Judas and Mercy Chapter Five
Monday, May 22, 2006

Jayne discovers something very important about his life aboard Serenity during his healing process.


Please comment, the good, not so good and the awful when you finish reading. It’s especially helpful in the writing process. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: all things Firefly/Serenity are the property of Whedon et al. I’m only playing with his toys for a spell.

Spoilers: the show and the BDM

Rating: Teen and up

Recommendation: please read the five chapter series entitled “The Way” and the previous four chapters in this series. It will help you out immensely in understanding some of the references.

“You ever think about the end?”

Jayne threw a strange face to his shipmate Clarence Zhang. “End a what?” He ducked as another shot pinged off the boulder they were hiding behind.

“End of this. Bun tyen-shung duh ee-dway-ro!” He shot his pistol over the rock hoping to hit something. He dropped and leaned back. “You know, all this thieving and killing.”

Jayne chomped the cigar with a grin. “Hell, ain’t no end. Just plenty more a th’same. An’ when the good Lord says it’s time, I don’t reckon he’ll be welcomin’ me with open arms. More’an like t’shove me th’other way round.” He peered around the large stone and emptied his clip. “This is luh suh. Gonna get pinned on account a Robinson, that gorram hwoon dun.” He pulled his last clip from his belt and rammed it in. He twisted his cigar to the other side of his mouth, letting the juices roll across his tongue.

The box of Coobans had been Jayne’s birthday gift to himself. That and a re-visit to his favourite whore Jeanine. He grinned in spite of the heat and dangerously close shots now coming in higher frequency. She’d been something else, still teaching him new moves even after eleven years. That’s why she was his favourite; she got better and better. He felt the old model revolver tucked neatly at the small of his back. First sexin’, first gun, both named Jeanine.

The dropping of a grenade not more than five feet from the two men brought the big man’s mind to the here and now. Without thinking, he grabbed it and tossed it back the way it come. Barely a second later, it exploded. He frowned. The enemy were still firing. Wasted a good grenade.

“I don’t think that you should talk about our captain that way.” Zhang took a few more shots and narrowly missed a bullet to his skull. “He’s done pretty good for us.”

Jayne threw a sly look. “T’you, ya mean.”

“What are you implying?”

Jayne fired more shots, standing this time to get a better view of the enemy’s position. He quickly jumped back down. Four in front, two left and three right. Yep, they was pinned all right. Canyon had seemed th’place t’run to, but in hind sight, coulda thoughta better.

“Yer good fer th’cap’n t’get us inta places ship like his don’t have access to normal like.”

The boy scowled. “I think I’ve proven my worth beyond my status.”

Jayne huffed. Hardly. I was yer age, I was fightin’ and cussin’ way more and lettin’ folk know that you don’t mess with Jayne Cobb. He took some more shots. “Where in hell is th’ship?” He looked to the darkening sky. “Ain’t got much left.”

“I’m almost out, too.” Clarence shot off the last bullets. “I’m done.” He sighed and peered himself at the sky. “Guess you were right.” He stared over at Jayne was now sitting and listening. “What are-”

Jayne lifted his hand to quiet the boy. His eyes slitted and he thought he could smell somethin’. Sorta like...

With a quickness Clarence had never seen, he grabbed the young man’s arm and yanked him away from the boulder.

“What? What are you doing? Jayne!” Zhang was dragged hard and stumbled. The older man picked him up and carried him over his shoulder. “Jayne Cobb! Put me down!”

“Shut it! We’re gettin’ the fuck outta here.” He ran to his right, zigging the bullets still coming. Finding a small crevice, both men fell to their knees. A moment later, a very large and bright light flashed along with a boom that nearly deafened both.

Takin’ his arm away from his eyes as a shield, he could see Clarence mouthin’ somethin’, but couldn’t make it out. Sounded like tryin’ to talk underwater and only getting waterlogged. Giving his head a shake, he didn’t see the men come up from behind and yank the young man away and grab Jayne by the boot to pull them both out of the crevice.

