I will put your comment into SPOILER hiding, because I consider key points here to spoil the awe, adventure, and mystery of the story. I kept my original references (in OP) to these points vague enough to not spoil the story and plot flow.

Select to view spoiler:

Here's a thought about the princess's choice. Perhaps she chose him due to his immaturity, and so forth, because deep down she felt that he would transform at the right time and do the right thing. There is a moment when Laureline asks him to trust her...."if you love me" type of thing. He gives in to that trust and maybe that's why she chose Valerian. Remember the opening sequence at the beach? I know I'm reaching here, but that's what I mean about the script and plot development; it's a very subtle tie-in. I always say that the writing is key in any film, it must serve the plot and characters well.

Select to view spoiler:

I don't understand her selection based upon his acting like a teenager. When she dies, he still won't even be born for another half decade. Maybe it has something to do with him being the next up on the wheel for the upcoming mission, which he won't understand the importance of. Nothing more than he is the one who will be in the needed position at the time her family needs her help or influence. He's just the random mope filling that role at the critical time, and he outranks Laureline - and she certainly would be unable to convince him or knock any sense into him.
So then why do they make like he was a good choice for Liho? Are they merely raining false praise upon him, assuming the idiot that he is will think it sincere? They are dealing with these retarded barbaric humans, after all, and they'll assume he has no clue, which seems an accurate assessment and safe assumption. Is that it?
I think I will also look for an audio cue for when one of them dies and makes their decision - don't recall one, and the music when Liho will not survive didn't seem particularly meaningful. Barber's Adagio for Strings comes to mind, but needs more time to build.



This may be the best film of the year - I think it's certainly the best Sci-Fi film so far this year. This should hold up well for years worth of rewatching to come. Excluding Arrival, Rogue One, Edge of Tomorrow, I am not sure what was the last film this experience could compare to.
I'm not quite sure where I stand in terms of "Best of" but it's much more than critics give it credit for. But I do agree that Arrival, Edge of Tomorrow and Rogue One (in that order) are better films.

I wasn't saying those 3 were better, just that I wasn't certain if they were. Arrival was not the same, not really action/adventure. And I was referring to the total experience, not merely an individual facet of story, visuals, adventure, mystery or Sci-Fi. Not many films bring everything together so well.

I consider this film to be Fifth Element on steroids; and yes, there's nothing to compare it to other than the aforementioned Fifth Element. It's busy, frantic style, it's military theme and the grand scale Good vs. Evil aspect...all hallmarks of Besson's space epic.
I might compare it to 5th Element (less futuristic), Bladerunner (slower paced), Serenity (government is more evil, but planet was not intentionally destroyed), Avatar (unobtainium is mineral, instead of cute fauna named Converters), Star Wars: New Hope (redefining the sci-fi parameters of it's time), Rogue One (also Epic Galactic scale adventure), Guardians of the Galaxy (better chemistry), Star Wars reboot (2009, also action/adventure), Galaxy Quest (overall entertainment), possibly Interstellar (only in terms of visual effects, but much better with chemistry) and many others which are not clicking right now.
I might consider Valerian could be the story that AeonFlux, Ultraviolet,
and maybe Resident Evil wish they could have been.

P.S. Rogue One is on Netflix.


Rogue One has been at RedBox for a while now. I think it's been free at the Library as well.


Monday, July 24, 2017 6:23 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey, I just submitted my review. I went to see it last night. I didn't see your review posted until just now, as I was reviewing my post for errors.



Wednesday, July 26, 2017 2:41 AM


I watched again Tuesday, seems no IMAX theaters around me.
Last Sat night I arrived well in time, and had my choice of seating, not many people ended up coming to it. Weekend Box Office was disappointing. Tues I didn't get there early, and had great trouble finding a seat. Maybe word of mouth is increasing attendance, and it might "grow legs" and increase tickets sales.
I finally recalled the name of the natives of planet Mul, which are Pearls, which are also the term for their energy orbs. The critters are Mul Converters.

