More men contract and die from Covid-19

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 07:57
VIEWED: 2303
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Saturday, March 21, 2020 9:39 AM


... stay crunchy...

Many days ago a friend of mine suggested that the China and Italy population numbers might be explained by both countries having a greater % of smokers. The virus attacks the lungs so, check.

He did not have a guess about why the higher numbers of men who become infected and die from the virus:

The new coronavirus has infected more men than women.
A recent study of more than 44,000 coronavirus cases found that men were also more likely to die of the virus.
Some researchers suspect that biological factors might make men more likely to contract the virus, but others have suggested that women are just as susceptible.
Smoking, a practice more common among men than woman in China, could be a risk factor as well. But more data is needed to confirm the theory.

Men have died from coronavirus at nearly twice the rate as women, and the virus has been shown to sicken and kill older folks at a greater rate than young people, according to data from China.

About 80% of people who have died from the virus in China were over 60 years of age, China's National Health Commission has reported. Studies in The Lancet found an average age of 55 among Chinese citizens who've developed pneumonia as a result of coronavirus infection.

More factors:

High blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are so commonplace that everyone reading these words likely knows somebody with at least one of these maladies.

They are also the “underlying conditions” most associated with severe cases of COVID-19, based on early clinical profiles on the disease. Even though 80 percent of COVID-19 cases are mild, these reports reveal that the novel coronavirus can endanger people other than the elderly and infirm.

The idea that the virus only poses a threat to older people comes from focusing too heavily on COVID-19’s death rate, which the World Health Organization updated last Wednesday to 3.4 percent. This rate is an average across ages, and the chances of dying do rise among older people.

But evidence also shows that COVID-19 is more fatal across all age groups than seasonal influenza, with death rates six to 10 times higher for those under 50. Moreover, death isn’t the only danger, and severe cases of COVID-19 are more common among young adults than you might think.

A study published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, for example, examined the age breakdown for 1,099 coronavirus patients. The majority of non-severe cases—60 percent—are teens and adults between 15 to 49 years old, which might suggest this group is spared the worst of the virus.

In truth, severe cases were slightly more abundant among this younger demographic. Of the 163 severe cases reported in the study, 41 percent were young adults, 31 percent were aged 50 to 64, and 27 percent were above 65. The only age group spared by severe COVID-19 appeared to be kids under 14.

Millennials and Gen Z are also just as likely to catch the coronavirus as older groups, according to the largest profile to date on COVID-19, a clinical report of more than 72,000 patients published February 21 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. So rather than rely on age to gauge who is most threatened by COVID-19, doctors say you may want to look at common underlying conditions and how they correspond with the death rates reported by the Chinese CDC. Doing so can offer clues on how to protect you and your loved ones.


Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:46 AM


Analysis: Seven days as a ‘wartime president’: Trump’s up-and-down command of a pandemic

Trump faltered. He argued based on “just a feeling” that, despite no scientific evidence yet, an anti-malaria drug could cure the coronavirus. He complained that he has not been credited for fixing a nationwide testing system that clearly is still broken. And when asked what message he had for Americans who were scared, he lashed out.

“I say that you’re a terrible reporter,” Trump answered to NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander. “That’s what I say.”

Think Florida G. Seniors, spring break and Disney. Not good, not good at all.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Saturday, March 21, 2020 11:06 AM


Somebody get the Celebration gifs ready for Wishy!

Nah, seriously though. Good info. That's what a recent study in Italy has said as well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:37 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Analysis: Seven days as a ‘wartime president’: Trump’s up-and-down command of a pandemic

Trump faltered. He argued based on “just a feeling” that, despite no scientific evidence yet, an anti-malaria drug could cure the coronavirus. He complained that he has not been credited for fixing a nationwide testing system that clearly is still broken. And when asked what message he had for Americans who were scared, he lashed out.

“I say that you’re a terrible reporter,” Trump answered to NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander. “That’s what I say.”

Think Florida G. Seniors, spring break and Disney. Not good, not good at all.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

Trump and Cuomo are going to come out of this looking like hero's...because they'll be hero's. By the way, where's Biden? Shouldn't at least pretend he gives a shit?


Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:43 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by THG:
Analysis: Seven days as a ‘wartime president’: Trump’s up-and-down command of a pandemic

Trump faltered. He argued based on “just a feeling” that, despite no scientific evidence yet, an anti-malaria drug could cure the coronavirus. He complained that he has not been credited for fixing a nationwide testing system that clearly is still broken. And when asked what message he had for Americans who were scared, he lashed out.

“I say that you’re a terrible reporter,” Trump answered to NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander. “That’s what I say.”

Think Florida G. Seniors, spring break and Disney. Not good, not good at all.


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.

