Tonight, I’m going to break into your home, point a gun at you, and rob you – all the while claiming that I’m not your enemy

UPDATED: Sunday, June 9, 2024 06:23
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Saturday, June 8, 2024 11:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Before we get into this, let’s discuss what most would label “a hypothetical.” Tonight, I’m going to break into your home, point a gun at you, and rob you – all the while claiming that I’m not your enemy. Your enemy, I’ll say, is elsewhere, and I don’t mean across the street but in a different country. What will you do? By a show of hands, will you fight back and protect those in your home by evicting me or even by killing me? By a show of hands, who will thank me and travel to said country in search of the enemy, leaving those in your home vulnerable to me? Anyone? Nobody? It sounds absurd, but for reasons that I’ll soon explain, you’ll understand that it’s more real than hypothetical.

Hello, I’m Casey Carlisle. I’m a West Point graduate, and I spent five years in the Army, including 11 months in Afghanistan. Some of you are thinking about serving your country, and most of you are asking yourselves, “Why am I listening to this guy?” I’m glad that both of these groups are here, and I promise that my remarks will cause both groups to think differently about military service.

I was a high-school senior on September 11th, 2001, sitting in class and stunned after hearing the principal announce that our country had just been attacked. Why would someone want to do this to the greatest country on Earth? I was also livid, and I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill the people responsible for this atrocity, and my dilemma then was between enlisting in the military to exact revenge now or first spending years at a military academy before helping to rid the world of terrorists. I chose the latter, so I didn’t deploy to Afghanistan until 2009. My time there radically changed my views, which was uncomfortable, but, as with failure, discomfort breeds learning.

I learned that not only were we not keeping our fellow Americans safe or protecting their liberty, we were further impoverishing one of the poorest countries in the world. I watched in disgust my alleged allies – the Afghan police – rob their neighbors while on patrol and in broad daylight via traffic stops. Imagine getting pulled over, not for speeding, but because the cop hopes to rob you. My enemy – the Taliban – didn’t do such things, which is why I ended up having more respect for them than for my mission or for those who were allegedly helping us accomplish it. “Oh, but they’re horrible in other ways,” you might argue, and I’d agree; however, it’s much harder to kill an idea than it is to kill a person. Killing someone who holds an idea that you find distasteful only helps that person’s loved ones accept that idea. It turns out that killing someone for their ideas is a great way to spread those ideas.

Instead of dismissing me as an anti-American lunatic, consider the following. In the year 2000, the Taliban controlled most of Afghanistan, and today, they control all of it. This is just one of the reasons why I feel contempt for those who thank me for my alleged service. Our ‘service’ was worse than worthless, and the people thanking me were forced to pay for it. All of those who died there did so for nothing. And the innocent Afghans who were displaced, injured, or killed during our attempt to bring democracy to a country that didn’t want it were far better off in 2000 than they are now.

To be clear, the desire to serve one’s country is noble, but we must first define “country.” Serving one’s country is entirely different from serving one’s government. They are not the same. Serving one’s country is serving one’s family, friends, neighbors, and the land that they’ve made home. Serving one’s country is serving one’s community. Serving one’s government, however, is ultimately what everyone does when they enlist or when they take my path as an officer. Who are these people in government that you’ll end up serving? Are they your family, friends, or neighbors? For the most part, they are not, yet, they are ultimately who will decide your fate while in uniform. Whether they’re politicians or bureaucrats, they decide what serving one’s country entails, and, naturally, they’ll subordinate our country’s prosperity to their job security. If given the opportunity, these people will not hesitate to send you to your death if it means scoring a measly political point against their ideological foes. Serving one’s country in this context – reality – means serving these parasites.

Here’s something else to consider. When you tell the military recruiter that you want to enlist, what are you implying? You’re telling the recruiter – a government agent – that not only do you want to serve your government but that you’re willing to kill for it. Tell any other recruiter in the real economy of that proclivity, and, at the very least, you won’t be getting that job. Seems obvious enough, but have you heard of Operation Vigilant Eagle? This operation, headed by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, tracks veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes them as extremists and potential domestic terrorists. Why? Because these veterans might be disgruntled or suffering from the psychological effects of war. Yes, you heard that correctly.

The government that bribed the graduating senior into joining the military now views that same patriot as its enemy. You might protest, thinking that getting put on a list isn’t all that bad, but I’d argue that lists are never created as an end; they’re always a means, and in this case, too, they’re diabolical. Not only were these veterans put on a list for the ‘crime’ of justifiably feeling disillusioned, when a veteran was explicitly critical of the regime, these veterans were labeled “mentally unfit” and forced into psychiatric facilities where they’d receive treatment for whatever illness the regime deemed appropriate, indefinitely. I don’t know if this program continues today, but if the regime were to tell us, “We’re not doing that anymore,” would you believe it?