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers. Otherwise there were a few parts that I found gadgety or gimmicky.

I don't really get how the lead character is so immature, irresponsible, incompetent, and still a Major - perhaps it is merely to appeal to ADHD or slacker target audience of the comic series. Sergeant Laureline was the far more competent and interesting character.

I may have made error of assumption here. There are ranks of Commander, General, Captain, Major, and Sargeant. The rank structure is not explained, and I had assumed Major outranked Sgt, but this could well be wrong. Valerian acts like a teenager and claims he has 9 years of service (as Federal Agent). Laureline is a graduate of an "Ivy League" education, and she may actually outrank the Major - it's not clear. Not sure if Captain is higher or lower rank than Major in this arena, but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Not sure I understand how Princess Liho's decision or choice was valid, or why, or what parameters she used. Maybe she just got lucky, but perhaps there was more to it. More viewing may reveal how her choice was better than any other, and why, but right now I'm not getting it.
A little more info here:

Select to view spoiler:

Liho chooses the time immediately before the dolt Valerian arrives at the Inter-dimensional Bazaar. This location is where at entry, Liho's brother senses Liho's presence in Valerian. Just before her brother enters into an illicit trade, which falls apart, and Valerian effectively salvages the impending disaster, although he has no clue because he is merely klutzing through a mission which may have been laid out by the Commander. Because he also detours from the mission, this goof-off sets the schedule back, and I'm not sure how that exactly affects upcoming events and actions. This would suggest Liho's decision was based upon Valerian's impending assignment, despite his incompetence and irresponsibility.
Back at Alpha, the Commander's plan for secret genocide is confounded by the assignment (by higher authority) of Valerian and Laureline as his protective detail, and Laureline's wisdom of keeping the Converter from him. So this might suggest that Liho's decision is due to Laureline already being competent, intelligent, and responsible, so Liho's influence was needed on the dolt Valerian - perhaps she had to just suck it up and hope he wouldn't fail her. The tortured Pearl does not die until after this event, so it is unclear how or why this decision was made by the higher authority.
Laureline asks Valerian to trust her, because he cannot understand Love, and she needs him to allow her to return the Mul Converter to the natives of Mul, instead of helping the Commander to destroy them all.


This may be the best film of the year - I think it's certainly the best Sci-Fi film so far this year. This should hold up well for years worth of rewatching to come. Excluding Arrival, Rogue One, Edge of Tomorrow, I am not sure what was the last film this experience could compare to.

I do expect this film will be copied, and many derivative scenes will show up in future films.


Sunday, July 30, 2017 11:00 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

I understand Valerian and Lorelei was a comic series which this is an episode from. I am astonished at the level of extravagance derived from a comic storyline. I have not read the comic.
I agree, it makes me want to read it and see what inspired Besson so much.

This was an extravagant exposition of sight, sound effects, story, concepts, action, and adventure. I do recommend it to anybody who thinks it is for them. And see it in cinema at least once - I expect to see it at least another time in cinema. If you are into 3D, it may be the best candidate for that format.
Agreed. I want to go back and see it in IMAX, it was that stunning to see. Maybe not so much in the plot development, but it was a good story idea.


I didn't recall any terrible problems with the plot, unlike with a lot of recent entries.
It's not any mind-bender, not Inception or Arrival, but also not defective.

Did you have any problems with the plot?


Monday, July 31, 2017 7:26 PM


I finally looked up what year this takes place, and apparently it is 2722, and Valerian is a Temporal-Spatial Agent.

Looks like the comic was written in 1967, and it's French. Perhaps those are reasons why the character is so inept. Although France has still not recovered from WWI and WWII, at that time they were hardly a generation removed from their most recent devastation, and they were defeated again in Vietnam. (French Indochina War, or First Indochina War - and Americans call the Second Indochina War "Vietnam").
This may explain a bit. Were all frogs stoned in the 60's? Maybe they thought Valerian should also be stoned, and events occurred around him as a joke?