Still reeling from the concussion blast, Jayne was only able to stagger to a stand. A sucker punch cocked him from the left and pushed his balance almost off. Now he was getting angry. Sorry sumbitches were gonna get a lesson in fightin’ Jayne style. He raised his fists and took a swing at one, hitting him full in the nose. He grinned on the satisfaction of the blood spurting out.

The fight was on and the men now came at Jayne full force, leaving only two to hold Clarence.

When the ship landed at the top of the top of the low ridge did anyone stop. Bloodied with what he knew to be broken ribs and maybe nose, Jayne looked up to see Robinson descend with his entourage, money box in their hands.

“Hey there,” he called. “Come to make an offer.”

The leader of the gang strode over, gun drawn. “What kind?”

Robinson nodded towards Zhang, now hanging limply in the guards’ arms after a blow to the head. “Him for the money.” On cue, the box was opened to reveal a nice little sum of cash. The leader thought a moment then nodded his agreement. “Bring him over, boys.” He waved the guards over, dragging Clarence with them.

Transaction done, Robinson and his crew moved to leave. “What about this one?” the leader pointed at Jayne, sprawled on the ground with six standing overtop.

Robinson turned. “What about him?”

“Don’t want him back?”

The captain shrugged casually then turned his back. “Not mine to worry about anymore.”

The leader went to Jayne and knelt down next to the hurt man. “Guess you ain’t worth much to your captain.” He stood and kicked dirt in Jayne’s face. “Neither to me.” He and his group walked away with a laugh and one last kick into Jayne’s side.

He watched them leave, heard their mule and when he was sure they weren’t comin’ back, he pushed himself to a sittin’ position. He hurt like hell, but he’d live. And once he figured a way t’get off this tah mah de rock, he’d find a way to repay th’favour t’Robinson.

And t’get back Jeanine.

For now, he just laid still and calmed his breathing.

Later... She laid still and calmed her breathing. In an instant, strong hands gripped her wrists in a tight hold and pinned them above her head. Focussing her energy, she turned her wrists and loosened them. Using the distraction, she bucked her hips, bringing her leg over his simultaneously. Pushing with her shoulders and the added momentum from her hip action, she succeeded in reversing their positions, she now on top. She twisted her wrists once more finally breaking the hold and moved to box the side of his head.

Kaylee looked up to her instructor, a wide grin plastered on her face.

“Very good, Miss Frye. What next?”

“Oh, uh...” She leaned back on her haunches, putting pressure on the attacker’s hips. “Grab the knife under the pillow?”

The instructor waited.

“Um...” Her lips were tight in thought. She then grinned. “Grab his...things and give ‘em a crunch.”

The instructor took a slow breath. Working with this rim world woman for the last four days had proven a remarkable test of patience. How Inara had come to define this young woman as her close friend was beyond understanding. “No, Kaylee. Companion’s do not do such vulgar acts.” “But he was gonna do some vulgar t’me,” Kaylee protested. “Fair is fair.”

The attacker raised a hand. “Excuse me, but could you-” He motioned for Kaylee to stand and she did with a smile.

“Ooh, sorry ‘bout that. Hope I didn’t hurt ya none.”

“No,” he answered with a false grin. Pulling down his shirt, he walked very dignifiedly to the instructor.

“The ring,” the instructor finally said. “Inject him with the sedative in the ring.” She pointed to the slightly obtrusive bit of jewellery on Kaylee’s middle finger.

Kaylee smiled sheepishly. “Right.”

“We are done,” the older woman said as she turned from the bed and headed out. Kaylee was left to look at Inara.

“I do somethin’ not right?”

Inara shook her head and strode over. “No, not really.” She intertwined her arm around her friend’s then began their walk to the common room of the Training House. “She forgets that you’re not here for companion training in the strictest sense.”

