UPDATED: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:48
VIEWED: 2367
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:51 AM


In a distant part of our galaxy a system of 5 planets was ruled by 1 king - Zan (Not much is known about Zan except that he was married to Ava and he was the king. His hybrid manifestation is Max Evans, and the abandoned hybrid also known as Zan). He was surrounded by his wife Ava (We know very little about Ava except that she was apparently a very loyal wife to Zan. Her human manifestations are Tess Harding and the abandoned hybrid also known as Ava), his 2nd in command Rath (As 2nd in command Rath was probably head of the royal army or some type of soldier since his human manifestation, Michael Guerin seems to consider his role that of a soldier. Rath's abandoned hybrid manifestation also bears his name. The alien Rath was betrothed to Vilandra, but presumably their relationship disintegrated with with her seduction by Khivar) and his sister Vilandra (Vilandra was sister to Zan and betrothed to Rath. She apparently was a rather spoiled princess who cared more for pretty dresses than anything of substance. She was seduced and then betrayed by Khivar. There seems to have also been indiscretions with Khivar's 2nd in command, Nicholas as well. Her relationship with Khivar led to the death of the Royal 4 and thus Khivar's current ruling. Her human manifestations are Isabel Evans and the abandoned hybrid Vilandra, known as Loni) - these were the Royal 4. Unfortunately, Zan tried to create change too fast and Khivar (The most we know of Khivar he's the bad guy. The people of the 5 planets are not happy with his dominion so there is a war. He seduced the princess Vilandra and is now in power. But his power is incomplete without the granolith. He abducted Denny Ridgley in order to lure Isabel back to Antar) attempted to over throw him. Thus began the war. Vilandra fell in love with Khivar, but kept their romance a secret. Humans were taken from Earth and samples of their DNA were extracted before they were returned. Using the Gandarium (The Gandarium are apparently another form of alien, only semi-sentient. They are the bridge between the human DNA and the alien DNA that allow them to be unified into a single DNA strand) the human DNA was mixed with DNA cloned from the Royal 4 to make 2 sets of human/alien hybrids. In the engineering process the hybrid-clones' human aspects were elevated to humanity at it's most evolved, giving them powers the rest of us won't possess for a few millennia. Khivar offered to make peace, so Vilandra let him into the royal city, but he betrayed her and killed the Royal 4. When they died the hybrids were sent to Earth with 4 adult aliens and the granolith (The granolith is shrouded in mystery. It seems to be some sort of religious icon. But it's more than iconic, it's functional and very powerful. It's intended use was transport between Earth and Antar, however it has been utilized in a variety of ways. The Skins need it to survive on Earth. Khivar needs it to obtain ultimate power and end the war. Future Max modified it and used it to send himself back in time, to change the future. And presumably it's how Mom alien was able to send her message to the Royal 4 on Earth) but their ship was sabotaged and crashed in Roswell, NM in Earth time 1947.

