WTF? Okay. Now I'm just confused....

UPDATED: Friday, November 15, 2024 05:36
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Monday, November 4, 2024 12:30 AM


Nikki Haley: Trump Isn’t Perfect, but He’s the Better Choice
If you like his policies but are put off by his tone or his excesses, consider the cost of the past four years.

Why aren't you over there with Harris and the other 250 NeoCon Establishment ballwashers, Nikki?

Don't tell me that you and Liz had a falling out.


Monday, November 4, 2024 12:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Rats jumping a sinking ship?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, November 4, 2024 1:18 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Rats jumping a sinking ship?

Might be...

I'm always considering the other angles and I'll admit I probably tend to go too "big picture" with things most times.

This might just be individualistic opportunism...

Anybody who was on that list is never going to get any good positions in the cabinet, or at least not without bringing something really superb to the bargaining table.

I would have to imagine that Nikki was never on that list of Bushite NeoCons voting for Harris in the first place if she's trying this right now. Otherwise, I hardly see what the point of writing that would have been at all. I never looked at the list because I didn't care, but if you had asked me just 1 hour ago if I thought Nikki Haley had her name on there I would have said absolutely.

If she really waited until 2 days before the election to pick sides, despite all of the poking and prodding you know she got from the Bushites all this time...

Maybe I need to look a little deeper and a revision of my opinion about her may be in order.

I still think she's a no-good warhawk NeoCon and I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of her mouth, but she might be a tad bit smarter than your average demon, and a little more concerned with the self rather than the NeoCon cause. She could be useful if implemented correctly. I'm sure there's something she could be put to work doing for the next 4 years where somebody has eyes on her.

Allan Lichtman is a smart guy despite the idiocy we've seen from him this election season. I bet what Nikki just did didn't pass him by and he's sitting there wishing he had had the stones to wait until November 3rd to attribute all those keys like she just did.

She's now on the outs with both the Democrats AND the NeoCons. I'm not saying that she could never come back from that if she made the wrong choice, but writing that was a very risky and likely career ending move should Trump not win the election. All she'll really have to look forward to is sitting with Kyrsten Sinema at the loser's table until she's replaced in the next election.

I don't think you make a decision like that without knowing something that a lot of other people don't know. Of course I'm being extremely cynical and not even considering any possibility that Nikki Haley or any politician would ever write this article because "it was the right thing to do". Writing that article is like the Pelosi's making a "lucky" multi-million dollar stock trade right before a merger is announced.

I admire her patience, even while recognizing how self-serving this all shows her to be. She deserves at least the opportunity to prove her worth in my book, but with trusted eyes on her and not in anything where she can cause mischief. Maybe put her under RFK doing something and see what happens.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, November 10, 2024 12:25 PM


Never mind. Looks like Trump isn't taking any chances...


I will not be inviting former Ambassador Nikki Haley, or former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, to join the Trump Administration, which is currently in formation. I very much enjoyed and appreciated working with them previously, and would like to thank them for their service to our Country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Friday, November 15, 2024 5:36 AM



No to give her credit she is smarter than this, she even charms the Warhawks...born little Randhawa and grows up to be vocal instrumentalist on the warhawk tv shows, a Snake Charmer.

but the old mini Bush era NeoCon stage show is now over

Don't be confused, for them acting as this is the norm
What you see as 'Madness' for them its 'Normal' because for a lot of them 'Psychopathy' is normal, lie without blinking, crazy boldness to go to the next war, lack of empathy , in combination with traits of boldness, massive egocentrism, lack of remorse for dead fact they share very similar personality types that if they were not in politics they would be something like a Serial Killer. The Serial Killer gets spotted but the politician can wear a thin cloak that masks their ruthless face, they are often masked by superficial charm, they are tv personality sociably and know 'talking points'.
However she is just another NeoCon Warhawk that stood for nothing with her credibility shot
the state that gave you the Sharia Law NeoCon fag Lindsey Graham

I will go a bit out there on 'Art' or colors or sound
Within this woman there is a dark flattened note a vibration in her bones and dna maybe, maybe it was her upbringing from parents, maybe its her DNA blood, maybe its those who were around her and inspired her, let's say vile and corrupt people like pro-Sharia Law NeoCon faggot Lindsay Graham
A color or sound wave? seen that you took out your guitar I assume you know 'Do re mi fa so' but this woman She has a flat 'note' a flattened darkers tone, half tone or semi tones right next to each other like dark right next to each other like Do solay ...'Do' note to 'so' if you pick it on guitar it sounds nice like StarWars but this woman goes Do so'LAY' instead of Do Do Me Fa So Law Ti...she probably has even other darker minor flattened notes vibrating inside her, but she has enough notes that also charm like Snake charming the practice of appearing to even hypnotize another enemy snake
it could be from her other Sikh freak family, it could be her life experience, her religious stuff or from her life in the USA
from what I hear and read of her father he did not sound terrible but her mother was 'law' which is often a 'Psychopathy' her mother also had a forced arranged marriage which is still common in Africa, the Middle East, India and parts of Asia.
Her let's go with a story and see if its true mother would have had a bunch of crazy baggage after marriage and mental conditions which she passed to her daughter. Child Labour? they reported to media themslves they had Niki bookkeeping when she was 12
Hillary Clinton another psychopath is credited as inspiring her to run for office...beat the child from your arranged marriage at twelve and make it work, the little one will do accounting.
Bullied trauma individuals that grow up to become bullies

Theophrastus looked at people types, he was Aristotle’s close colleague
the personality of strange people the “Psyche” and Psychopath described in writings of Ancient Greeks

psychopaths and narcissists, very common among Political People, Lawyers aka Liars, the Priests, Journalists, other types of Politicians...they are the opposite personality type of Nurses, Charity Workers, Teachers.
More like Idi Amin, the crazy warhawk people at CNN Fox Pravda BBC, Saddam Hussein, the Preverted Rabbi Sheik and Priest, Henry VIII, Hillary Clinton, the Palestine leaders, Bibi of Israel, your Journalism Washington Compost Blogger, Napoleon and Nero...all very similar psychopath personality. A lot of serial killers get spotted as they weirded people out but the political types can pass themselves as 'normal' while having dissocial personality disorder (DPD)
Now after her failure, this psychopath can she move back to Tamil Sikh land make herself an India Empress and start calling herself Nimarata Randhawa Haley again.

Research Suggests Politicians are More Likely to Be Psychopaths
The Startling Accuracy of Referring to Politicians as 'Psychopaths'

so she's a flip flopper Punjabi South Carolina gal with a story that constantly changes like the shifting winds, now Nikki Haley claims Trump ally went to her house begging for her mercy to secure a truce before she turned down a cabinet job...maybe she can write a book about it all or something?






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