Kaylee nearly choked. “No offense, Inara, but that ain’t something I don’t think I could do. I mean the sex part...” Her eyes glazed at remembering some previous sexual encounter that had been particularly rewarding. “It’s just so rigid here.” She stopped, looked to Inara then burst out laughing.

The Companion restrained her own laugh, but did smirk a little. Before her venture into the black, Inara Serra would have been offended by the play on words Kaylee had just used, but now, she recognised it for the innocent comment that was a little funny.

“Yes, things can be a little - stiff.” She played into the humour herself and felt Kaylee’s body shake a bit more at the pun.

The pair sat in an oversized couch covered in burgundy velvet and draped with a gold silken shawl. The wind was warm blowing into the large room and brought in the sweet smell of lilacs and cherries. The mechanic closed her eyes and let the sensation envelope her. This place was the most wondrous she’d ever been to and could hardly imagine how anyone would want to leave. Everything was perfect.

Inara felt the change in Kaylee since their arrival six days before. The younger woman had tension growing in her fairly well since Miranda, despite the Doctor’s best efforts to bring joy to her life. With Jayne being so severely injured, Inara realised just how much Kaylee had been keeping within herself. If Jayne could be taken then they were all susceptible. When Inara had suggested Kaylee learn to defend herself, the idea took hold quickly, bringing them here.

“You miss ‘em.”

“Shuh muh?” Inara turned from her gaze out to the mountains beyond the airy door.

“Serenity.” Kaylee lay back against the large cushioned back of the couch, watching her friend. “Don’t feel right not bein’ on her. Feels like we’re missin’ somethin’.”

The Companion straightened her back, put on her best poker smile and placed a light hand on Kaylee’s knee. “Or a certain someone, Kaywinnit Lee Frye?”

“Oh no,” Kaylee started, rising to meet Inara’s gaze, “don’t go turning this on me.” She leaned her shoulder in. “This is about you an’ the Captain.”

Deciding that not following this course of conversation was best, Inara rose. “I need to attend to a few details before we leave tomorrow.”

“Like wavin’ the Cap’n?” Her eyes jewelled.

With a soft laugh, Inara swept out of the room, her robes flowing. Kaylee watched and knew she’d hit the truth. For all the times that she’d come to Inara’s shuttle asking advice on how to get Simon to notice her, or just to feel like a girl once in a while, the Companion never once mentioned her own thoughts about her love life. But Kaylee knew. Heck, the whole crew knew of that simmering pot, wondering when it was going to boil over.

Rising from the couch and smoothing out her dress, Kaylee went to the open door and burned the image of the mountain into her mind. No matter how many captures she’d taken of it, nothing could match the memory. She breathed deep, committing the scent and feel of the light wind to memory as well.

When the hand touched her left shoulder, her right flew across, grabbed the wrist and twisted violently. Facing her attacker, she added a knee punch to the stomach to finish off. Stopping to see the damage, Kaylee nearly cried. The same man from the bed attack was now doubled over in pain. “Oh, God. Oh, God!” She moved to grab his shoulders, but he backed away, finally able to right himself. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to...I just...Oh, God, I’m sorry.”

He raised a hand to silence her. “Don’t apologise,” he struggled to say. Swallowing, he cleared his throat. “The Instructor asked me to do this.”

“She what?”

“To see if you had learned anything.”

Kaylee’s wide eyes darted back and forth at the man in front of her. “A test?” She paused. “Did I pass?”

Before... She watched his breathing, rough and strained. His body looked terrible and smelled worse. He had been in the med lab for nearly four days and no one had thought to bathing the mercenary. Jayne had never been one to take hygiene to its highest levels, but even he deserved some sort of cleaning.

At least, that’s what Inara thought as she twisted the water out of the cloth and ran it along Jayne’s arm. Her stroke was gentle, but deep. This man had seen so much suffering and Inara’s heart ached. She hadn’t spent much time with the man, for reasons that seemed more than good at the time, but not even with his crude tongue and foul mind did he merit the punishment his body was now recovering from.