2 adult aliens died in the crash and the other 2 adult aliens were taken by the army along with the 2 pods with the hybrids in them. Captain Carver became disillusioned with the army cover up (When the ship first crashed it was leaked that it was an alien vessel, but later the army insisted it was a downed weather balloon. The truth of the alien ship, it's passengers and the deaths of soldiers in the course of these events were all covered up by the army) and helped the 2 adult aliens escape with the 2 pods. The adult aliens hid the primary pod in a mountain outside Roswell with the granolith. Then they abandoned the secondary pod in the sewers in New York City. At some point they were captured by the FBI. When they both escaped one was assisted by a Mesaliko Indian, River Dog who named him Nasedo (Nasedo is the Mesaliko word for 'visitor'. As the last adult alien he seemed to be some sort of soldier or bodyguard since his main function was to protect the Royal 4. To that end he killed humans as he saw fit. Nasedo was a shape shifter and often assumed other human appearances as the need arose. But his insides, his alien skeletal structure or lack of one all together, remain decidedly unhuman. He was killed by Congresswoman Whitaker). Nasedo partook of an Indian ritual which threw off his Balance (This is energy from the alien home planet that each alien carries within them. It can be disrupted, making them ill or restored by the healing stones and can also exert a force onto others) but River Dog was able to heal him with the healing stones (These are stones carry energy from the alien planet. By holding the stones and thereby lending their own energy to the stones people (human or alien) can activate them and they can be used to restore an alien’s balance and to heal them in different ways). Nasedo at some point made friends with Atherton who published a book in 1955, "Among Us" which spoke to some degree of his knowledge of alien beings on Earth. Nasedo killed Atherton in 1959 presumably to protect his alien secret. He also killed Sheila, the wife of Everett Hubble. After her death Hubble went on a mad alien search. Sheriff Jim Valenti Sr. was also an avid alien hunter. In 1959 he saw a photo of a corpse with a silver hand print on it. We can assume the corpse was Atherton and this photo prompted Sheriff Valenti Sr. to his search for alien life. Hubble and Valenti caught a drifter in a silo in 1972 and Hubble was so sure it was Nasedo he shot him. But it wasn't and Valenti got pinned for the shooting, got discredited and lost his badge.

Meanwhile, Khivar sent a team to retrieve the granolith and kill the Royal 4. By the time 1950 came and went they had landed. Nicholas heads up the team in the body of a 12 year old. But these guys can't shape shift, presumably because they don't have the granolith. They have to have human husks (Like a corn husk these are human outer shells that the aliens bond with and use to survive in Earth's atmosphere. The husks last approximately 50 years. To continue living on Earth clones must be grown, which is a somewhat lengthy process. The hybrids human DNA allows them to survive and Nasedo presumably had the granolith to make him a shape shifter for survival. Because the bad guys are, thus far, the only ones who use the husks, they are also known as the Skins) to inhabit and so they're dubbed the Skins. They spent the next 50 years figuring out human culture, infiltrating political positions and most of all searching for the Royal 4 and the granolith.

In 1989 3 of the primary hybrids emerge from their pods as 6 year olds. Max and Isabel instinctively know that they are brother and sister, and they are joined by Michael. As they're walking along the highway a car drives up and Max and Isabel are picked up and later adopted by the couple who found them, Diane and Phillip Evans. Michael hid when the car approached and so he became a ward of the state and grew up with his foster father, Hank, who was both drunk and abusive. Sometime later the 4th alien, Tess emerged with Nasedo present, so she was raised by him apart from the others. Nasedo taught her how to mindwarp (Tess basically creates hallucinations. She reaches into people's minds and controls what they see and hear, changing the landscape before them, hiding things in plain sight, even controlling their memories of certain events. If it's over used it can weaken and destroy a human brain). Presumably after Tess' emergence Nasedo made a deal with Nicholas and Khivar to deliver Max, Michael, Isabel and Max's child to Khivar with the granolith. What Tess and Nasedo received in return is unclear. At some point in this time span the 4 abandoned hybrids in New York emerged as well.

While they grew up unaware of their alien heritage or any of the events surrounding their existence on Earth, Max, Michael and Isabel decided they need to conceal their alien nature. They discover their powers; the ability to manipulate molecular structures (Since the whole universe is made of molecules this is a broad power and can be manifested in a variety of ways. It was used to heal both Liz, Kyle, a number of children and Brody. They use it to unlock doors, heat drinks, spin CD's, make rocks and things explode, reassemble broken objects, etc.) and make intense connections (When these connections are made the aliens can see memories or thoughts of another person. More than that they can feel the emotions wrapped around these events or thoughts. Liz has also been able to make the connections with both Nasedo and Max. This is also known as a 'flash') with people, but remain ignorant of the existence of the granolith. Isabel also has the ability to dreamwalk (Isabel kinda falls asleep, kinda just closes her eyes and concentrates and can walk around in other people's dreams. She can choose to be strictly observant or speak to the dreamer. She can also search for particular information in the minds of others) people. While they use their powers discriminately to make their lives more convenient, they are put to the ultimate test in 1999.

