The secret plot to depose Trump

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Saturday, April 27, 2019 11:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I created this thread as a place to put all of that information (which will be revealed soon, I think) about the conspiracy against Trump and all who participated in it.

I created a separate thread because there are already multiple posts in multiple threads about social media, M$M, the Clintons, Obama, the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ, holdover employees and appointees, foreign governments (not Russian)... it was a wide-ranging conspiracy and in order to understand the full scope, the articles need to be gathered in one thread, and not scattered among many.

THIS IS NOT a defense of Trump. Please don't bring your whines and bitches about Trump and RUSSIA!!!! here! You have a gazillion threads to obssess in; this is something else.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 11:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost

As Donald Trump began his meteoric rise to the presidency, the Obama White House summoned Ukrainian authorities to Washington to coordinate ongoing anti-corruption efforts inside Russia’s most critical neighbor.

The January 2016 gathering, confirmed by multiple participants and contemporaneous memos, brought some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators face to face with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ).

The agenda suggested the purpose was training and coordination. But Ukrainian participants said it didn’t take long — during the meetings and afterward — to realize the Americans’ objectives included two politically hot investigations: one that touched Vice President Joe Biden’s family and one that involved a lobbying firm linked closely to then-candidate Trump.

U.S. officials “kept talking about how important it was that all of our anti-corruption efforts be united,” said Andrii Telizhenko, then a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington tasked with organizing the meeting.

Telizhenko, who no longer works for the Ukrainian Embassy, said U.S. officials volunteered during the meetings — one of which was held in the White House’s Old Executive Office Building — that they had an interest in reviving a closed investigation into payments to U.S. figures from Ukraine’s Russia-backed Party of Regions.

That 2014 investigation was led by the FBI and focused heavily on GOP lobbyist Paul Manafort, whose firm long had been tied to Trump through his partner and Trump pal, Roger Stone.

Agents interviewed Manafort in 2014 about whether he received undeclared payments from the party of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, an ally of Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and whether he engaged in improper foreign lobbying.

The FBI shut down the case without charging Manafort.

Telizhenko said he couldn’t remember whether Manafort was mentioned during the January 2016 meeting. But he and other attendees recalled DOJ officials asking investigators from Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) if they could help locate new evidence about the Party of Regions’ payments and its dealings with Americans.

“It was definitely the case that led to the charges against Manafort and the leak to U.S. media during the 2016 election,” he said.

That makes the January 2016 meeting one of the earliest documented efforts to build the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion narrative and one of the first to involve the Obama administration’s intervention.

Spokespeople for the NSC, DOJ and FBI declined to comment. A representative for former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice did not return emails seeking comment.

Nazar Kholodnytskyy, Ukraine’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, told me he attended some but not all of the January 2016 Washington meetings and couldn’t remember the specific cases, if any, that were discussed.

But he said he soon saw evidence in Ukraine of political meddling in the U.S. election. Kholodnytskyy said the key evidence against Manafort — a ledger showing payments from the Party of Regions — was known to Ukrainian authorities since 2014 but was suddenly released in May 2016 by the U.S.-friendly NABU, after Manafort was named Trump’s campaign chairman: “Somebody kept this black ledger secret for two years and then showed it to the public and the U.S. media. It was extremely suspicious.”

Kholodnytskyy said he explicitly instructed NABU investigators who were working with American authorities not to share the ledger with the media. “Look, Manafort’s case is one of the cases that hurt me a lot,” he said.

“I ordered the detectives to give nothing to the mass media considering this case. Instead, they had broken my order and published themselves these one or two pages of this black ledger regarding Paul Manafort."

“For me it was the first call that something was going wrong and that there is some external influence in this case. And there is some other interests in this case not in the interest of the investigation and a fair trial,” he added.

Kostiantyn Kulyk, deputy head of the Ukraine prosecutor general’s international affairs office, said that, shortly after Ukrainian authorities returned from the Washington meeting, there was a clear message about helping the Americans with the Party of the Regions case.

“Yes, there was a lot of talking about needing help and then the ledger just appeared in public,” he recalled.

Kulyk said Ukrainian authorities had evidence that other Western figures, such as former Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig, also received money from Yanukovych’s party. But the Americans weren’t interested: “They just discussed Manafort. This was all and only what they wanted. Nobody else.”

Tony Podesta, John Podesta's brother, also lobbied on behalf of the Ukrainian government at the same time as Paul Manafort, but his company, The Podesta Group, got a quiet head's up and was allowed to file "ammended" reports and escape prosecution.


Manafort joined Trump’s campaign on March 29, 2016, and then was promoted to campaign chairman on May 19, 2016.

NABU leaked the existence of the ledgers on May 29, 2016. Later that summer, it told U.S. media the ledgers showed payments to Manafort, a revelation that forced him to resign from the campaign in August 2016.

A Ukrainian court in December concluded NABU’s release of the ledger was an illegal attempt to influence the U.S. election. And a member of Ukraine’s parliament has released a recording of a NABU official saying the agency released the ledger to help Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The other case raised at the January 2016 meeting, Telizhenko said, involved Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company under investigation in Ukraine for improper foreign transfers of money. At the time, Burisma allegedly was paying then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter as both a board member and a consultant. More than $3 million flowed from Ukraine to an American firm tied to Hunter Biden in 2014-15, bank records show.

According to Telizhenko, U.S. officials told the Ukrainians they would prefer that Kiev drop the Burisma probe and allow the FBI to take it over. The Ukrainians did not agree. But then Joe Biden pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in March 2016, as I previously reported. The Burisma case was transferred to NABU, then shut down.

So Biden killed the Ukrainian investigation into his son by getting the proseuctor fired.


The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington on Thursday confirmed the Obama administration requested the meetings in January 2016, but embassy representatives attended only some of the sessions.

"Unfortunately, the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington, D.C., was not invited to join the DOJ and other law enforcement-sector meetings," it said. It said it had no record that the Party of Regions or Burisma cases came up in the meetings it did attend.

Ukraine is riddled with corruption, Russian meddling and intense political conflicts, so one must carefully consider any Ukrainian accounts.

But Telizhenko’s claim that the DOJ reopened its Manafort probe as the 2016 election ramped up is supported by the DOJ’s own documents, including communications involving Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr, his wife, Nellie, and ex-British spy Christopher Steele.

Nellie Ohr and Steele worked in 2016 for the research firm, Fusion GPS, that was hired by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to find Russia dirt on Trump. Steele wrote the famous dossier for Fusion that the FBI used to gain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Nellie Ohr admitted to Congress that she routed Russia dirt on Trump from Fusion to the DOJ through her husband during the election.

DOJ emails show Nellie Ohr on May 30, 2016, directly alerted her husband and two DOJ prosecutors specializing in international crimes to the discovery of the “black ledger” documents that led to Manafort’s prosecution.

“Reported Trove of documents on Ukrainian Party of Regions’ Black Cashbox,” Nellie Ohr wrote to her husband and federal prosecutors Lisa Holtyn and Joseph Wheatley, attaching a news article on the announcement of NABU’s release of the documents.

Bruce Ohr and Steele worked on their own effort to get dirt on Manafort from a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, who had a soured business relationship with him. Deripaska was “almost ready to talk” to U.S. government officials regarding the money that “Manafort stole,” Bruce Ohr wrote in notes from his conversations with Steele.

The efforts eventually led to a September 2016 meeting in which the FBI asked Deripaska if he could help prove Manafort was helping Trump collude with Russia. Deripaska laughed off the notion as preposterous.

