They shoulda adapted Elektra: Assassin!

UPDATED: Friday, January 14, 2005 14:38
VIEWED: 1040
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Friday, January 14, 2005 2:38 PM


Elektra: Assassin is a graphic novel written by Elektra creator Frank Miller and drawn by crazy Bill Sienkiewicz. In my mind it is the ultimate Elektra story. Oh, how I wish they had adapted this story for the Elektra film!

That said, I did enjoy the Elektra film. It is your average comic book action fare. It entertains you without sticking to your ribs. The film doesn't suck, but it doesn't rule either.

Garner does her best with what she's given (as do the entire cast) and is fantastic in her physical acting/stuntwork. There are some humorous and touching moments. Terence Stamp is fun as stick. The tatoo special effects are pretty cool and so are the ninjas. The story/plot is actually okay although it deals with Elektra's reform WAY too soon in her film career. She should have been a full on assassin for AT LEAST and entire production before softening her up. Elektra was always one of the edgier "R-rated" background characters in Marvel, much like Blade (Elektra in the Daredevil comics, Blade in the Spider-Man books). She is an anti-hero -- not a sympathetic hero -- designed to measure the good guys up against demonstrating they know where the line is.

What does suck in Elektra the film is the script and direction. It is limited, as most films are, by the PG-13 pandering film producers seem to be slaves to these days.

Rob Bowman is a great TV director. I love his X-Files work. I don't think he knows how to do a feature film yet. Bringing in a director with a more visually exciting style... OR a stunt director and/or cinematographer from Hong Kong or somewhere... could have made this film great. I hereby call for LESS editing during the fight scenes in movies like this. Watch Hero or The House of Flying Daggers! Filming Elektra like a martial arts ballet (of blood!) would've...

Damn! There I go again, crying over what could've been.

It's possible the quality control is slipping over at Marvel Studios. Avi Arad seems to be rushing 2-3 Marvel-based films a year into theaters. Perhaps he should slow down and read the scripts a little carefully and be a bit more picky about to whom he offers the various director's chairs.


PS: Did Stan Lee do a cameo in this film? If not, was it because he didn't create the character? Does this mean Frank Miller is in Elektra somewhere? Probably not...






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