Thursday, August 31, 2017 6:53 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers.

Again agreed, wholeheartedly. It felt forced and uncomfortable, off kilter. I didn't believe it for a second. Was it poor casting, weak script, weak acting or do we put this on the director? Sometimes directors have a bad day, so to speak.

I have difficulty conjuring the Director at fault here. He managed with 5th Element, Transporter, even the platonic of The Professional - that seemed a deft touch, to avoid creepiness. I have not seen either leads in roles before. Laureline seemed more a model type acting (better to use Emily Ratajkowski, who seems to be much better actress), but Valerian seems dismal. Perhaps their problem was all of the CGI, green screens, blue screens, etc - just couldn't act without background. If these roles, or at least his, get re-cast, the next installment could be all that we hope for. But how could they miss this in the dailies? the obvious problems should have been visible despite the missing CGI. But maybe it was too late to recast. It must have been a nightmare during editing to try to salvage that footage. I don't even know how central the romance was to the storyline in the comic. Perhaps the romance garbage was a idea in hindsight?

As I alluded to, perhaps the combination of CGI with young performers is what went haywire. Have the 2 leads been in CGI work before? They may have been unable to deal with blue screens, green screens, etc.


Friday, September 1, 2017 2:44 AM


No, I couldn't say I had a big problem with the plot, it was more dialogue and pacing - well, it was a little bit the story, how it unfolded. I liked the beginning - the middle and ending, not so much. But I think it was mostly the chemistry between the 2 leads - it was non-existent.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

I understand Valerian and Lorelei was a comic series which this is an episode from. I am astonished at the level of extravagance derived from a comic storyline. I have not read the comic.
I agree, it makes me want to read it and see what inspired Besson so much.

This was an extravagant exposition of sight, sound effects, story, concepts, action, and adventure. I do recommend it to anybody who thinks it is for them. And see it in cinema at least once - I expect to see it at least another time in cinema. If you are into 3D, it may be the best candidate for that format.
Agreed. I want to go back and see it in IMAX, it was that stunning to see. Maybe not so much in the plot development, but it was a good story idea.


I didn't recall any terrible problems with the plot, unlike with a lot of recent entries.
It's not any mind-bender, not Inception or Arrival, but also not defective.

Did you have any problems with the plot?


Friday, September 1, 2017 3:00 AM


I'm not sure if the actors ever worked with CGI before, but that's something the director has to pay attention to.


There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey.

This contributed a lot to the movie's overall theme; was it a rom-com or sci-fi space epic. The trailers depicted the latter - a space epic with dazzling effects. That should have been the tip-off right there. It was corny, it was cheesy, it was hokey.

I think Besson was trying to recapture the brilliant success of The Fifth Element. But there you had more experienced actors, a better story, pacing and plot development. But I think you may have a point there about how these young actors were unable to create a spark between them - which was part of the story. I was more impressed with the plight of the aliens than I was with the 2 leads.

I expected better from Besson.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers.

Again agreed, wholeheartedly. It felt forced and uncomfortable, off kilter. I didn't believe it for a second. Was it poor casting, weak script, weak acting or do we put this on the director? Sometimes directors have a bad day, so to speak.

I have difficulty conjuring the Director at fault here. He managed with 5th Element, Transporter, even the platonic of The Professional - that seemed a deft touch, to avoid creepiness. I have not seen either leads in roles before. Laureline seemed more a model type acting (better to use Emily Ratajkowski, who seems to be much better actress), but Valerian seems dismal. Perhaps their problem was all of the CGI, green screens, blue screens, etc - just couldn't act without background. If these roles, or at least his, get re-cast, the next installment could be all that we hope for. But how could they miss this in the dailies? the obvious problems should have been visible despite the missing CGI. But maybe it was too late to recast. It must have been a nightmare during editing to try to salvage that footage. I don't even know how central the romance was to the storyline in the comic. Perhaps the romance garbage was a idea in hindsight?