Liz Parker was shot in her families' cafe, The Crashdown. Max and Michael were there and Max rushed to her aid since he'd noticed her since he first saw her. He used his ability to manipulate molecular structure to heal her and save her life. From this point on they were drawn to each other and alternately resist and give in to the attraction. The healing temporarily left her with a silver handprint on her stomach, which in addition to the healing, prompted her to ask questions. Max revealed his alien nature to her and confessed Isabel and Michael are aliens as well. Liz later told her best friend Maria deLuca about the aliens in their high school midst. The shooting aroused the suspicion of the local sheriff, Jim Valenti Jr.. In an effort to learn more about Max, Valenti revealed to Liz the existence of other silver handprints, left from the people that Nasedo killed, although at this time Valenti, Liz and the alien teenagers had no knowledge about Nasedo. The simple existence of the silver handprints, however, moved everyone into action. Agent Kathleen Topolsky (She led the FBI into Roswell under the guise of guidance counselor. When her cover was blown she left Roswell and was apparently tortured to some degree by the higher ups in the special unit. Eventually she returned giving the kids one of the communicators and then was killed by the special unit) came to Roswell on behalf of a special unit of the FBI. Valenti tried to learn the truth about Max at the expense of his relationship with his son, Kyle. Meanwhile the kids began to discover their alien past.

When Max began working at the local UFO Center they discovered Atherton's book and later a pendant (This bears a symbol that Max and Isabel had drawn in the sand as children when they were on vacation once. It was also familiar to Michael. The pendant was how Liz gained River Dog's trust and they were able to learn more about Nasedo. When Max thought he was leaving in Earth he gave this pendant to Liz so that she could remember him) in his home which led them to River Dog, who they were able to get the healing stones from. River Dog also led them to a cave where Nasedo had left symbols drawn on the wall. Then Max and Liz were in a car accident and Max was badly injured. Liz and Maria persuaded their friend Alex Whitman to let them replace Max's blood with his so that Max's alien nature wouldn't be discovered in hospital tests. This led Alex into the circle of humans who know the truth. After many years Everett Hubble returned to Roswell, still pursuing Nasedo. He met Max at a convention at the UFO Center and thought he was Nasedo after he heard about the shooting with Liz. Still bent on killing Nasedo he tried to shoot Max at the now abandoned gas station where his wife died. Michael got the gun away from him and Hubble and Max fought until Sheriff Valenti shot Hubble and got Michael and Max to lea
ve before other cops showed up.

Then Nasedo and Tess returned to Roswell. They didn't immediately reveal their identities to the others, but Tess eventually came forward and led the others to a book (Written in their alien language, this book contained basic information for the hybrids to understand their present existence on Earth. There were pictures of them as they are now, which revealed to the hybrids that they were engineered. It also had the pictures paired, Max with Tess and Michael with Isabel, to reveal their previous relationships. It was later decoded by Alex), written in their alien language. Topolsky returned, wanting to give the conspiracy clan information she had learned about the Special Unit that was chasing them. She had an orb (There are 2 orbs. The hybrid 4 acquire one from Agent Topolsky. They recover the other during Max's time in the white room. When used in conjunction they accessed the message from Max and Isabel's alien mother), an alien artifact, that she wanted to give them. The conflicts that arose from Nasedo and Tess' return led Max to be captured by Agent Pierce of the FBI. After much torture and affliction the others rescued him; Valenti learned the truth about Max, Michael and Isabel; Michael used his powers to kill Agent Pierce while defending Max and Valenti; Kyle was accidentally shot by his father and brought back to life by Max; and Nasedo was shot, brought back by the healing stones and assumed the identity of Agent Pierce. The alien teenagers finally heard a message from Max and Isabel's alien mother that explains that they were engineered; their relationships to each other; and a word about the war and their royalty.