I know you weren’t around for 9/11, but I’m sure you recall March of 2020. I bet you were almost as angry then as I was. We all witnessed a very sad truth: the “home of the brave” is devoid of the brave, and the “land of the free” hasn’t been free for quite some time. Most Americans not only take their liberty for granted, they readily reject it. They’re terrified of it, which is why they hate it. What we all witnessed then undermines the tired slogan – the blatant lie – that those who join the military are “fighting for our freedom.” This is no theory; it’s why, to this day, the military is struggling like hell to recruit people like you. They think you’re stupid.

But you might’ve realized that serving one’s country necessarily implies staying in one’s country. You might be thinking that when one joins the military, he swears to defend the Constitution against all enemies – foreign and domestic; however, the regime would like you to combat only the foreign enemies that it tells you to hate. Who kicked you out of school in 2020? Who cancelled your games, meets, matches, and races? Who prevented you from traveling freely? Who thought it best that you not embrace your loved ones? Who masked you? Our own government is our greatest threat, and it has proven to be so scared of those it duped into ‘serving’ that it’ll send you to some other country or to a mental hospital in order to protect itself.

I’m not telling you what to do. I’m making sure that you’re fully aware of what you’re getting into if you decide to join the military, as I’m sure the recruiter didn’t tell you about Operation Vigilant Eagle. He probably didn’t tell you that 18 veterans kill themselves every day, and he probably didn’t tell you that the military is the final political option. But does it seem like the regime waits until all else fails before getting involved, or is it easier to count the countries that do not have U.S. military personnel stationed in them? Did the recruiter tell you that those who don’t ‘serve’ pay the salaries of those who do? Seems a bit backward – to be forced to pay those who allegedly serve you.

Most of the millionaires and billionaires in this country got rich by actually serving their fellow man via voluntary exchange, not by living off of their neighbors. I encourage you to consider taking that route – enriching yourself by enriching your community, not by parasitizing it. And no need to fixate on getting rich. If your interactions with your community are voluntary – no matter how lousy the pay – they’re likely honorable, no killing required. In closing, take a deep breath, and look around. Your country is here. We are your country, and when things get bad, we will need you here, not fighting those in a different country who pose no threat to us while leaving us vulnerable to our greatest threat. Thank you for listening.


Sunday, June 9, 2024 6:23 AM


SIGNYM you are not THG you don't spam links, you don't troll like SixString,
you think and you write and reflect, deliberate, consider,
so think... and maybe research a tiny bit
Read their shit book or at least some of it, you keep looking at a lot of this stuff from a Western-ish late 20th Century or Western early 21st century perspective.
If you don't like to read there will be an audio book out there by an Ex-muslim Apostate or Atheist, they will explain and expose the Quran, the Sunnah and the Hadith or Sahih al-Bukhari where there are lies to try explain the Virtues of acting like a jihadist Koranimal.

March 2020? to November 2021 the Fall of Kabul, March 2020 chaotic, crazy Biden and Trump politics, the Covid fear, we have so many tv broadcasts and magazines and phone alerts to distract us. The Presidential primaries, 2020 stock market crash, Breonna Taylor's boyfriend Kenneth Walker and the officers shot at each other, PCP made a Rapper or Black idiot freak out the Killing of Daniel Prude, the Chaz or the Chop, the criminal George Floyd the police Knee on the Head played again and again like an Occult Tv Scarficie Ritual to enrage the Public and cities start burning to the ground...a busy year with 'Lockdowns'. Kyle Rittenhouse attacked and shot two fatally, during the civil unrest in Kenosha
To give credit to SixString and his trolling, he hates jabs he never gave in and took the shot as I understand, never went around with those vaccine passport papers
He was also posting that Hollywood was over
Observations in the time of Coro-nutsy
and Biden the Hunter Laptop conspiracy
'Coronavirus Panic Must Stop, Press Needs to Be Held Accountable for Hurting People'
...he also posted some incorrect nutty stuff

The islam thing is different it is old, like a bad ghost needing exorcism it is a an entity, because the USA and other Western nations have failed to understand it that has allowed it to move beyond time, it is like mosquito spreading disease, a layer of tar, has been around a long time regardless of human advances, you sometimes try to rationalize this stuff with logic but maybe think of things like 'Hex' and traditional mixed with transnational or fanatic religion with the unexplained language terms and Superstition. Maybe to get it you need to step outside yourself beyond the explained into the somewhat unexplained, think of it as an Entity which was already at War with the United States before she was born before Liberty in the USA even breathing, this islamist creature declared war on the USA, 1796 the USA was already aware of attacks, kidnapping, raids on ships, the North African islamist Raiders, the jihadi Pirates of Libya, the Ottoman Turks, the mohammedans wanted more money and President Thomas Jefferson refused to pay this tribute and so in 1800 war.