Trump and Cuomo are going to come out of this looking like hero's...because they'll be hero's. By the way, where's Biden? Shouldn't at least pretend he gives a shit?

He admitted himself to the hospital in a panic after drinking a Corona beer. They've since discovered that he was mentally incapable of driving himself home and kept him for further study. His wife is now feeding him his hospital food and he thinks that it's his mommy and that his hospital bed is a high chair.

This one goes out to you, Joey B.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:48 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Somebody get the Celebration gifs ready for Wishy!

You know, I'm married, and I've never had any problems with THG or Crunchy....

I wonder if having observational skills or brain matter has something to do with me NOT having a problem with some men...

Just maybe...


Saturday, March 21, 2020 1:55 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Somebody get the Celebration gifs ready for Wishy!

You know, I'm married, and I've never had any problems with THG or Crunchy....

I wonder if having observational skills or brain matter has something to do with me NOT having a problem with some men...

Just maybe...

LOL. Hold that thought. I'll be right back.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 21, 2020 2:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


He did not have a guess about why the higher numbers of men who become infected and die from the virus:

That's a misleading statement out of an admittedly poorly written article. Except for the very first study, the article looks at studies of HOSPITAL populations, which means it's already selected for the the more seriously ill. The FIRST study looked at INFECTION rates, which barely skewed to males, by 51%. OTOH in SK infections tend to skew heavily to adult (but not elderly) females. To me that indicates differences in socializing with many different people.

And then the article mixes INFECTED with AFFECTED together.

A study of more than 44,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in China offers one of the broadest pictures of how the virus operates in humans so far. The study found that men are more likely to die of the virus, with a fatality rate of 2.8% compared to 1.7% for women. Men also represented a slight majority of cases: around 51%.

Other recent research has produced similar results. A study of nearly 140 coronavirus patients at a Wuhan University HOSPITAL found that the virus was most likely to AFFECT older men with preexisting health problems. More than 54% of the patients in the study were men, and the median age of patients was 56.

A study of 99 coronavirus patients at Wuhan Jinyintan HOSPITAL showed that the average patient was 55.5 years old, and men represented around 68% of the total cases.

A third study of nearly 1,100 coronavirus patients (IN HOSPITAL?) (which is still awaiting peer review) identified a median age of 47, with men representing around 58% of the cases.


Men have died from coronavirus at nearly twice the rate as women, and the virus has been shown to sicken and kill older folks at a greater rate than young people, according to data from China.

About 80% of people who have died from the virus in China were over 60 years of age, China's National Health Commission has reported. Studies in The Lancet found an average age of 55 among Chinese citizens who've developed pneumonia as a result of coronavirus infection.

The same article indicates why men die at much higher rates in China, where the greatest number of statistics are. The reason is smoking. And that factor was identified early on.

For example, men in China smoke at a much higher rate than women, research has shown. More than half of Chinese men smoke, compared with around 3% of women. It turns out smoking activates a receptor used by the coronavirus to infect human cells, ACE-2, Poland said. "That is the speculation behind why we are seeing such an unreasonably high severe case and fatality rate inside China," Poland noted.


More factors:

High blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are so commonplace that everyone reading these words likely knows somebody with at least one of these maladies.

They are also the “underlying conditions” most associated with severe cases of COVID-19, based on early clinical profiles on the disease. Even though 80 percent of COVID-19 cases are mild, these reports reveal that the novel coronavirus can endanger people other than the elderly and infirm.

The idea that the virus only poses a threat to older people comes from focusing too heavily on COVID-19’s death rate, which the World Health Organization updated last Wednesday to 3.4 percent. This rate is an average across ages, and the chances of dying do rise among older people.

But evidence also shows that COVID-19 is more fatal across all age groups than seasonal influenza, with death rates six to 10 times higher for those under 50. Moreover, death isn’t the only danger, and severe cases of COVID-19 are more common among young adults than you might think.

A study published February 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, for example, examined the age breakdown for 1,099 coronavirus patients. The majority of non-severe cases—60 percent—are teens and adults between 15 to 49 years old, which might suggest this group is spared the worst of the virus.

In truth, severe cases were slightly more abundant among this younger demographic. Of the 163 severe cases reported in the study, 41 percent were young adults, 31 percent were aged 50 to 64, and 27 percent were above 65. The only age group spared by severe COVID-19 appeared to be kids under 14.

Well ... 15 to 49 years old is a far larger range than the others. And this is being quoted as absolute numbers, which means that it's also dependent on the absolute number of people in each age range in the study. It looks meaningless to me.

The better figures would be percent in each age range that goes on to serious illness.

Millennials and Gen Z are also just as likely to catch the coronavirus as older groups, according to the largest profile to date on COVID-19, a clinical report of more than 72,000 patients published February 21 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. So rather than rely on age to gauge who is most threatened by COVID-19, doctors say you may want to look at common underlying conditions and how they correspond with the death rates reported by the Chinese CDC. Doing so can offer clues on how to protect you and your loved ones.