This is the message they heard:

If you are seeing me now, it means that you are alive and well. I take this form because it will be familiar to you, and it will help you to understand what I am about to say. You have lived before. You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings. My son, you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your young bride. My daughter, the man you were betrothed to, and your brother's second-in-command.

Our enemies have come to the Earth. You will know them only by the evil within. Learn enough to use your skills, your knowledge, your leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and free us. And that I may once again hold you both in my arms. I live for that moment. Help us. I love you.

Over the summer Max developed his forcefield (Max's forcefield is flexible, but doesn't allow matter or energy to pass through it when he utilizes it. He has utilized it to stop both bullets and alien energy), hearts began to heal and Nasedo, in the form of Agent Pierce, was able to shut down the special unit of the FBI that was chasing the hybrid Royal 4. This upset Congresswoman Whitaker (Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker landed in 1950 with the rest of the Skins. Eventually she married a Congressman and when he died she took over his office. She was intimate with Pierce for a while, and later Nasedo in the guise of Pierce. After the special unit was shut down she came to Roswell and began pursuing the Royal 4 through her assistant Liz. She was searching for Vilandra who, the Skins believed would betray her family and lead them to the granolith. Whitaker was killed by Isabel who was protecting Tess) who then came to Roswell to discover some truths for herself. After his death, Pierce's body was burned and his bones buried. These were dug up by Grant Sorenson (Grant Sorenson is an geologist who came to Roswell to test the area around Roswell for radioactivity. While investigating water tables in Frasier woods he was possessed by the queen Gandarium. He unknowingly attacked Max and Isabel and tried to kill Lorie Dupree so that she could be used as a catalyst to mutate humanity with alien DNA. Since this mutation would destroy humanity the queen had to die and Grant died in the fight), although they weren't identified. Michael was arrested for possible murder but Max was able to clear his name. Meanwhile, Nasedo was killed by Whitaker. His death alerted the Royal 4 to the existence of enemies among them, although they had no idea who they might be. During this time Brody (Brody was abducted by Larik some years ago and the abduction seemed to cure his cancer. He helped an internet company go public, but his talk of aliens dismayed his co-workers. Because of this he was bought out of the company, he bought the UFO Center from Milton and continued to try and understand his abduction and the existence of aliens on Earth. He is the vehicle for Larik to speak to the Royal 4 and vice versa) bought the UFO Center from Milton. When Brody's pentagon (When the Royal 4 initiated the message from their mother, it trigged these devices and they began pulsating. This led Brody to Roswell. When turned on, this device also emits a pulse that neutralizes any alien powers within a given radius. The aliens are able to use their powers again once it is turned off) device began to pulsate on May 14th he had some guys look into it. They discovered a strange high-energy microwave signal radiated from Roswell on that day. This initiated his move to Roswell. Max was able to continue working there and had access to Brody's high tech equipment. Any strangeness that occurred was easily dismissed since Brody believes Max to be a fellow abductee.

On Isabel's Earth birthday Whitaker kidnapped and tortured Tess, thinking she was Vilandra's manifestation. When Isabel came to the rescue Whitaker told her about the existence of the granolith and a twisted version of Vilandra's history, that portrayed that Vilandra had betrayed her family for her love of Khivar. Then Isabel killed Whitaker and discovered the granolith hidden in the pod chamber they had emerged from. After Whitaker's death they traveled to her home town of Copper Summit, Arizona. Here they discovered the Skins and Nicholas. They destroyed the new crop of husks the Skins needed with the help of Courtney (Courtney was a member of a faction who believed Michael should be king instead of Max. Since she wasn't on Khivar's team she came to Roswell and ended up telling our Roswell aliens a lot of valuable information about the Skins and Nicholas. As her husk was dying Michael told her where the granolith was so she could save herself. Instead she killed herself so that Nicholas couldn't extract that information from her) and escaped back to Roswell. The Skins then pursued them to Roswell and Tess obliterated them all. Somehow, though, Nicholas was able to escape.