Previously, Politico reported that the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington assisted Clinton’s campaign through a DNC contractor. The Ukrainian Embassy acknowledges it got requests for assistance from the DNC staffer to find dirt on Manafort but denies it provided any improper assistance.

Now we have more concrete evidence that the larger Ukrainian government also was being pressed by the Obama administration to help build the Russia collusion narrative. And that onion is only beginning to be peeled.

But what is already confirmed by Ukrainians looks a lot more like assertive collusion with a foreign power than anything detailed in the Mueller report.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, April 27, 2019 12:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

COMEY, according to Rosenstein


Rosenstein - who recommended firing former FBI Director James Comey and then oversaw the special counsel investigation which ensued - said that the Obama administration did the public a disservice by choosing not to publicly reveal "the full story" of what authorities say happened.

"Some critical decisions about the Russia investigation were made before I got there. The previous Administration chose not to publicize the full story about Russian computer hackers and social media trolls, and how they relate to a broader strategy to undermine America," said Rosenstein in remarks to the Armenian Bar Association's Public Servants Dinner.

Rosenstein also slammed the 'selective leaking' of classified information to the news media.

"The FBI disclosed classified evidence about the investigation to ranking legislators and their staffers. Someone selectively leaked details to the news media. The FBI Director announced at a congressional hearing that there was a counterintelligence investigation that might result in criminal charges. Then the former FBI Director alleged that the President pressured him to close the investigation, and the President denied that the conversation occurred."

The original article is here

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, April 27, 2019 12:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

I look forward to Trump publicly (and privately) urging Attorney General Barr to indict Obama, Biden, Hillary, Comey, whoever at the FBI.

Barr might not do what Trump wants since Barr has to live in Washington DC after Trump is gone. Barr might not willingly run an actual Witch Hunt, which could be bad for Barr's reputation. I hope Barr indicts at least one from Trump's long list of enemies, proving Trump and Signym are not simply vindictive, vengeful, and full of bullshit.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, April 27, 2019 12:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I created this thread as a place to put all of that information (which will be revealed soon, I think) about the conspiracy against Trump and all who participated in it.

I created a separate thread because there are already multiple posts in multiple threads about social media, M$M, the Clintons, Obama, the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ, holdover employees and appointees, foreign governments (not Russian)... it was a wide-ranging conspiracy and in order to understand the full scope, the articles need to be gathered in one thread, and not scattered among many.

THIS IS NOT a defense of Trump. Please don't bring your whines and bitches about Trump and RUSSIA!!!! here! You have a gazillion threads to obssess in; this is something else.

Perhaps you could provide a more clear, outlined description of what you are talking about, or what quote or discussion.
Is this including, or separate from, The Deep State?
What is the time span of this conspiracy? Before the Election, after the Election, before/during/after the Witch Hunt Fishing Expedition?
Or is the scope not yet known?

Also, does the FBI Director have a specific Definition when using the term "Troll" in his statements?

Deep State thread link:

Index of posts revealing new reports (of old news which most of us already knew).

#2 - 27 April - Obama White House, Podesta, Biden forcing Ukraine to help with conspiracy.
#3 - 27 April - Comey/Rosenstein.
#10 - 27 April - Mike Whitney.
#17 - 2 May - Nellie Ohr.
#19 - 2 May - Nellie Ohr lying to Congress.
#31 - 3 May - Barr Investigating FBI "Spying"
#32 - 3 May - Azra Turk is first named FBI Spy sent to spy on Trump. Then FBI denied it.
#35 - 3 May - FBI's Honeypot Spytrap against Trump, MSM keeping mum.
#37 - 10 May - FBI, Steele lies are falling apart - link only.
#39 - 11 May - Judgment Day for Brennan

#69 - 14 May - Barr picks Dunham.
#72 - 14 May - Guiliani on Steele and Dossier.
#82 - 17 May - FBI, CIA blaming each other (Comey/Brennan)
#94 - 19 May - James Baker backing away.

#105 - 20 May - Ghost Data finds collusion of Anti-Trump campaign.
#108 - 22 May - Barr closing in on Comey, Brennan
#112 - 23 May - Bucket 5, Gang of 8
#116 - 28 May - from another thread, Trump grants Barr Declassification Authority on documents.
#117 - 28 May - Steele now hiding from Barr & team.
#118 - 30 May - Obama's Crooked Cops & Spies scrambling for cover.
#120 - 31 May - Whistleblower exposes Obama's DOMESTIC Spying program.
#133 - 7 June - Mueller Outright Lie #2.
#134 - 7 June - Mueller Outright Lie #1.
#143 - 16 June - Fake Source of Fake Hacking pretext.
#144 - 16 June - Video of Nunes opening Statement on Mueller Dossier.
#148 - 17 June - Partial transcript of video of Nunes opening statement.
#162 - 22 June - Comey's lies to President, FBI Mole Ferrante in White House.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 2:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The deep state has existed for decades (can you provde a link to the deep state thread lease?) but rather than get into a discussion about whether or not the deep state exists I want to focus on a specific "project".

The conspiracy against Trump began, as far as I can tell, before the election and has
continued thru today. There was also a parallel pro-Hillary conspiracy which probably deserves its own thread.

The reason why I believe that a lot of info will be coming out is because now that the Mueller investigation is over, counterinvestigatons can be launched without being framed as obstruction of justice. Many of the conspirators are seeing which way the wind is blowing and will be willing to turn on each other. I think I see this happening already:
Rosenstein is a worm who has turned, and Ukrainian chief prosecutor is providing evidence.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, April 27, 2019 2:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
The deep state has existed for decades (can you provde a link to the deep state thread lease?) but rather than get into a discusion about whether or not the deep state exists I want to focus on a specific "project".

The conspiracy against Trump began, as far as I can tell, before the election and has
continued thru today. There was also a parallel pro-Hillary consiracy which probably deserves its own thread.

The reson why I believe that a lot of info will be coming out is because now that the Mueller investigation is over, counterinvestigatons can be launched without being framed as obstruction of justice. Many of the conspirators are seeing whichway the wind is blowing and will be willing to turn on each other. I think I see this happening already.

Do you have an idea of how many of these crimes have exceeded their Statutes of Limitations? That was the whole purpose of dragging out the Witch Hunt Fishing Expedition.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 3:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I created this thread as a place to put all of that information (which will be revealed soon, I think) about the conspiracy against Trump and all who participated in it.

I created a separate thread because there are already multiple posts in multiple threads about social media, M$M, the Clintons, Obama, the FBI/CIA/NSA/DOJ, holdover employees and appointees, foreign governments (not Russian)... it was a wide-ranging conspiracy and in order to understand the full scope, the articles need to be gathered in one thread, and not scattered among many.

THIS IS NOT a defense of Trump. Please don't bring your whines and bitches about Trump and RUSSIA!!!! here! You have a gazillion threads to obssess in; this is something else.

It's not a secret Sig, the MSM isn't reporting it. The fact that people in the FBI and DOJ have been fired is proof that the conspiracy has been exposed, the MSM is talking about everything else. Trump is draining the swamp and they're trying to get people to look in another direction.


Saturday, April 27, 2019 3:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm not even sure how to frame the possible crimes...

Presenting bogus "evidence" to obtain a bogus FISA warrant?

Blanket "unmasking" in order to widen the pool of suspects when it comes to leaking secret info?

Leaking classified info?

Malicious prosecution?

Cooperating with foreign governments to affect USA elections?