Watching Simon care for the man and Kaylee offer her cheeriness had made Inara think that she too needed to help in some way. Now, here she stood, gazing down in horror and admiration at the man. Images of Jayne’s body being loaded onto the shuttle still made her shiver. Lifting the dirt was lifting the memories.

“Cleanse the body, cleanse the soul,” River’s soft voice called from the corner. She sat with her legs crossed on the counter. Her head lay to the side on her hand as she watched the Companion continue with her washing.

A smile formed on the older woman’s lips. She thought on her training, to a life so long ago that it may as well have been a different person’s. They were just learning the arts of touch and the pleasure that could be found with water. Her instructor repeated an almost identical mantra to River’s observation. Clients wanted fulfilment, wanted not only their desires to be satisfied, but their spirits rejuvenated. Inara had “the touch” as her teachers said, the gift of salvation of the soul for those who accepted it.

“Souls aren’t real. Can’t be quantified.”

Inara continued to smile. “No, sweetie, they’re real.” She rinsed her cloth again. “You just need to know how to look for them.”

“Oh, Inara,” Simon said with surprise. “I wasn’t expecting...”

The Companion gazed over and saw the haggard expression on the Doctor’s face. Despite his best efforts to not care one whit about the mercenary, he had spent the most time of anyone worrying. Except perhaps for Kaylee.

Simon stepped through the hatch. “A bath?” He gave a side glance to his sister. “He could certainly use one.” He stood at the monitors and checked Jayne’s vitals. “Seems to be helping his condition.” Taking a step back to his patient, he eyed him. “That eye still concerns me. I don’t know how deep the cut was. Without the proper equipment, he might lose his vision, if not his eye all together.”

Inara took away the bowl, emptying the contents. Returning to the bed, she pulled the sheet back up to Jayne’s shoulders, mindful of the broken wrist and bandaged shoulder. “Sometimes things go beyond our ability to repair.” She faced Simon, waited a moment, then smiled again. She lowered her eyes to Jayne then glided out of the room.

Watching her leave, Simon wondered if the Companion was referring to Jayne or something else.

River rolled her eyes. “She’s talking about you and Kaylee, you dummy.” The girl hopped down and strode out of the infirmary.

Sometimes, just some times, Simon wished his sister hadn’t been a mind reading genius.

Somewhere in his mind, Jayne could feel the watery cool on his body, the softness and penetratin’ touch of a woman performin’ a heavenly act on him. Drops of water slid across and down his chest, relieving the heat building up there. Memories of orange and machines played across his mind and added more warmth. Another touch of moisture, another small river of drops and the warmth cooled, replaced with more memories of a birthday he’d never been to. Of a teddy bear jacket given just because.

He wanted to press the cool into him to quell the fire smolderin’ in his gut, but he couldn’t. His body seemed so real and so not. He thought maybe he was somewhere in th’middle a livin’ an’ dyin’. But this pleasure th’woman’ ministrations were givin’ only made him confused. If heaven wasn’t wantin’ him, he couldn’t understand why it felt so much like it. And if this was the devil all done up pretty then maybe he was comin’ t’collect.

Then he heard Crazy’s voice an’ knew it wasn’t Lucifer. Knew he weren’t dead, neither.

“Wakey, wakey, Jayne. Time to find your soul.”

Fluttering his eye open, Jayne wished he hadn’t. The light was bright and the face staring down at him was not altogether welcoming.

River gawked with a frown. “Can you feel it, there, inside you?” She poked his chest through the blanket.

“River, leave Jayne alone. He needs rest.” Simon guided his sister away. He returned and checked the bag of fluids now dripping into Jayne’s arm. “How are you feeling?”

Barely able to keep his one eye open, he grunted some sort of reply that Simon took to be a good sign. “At least you can still understand me. Well, as best as you and I have ever understood each other.” Leaving a light hand on Jayne’s arm, he continued. “You’re on Serenity. You’re safe.”