That sounds bad but as terrible as that can be sometimes they are used to it as a norm, every decade or so a new bunch of islamo bandits a new bunch of new interpretation of Sharia Law political party or a new islamic flavor might do exactly that and more...they invent a 'New Islam' the gangs get their guns and they do exactly that kick in doors, run into peoples homes and say are you with 'New Islam' whatever that flavor might be Sunni, Shiite, Mujahideen, Al-Qaeda, ISIS etc its the same old shit ever since that pedophile terrorist Moohammad was born...and the literally rob them, they will enslave and marry 6 year old girls and to things to little boys.
The founder of islam btw was a deviant pervert who dressed in women's clothes, raped animals and had sex with his dead aunt and he was not sure if he was visited by angels or demons as they spoke to him or think maybe a devil or djinn had possessed him.

Countries have managed to keep the brutal islamic horde away by a brutal secular almost Dictatorship rule...maybe Turkey not so much anymore.

The US Military is very good at what it does, hitting things, smashing some guy with an IED or AK-47, breaking bunkers, flying missiles out of their Army platform, Navy or Airforce, its ability as a fighting force is greatly respected by everyone even if politically things get very messed up.
Although the desires and goals and results are not always the same it is still the best fighting force on Earth.

The Military is not Police and even then with 'Police' the US Police System has flaws and is not the number one civilized harmonious Force in the world just look at the chaos in US cities, the islamic country culture is almost as foreign as you can get for America, a robot AI translator sent to Salem between 1692 and 1693 and then into Arab culture might better understand their Middle East, North Africa or Central Asia cultures. There is a huge cultural gap between what Military does and what Police to in already civilized community.

Once they wrote that Disgusting Afghan Constitution the War Was Already Over and you had homosexual NeoCon scum like Lindsey Graham wanting to ban Cartoonists the war was Already Lost to stone age era mad men on camels who stick their anus up in the air for Mahomet or al-Lah and bang their heads on the floor, in the West the war was spread by way of immigrant, terrorist bombings once again it was once again an unconventional war and the jihads were not just coming from Afghanistan. In Afghan world the Followers of any other idea or other faith and religions were subject to 'Death to the Infidel' they were "free to exercise their faith and perform their religious rites" within the limits of the islamist Sharia Law the laws founded by a Demonic Moongod called al-Lah and a mad man pedophile bandit who enslaved people called Moohammad, when the number 1 terrorist died, the Killing of Osama bin Laden by the Obama Admin and bin Laden was found in Pakistan not Afghanistan, there really was no true reason to be there anymore.
It was already a clusterfuck, the time to get out was during Obama but he didn't I don't know why Trump stayed but he seems to have scared them into behaving with threats, the occasional bomb and drones, maybe he knew which big Taliban guys to make threats to?
its a confusing mess now Taliban vs Al-Qaeda vs ISIS but they are all one and the same.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

All of those who died there did so for nothing. And the innocent Afghans who were displaced, injured, or killed during our attempt to bring democracy to a country that didn’t want it were far better off in 2000 than they are now.

I disagree with this, I'm not sure Afghanistan was ever a true country to begin with but the Taliban control it. I think of it as a giant islamo Prison, there might be something positive from it, Afghanistan is a cross road of invasion the British the Russians, the USSR, at one time there were Buddhists, Hindu types and even invaders from Greece or Macedonia, the Achaemenid Era
a Prison it is but the USA with allies put a crack on that wall and it allowed them to see the light from the Outside, even if for a brief period.
maybe that's why there is still a group holding out the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan also known as the Second Resistance holding them off in a far off village in far away hills.

Afghanistan is almost totally captured by islamos, bordered by Pakistan to the east who behave like scum and helped bin Laden and south mroe Pakistanis, the Anti-American Iran and nutjob Iranians to the west, Turkmenistan to the northwest for a while Ex-Sviet islamo Turkmenistan had the lowest life expectancy in Central Asia, Uzbekistan to the north an Ex-Soviet islamo nightmare a repressive authoritarian regime, Tajikistan another islamo nightmare and Ex-Soviet to the northeast but possibly forced Secularism Tajikistan passed a law requiring people to "stick to traditional national clothes and culture" whatever that means maybe they want to ban Taliban clothes and Tajik are friendly to Russia so will the media call them bad??? what else, and China a very big player and a tiny border with Communist country but somewhat normalish modern society to the northeast and east.

I agree with the spirit of the article interaction with community, voluntary exchange, working for your home people but there might always be an invader or monster somewhere so maybe you will always need Police and a Military Sentry ready to hit back, humans have a dark fanatical war greed slavery element to them, this part of human nature the barbarian horde might not go away.
The USA did not rob Afghanistan for its spoils because the ordinary American didn't see the loot, Royal-Dutch Shell, Enron, BP, the Mineral Sellers, the Arms Merchants, International Bankers, the Drug Dealers might have got rich on wars but the ordinary American did not get rich.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The government that bribed the graduating senior into joining the military now views that same patriot as its enemy.

Joe Biden has been a disaster, if he gets in again he will be a far worse President than Bush little, you can put that one in the Prediction Thread.






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