(That's not even counting DNC/Clinton possible crimes like obstruction of justice, running a "pay to play" Scy State office, a corrupt foundation, Uranium One etc.)

In any case, whatever happened was within the past 2 1/2 years. If Mueller can reach back to Ukraine 2014, I'm pretty sure a decent prosecutor can reach back 2 1/2 years. in any case, an investigation into the investigation will have political consequences.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, April 27, 2019 3:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Authored by Mike Whitney via The Unz Review,

Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign?


Did the FBI place spies in the Trump campaign?


Do we know the names of the spies and how they operated?


Were the spies trying to entrap Trump campaign assistants in order to gather information on Trump?


Did the spies try to elicit information from Trump campaign assistants in order to justify a wider investigation and more extensive surveillance?


Were the spies placed in the Trump campaign based on improperly obtained FISA warrants?


Did the FBI agents procure these warrants based on false or misleading information?


Could the FBI establish “probable cause” that Trump had committed a crime or “colluded” with Russia?


So the ‘spying’ was illegal?


Have many of the people who authorized the spying, already been identified in criminal referrals presented to the Department of Justice?


Have the media explained the importance of these criminal referrals or the impact that spying has on free elections?


Is the DOJ’s Inspector General currently investigating whether senior-level agents in the FBI committed crimes by improperly obtaining warrants to spy on members of the Trump team?


Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign to give Hillary Clinton an unfair advantage in the presidential race?


Did the FBI spy on the Trump campaign to gather incriminating information on Trump that could be used to blackmail, intimidate or impeach him in the future?


Does spying pose a threat to our elections and to our democracy?


Do many people know that there were spies placed in the Trump campaign?


Have these people effectively used that information to their advantage?


Have they launched any type of public relations offensive that would draw more attention to the critical issue of spying on a political campaign?


Have they saturated the airwaves with the truth about “spying” the same way their rivals have spread their disinformation about “collusion”?


Do they understand that the country is currently embroiled in a fratricidal, scorched earth political civil war in which one side is determined to prevail at all cost?


Do they understand that the people who authorized the spying and who perpetrated the coup will do everything in their power to prevent that information from getting out?


Does it look like senior-level agents at the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama White House knew that there were spies in the Trump campaign?


Did these same senior-level agents at the FBI, the CIA, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama White House cooperate in a plan to undermine and delegitimize the Trump presidency?


Did they use false or misleading information to infer the president was an agent of a foreign power?


Did they know this false and misleading information was unreliable, unverified raw intelligence that was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton?


Was there a conspiracy to remove Trump from office or to sabotage his presidency through the dissemination of false information?


Does the use of spies, wiretapping, “unmasking”, strategically-leaked information to the media, and other forms of electronic surveillance suggest that there are organized elements within the permanent bureaucracy which no longer accept the democratic process?


Is it fair to say that these people are the enemies of free elections?


Is it possible for patriotic officials in the Justice Department and in the U.S. Congress to stand up to this powerful deep state apparatus, expose what happened during the 2016 presidential campaign, identify the perpetrators, and bring them to justice?

It is possible, but not likely.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, April 27, 2019 8:52 PM


It used to be a Federal Crime to falsify Government documents, before Hilliary made it an art form.

All those signatories Swore that they had vetted and verify the information on the Fraudulent FISA Warrant Applications, and they have all admitted since then that they never did what they Swore they did.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 3:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm linking the Rod Rosenstein Quits thread here because I believe he has played/ will play an important part in providing information/ testimony on the "investigating the investigators" effort.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:43 PM


The thing about this topic: who really thinks this is a secret, outside of the Libtards and other succubants of Maddow, Co-bare, Kimmel, etc?


Wednesday, May 1, 2019 4:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

You're right: "secret" and "conspiracy" are redundant. I'll correct the title.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, May 1, 2019 10:32 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'll correct the title.

How about: "The Active Measures used to protect our democracy from a Russian Stooge ?
You probably won't like that one.

True Fiction and Fake Facts: How Putin Played Trump’s Moronic Gang of Lowlifes

"Which brings me to the most important thing Mueller has done—something I had no idea a rock-ribbed G-man out of a 1950s comic book could ever do in the era of post-truth populism. In anatomizing active measures, he has shown us just how prosaic these weapons of mass psychology really are. They neither hypnotize nor mystify; they simply hold up a mirror to reflect the venality, baseness and stupidity of which their target audience, their dupes, are quite capable without any external intercession.

The weapon the Russians used against our democracy was one always located on these shores. They sought out the all-American assholes among us, patted them on the head, and offered loud encouragement for them to simply keep going."


Wednesday, May 1, 2019 1:44 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 2, 2019 2:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being 'Finalized' According To Jim Jordan

Congressional Republicans are "working to finalize" a criminal referral of Russiagate lynchpin Nellie Ohr, the wife of the Justice Department's former #4 official Bruce Ohr.

Nellie was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, where she conducted extensive opposition research on Trump family members and campaign aides, which she passed along to Bruce on a memory stick.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:44 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Nellie Ohr Criminal Referral Being 'Finalized' According To Jim Jordan

Congressional Republicans are "working to finalize" a criminal referral of Russiagate lynchpin Nellie Ohr, the wife of the Justice Department's former #4 official Bruce Ohr.

Nellie was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, where she conducted extensive opposition research on Trump family members and campaign aides, which she passed along to Bruce on a memory stick.

Was that Illegal? Or just what Bruce did with it?


Thursday, May 2, 2019 1:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Apparently the criminal referral has been made, but it's not clear to me if the referral is for lying to Congress or conflict of interest (acting both as a Democrat-paid contractor for Fusion as well as a DOJ employee) or passing on classified info or something else.

ETA: It looks like lying to Congress ....

If the investigation of the investigators goes like Mueller's, they'll use this to squeeze information

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 2, 2019 2:40 PM



Everyone with a brain is pretty clear they'd like to see Chump deposed...or decomposed...whichever.
You know words are so tricky around here lately.

Is this where I do that "wink wink" shtick you freaks are so fond of?
Oh, covfefe...I need to get a drink and go to Germany, my homeland.

Heil Hitle....I mean, Good Morning!


Thursday, May 2, 2019 3:22 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Everyone with a brain is pretty clear they'd like to see Chump deposed...or decomposed...whichever.
You know words are so tricky around here lately.

Is this where I do that "wink wink" shtick you freaks are so fond of?
Oh, covfefe...I need to get a drink and go to Germany, my homeland.

Heil Hitle....I mean, Good Morning!

Germany is not in Russia.

Google Maps is free.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 2, 2019 4:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

TWITCHY is an anti-American anti-democracy asshole who just can't tolerate the results of free and fair elections.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 2, 2019 4:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Apparently the criminal referral has been made, but it's not clear to me if the referral is for lying to Congress or conflict of interest (acting both as a Democrat-paid contractor for Fusion as well as a DOJ employee) or passing on classified info or something else.

ETA: It looks like lying to Congress ....

If the investigation of the investigators goes like Mueller's, they'll use this to squeeze information

What for? Mueller didn't have any crimes to find, so he had to fabricate a slew of some.

Now, there are a slew of actual crimes to reveal. This one can set the example: go to prison.

She didn't turn herself in, did she? Reserve lighter treatment for those who voluntarily come forward.


Thursday, May 2, 2019 5:21 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... free and fair elections.

Let me know when we're having one of those, I'll be sure to vote.


Thursday, May 2, 2019 5:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Germany is not in Russia.

Google Maps is free.

Someone should tell Chumpski that, I am really not sure he knows that.


