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How are draft-dodgers seen in countries that have compulsory service, conscription aka Russia's Vietnam in Ukraine?
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 10:13 AM
Quote:Video released by Russian State Media today is circulating Social Media showing multiple mobilized Russian Troops being arrested for allegedly refusing deployment to Ukraine. My favorite part of this video is the comments its receiving online. For some reason, everyone on Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram thinks that the conscripted Russian Soldiers in this video should have rallied together and revolted against the few Russian troops in charge of this formation. People seem to forget that just a few short weeks before this was filmed, a majority of conscripted Russians were working 9 to 5 jobs in regular fields like food service and construction. For a majority of them, this formation is probably one of the hardest things they've had to endure in their life, and it's also probably the first time some of them are seeing real firearms. It's easy to be brave behind your keyboard, but I'd be willing to bet that an overwhelming majority of the Twitter and Reddit users claiming that they would have done something different in this scenario have never truly been in a challenging or dangerous situation. These guys were probably playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive three weeks ago, and most likely have zero urge to be in a kinetic battle for their lives. They're not going to start revolting in Russia now, and that's because they're individually weighing their chances of surviving their conscription into the Russian military. If your options in life are deploy to Ukraine, try to survive, and go home to your normal life after two years or spend the next decade of your life in a Russian Prison being sodomized and beaten by Russian prison guards, which do you think is the more sane choice? The third option is this group somehow coming together all at once and deciding to start a revolution at home, which still needlessly throws them into a conflict that none of them want to be participating in. I feel for these dudes, but the thought process many keyboard warriors hold is conducted from a position of complete security. A comfort many of the men in this video won't know for the rest of their lives.