Meanwhile Max from the year 2014 traveled back in time to sever his relationship with Liz, encourage his relationship with Tess and thus sustain the strength of the Royal 4. In his version of the future Liz and Max eventually married and drove Tess away. Without the strength of 4 they were defeated once again by their enemies. Liz and future Max succeeded and created a rift between present Max and Liz, ensuring the future lay open with possibilities.

Then the abandoned hybrids, Loni, Rath and Ava, came from New York to find Max and take him back to a peace conference, since hybrid Zan (The hybrid Zan was killed by the hybrids Rath and Loni) had been killed. Max decided not to make a deal with Nicholas, but discovered an old friend, Larik (Larik was a close family friend of Zan's and they grew up together. He still lives on their home planet, but communicates to the Royal 4 through Brody). After leaving the peace conference Loni and Rath tried to kill Max. Back in Roswell Ava explained the death of Zan, the threat to Max, and that Liz was no longer completely normal since Max healed her. As such, Liz was able to connect with Max in New York through Isabel's dreamwalk and save Max's life. Loni and Rath took off after trying to force information about the granolith from Tess. Ava simply left Roswell.

As time went on the Royal 4 discovered more about their past. They found the human link to Michael's DNA, the Dupree's. The Dupree's have a chromosome abnormality that, when it shows up in a member of the family, makes them susceptible to hybridization with the alien DNA. That's why they were chosen in the beginning. The Gandarium somehow got loose from the ship and began to pursue their instinctual drive to unify human and alien DNA. Since this mutation would destroy humanity the Royal 4 destroyed the queen Gandarium before they infected everyone.

Brody continued to try and find out information about his abductions (Since humans only use a small percentage of their brains the aliens are able to tap into the unused portion from across space and control movements and actions. An abduction is actually a period of time when a human is used by an alien as a sort of puppet. During these abductions many memories and parts of an aliens identity are stored in the unused portion). In the midst of this process he accessed that portion of his brain used by Larik and thereby had access to many of Larik's memories. When Max healed him he saw many of those memories and began to remember their home world and Tess. This was significant in that it was a catalyst for the destruction of his deteriorating relationship with Liz. As he grew further from Liz and closer to Tess, he and Tess slept together and Tess became pregnant.

In the midst of this Tess mindwarped Alex into going to Las Cruces University to translate the alien book. He completes the translation and returns to Roswell, convinced he'd been on a foreign exchange trip to Sweden. But the extended mindwarp had made his brain mush and as he broke free of the mindwarp he remembered the truth and confronted Tess. The last time she mindwarped him was too much and he died, with Kyle watching. She mindwarped Kyle into taking his body to his car and then she made it look like a car accident killed him. After his death, Liz began investigating it, learned the truth of his non-trip to Sweden and was able to recover the translation, which Michael gave to Max. The translation told them how to get home, which seemed to be important because Tess had mindwarped Max into believing that their son couldn't survive on Earth. Kyle remembered his own mindwarping experience just before they were able to leave. Max confronted Tess and she confessed killing Alex and Nasedo's deal with Khivar. Max let her go home with the granolith. Max and Liz were then able to reconcile the rift between them.