Thursday, May 2, 2019 6:19 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... free and fair elections.

Let me know when we're having one of those, I'll be sure to vote.

How much did Nilbog charge you the last time you voted?

Just because you weren't voted Bung Queen, doesn't mean it wasn't fair.


Thursday, May 2, 2019 7:05 PM


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 2, 2019 7:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


... free and fair elections. -SIGNY

Let me know when we're having one of those, I'll be sure to vote.

Several possible answers here, I choose ...

No wonder TWITCHY is so comfortable with anti-democratic "regime change" abroad - because she's so comfortable with it here.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 2, 2019 11:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No wonder TWITCHY is so comfortable with anti-democratic "regime change" abroad - because she's so comfortable with it here.

Couldn't get anymore "anti-democratic" then Trump and his ilk...

Oh, idiots are still breathing.


Thursday, May 2, 2019 11:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Couldn't get anymore "anti-democratic" then Trump and his ilk... TWITCHY
Says the fucking cheap deep state whore.

There isn't a Constitutional protection you wouldn't cheer overturning if it meant you might get your preference. What a douche.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 3, 2019 1:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Barr’s Review of FBI ‘Spying’ on Trump Campaign Has Wide Reach

Attorney General William Barr has begun to fill in details on his controversial pledge to investigate whether the FBI and Justice Department engaged in improper “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016.

In a contentious hearing this week on Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, Democrats accused Barr of sounding like President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. But some Republicans encouraged him to lay out the contours of the nascent surveillance probe that he made clear is among his top priorities.

Barr told the Senate Judiciary panel that he has assembled a team to determine whether there was any improper “spying” on the Trump campaign in 2016, including whether intelligence collection began earlier than previously known and how many confidential informants the FBI used. He also suggested his focus was on senior leaders at the FBI and Justice Department at the time.
Attorney General William Barr Testifies Before The Senate Judiciary Committee

“To the extent there was overreach, what we have to be concerned about is a few people at the top getting it into their heads that they know better than the American people,” Barr said.

His review also will examine whether a dossier that included salacious accusations against Trump was fabricated by the Russian government to dupe U.S. intelligence agencies and the FBI, Barr told the Senate panel on Wednesday.

“We now know that he was being falsely accused,” Barr said of Trump. “We have to stop using the criminal justice process as a political weapon.”

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 3, 2019 1:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016

The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?

The woman had set up the meeting to discuss foreign policy issues. But she was actually a government investigator posing as a research assistant, according to people familiar with the operation. The F.B.I. sent her to London as part of the counterintelligence inquiry opened that summer to better understand the Trump campaign’s links to Russia.

The American government’s affiliation with the woman, who said her name was Azra Turk, is one previously unreported detail of an operation that has become a political flash point in the face of accusations by President Trump and his allies that American law enforcement and intelligence officials spied on his campaign to undermine his electoral chances. Last year, he called it Spygate.

The decision to use Ms. Turk in the operation aimed at a presidential campaign official shows the level of alarm inside the F.B.I. during a frantic period when the bureau was trying to determine the scope of Russia’s attempts to disrupt the 2016 election, but could also give ammunition to Mr. Trump and his allies for their spying claims.

Ms. Turk went to London to help oversee the politically sensitive operation, working alongside a longtime informant, the Cambridge professor Stefan A. Halper. The move was a sign that the bureau wanted in place a trained investigator for a layer of oversight, as well as someone who could gather information for or serve as a credible witness in any potential prosecution that emerged from the case.

A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment, as did a lawyer for Mr. Halper, Robert D. Luskin. Last year, Bill Priestap, then the bureau’s top counterintelligence agent who was deeply involved in the Russia inquiry, told Congress during a closed-door hearing that there was no F.B.I. conspiracy against Mr. Trump or his campaign.

The London operation yielded no fruitful information, but F.B.I. officials have called the bureau’s activities in the months before the election both legal and carefully considered under extraordinary circumstances. They are now under scrutiny as part of an investigation by Michael E. Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general. He could make the results public in May or June, Attorney General William P. Barr has said. Some of the findings are likely to be classified.

It is unclear whether Mr. Horowitz will find fault with the F.B.I.’s decision to have Ms. Turk, whose real name is not publicly known, meet with Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Horowitz has focused among other things on the activities of Mr. Halper, who accompanied Ms. Turk in one of her meetings with Mr. Papadopoulos and also met with him and other campaign aides separately. The bureau might also have seen Ms. Turk’s role as essential for protecting Mr. Halper’s identity as an informant if prosecutors ever needed court testimony about their activities.

Mr. Barr reignited the controversy last month when he told Congress, “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.” He backed off the charged declaration later in the same hearing, saying: “I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.”

Mr. Barr again defended his use of the term “spying” at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, saying he wanted to know more about the F.B.I.’s investigative efforts during 2016 and explained that the early inquiry most likely went beyond the use of an informant and a court-authorized wiretap of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, who had interacted with a Russian intelligence officer.

“Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant” and the warrant to surveil Mr. Page, Mr. Barr said. “I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented.”

This account was described in interviews with people familiar with the F.B.I. activities of Mr. Halper, Ms. Turk and the inspector general’s investigation. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the subjects of a continuing inquiry.

As part of Mr. Horowitz’s investigation, his office has examined Mr. Halper’s past work as an F.B.I. informant and asked witnesses about whether agents had adequate control of Mr. Halper’s activities, people familiar with the inquiry have said.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 3, 2019 1:54 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
Couldn't get anymore "anti-democratic" then Trump and his ilk...
Oh, idiots are still breathing.

Spelling and Grammar.

Standards which still cannot be attained in Nilbog.

And probably doesn't even comprehend the ensuing irony, the tragically stupid calling all others idiots.


Friday, May 3, 2019 2:00 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016

The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?

The woman had set up the meeting to discuss foreign policy issues. But she was actually a government investigator posing as a research assistant, according to people familiar with the operation. The F.B.I. sent her to London as part of the counterintelligence inquiry opened that summer to better understand the Trump campaign’s links to Russia.

The American government’s affiliation with the woman, who said her name was Azra Turk, is one previously unreported detail of an operation that has become a political flash point in the face of accusations by President Trump and his allies that American law enforcement and intelligence officials spied on his campaign to undermine his electoral chances. Last year, he called it Spygate.

The decision to use Ms. Turk in the operation aimed at a presidential campaign official shows the level of alarm inside the F.B.I. during a frantic period when the bureau was trying to determine the scope of Russia’s attempts to disrupt the 2016 election, but could also give ammunition to Mr. Trump and his allies for their spying claims.

Ms. Turk went to London to help oversee the politically sensitive operation, working alongside a longtime informant, the Cambridge professor Stefan A. Halper. The move was a sign that the bureau wanted in place a trained investigator for a layer of oversight, as well as someone who could gather information for or serve as a credible witness in any potential prosecution that emerged from the case.

A spokesman for the F.B.I. declined to comment, as did a lawyer for Mr. Halper, Robert D. Luskin. Last year, Bill Priestap, then the bureau’s top counterintelligence agent who was deeply involved in the Russia inquiry, told Congress during a closed-door hearing that there was no F.B.I. conspiracy against Mr. Trump or his campaign.

The London operation yielded no fruitful information, but F.B.I. officials have called the bureau’s activities in the months before the election both legal and carefully considered under extraordinary circumstances. They are now under scrutiny as part of an investigation by Michael E. Horowitz, the Justice Department inspector general. He could make the results public in May or June, Attorney General William P. Barr has said. Some of the findings are likely to be classified.