Saturday, March 21, 2020 2:06 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Somebody get the Celebration gifs ready for Wishy!

You know, I'm married, and I've never had any problems with THG or Crunchy....

I wonder if having observational skills or brain matter has something to do with me NOT having a problem with some men...

Just maybe...

LOL. Hold that thought. I'll be right back.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I can't find the extremely gross one that you posted a few years back while you were either on or off your meds again, but you just make so many of them that pretty much any topic you start will suffice.

This one is as good as any.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
It's not the media, it's not politics, it's not black or white or alien, it's not the guns, it's not games, or movies, or additives in food...


Predominantly psychotic MEN people.

Why is this soooo hard to get?

That G-23 Paxilon Hyrochorate is lookin' better and better and betterer....


Originally posted by Wishimay:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

...although men are far more likely to commit violent crime it is a sad fact that women can also be equally able of doing such evils...

Pleeeease. If you even skimmed the reports of the shooters, armor, ak-47s- you know these are guys. And women are just as ABLE, but DON'T. Says a lot.

STOP GIVING TESTOSTERONE A PASS. And I literally mean that.


Originally posted by Wishimay:
In 2013 there were 102,400 adult females in local jails in the United States, and 111,300 adult females in state and federal prisons

In 2013 there were 628,900 adult males in local jails in the United States, and 1,463,500 adult males in state and federal prisons

1 to 6
1 to 14

Testosterone IS the problem.

Remember everybody. Testosterone IS the problem.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 21, 2020 7:38 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Remember everybody. Testosterone IS the problem.

Testosterone and how it interacts with the brain when angry IS THE PROBLEM. You want to explain why men are in prisons at 10 times the rate of women?

An actual cause, not "judges let women slide more" bullshit...

I've seen it a million times, when some men get "set off" the testosterone pumps up and the only thing that turns it back off is fear.

I'm standing on that one. You can't prove it wrong.

The truth sure makes you indignant though.


Saturday, March 21, 2020 7:48 PM


Well... you're angry all of the time. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky you have a vagina.

Here's your free pass.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:55 PM


I read today that the spikes on the outside of this virus are good at poking in cells and hijacking the mechanism that controls blood pressure....

Since more men ALSO have higher blood pressure, I think it's safe to assume that it's one of the major causative factors in these deaths.


Saturday, March 21, 2020 10:58 PM



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:
I read today that the spikes on the outside of this virus are good at poking in cells and hijacking the mechanism that controls blood pressure....

Since more men ALSO have higher blood pressure, I think it's safe to assume that it's one of the major causative factors in these deaths.

Yup. That's what they're saying about the Italy Anomaly.

High Blood Pressure was one of the 3 or 4 previous diagnoses that over 99% of those who died had been given before they got COVID.


The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities, finding that just three victims, or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions.

More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.

The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:12 AM


I'm wondering if people who are on meds to lower their bloodpressure will be fine or if that has nothing to do with how serious covid could get for them.

My last doctor visit showed my blood pressure to be fine and I wasn't put on them. But I do have quite a few family members who are managing their high blood pressure with medications right now.

I'm certainly not going to bring it up to them and plant that seed in their heads.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 26, 2020 5:01 PM


I read that people with cat allergies are less prone to get Covid in the first place. If so that would be great as I'm allergic to cats..


Friday, July 1, 2022 6:37 AM


More men get the flu then women?

Wishimay Feminists - MEN ARE DISGUSTING AND WEAK !

but Women get long covid?



Originally posted by WISHIMAY:

You want to explain why men are in prisons at 10 times the rate of women?

Not always the case Wishi-psycho
I've explained and posted news and stats before that many times in many states, Black Female Hoodrat Negroid American women tend to do violent crime and go to jail far more often than White Evil Caucasian Man or Evil Yellow Mongoloid Man

your Lower Leftwing SJW Marxist Feminist IQ never ever touched this subject or cared to explain why?

Women are more likely to have long Covid than men, scientists say

Women have a higher chance of developing long COVID than men, study finds


Tuesday, November 5, 2024 7:57 AM


I wonder maybe did WISHIMAY and Husband murder each other during Lockdown?

vaccine booster shot passports, did they work?

the Monkey Pox media panic doesn't seem to have worked

The differences between Covid, flu and RSV amid 'tripledemic' fears

‘Barbie’ actress ....the Fem Mob Lost!....angry Feminist Girl mindset saying
Baby Girl should have been born

Femcels want a reverse Communist Maoist China?

Mentally disturbed feminists on Twitter are so angry about it

...and that mystery as the world gets more crazy, why people won't marry anymore






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