Old Movies You Thought Were Great but Disappointed You on Rewatch...

UPDATED: Saturday, July 27, 2024 15:46
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Thursday, July 25, 2024 9:55 PM


10 Things About You (Heath Leger / Julia Stiles)

I saw this one time, in the theaters when it came out. I even remember the girl I took to see it. We loved it.

My internet was down for over a day during recent storms and I watched a few movies to pass the time. This one was right at the top of the list alphabetically and I gave it another watch.

I won't say it's a terrible movie, but BOY was it a cringe fest at times.

I said a while ago that as much as I'd love to re-watch some movies I loved as a kid like the Predator movies and Goonies, I think they're better left as just memories in my head because I think my memories are probably better than the movies actually were.

This rewatch did nothing at all but reaffirm my belief.

4/10 at best.

I wouldn't have given it a 10 out of 10 originally, but probably would have given it 8 to 8.5 after that first watch.

How much of that high praise was due to watching it with great company vs. just watching it as a young man with an entirely different perspective on life I could never say now. All I know is that I really need to stop re-watching old movies that I loved.

How about you? Have you ever experienced this phenomena?


Friday, July 26, 2024 2:08 AM


Whoops.... Wrong forum.

I'm just going to leave it here since there's like 6 of us still posting. Whatever.

Sorry bout that.

Pretend this was posted in the Cinema board.


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Friday, July 26, 2024 8:27 AM


This movie was probably aimed and teens and young adults and they mostly have no taste in art.
However movies like a French drama or South Korea drama or The Breakfast Club, Back To The Future can hold up because there is something unique in them

Staying power that last beyond the politics, fashion, culture and fad of their time

Old classics will have staying power ability, Psycho is still and perhaps always will be a work of art, Fright Night is still Great, Buster Keaton movies Classic, The Monster Squad, Seven Samurai, HK Jackie Chan Police Story 1985, French Delicatessen 1991 is still fantastic, The People Under the Stairs 1991, Sleepy Hollow, Blade Runner, Scream still works as a parody of the genre, 30 Days of Night still holds up, Metropolis still Great

Lost Boys is probably still classic even if it looks 'dated'. Most movies don't really have big onscreen failure and brand deaths and box office failure, they just kinda fade out for a while in a decade of irrelevance
Hayao Miyazaki is a strange one a Japan animator, people thought he might be the greatest Japanese movie animator film maker, I thought he was great but then after a while all of his movie are kind of 'the same' and get a little tiresome.

I'm gone off the whole SJW Open Border Feminist message, lets inject the politics “virtue signaling” recently movies are terrible for this
and you have fashion, the Goth era stuff like 'The Craft' does not hold up at all, every Terminator after T2 is even worse than I first thought,
'Art' of film making became 'brands' for remake and resale and Star Wars and Star Trek have been done to death, recent Bonds have been dying they have changed the meaning of a lot of the 007 film brand, 'Marvel' itself and the whole DC Superhero thing have damaged their own ionic brand with pointless remakes box office flops that cost creating more financial loss, Blade 1998 film still is a very good film but they want to ruin it with a remake?
Some movies I always though crap, a waste energy and of time and money, Theodore Melfi is just terrible, I know he received Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay for saying 3 Feminist Black Women using old Afro Female Wakanda math got NASA to beat Russia to the Moon and it was nothing to do with German Nazi Rocket Scientists.
I don't know if Weinstein, Tarantino, American Pie style of movies hold up with that degenerate message or toilet humor, some actors behavior are so annoying and disgusting they ruin old movies because of their off screen antics, Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Danny Masterson, Mariah Carey, Charlize Theron, Bryan Singer, Woody Allen, Rob Cohen etc Tinseltown full of creeps
then you have material that is just too political 'Knock Down The House' the Left Feminist might like it first but over time the movie just becomes more unwanted and disliked?

American Beauty now looking back seems a bit creepy and 'Pretentious'.
The other risk is saying nothing, a shell of a movie with explosions Michael Bay Transformers.
If a movie has nothing to say and is just there to shock or cash in on a franchise or is part of a trend or fashion it might not have any staying power.