It is unclear whether Mr. Horowitz will find fault with the F.B.I.’s decision to have Ms. Turk, whose real name is not publicly known, meet with Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Horowitz has focused among other things on the activities of Mr. Halper, who accompanied Ms. Turk in one of her meetings with Mr. Papadopoulos and also met with him and other campaign aides separately. The bureau might also have seen Ms. Turk’s role as essential for protecting Mr. Halper’s identity as an informant if prosecutors ever needed court testimony about their activities.

Mr. Barr reignited the controversy last month when he told Congress, “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal.” He backed off the charged declaration later in the same hearing, saying: “I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.”

Mr. Barr again defended his use of the term “spying” at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, saying he wanted to know more about the F.B.I.’s investigative efforts during 2016 and explained that the early inquiry most likely went beyond the use of an informant and a court-authorized wiretap of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, who had interacted with a Russian intelligence officer.

“Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant” and the warrant to surveil Mr. Page, Mr. Barr said. “I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented.”

This account was described in interviews with people familiar with the F.B.I. activities of Mr. Halper, Ms. Turk and the inspector general’s investigation. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the subjects of a continuing inquiry.

As part of Mr. Horowitz’s investigation, his office has examined Mr. Halper’s past work as an F.B.I. informant and asked witnesses about whether agents had adequate control of Mr. Halper’s activities, people familiar with the inquiry have said.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

The quote sounds so apologetic towards Libtards, until you reveal at the end nytimes.


Friday, May 3, 2019 2:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

"Honeypot" spying, with context


There Was Spying: NYT Admits Obama Admin Used 'Honeypot' To Spy Against Trump Campaign In 2016

A mysterious Turkish woman who "assisted" FBI spy Stefan Halper in a London operation targeting Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos has been revealed as yet another FBI operative sent to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election, according to the New York Times.

The woman, who went by the name Azra Turk, repeatedly flirted with Papadopoulos during their encounters as well as in email exchanges according to an October, 2018 Daily Caller report, confirmed today by the Times. "Turk," posed as Halper's assistant according to the report.

While in London in 2016, Ms. Turk exchanged emails with Mr. Papadopoulos, saying meeting him had been the “highlight of my trip,” according to messages provided by Mr. Papadopoulos.

“I am excited about what the future holds for us :),” she wrote. -New York Times

And as the Times makes clear, "the FBI sent her to London as part of the counterintelligence inquiry opened that summer" to investigate the Trump campaign.

The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?


Ms. Turk went to London to help oversee the politically sensitive operation, working alongside a longtime informant, the Cambridge professor Stefan A. Halper. The move was a sign that the bureau wanted in place a trained investigator for a layer of oversight, as well as someone who could gather information for or serve as a credible witness in any potential prosecution that emerged from the case. -New York Times

In his House testimony, George Papadopoulos described undercover FBI informant Stefan Halper introducing him to undercover FBI informant 'Azra Turk.'
— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 2, 2019

Halper - who was paid more than $1 million by the Pentagon while Obama was president - contacted Papadopoulos on September 2, 2016 according to The Caller - and would later fly him out to London under the guise of working on a policy paper on energy issues in Turkey, Cyprus and Israel - for which he was ultimately paid $3,000. Papadopoulos met Halper several times during his stay, "having dinner one night at the Travellers Club, and Old London gentleman's club frequented by international diplomats."

As the Times notes, the London operation "yielded no fruitful information," while the FBI has called their activities in the months before the 2016 election as both "legal and carefully considered under extraordinary circumstances," according to the report.

I agree with everything in this superb article except “Azra Turk” clearly was not FBI. She was CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel. She could hardly speak English and was tasked to meet me about my work in the energy sector offshore Israel/Cyprus which Turkey was competing with
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 2, 2019

I will make the job easy for America’s reporters. The US/Turkish/Australian/UK intel agencies who targeted me knew I had NO RUSSIA contacts. They were after my work on the east med pipeline that they all wanted to stop. Unfortunately for them, the project was implemented in 2017.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 2, 2019

This does seem like spying tbh
— Blake News (@blakehounshell) May 2, 2019

Mr. Papadopoulos was baffled. “There is no way this is a Cambridge professor’s research assistant,” he recalled thinking, according to his book. In recent weeks, he has said in tweets that he believes Ms. Turk may have been working for Turkish intelligence but provided no evidence.

The day after meeting Ms. Turk, Mr. Papadopoulos met briefly with Mr. Halper at a private London club, and Ms. Turk joined them. The two men agreed to meet again, arranging a drink at the Sofitel hotel in London’s posh West End.

During that conversation, Mr. Halper immediately asked about hacked emails and whether Russia was helping the campaign, according to Mr. Papadopoulos’s book. Angry over the accusatory questions, Mr. Papadopoulos ended the meeting. -New York Times

Also of interest, the British government was informed of the spy operation on their soil, according to the Times, however it is unclear whether they participated.

“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.” @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2019

As for the FBI, the agency's actions are now under investigation by the Justice Department's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz.

He could make the results public in May or June, Attorney General William P. Barr has said. Some of the findings are likely to be classified.

It is unclear whether Mr. Horowitz will find fault with the F.B.I.’s decision to have Ms. Turk, whose real name is not publicly known, meet with Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Horowitz has focused among other things on the activities of Mr. Halper, who accompanied Ms. Turk in one of her meetings with Mr. Papadopoulos and also met with him and other campaign aides separately. The bureau might also have seen Ms. Turk’s role as essential for protecting Mr. Halper’s identity as an informant if prosecutors ever needed court testimony about their activities. -New York Times

During Congressional testimony last month, Attorney General Barr told Congress "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal," adding "I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that."

Maybe he could explore the role of Joseph Mifsud - a Maltese professor and self-professed member of the Clinton Foundation, who reportedly seeded Papadopoulos with the rumor that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that Mifsud seeded the information with Papadopoulos, who was pumped for that same information during a "drunken" encounter at a London Bar with Clinton-associate and Australian diplomat Alexander Downer - who told authorities about the "dirt" rumor, which launched the FBI/DOJ counterintelligence operation that included Halper and "Azra Turk" spying on Papadopoulos.

Mr. Barr again defended his use of the term “spying” at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, saying he wanted to know more about the F.B.I.’s investigative efforts during 2016 and explained that the early inquiry likely went beyond the use of an informant and a court-authorized wiretap of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, who had interacted with a Russian intelligence officer. -New York Times

"Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant," and the warrant to surveil Carter Page, said Barr. "I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented."

Nice hedge, Barr, but what happened appears to be anything but "fairly anemic."

Of course


WaPo, CNN Virtually Silent After NYT Reveals 2nd FBI Spy Sent To Infiltrate Trump Campaign

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 3, 2019 3:02 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
"Honeypot" spying, with context


There Was Spying: NYT Admits Obama Admin Used 'Honeypot' To Spy Against Trump Campaign In 2016

A mysterious Turkish woman who "assisted" FBI spy Stefan Halper in a London operation targeting Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos has been revealed as yet another FBI operative sent to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election, according to the New York Times.

The woman, who went by the name Azra Turk, repeatedly flirted with Papadopoulos during their encounters as well as in email exchanges according to an October, 2018 Daily Caller report, confirmed today by the Times. "Turk," posed as Halper's assistant according to the report.

While in London in 2016, Ms. Turk exchanged emails with Mr. Papadopoulos, saying meeting him had been the “highlight of my trip,” according to messages provided by Mr. Papadopoulos.