As I alluded to, perhaps the combination of CGI with young performers is what went haywire. Have the 2 leads been in CGI work before? They may have been unable to deal with blue screens, green screens, etc.


Friday, September 1, 2017 12:54 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I'm not sure if the actors ever worked with CGI before, but that's something the director has to pay attention to.


There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey.

This contributed a lot to the movie's overall theme; was it a rom-com or sci-fi space epic. The trailers depicted the latter - a space epic with dazzling effects. That should have been the tip-off right there. It was corny, it was cheesy, it was hokey.

I think Besson was trying to recapture the brilliant success of The Fifth Element. But there you had more experienced actors, a better story, pacing and plot development. But I think you may have a point there about how these young actors were unable to create a spark between them - which was part of the story. I was more impressed with the plight of the aliens than I was with the 2 leads.

I expected better from Besson.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I think we pretty much agree on a great many things about this movie:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
There was a component of romantic tension which was corny, cheesy, hokey. But because this was not portrayed much in the Trailers or summaries, it did not effect my expectation. This aspect is the only facet that I found substandard, like it was written for or by teenagers.

Again agreed, wholeheartedly. It felt forced and uncomfortable, off kilter. I didn't believe it for a second. Was it poor casting, weak script, weak acting or do we put this on the director? Sometimes directors have a bad day, so to speak.

I have difficulty conjuring the Director at fault here. He managed with 5th Element, Transporter, even the platonic of The Professional - that seemed a deft touch, to avoid creepiness. I have not seen either leads in roles before. Laureline seemed more a model type acting (better to use Emily Ratajkowski, who seems to be much better actress), but Valerian seems dismal. Perhaps their problem was all of the CGI, green screens, blue screens, etc - just couldn't act without background. If these roles, or at least his, get re-cast, the next installment could be all that we hope for. But how could they miss this in the dailies? the obvious problems should have been visible despite the missing CGI. But maybe it was too late to recast. It must have been a nightmare during editing to try to salvage that footage. I don't even know how central the romance was to the storyline in the comic. Perhaps the romance garbage was a idea in hindsight?

As I alluded to, perhaps the combination of CGI with young performers is what went haywire. Have the 2 leads been in CGI work before? They may have been unable to deal with blue screens, green screens, etc.

Are they both gay? Or only Carla? Suddenly I can't recall any big Besson Rom stars who were gay.

Is Carla his first?


Friday, September 1, 2017 6:50 PM



Are they both gay? Or only Carla? Suddenly I can't recall any big Besson Rom stars who were gay.

Is Carla his first?

Cara Delevingne apparently plays for both teams, but what does that have to do with anything. An actor is supposed to act. Actually I liked her performance better than Dane Dehaan (who played Valerian).



Friday, September 1, 2017 7:43 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Are they both gay? Or only Cara? Suddenly I can't recall any big Besson Rom stars who were gay.

Is Cara his first?

Cara Delevingne apparently plays for both teams, but what does that have to do with anything. An actor is supposed to act. Actually I liked her performance better than Dane Dehaan (who played Valerian).


Yes. "Supposed" may be the key term.
Not all models can transition to acting. If she can't act, perhaps Besson had difficulty bridging the spark gap.

I'm thinking "standoffish" describes her performance here.


Friday, September 8, 2017 1:58 AM


Regarding Besson's The Professional and The Fifth Element: I had thought Leon was the carryover character from La Femme Nikita at the time, but did not read confirmation until just now. The Professional was not a long-planned production, but Besson had to wait for Fifth Element until after Willis's schedule cleared, and wrote and filmed Leon in the interim before Fifth Element. Not sure if I knew that.


Friday, March 8, 2019 8:47 PM


America loves a winner!

Was looking for another thread, then saw this ( and the other ) on this flick. I waited a good long time to see it, and was somewhat surprised. It was better than I expected. However, I didn't see it until after I saw Ready Player One, and I have to say, RPO is the movie Valerian WISHED it could have been. IDK, maybe because of my age, RPO just spoke to me more ?






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