There should also be a genre of film classed out there Called Bubble Gum Movie Pop, the movies that are fads of their time but have no staying power as 'Art' they are marketed at Young Adults looking for a shock, even preteens who sneak into cinema and teenagers. Film makers and the artists themselves are pushing very simple messages and topics, they might even thinking like a teen and the cast will also mostly be of teens during their breakout, the movie it can involve influences from a wide array of pop culture, fashion, musical genres, current art and a subset of commercial pop. Stars can damage their own brand for example Whoppie Goldberg and Ted Danson 'Made in America' is no longer considered funny, Rosie O Donnell is no longer funny. Stars can damage their own idol brand Janet Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Mick Jagger, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, LL Cool J etc although there are guys like Tom Waits who are weird and unique and passionaite enough to get away with it and make their small role iconic for example 'Dracula'.
I think a lot of David Bowie roles still stand the test of time because he picked weird roles to begin with that only a guy like himself could project on screen.
The original Teen musicals West Side Story and Grease work because of their choreography, although they can not rank next to an icon like Fred Astaire.
Some actors and director and genre are 'Done to Death' it probably happened the Musical, the Western, the Slasher and the Superhero flick but the strange thing about John Wayne is the Westerns still largely work as entertainment but John Wayne the asshole who never went to war a lot of his 'War' movies don't work for me, The Green Berets, China Doll, John Wayne as the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan is possibly one of the stupidest movies he made, Cast a Giant Shadow is ok maybe because he plays a minor role.
Back To The Future is a teen movie that works, it is unqiue it stands the test of time and it has something different to say even if that things seems kinda cliche now or even if the message seems silly, it defines the 1980s teen drama American science fiction time travel film.

What doesn't work for me anymore, Goth movies, a lot of Spike Lee , tv such as Buffy, the Watchmen remake, The Handmaid's Tale, Star Wars, Dr who, and Star Trek generally does not work as a genre for me anymore...also what generally does not work for me REMAKES unless it has something different to say or its a notable improvement.

'Halloween' should by logic classify as the pop of its time but there is something that works, maybe its how John Carpenter shot such great angles on low budget, maybe its the creepy mask or maybe its the theme tune but 'Halloween' has staying power even though logically it should not really but it did something different at its time as it has originality. What still works for me 101 Dalmations, Wall-E, Fantastic Planet, Alice in Wonderland, the Sword in the Stone, Akira, the original Twilight zone, the Original Outer Limits, Dune the Lynch and remake, V for Vendetta, District 9, Burton's Batman, Donner Christoper Reeeve Superman, The Incredibles, Erin Brockovich, Moon, Naked Gun 33 and 1/3, Airplane! , Blazing Saddles, The Monster Squad, Toy Story, Shaft, Iron Man 2008 film, Mary Poppins, HK Jackie Chan movies, French weird scifi fantasy is still fantastic, Young Frankenstein, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Sleepy Hollow, Blade, Scream , Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Heathers, 30 Days of Night.

A lot of Stuff by Joss doesn't hold up well, Alien Resurrection didn't annoy me so much but I see early elements of Hollyweird's brand 'The Message' in the movie

Scorsese holds up today, Kubrick stands as a master to study, the original Alien and Aliens hold up, they were considered Feminist films of their time but you don't feel like its too much of the political 'message'


Friday, July 26, 2024 11:16 AM


Well... sure. I'm not saying that all old movies are bad. I just re-watched Pulp Fiction with my dad about a month ago, since he'd never seen it before and he asked me if I wanted to watch it. It was still great.

That's not the point I was trying to make.

Have you ever re-watched a movie years later that you personally thought was great and then you're severely disappointed on the re-watch?


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Friday, July 26, 2024 12:25 PM


I used to watch Tarantino, I think of him as a hack now. His borrowing or theft is well known, he might have teams flagging this stuff on you tube and getting the vids taken down but there are enough social media comments and new articles out there that he will never be able to censor all critics. Tarantino is not the only thief, Hollyweird steals all the time! Maybe ignorance is bliss, a case where the less you know the more you enjoy. I have a friend who did small arty films, he was obsessed from movie making since a young age and had a collection of odd quirky films, maybe some of that rubbed off and I got to see films maybe a little like he did and eventually that influenced my ideas on it as 'Art'. Hollywood loves to steal stuff if it can shock, put another label or title on it and sell. Tarantino likes to shock you with unexpected like Howard Stern, Mancow Muller, but when you know the routine the shock effect wears off, the shock jock film maker he's out to shock people by showing you a mad wacko scene that defies norm but with less art, in the most offensive manner possible... radio? Alex Jones, the Lizard guy David Icke, Opie & Anthony fit the mold but they are so out there and crazy they are hard to 'copy'...but like music, art and comedy, after a while shock jocks copy, rip-off and steal routines from other shock jocks.

One scene film people might know is the history Battleship Potemkin 1925 and the Runaway Baby Carriage, this scene would reappear again and again in other films. Hollywood has been this way for years, a lot of its lines of dialogue, its drama and action with iconic Scenes are actually Stolen Scenes they are just reshoots From Other Movies. Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs all stolen scenes with at least 5-10 scenes in each of these movies directly take or stolen from other films, Inglourious Basterds is Where Eagles Dare, the Great Escape, some modern TorturePorn Japan thing, the Western called The Searchers, Dirty Dozen WW2 period film, it is a cut and paste of other films. Sometimes I appreciate the street humor but looking back I feel Bruce Willis and John Travolta were somewhat flat in their acting. Also like James Cameron his work rate is kinda low and he doesn't make too many films anymore so these days Tarantino will just do his presents stuff.