“They won’t come for you. You and your kind are easily bought and sold. You don’t mean a thing to your captain or crew.” The whip flew again. An evil smile spread across an ugly face. The devil showin’ his true self now, is he? He jerked against the shackles as the whip cracked his skin.

Jayne sucked in air too quickly and coughed. He felt Simon place an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and let the cooler air fill his lungs, the coughing subsiding. “You’ve had some trauma. Now it’s time to let your body heal.” Simon almost smiled then returned to his scans and data.

He felt his eye grow heavy, vaguely wondering why only one seemed to work. Letting it fall, he welcomed the void that was coming, with echoes of sad ships flittering across his brain.

“Got us a job, almost legal,” Mal announced to his dwindling crew as they waited at the kitchen table for him. He sat and grabbed at the food closest to him. “Get us close to Newhall.” Slopping the protein onto his plate, he dreamed of when fresh food would be regular and protein the rarity.

“Juarez?” Zoe inquired.

Mal nodded. “Quick pick up and quicker drop.” He swallowed the food and wished he hadn’t. “Another feast, I see.”

Zoe eyed the Captain then to Kaylee. The young woman had spent the better part of the last four days watching Jayne and tending to Serenity. Sleep had been hard to come by and when it did, was fitful. The first mate would pass the infirmary to find the mechanic slouched on the sofa or on the med counter in the middle of some physical dream. She cried softly and her hands twitched every so often. Laying a light hand had calmed the woman enough to return her to normal sleep.

But it caused worry to Zoe. Kaylee was dreaming of something terrible, a notion Zoe knew all too well, yet had little handle on herself. So much had happened to all of them. At least she’d had combat training to help cope, but Kaylee had none. Her brightness had been dimming and everyone saw it.

Seeing it now, as matter of fact, as she covered a yawn with a grease covered hand.

“Best eat something, li’l Kaylee,” Mal instructed, “then get yerself off t’bed. Can’t be havin’ my ship fall apart ‘cause you were sleepin’ on the job.” He grinned, hoping she would see the good intention he meant the suggestion to be.

Kaylee nodded. “Sure, Cap’n, right after I check in on-” She stopped and looked at Simon. She swallowed. He had spent the entire time since Jayne’s return working on his patient and attempting to avoid Kaylee. She didn’t blame him for that, but it made things a mite awkward. “Right after dinner, I’ll look after my girl.” She smiled over to Mal.

“Good. Best if we get on the good side of the Juarez family and droppin’ their cargo just wouldn’t sit well.” He took another bite. Since Miranda and the Operative’s removal of ground for his enemy to go to, finding willing middlemen was becoming harder. He shook his head. Doing the right thing sure needed to pay off better.

Later... “Mal,” River called into the comm. “You have a waaaavvvvee,” her voice singsonged. She grinned manically as she heard the racing bootsteps charge up the stairs into the cockpit. “Took your time.” She grinned again.

Mal barely had time to fix his hair let alone give a reprimand to his co-pilot when Inara’s image flashed across the vid screen. “Inara.” He hoped sunspot interference would mask his giddiness in seeing her again.

“Mal.” If she noticed, she gave no indication. “Everything is well?”

“Well as well can be given the circumstance.”

Inara’s forehead became lined. “Circumstance?”

“With Jayne and such.”

The Companion nodded once. “Of course.”

They stared at each other for a very long time until River coughed. “So what’s the occasion to have you wavin’?” He scratched the hair at the back of his neck and wished for the hundredth time in the last minute that he’d at least been able to change out of his sweaty clothes and into something a little more captain-like.

“Kaylee is ready to come home.”

Mal blinked. “Kaylee,” he repeated.

“Yes. She’s done quite well here and the Instructor has given her leave to go. Where are you?”

“Inbound for Newhall.” Ask her you idiot.

“We’re not all that far. If we fully stock the shuttle, we should be able to rendez-vous with you in three days.”

