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The Crushing Loneliness of the Girl Boss, as told by Not-A-Girl-Boss (A Thread for Wishy)
Thursday, November 17, 2022 10:41 PM
Friday, November 18, 2022 3:15 AM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Quote:Americans have fewer friends than ever before: study
Friday, November 18, 2022 4:22 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I think you're mind reading like SECOND does. The article is pointing to the Progressive Atomization of Society. Where people are reduced to individual economic units, each striving in an "Every man (woman) for him(her)self and God against all" society. No durable family, neighborhood, or religious ties.
Friday, November 18, 2022 4:50 PM
Quote:Quote:Americans have fewer friends than ever before: study Also, less family than ever before. Out of your generation in your family, SIX, how many have children? Not picking on your family specifically, it's a generational thing.
Quote:I'd like to get back to this tomorrow bc I think the author really hasn't quite figured out what the problem is. PS I think WISHY has plenty of connection that this "girl boss" feels is missing.
Friday, November 18, 2022 7:17 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: I think you're mind reading like SECOND does. The article is pointing to the Progressive Atomization of Society. Where people are reduced to individual economic units, each striving in an "Every man (woman) for him(her)self and God against all" society. No durable family, neighborhood, or religious ties. Also, I'd like to add to this that I'm not "mind reading" here. It's Pattern Recognition and rejection of this alleged epiphany she seems to have had. I also should say that I purposefully didn't look to see what her name was. My attack on "her" wasn't actually a personal attack on this specific writer. It's a general attack on all women of the Millennial age group and late Gen-X'ers who bought into the bullshit of 3rd Wave Feminism and have demonized men in order to cope with their own shortcomings. And really, now that they are reaching the fertility cliff, I'm getting quite a good laugh out of it. Another great laugh I'm getting out of this article is how she realized that her job she was the "boss" of is virtually meaningless. Truly something that won't even require a human being to do in the next 10 years, and likely most of the tasks she performs while working remotely don't even need to be done by a human being already. She's no boss. She never was. Most of them never were. They're just now realizing how expendable they are... a lesson that most Gen-Xers already learned, and certainly every single white male Gen-Xer in the office space setting already learned years ago. I wouldn't wish her job on anybody. My only advice to her would be to save every dime she can while she's still got it because without any other skills to offer her next stop is the cash register at WalMart for a hell of a lot less pay. At 30 going on 40. Without a man. Without kids. Without anybody to share her luxury apartment (rent) with the next time TPTB decide to pull the plug on our collective lives. And as far as the pattern recognition goes, anybody who actually thought the way she did before these realizations after everyone went back to work was either one of the ones on Twitter shaming other people into getting vaccinated and villainizing whoever wouldn't, and/or most if not all of her "girl boss" friends and their soy cuck "feminist" boyfriends were doing the same damn thing. The type of people who are calling for "Covid Amnesty" today without offering so much as a fucking apology for being wrong about everything and being absolutely terrible for two years. Quote:Quote:Americans have fewer friends than ever before: study Also, less family than ever before. Out of your generation in your family, SIX, how many have children? Not picking on your family specifically, it's a generational thing. This is only a problem with white families. But now that they're forcing a bunch of minorities through the "higher education" indoctrination it won't be long before everyone else catches up to us. Quote:I'd like to get back to this tomorrow bc I think the author really hasn't quite figured out what the problem is. PS I think WISHY has plenty of connection that this "girl boss" feels is missing. There isn't just one problem. There are a LOT of problems. I don't expect anybody to figure them all out for themselves, particularly when the media does its best never to discuss them. I mean, good for her for making an attempt. But I don't think she actually means any of it. Her entire article reads to me how I behaved the 3 or 4 times I attempted to stop drinking before it finally stuck. She's feeling a lot of regret for sure, but that's only because most of her "drugs" were taken away from her and she's staring down the barrel of the rest of them being taken away as well. If somebody (daddy Government) gave them back to her, she'd fall right back in line and stop asking any questions. Your PS is a little confusing. I don't know exactly what you mean so I won't comment on it yet. -------------------------------------------------- Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.
Quote:The same realizations spurred by the shock of mandatory quarantines—that the burden of a family isn’t necesserily a bad one, that a life alone is only as fun as the distractions available—will come into even sharper relief as millennials enter middle age.
Friday, November 18, 2022 9:37 PM
Friday, November 18, 2022 11:35 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: I think you're giving her far too much credit. -------------------------------------------------- Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.
Saturday, November 19, 2022 12:12 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: I think you're giving her far too much credit. -------------------------------------------------- Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it. Like I said, I think she doesn't realize what the problem is, she just feels the effects in her own personal, individual, now- lonely life. She thinks " family" is the answer, but I think she's under the influence of "the grass is always greener- effect".