“I am excited about what the future holds for us :),” she wrote. -New York Times

And as the Times makes clear, "the FBI sent her to London as part of the counterintelligence inquiry opened that summer" to investigate the Trump campaign.

The conversation at a London bar in September 2016 took a strange turn when the woman sitting across from George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign adviser, asked a direct question: Was the Trump campaign working with Russia?


Ms. Turk went to London to help oversee the politically sensitive operation, working alongside a longtime informant, the Cambridge professor Stefan A. Halper. The move was a sign that the bureau wanted in place a trained investigator for a layer of oversight, as well as someone who could gather information for or serve as a credible witness in any potential prosecution that emerged from the case. -New York Times

In his House testimony, George Papadopoulos described undercover FBI informant Stefan Halper introducing him to undercover FBI informant 'Azra Turk.'
— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 2, 2019

Halper - who was paid more than $1 million by the Pentagon while Obama was president - contacted Papadopoulos on September 2, 2016 according to The Caller - and would later fly him out to London under the guise of working on a policy paper on energy issues in Turkey, Cyprus and Israel - for which he was ultimately paid $3,000. Papadopoulos met Halper several times during his stay, "having dinner one night at the Travellers Club, and Old London gentleman's club frequented by international diplomats."

As the Times notes, the London operation "yielded no fruitful information," while the FBI has called their activities in the months before the 2016 election as both "legal and carefully considered under extraordinary circumstances," according to the report.

I agree with everything in this superb article except “Azra Turk” clearly was not FBI. She was CIA and affiliated with Turkish intel. She could hardly speak English and was tasked to meet me about my work in the energy sector offshore Israel/Cyprus which Turkey was competing with
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 2, 2019

I will make the job easy for America’s reporters. The US/Turkish/Australian/UK intel agencies who targeted me knew I had NO RUSSIA contacts. They were after my work on the east med pipeline that they all wanted to stop. Unfortunately for them, the project was implemented in 2017.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) May 2, 2019

This does seem like spying tbh
— Blake News (@blakehounshell) May 2, 2019

Mr. Papadopoulos was baffled. “There is no way this is a Cambridge professor’s research assistant,” he recalled thinking, according to his book. In recent weeks, he has said in tweets that he believes Ms. Turk may have been working for Turkish intelligence but provided no evidence.

The day after meeting Ms. Turk, Mr. Papadopoulos met briefly with Mr. Halper at a private London club, and Ms. Turk joined them. The two men agreed to meet again, arranging a drink at the Sofitel hotel in London’s posh West End.

During that conversation, Mr. Halper immediately asked about hacked emails and whether Russia was helping the campaign, according to Mr. Papadopoulos’s book. Angry over the accusatory questions, Mr. Papadopoulos ended the meeting. -New York Times

Also of interest, the British government was informed of the spy operation on their soil, according to the Times, however it is unclear whether they participated.

“Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson accuses United Kingdom Intelligence of helping Obama Administration Spy on the 2016 Trump Presidential Campaign.” @OANN WOW! It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2019

As for the FBI, the agency's actions are now under investigation by the Justice Department's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz.

He could make the results public in May or June, Attorney General William P. Barr has said. Some of the findings are likely to be classified.

It is unclear whether Mr. Horowitz will find fault with the F.B.I.’s decision to have Ms. Turk, whose real name is not publicly known, meet with Mr. Papadopoulos. Mr. Horowitz has focused among other things on the activities of Mr. Halper, who accompanied Ms. Turk in one of her meetings with Mr. Papadopoulos and also met with him and other campaign aides separately. The bureau might also have seen Ms. Turk’s role as essential for protecting Mr. Halper’s identity as an informant if prosecutors ever needed court testimony about their activities. -New York Times

During Congressional testimony last month, Attorney General Barr told Congress "I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal," adding "I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that."

Maybe he could explore the role of Joseph Mifsud - a Maltese professor and self-professed member of the Clinton Foundation, who reportedly seeded Papadopoulos with the rumor that Russia had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that Mifsud seeded the information with Papadopoulos, who was pumped for that same information during a "drunken" encounter at a London Bar with Clinton-associate and Australian diplomat Alexander Downer - who told authorities about the "dirt" rumor, which launched the FBI/DOJ counterintelligence operation that included Halper and "Azra Turk" spying on Papadopoulos.

Mr. Barr again defended his use of the term “spying” at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, saying he wanted to know more about the F.B.I.’s investigative efforts during 2016 and explained that the early inquiry likely went beyond the use of an informant and a court-authorized wiretap of a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page, who had interacted with a Russian intelligence officer. -New York Times

"Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant," and the warrant to surveil Carter Page, said Barr. "I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented."

Nice hedge, Barr, but what happened appears to be anything but "fairly anemic."

Of course


WaPo, CNN Virtually Silent After NYT Reveals 2nd FBI Spy Sent To Infiltrate Trump Campaign

Obama paid Halper $1M to fabricate this nonsense? Impeach! Impeach! Rummer has it you can Indict a President once he is no longer in Office. Or, for those who can spell, Rumor.


Friday, May 10, 2019 3:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 10, 2019 10:05 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

awwww, those poor Criminals running the FBI.


Saturday, May 11, 2019 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

THIS IS OPINION, NOT EVIDENCE. It makes a number of predictions which have yet to be proven. But it is a good summary of what I personally think happened in our "deep state", and will help provide a "roadmap" to future investigations, findings, and indictments, if they occur.


Whitney: Judgment Day Looms For John Brennan

Authored by Mike Whitney via The Unz Review,

Sometime in the next 4 weeks, the Justice Department’s inspector general will release an internal review that will reveal the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation. Among other matters, the IG’s report is expected to determine “whether there was sufficient justification under existing guidelines for the FBI to have started an investigation in the first place.” Critics of the Trump-collusion probe believe that there was never probable cause that a crime had been committed, therefore, there was no legal basis for launching the investigation.

The findings of the Mueller report– that there was no cooperation or collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign– seem to underscore this broader point and suggest that the fictitious Trump-Russia connection was merely a pretext for spying on the campaign of a Beltway outsider whose political views clashed with those of the foreign policy establishment.

In any event, the upcoming release of the Horowitz report will formally end the the first phase of the long-running Russiagate scandal and mark the beginning of Phase 2, in which high-profile officials from the previous administration face criminal prosecution for their role in what looks to be a botched attempt at a coup d’etat.

Here’s a brief summary from political analyst, Larry C. Johnson, who previously worked at the CIA and U.S. State Department:

“The evidence is plain–there was a broad, coordinated effort by the Obama Administration, with the help of foreign governments, to target Donald Trump and paint him as a stooge of Russia. The Mueller Report provides irrefutable evidence that the so-called Russian collusion case against Donald Trump was a deliberate fabrication by intelligence and law enforcement organizations in the US and UK and organizations aligned with the Clinton Campaign.” (“How US and Foreign Intel Agencies Interfered in a US Election”, Larry C. Johnson, Consortium News)

Bingo. Attorney General William Barr has already stated his belief that spying on the Trump campaign “did occur” and that, in his mind, it is “a big deal”. He also reiterated his commitment to thoroughly investigate the matter in order to find out whether the spying was adequately “predicated”, that is, whether the FBI followed the required protocols for such spying, or not. Barr already knows the answer to this question as he is fully aware of the fact that the FBI used information that they knew was false to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Having no hard evidence of cooperation with the Kremlin, senior-level FBI officials and their counterparts at the Obama Justice Department used parts of an “opposition research” document (The Trump Dossier) that they knew was unreliable to procure warrants that allowed them to treat a presidential campaign the same way the intelligence agencies treat foreign enemies; using electronic surveillance, wiretapping, confidential informants and “honey trap” schemes designed to gather embarrassing or incriminating information on their target. Barr knows all of this already which is why the Democrats are doing everything in their power to discredit him and have him removed from office.