He wanted to kiss the screen. She said “we”. He nodded while tightening his mouth. “Yeah, sounds good.”

The silence was long again.

“Well,” Inara began. “I’ll wave you later then.”

“Right. When you’re”

With a warm smile, the Companion nodded then moved to flick the wave off. “Inara!”


“Don’t take too long.”

The room that had seemed so small to Jayne had now become incredibly larger and tinier all at once. Being close to the infirmary was better for the doc, but it also made him far from everyone else. His weights might as well have been a thousand miles away for all the ability he had to get to them and meal time was whenever someone thought on bringing him something. The walls were beginning to close in on him, making him fidgety and nervous.

But when he tried to take a careful step from the bed, he understood just how far away that wall really was. Holding onto it with sweaty hands, and a puffing chest, he leaned as best he could against it. The trek across the room had been sickeningly slow and difficult. His insides were almost healed and only occasionally twinged. His shoulders were stiff, but no longer tender to move. What worried him, though, was his knee. No amount of reassurances from Simon that he would be able to walk without some type of crutch were able to penetrate his brain. Jayne Cobb was going to be a gimp and it unnerved him something awful. He couldn’t let himself be seen as weak. Weren’t mercenary-like.

Strangely, his eye wasn’t as much worrisome. Only needed the one to set the sights. His hearing seemed same as always so he could rely on sound t’catch anyone sneakin’ up on him. He only hoped that the eye wasn’t funny lookin’ once the bandages come off. Didn’t care much t’resemble his former partner. Wondered, too, if the whores’d be so quick to jump him with his new look.

Taking a swallow and finding his breathing returning to normal, Jayne used his right hand to push himself more upright and away from the wall. He was mindful of his immobilised knee, planting it very gingerly on the ground.

“What in Hades sweet hell do you think yer doing?” Mal questioned as he opened the door. “Get yer ass back in bed.”

“Aw Mal,” Jayne countered, “man’s gotta get up an’ move. Sick a lyin’ around so much.”

Mal reached for Jayne’s good arm. “Yeah, well, it won’t do me no good t’have t’haul yer ass back to the Doc ‘cause ya passed yerself out again.” Both shuffled over to the bed were Jayne sat heavily.

Jayne gripped the side of the bed, feeling the sheets pull close to tearing. “Don’t gotta remind me a that.” His eye flinched at the thought of being stuck once more in that cold room hovered over by Crazy. “‘Sides, I’m doin’ better. Doc said so.”

“That give you cause to go wanderin’? What were you tryin’ t’do anyway?” Mal saw the big man’s body tensing as though trying very hard to do something and not succeeding.

Jayne looked Mal squarely in the eye. “Don’t rightly recollect.”

The Captain saw the fear crossing Jayne’s face, intuitively understanding the deeper meaning. Jayne was aware of his brain problems and it was beginning to scare the hell outta him.

“Look, Jayne,” Mal began, digging his hands into his pockets. “You can take all the time in th’verse t’get better, ya know that.”

Jayne thought on the words, unsure what Mal was really saying.

Mal sat on the bed and looked at the wall. Ai ya. No wonder the merc wanted t’get outta this bed. If that weren’t th’ugliest lookin’ wall. Need t’fix up th’place some. “I ain’t got cause t’keep ya here.”

The mercenary sighed deeply, nodding his head. “Didn’t reckon so.” He released the sheet and brushed his hands along his outer thigh feeling the raised skin from the cut. “Fer the best anyway. You got folks t’feed who do their share. Can’t be wastin’ th’little we get.” His voice was low and deep.

Mal scrunched his brow. “What are you gettin’ on about?” This idiot man think he was a waste on this boat? The crew needed the merc and he’d been a good hire. Most of the time. When he wasn’t being selfish. Mal thought some more. Sort of not like how he was bein’ right now. “Just figured you’d be wantin’ t’get back t’Harvest and let yer ma know yer still breathin’.”