As I said 'Tarantino' I can't watch anything of his, at one time maybe I really enjoyed stuff like Pulp Fiction but can't enjoy anything from him anymore, this was before the Weinstein scandal MeToo thing maybe it was the whole Death Proof a fanbase that kissed his ass the whole idea Tarantino's "Death Proof" double feature project called "Grindhouse" and everyone shilling and kissing his ass, Planet Terror era. He was also trying to sell himself as 'An Actor' in the TorturePorn Hostel stuff or English-language Japanese Western film directed by Takashi Miike another TorturePorn guy. I can't tell you what exactly he ripped off from where in all his films but there are A LOT of lines and scenes more or less 'stolen' taking most the few mins of a scene like stealing an Entire Film Short. Maybe he was ripping off Gangster movies, Japan Samurai film or Bruce Lee films like Game of Death, some of his fans said Things to do in Denver when you're Dead stole from Tarantino but clearly the timeline and date of script show that to be incorrect, Martin Scorsese's documentary American Boy, Anna Karina in Godard's Vivre Sa Vie, he worked in a VHS story some kind of shop rent a film warehouse? so he is accused of taking from many cult b-pictures and cheapo 70s exploitation.
Everyone for a while on blogs and web discussion forums were kissing his ass saying 'Tarantino is Best' like an NPC, but critics who knew their film were correct to call him out. I realized his movies were incredibly shallow maybe throw in some gore like Saw torture-porn franchise, weird Violent, Sexploitation, Gay Lesbo and drug stuff, Softcore Sexploitation the whole Sex 'n' Death thing and 'Shock Jock' like, a bit of Howard Stern or something controversial aimed at teenage humor. I kind of went off him when I realized a lot of his films were just 'shocking' or scenes taken from other films and reshoots with nothing to say. He goes way beyond tributes way beyond paying homage to just straight up copying or stealing scenes out of old movies

Taste of course is subjective, there might be some punk or rap or rock pop and roll song you love but someone else hates or that someone loves but you hate, that's cool we are free to like or dislike what we want. Maybe what I enjoyed at the time was Tarantino seemed original and the reward of the plot unfolding, I think the original Kurosawa movie is better, that first well known example of 'The Rashomon Effect' how a single event can be described in different and contradictory ways by multiple witnesses, reflecting their subjective interpretation, I also think the Tarantino hype is a victim of its own success. I was entertained for a while but once I seen how he did the tricks I was no longer entertained around hype like Grind House or “Pulp Fiction”


Friday, July 26, 2024 5:18 PM


Well... Even if you don't realize it, you just answered my question right here.

For you, Pulp Fiction is my 10 Things I Hate About You.

You probably know more about Tarantino than I do. I never had my nose up his ass or anything. Grindhouse was the 2nd to last Tarantino movie I watched. The last one was Django Unchained. I liked both of them well enough, but never watched either one a second time. I would have watched the Death Proof again with my Dad since we both love Kurt Russel, but he's already seen it (that was the only Tarantino thing my Dad had ever seen before).

I've probably seen Pulp Fiction a dozen times, but this was the first time I'd watched it in at least 10 or 15 years. I think I saw Reservoir Dogs and Four Rooms 3 or 4 times. I know I've seen at least one or two of his other movies.

The first time I saw Pulp Fiction was when I got my first apartment, which would have been back in 1999. It was already 4 or 5 years old by then. A girl friend (not a girlfriend) of mine couldn't believe I'd never seen it before and she gifted me a copy on DVD and said that once I watch it I'm going to watch it again and again. She wasn't wrong. After we watched it, I had all my friends over one night and rewatched it again about a week later. That's when I found Reservoir Dogs and Four Rooms too. It was only years later that I even realized that Four Rooms wasn't a Tarantino movie. He and Rodriguez have so much overlap together from the beginning that it sometimes got pretty confusing. I like a lot of Rodriguez stuff from that era too like Desperado and From Dusk Till Dawn.

To me, at the time, what Tarantino (as well as Rodriguez) were doing was different than anything else out there.


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Friday, July 26, 2024 10:35 PM


Weird. I can't think of anything which fits your criteria.

Maybe Cherry 2000. But I only liked bits and pieces the first time.


Friday, July 26, 2024 11:07 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Weird. I can't think of anything which fits your criteria.