His determination to “get to the bottom of this” is not just a threat to the FBI, it’s a threat to multiple agencies that may have had a hand in this expansive domestic espionage operation including the CIA, the NSA, the DOJ, the State Department and, perhaps, even the Obama White House. No one knows yet how far up the political food-chain the skulduggery actually goes, but Barr appears to be serious about finding out.

Here’s Barr again:

“Many people seem to assume that the only intelligence collection that occurred was a single confidential informant….I would like to find out whether that is in fact true. It strikes me as a fairly anemic effort if that was the counterintelligence effort designed to stop the threat as it’s being represented.”

In other words, Barr knows that the Trump campaign was riddled with spies and he is going to do his damnedest to find out what happened. He also knows that the FISA warrants were improperly obtained using the shabby disinformation from an opposition research “hit piece” (The Steele Dossier) that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, just like he knows that government agents had concocted a strategy for leaking classified information to the media to fuel the public hysteria. Barr knows most of what happened already. It’s just a matter of compiling the research in the proper format and delivering it in a way that helps to emphasize how trusted government agents abused their power by pursuing a vicious partisan plot to either destroy the president’s reputation or force him from office. Like Barr said, that’s a “big deal”.

The name that seems to feature larger than all others in the ongoing Trump-Russia saga, is James Comey, the former FBI Director who oversaw the spying operations that are now under investigation at the DOJ. But was Comey really the central figure in these felonious hi-jinks or was he a mere lieutenant following directives from someone more powerful than himself? While the preponderance of new evidence suggests that the FBI was deeply involved, it does not answer this crucial question. For example, just this week, a report by veteran journalist John Solomon, showed that former British spy Christopher Steele admitted to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec that his “Trump Dossier” was “political research”, implying that the contents couldn’t be trusted because they were shaped by Steele’s political bias. Kavalec passed along this information to the FBI which shrugged it off and then, just days later, used the dossier to obtain warrants to spy on members of the Trump campaign. Think about that for a minute. The FBI had “written proof …. that Steele had a political motive”, but went ahead and used the dossier to procure the warrants anyway. That’s what I’d call a premeditated felony.

But evidence of wrongdoing is not proof that Comey was the ringleader, he was just the hapless sad sack who was left holding the bag. The truth is, Comey was just a reluctant follower. The real architect of the Trump-Russia treachery was the boss-man at the nation’s premier intelligence agency, the CIA. That’s where the headwaters of this shameful burlesque are located, in Langley. More on that in a minute, but first check out this excerpt from an article at The Hill which sums up Comey’s role fairly well:

(There) “will be an examination of whether Comey was unduly influenced by political agendas emanating from the previous White House and its director of national intelligence, CIA director and attorney general. This, above all, is what’s causing the 360-degree head spin.

”There are early indicators that troubling behaviors may have occurred in all three scenarios. Barr will want to zero in on a particular area of concern: the use by the FBI of confidential human sources, whether its own or those offered up by the then-CIA director. …

In addition, the cast of characters leveraged by the FBI against the Trump campaign all appear to have their genesis as CIA sources (“assets,” in agency vernacular) shared at times with the FBI. From Stefan Halper and possibly Joseph Mifsud, to Christopher Steele, to Carter Page himself, and now a mysterious “government investigator” posing as Halper’s assistant and cited in The New York Times article, legitimate questions arise as to whether Comey was manipulated into furthering a CIA political operation more than an FBI counterintelligence case.” (“James Comey is in trouble and he knows it”, The Hill)

Why is the Inspector General so curious as to whether Comey “was unduly influenced by political agendas emanating from the previous White House and its director of national intelligence, CIA director? And why did Comey draw from “a cast of characters “…. that “all appear to have their genesis as CIA sources”??

Could it be that Comey was just an unwitting pawn in a domestic regime change operation launched by former CIA Director John Brennan, the one public figure who has expressed greater personal animus towards Trump than all the others combined? Could Trump’s promise to normalize relations with Russia have intensified Brennan’s visceral hatred of him given the fact that Russia had frustrated Brennan’s strategic plans in Ukraine and Syria? Keep in mind, the CIA had been arming, training and providing logistical support to the Sunni militants [JIHADI TERRORISTS - SIGNY] who were trying to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al Assad. Putin’s intervention crushed the jihadist militias delivering a humiliating defeat to Generalissimo Brennan who, soon after, left office in disgrace. Isn’t this at least part of the reason why Brennan hates Trump?

Regular readers of this column know that I have always thought that Brennan was the central figure in the Trump-Russia charade. It was Brennan who first referred the case to Comey, just as it was Brennan who “hand-picked” the analysts who stitched together the dodgy Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) (which said that “Putin and the Russian government aspired to help…Trump’s election chances.”) It was also Brennan who persuaded Harry Reid to petition Comey to open an investigation in the first place. Brennan was chief instigator of the Trump-Russia fiasco, the omniscient puppet-master who persuaded Clapper and Comey to do his bidding while still-unidentified agents strategically leaked stories to the media to inflame passions and sow social unrest. At every turn, Brennan was there guiding the perfidious project along. According to journalist Philip Giraldi, the CIA may have even assisted in the obtaining of FISA warrants on Trump campaign aids as this excerpt from an article at The Unz Review indicates:

“Brennan was the key to the operation because the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court refused to approve several requests by the FBI to initiate taps on Trump associates and Trump Tower as there was no probable cause to do so but the British and other European intelligence services were legally able to intercept communications linked to American sources. Brennan was able to use his connections with those foreign intelligence agencies, primarily the British GCHQ, to make it look like the concerns about Trump were coming from friendly and allied countries and therefore had to be responded to as part of routine intelligence sharing. As a result, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Gen. Michael Flynn were all wiretapped. And likely there were others. This all happened during the primaries and after Trump became the GOP nominee.” (“The Conspiracy Against Trump”, Philip Giraldi)

Can you see how important this is? The FBI was having trouble getting warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, so Brennan helped them out by persuading his foreign intelligence allies (the British and other European intelligence services) to come up with bogus “intercepted communications linked to American sources,” which helped to secure the FISA warrants. We have no idea of what these foreign agents heard on these alleged intercepted communications, all we know is that they were effectively used to achieve Brennan’s ultimate objective, which was to acquire the means of taking down Trump via a relentless and expansive surveillance campaign.

According to a report in The Guardian (where the story first appeared.):

“GCHQ (British Government Communications Headquarters) played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016. One source called the British eavesdropping agency the “principal whistleblower”. (“British spies were first to spot Trump team’s links with Russia “, The Guardian)

Okay, so Brennan twisted a few arms and got his foreign Intel buddies to make uncorroborated claims that got the investigative ball rolling, but then what? If there was any meat to Brennan’s foreign intel, then Mueller would have dug it up and used it in his report, right? But he didn’t. Why?

Because there was nothing there, the whole thing was a sham from the get go. Brennan probably “sexed up” the intelligence so it would sound like something it really wasn’t. (Think: WMD) Again, if there was even a scintilla of hard evidence that Trump’s campaign assistants were in bed with Russia, Mueller would have shrieked it from every mountaintop across America. But he didn’t, because there wasn’t any. There was no cooperation, no conspiracy and no collusion. Trump was falsely accused. End of story.