While searching for his son, Max found their ship (Even though the granolith is supposed to be a transport between Earth and Antar, it was apparently brought to Earth on this ship. Whether it was sabotage or not, it crashed in Roswell, 1947. Langely attempted to fly it again in 2001 at Max's orders, but it was too damaged from the crash) from the crash. He and Liz stole what appears to be a diamond, but is really the key to their ship. In order to get to their ship they pretended to rob the convenience store above the basement it was housed in. They were arrested, but eventually set free. The ship was moved but Max continued to search for it, convinced that it was his only link to his son. While searching for their ship Max met Langley (Langley is the other protector sent to Earth with the Royal 4. After he escaped from the FBI he went to Hollywood. He returned to Roswell for a short time, during the filming of "They Are Among Us". He fought with the leading man over the heart of the leading woman. He killed her, but everyone believed it to be a freak lightning strike since she was incinerated. Langely is now a powerful producer in Hollywood. From Langely we learn that the shape shifters don't have senses, the way humans do. Langely has smelled chlorine and lemons briefly, but that's it. He doesn't shape shift in the hopes that his human organs will mature and he can again experience physical sense). Max found him in Hollywood, and ordered him to try and fly the ship back to Antar, since Langley can't ignore a direct order from Max. Langley shifted into his natural form, but was unable to fly the ship because of the extensive damage from the crash.

Isabel married Jesse Ramirez, without telling him her secret. Khivar abducted a human to follow Isabel on her honeymoon and convince her to come back with him to Antar. He had a new transport to Antar, a portal (This seems to be a way to physically transport alien essences, rather than the mental aspects of abductions. Khivar offered it to Isabel as a way to return to Antar with him. When she refused and pushed Denny Ridgley into the portal, Khivar was sucked out of him, but Denny remained on Earth). Isabel was tempted, she remembered how intoxicated Vilandra was by Khivar. But Michael remembered that Vilandra never betrayed them and the spell is broken. Isabel sends Khivar back to Antar and the human he possessed is freed.

Liz began to manifest powers from her change, but she couldn't control them and they were rather scary at times. She went to boarding school to find some space and hoped her powers would recede. While she was gone Michael's boss at a pharmaceutical company kidnapped Valenti. Max, Michael and Isabel went to set him free. When Max found him, Valenti was shot. Max healed him, but it was a trap to find Max, the healer. The owner of the pharmaceutical company, Clayton Endicott III, was old and dying. His wife, Meris, insisted that Max heal him. Max returned him to his youth, but then Max's body erupted in flame and turned to dust. As everyone ran from the building Isabel was shot. Jesse had followed Isabel and wanted to call the hospital. Michael finally told Jesse that Isabel isn't human. Isabel was able to recover from the wound. Clayton in his youth looked exactly like Max, and Max seemed to still exist within him. He began to see some of Max's memories and went to find Liz. In the conflict between Max and Clayton and their respective loves, Clayton killed Meris. Liz eventually killed the body Max and Clayton inhabited. Clayton passed out of it, and Max was left, alive again. They decided to go home to Roswell. Because of Max's death, Michael received the royal seal and began to manifest the powers that make Max unique. Max and Michael fight and Max was able to get the seal back.

On Antar, Khivar rejected Max's son, Zan as the royal offspring because he was human. When Khivar threatened to kill him Tess returned to Earth with Zan. In the course of protecting him from the Air Force, she killed a lot of men and was hunted by the Air Force. She destroyed the Air Force base, along with herself, in order to further protect her son and the conspiracy clan. Max gave Zan to his father and mother, who had learned their alien secret in the course of running from the Air Force, so they could find a good home to adopt him. Max believed since Zan is human he would be safer away from Max.

As graduation approached, the Air Force was still hunting Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz because of their base that was destroyed. The conspiracy clan was able to elude the Air Force and leave Roswell for good, leaving only Jesse and Valenti behind. Jesse takes a new job in Boston. Valenti became a deputy, moving back into his career in law enforcement. And the clan, they run around the country evading the law and doing good.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:48 AM


I loved that show. It was great during its first season and most of the second season. The show jumped the shark when Colin Hanks left towards the end of the second season. Before that it was really good, especially with the great story arc during season two.

The third season on UPN was rather uninteresting, and the fact that it was up against the first season of Smallville is one of the reasons I rarely watched it.






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