Maybe Cherry 2000. But I only liked bits and pieces the first time.

I think possibly I've just integrated things that I consumed during more exciting times in my life and my youth so much that when I go back to watch them as a middle-aged man I'm watching them under such different circumstances that they just don't do anything for me on a rewatch.

Watching 10 Things I Hate About You in the theater with her all those years ago was a great time. Watching it alone and unmarried in my mid-40's just kind of stripped away all that excess stuff surrounding it on that original watch and all I was left with was a dumb by-the-numbers teen movie. Even the fact that it had Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles at the beginning of their careers didn't do anything much to save it.

Like I said, it wasn't terrible. They were both really good in it. It's just all the other BS surrounding it like the stereotype trope side characters and the overall shitty cookie-cutter plot just really dragged it down. Not to mention the fact that it aged pretty poorly and I don't think many kids today would even relate much to it.


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Friday, July 26, 2024 11:19 PM


Many teen movies really are just a snapshot in time - and they still have a long delay before release, so they are more hit-or-miss.

Maybe that genre is your focus for this thread.

I did see Star Wars in cinema. But the reason it got bad later was because Lucas tinkered with it, wrecking it with Bad CGI.


Saturday, July 27, 2024 2:12 AM


Maybe... There's probably some truth to that.

But this isn't the first time this has happened before, and I know that it's not exclusive only to teen movies... at least for me it isn't.

For the life of me I can't remember right now what I recently re-watched that made me feel this same way. This isn't the first time I've brought up this phenomena here. It's just the first time I had a movie fresh in my head that made me post a thread about it.

Let me think on it a bit. I'm sure another example or two will pop up for me.


Trump will be fine.
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Saturday, July 27, 2024 3:03 PM


There are movies I can not go back to because of the abuse 'culture' something probably happened to 'Bella Thorne' she seems very damaged. The culture is so bad it was said to be 'An Open Secret' there was even a movie made as all the Weinstein stuff was breaking called Open Secret, Tarnatino was also very close to Weinstein but I was already sick of Tarantino's crap long before any scandals broke. Ricky Gervais ripping Hollywood apart during a Live Show was one of the best things to happen, the criminal abusive culture needed to be called out.

The child actors thing is odd and difficult knowing the crimes of Hollywood 'Lost Boys' is a bit weird I think it would be ok to re-watch but I don't know, people have been out of their minds on drugs in Hollywood the 2Coreys were abused that is Corey Feldman, Corey Haim but I think it was by Charlie Sheen who was named or maybe a different experience in other movies, I think he said he was assaulted on the set of Lucas in 1986, corroborated by his ex-wife a co-star of a movie. The DC Warner Bros actor Ezra Miller and Marvel Actor Jonathan Majors are gone off the deep end...but I was already tried of the superhero genre before the modern scandals came how.

The Corey Feldman thing is terrible. its kinda sick knowing how twisted Hollywood might truly be, I think a lot of their movies I would not be able to re-watch. Bella Thorne I think it was her who stated she had been sexually abused repeatedly, I would not be shocked to learn Ellen Elliot Page or all those other tranny kids had something terrible, years of abuse maybe happen to them.


Saturday, July 27, 2024 3:05 PM


Gossip from 2020

Today's Blind Items - Rewarded For Dirty Deeds

This bit player in the Hollywood legal scene has a reputation for doing dirty work for powerful people. Shockingly, he was just rewarded very openly and prominently for his most recent efforts.


Saturday, July 27, 2024 3:46 PM


I understand what you're saying Jaynez, but I believe that what you're talking about is way beyond the limited scope of this thread.

There's nothing like any of that taking place in the disappointment of my rewatch of 10 Things. Yeah, Heath Ledger's death was tragic, but as far as we know at least it was under far different circumstances than what Bella Thorne or Corey Feldman went through. I always liked Leger and it was either this or the TV show ROAR that I'd first seen him. I'd also liked Stiles in anything I'd seen her in too. The fact that they were both in it maybe lead to it being more memorable for me than other similar films at the time, along with the great title of the film, but it was just a pretty cringy rewatch. And I'm not even sure how much of that cringe was from the movie itself or my own embarassment for having held this film in such high regard for several decades before rewatching it.

Speaking of Bella Thorne, I remember seeing her in Ghost World somewhere around the same time as 10 Things... maybe a few years later. It also had Steve Bucemi, who is always great, and I believe it was Scarlett Johannsons first role. I remember seeing her in it and thinking that a star was born that day.

That's one I could probably rewatch now without being disappointed. Outside of sci-fi stuff, it was a little bit deeper than a lot of the movies I was consuming back then though, probably.


Trump will be fine.
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