Here’s more from the same article:

“The Guardian has been told the FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow ahead of the US election.” (Guardian)

“The extensive nature of contacts between Trump’s team and Moscow”???

Really? This is precisely the type of hyperventilating journalism that fueled the absurd conspiracy theory that the president of the United States was a Russian agent. It’s hard to believe that we’re even discussing the matter at this point.

There was an interesting aside in John Solomon’s article that suggests that he might be thinking along the same lines. He says: “One legal justification cited for redacting the Oct. 13, 2016, email is the National Security Act of 1947, which can be used to shield communications involving the CIA or the White House National Security Council.”

Why would Solomon draw attention to “to shielding communications involving the CIA or the White House”, after all, the bulk of his article focused on the State Department and the FBI? Is he suggesting that the CIA and Obama White House may have been involved in these spying shenanigans, is that why Kavalec’s damning notes (which stated that Steele’s dossier could not be trusted.) have been retroactively classified?

Take a look at this email from the FBI’s chief investigator in the Russia collusion probe, Peter Strzok, to his fellow agents in April 2017.

“I’m beginning to think the agency (CIA) got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all those weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some leaks.” -Peter Strzok.

Ha! So even the FBI’s chief investigator was in the dark about the CIA’s shadowy machinations behind the scenes. Clearly, Brennan wanted to prevent the other junta leaders from fully knowing what he was up to.

All of this is bound to come out in the inspector general’s report sometime in the next month or so. Both Attorney General William Barr and IG Horowitz appear to be fully committed to revealing the criminal leaks, the illegal electronic surveillance, the improperly obtained FISA warrants, and the multiple confidential human sources (spies) that were placed in the Trump campaign. They are going to face withering criticism for their efforts, but they are resolutely moving forward all the same. Bravo, for that.

Bottom line: The agents and officials who conducted this seditious attack on the presidency never thought they’d be held accountable for their crimes. But they were wrong, and now their day of reckoning is fast approaching. The main players in this palace coup are about to be exposed, criminally charged and prosecuted. Some of them will probably wind up in jail.

“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.”

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, May 11, 2019 4:00 PM


This thread is becoming like the All-Stars Posts.


Saturday, May 11, 2019 9:44 PM


None of all this stuff means diddley squat unless it shows up in the I.G. Report, and where the hell is it already?

Then, IF the I.G. recommends criminal charges &

IF the A.G. decides to prosecute with or without a Special Prosecutor &

IF charges are actually brought against any criminal conspirators .....

Smells IFFY at best.


Saturday, May 11, 2019 10:37 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Standards which still cannot be attained in Nilbog.

And probably doesn't even comprehend the ensuing irony, the tragically stupid calling all others idiots.

You could write the worlds most grammatically perfect piece of literature and you would still be in the top three of the biggest idiots I've ever had the misfortune to converse with...right next to 6ix and Sig...and THEN all of my in-laws.

I'm sure you make plenty of typos Captain Grammatical

But when picking on typos is all you've got...


Saturday, May 11, 2019 11:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
None of all this stuff means diddley squat unless it shows up in the I.G. Report, and where the hell is it already?

Then, IF the I.G. recommends criminal charges &

IF the A.G. decides to prosecute with or without a Special Prosecutor &

IF charges are actually brought against any criminal conspirators .....

Smells IFFY at best.

I have great faith in Trump's sense of offended vanity.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, May 12, 2019 12:06 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
None of all this stuff means diddley squat unless it shows up in the I.G. Report, and where the hell is it already?

Then, IF the I.G. recommends criminal charges &

IF the A.G. decides to prosecute with or without a Special Prosecutor &

IF charges are actually brought against any criminal conspirators .....

Smells IFFY at best.

I have great faith in Trump's sense of offended vanity.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

AG decision to prosecute is not really dependant upon IG recommendation, is it?


Sunday, May 12, 2019 12:07 AM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Standards which still cannot be attained in Nilbog.

And probably doesn't even comprehend the ensuing irony, the tragically stupid calling all others idiots.

You could write the worlds most grammatically perfect piece of literature and you would still be in the top three of the biggest idiots I've ever had the misfortune to converse with...right next to 6ix and Sig...and THEN all of my in-laws.

I'm sure you make plenty of typos Captain Grammatical

But when picking on typos is all you've got...




Sunday, May 12, 2019 9:40 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The ‘newspaper test’ was written for managers, but Presidents could also use the test before a newspaper learns only a limited part of the complete story about what the President is actually doing, the part that the President cannot hide, cannot coverup, nor mark as "Top Secret".

One would imagine that it’s no easy task managing Berkshire Hathaway’s 360,000 employees and making sure that all managers are making ethical decisions.

But Buffett has a smart strategy for this: “I ask the managers to judge every action they take — not just by legal standards, though obviously that’s the first test — but also by what I call the ‘newspaper test.’”

If a manager expresses uncertainty, Buffett says he asks them how they “would feel about any given action if they know it was to be written up the next day in their local newspaper.”

He tells them that the article would be “written by a smart but pretty unfriendly reporter” and read by their family, friends and neighbors.

“It’s pretty simple,” he says. “If [the decision] passes that test, it’s okay. If anything is too close to the lines, it’s out.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:07 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
AG decision to prosecute is not really dependant upon IG recommendation, is it?

It isn't dependent on IG's recommendation based on his report, but it's unlikely Barr will do anything without it. If the IG's report is scathing (which I can't see how it could not be) then Barr has the gravitas and muscle to go after all those Deep State & Obama loyalist pricks. Otherwise it would appear to be just another political witch hunt.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 11:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
The ‘newspaper test’ was written for managers, but Presidents could also use the test- SECONDRATE

Yanno, this might work if newpapers didn't feel free to make up shit whole cloth. Which they did. But since the newspapers (and other media outlets) don't seem to mind banging out lies 24/7, it doesn't matter WHAT a President does, or doesn't do. She could be as virtuous and Caesar's wife, or as crooked as Hillary, and the newspapers will print whatever they choose to print, no matter what happens in real life. Yanno, SECONDRATE, kind of like you. YOU don't seem to mind passing on crap that has little relation to reality. Just like this stupid little homily that you posted has little relation to reality.

Go spew your bullshit someplace else.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:02 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:
The ‘newspaper test’ was written for managers, but Presidents could also use the test- SECONDRATE

Yanno, this might work if newpapers didn't feel free to make up shit whole cloth. Which they did. But since the newspapers (and other media outlets) don't seem to mind banging out lies 24/7, it doesn't matter WHAT a President does, or doesn't do. She could be as virtuous and Caesar's wife, or as crooked as Hillary, and the newspapers will print whatever they choose to print, no matter what happens in real life. Yanno, SECONDRATE, kind of like you. YOU don't seem to mind passing on crap that has little relation to reality. Just like this stupid little homily that you posted has little relation to reality.

Go spew your bullshit someplace else.

You are repeating a Trump talking point, one that shows you and Trump have peculiar ideas about what Warren Buffett meant with his test for ethical decisions.

It is a pass/fail or a go/no-go ethics test. It is all about an ideal newspaper writing about real decisions. It is idealized because the newspaper knows and understands all the embarrassing facts you and Trump must keep secret from the public:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, May 12, 2019 11:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The M$M has been publishing lies nonstop about Trump. Maybe THEY should have followed Buffett's apocryphal advice.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .






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