Jayne gulped and Mal heard it. His one eye glazed over and he became very still. He felt the wind on his face, saw the dirty white sheets, smelled the dust. With a start, he twitched his head a little. “What? No. I mean...” He straightened his back, forcing out the flashback from his brain. “Ma’s gone. Just... before.” He couldn’t look Mal in the face.

Mal took a slow breath. “On that, I am sorry, Jayne.” He placed a soft hand on his crewman’s shoulder for a short moment. Pulling it back, he went on. “You’ve still got a place on Serenity. If you’re still interested.”

Jayne turned as much as his stiff neck allowed him. “Ain’t no good, Mal. Buggered eye, bum leg.” He lightly shook his head. “Won’t be able t’do my job.” His voice softened. “No good.”

“You’re wrong there, Jayne.” Mal rose. “We’ll be on Newhall short like an’ they got a hospital that’ll make ya better than before. So don’t go frettin’.” He side grinned then left the room.

With his brain working over this new information, the big man was slowly understanding what Mal was tellin’ him. You’re family, Jayne, and yer not a waste. A smile slid across his features, painfully pulling on the stitches across his cheek. He had found his home.


A/N: there is more to tell about Jayne and his recovery. Maybe even some love between folk. Interested?


Monday, May 22, 2006 1:46 PM


Whoops, that was me, forgot to log in. Love the story though!

Monday, May 22, 2006 2:24 PM


Interested!?! You're just getting started here! I got all teary-eyed at that last bit. I need to see some happiness and healing (oh and lovin' would be fun too)!

Monday, May 22, 2006 3:36 PM


You're funny. Are we interested. PUH-LEEEZ (*rolls eyes*) !!!!

I love what you've done here with Jayne. The Mal/Jayne exchange at the end was beautiful. Good for them.

Bring on the lovin'.

Monday, May 22, 2006 5:38 PM


Interested? Uh, duh, yeah. What a silly question!

I'm all for the lovin' - my vote's for Jaylee (in case your interested!)

Love Mal telling Jayne he's family - in his own way.

Monday, May 22, 2006 6:09 PM


Of course we're all interested, me too! I've enjoyed both stories and am glad to see Jayne realise he's home, though I wish Mal & Inara would stop beating around the bush!

And of course you know who I would like to see together...

Monday, May 22, 2006 6:18 PM


Been waiting for the fluff. Or at least less angst and blurry-eyed reading. Please ease me some.
Definitely interested and I'm not particular about which way it goes.

Monday, May 22, 2006 8:01 PM


Count me in as an interested party too;)


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:21 AM


Keep on writin', teacherwoman. A+

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:47 AM



I've waited on pins and needles for each chapter of this story and you've done an amazing job every time!

Every single character you write comes through with such clarity. I can hear their voices and... *wibble*

Please write more!

And bring Kaylee back!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 4:59 PM


Thanks to everyone for giving their opinions on a continuation. It is appreciated.

Another request: could you please comment on the story itself? What do you like/hate/think is okay? It helps me very much in the process of writing. Thanks!

Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:29 AM


OOHHHH you wanted comments on the STORY. Well... :)

Okay, I like how you have Kaylee coming into her own, growing up a bit and being her own person. I always love strong!Kaylee and you're developing that nicely.

And your Jayne is wonderful, all his recollections are spot on (raw and rough and filled with all that Jayne-goodness), and I love his struggle to realize that he is home and they're not going to turn him out just because he's injured. I really need to know that he's going to be okay though! And his reflection on his physical condition is very good (worried about the practical aspects of it with just a hint of vanity...also nice nod to Jaynestown in there!).

So is that enough?? Oh, and you're writing is excellent as always. Leaves me wondering what you do for a living??


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The Storm IV
Serenity has survived the blizzard and help has come in an interesting form. Set post-BDM.

The Storm - III
Serenity experienced a blizzard and now the crew is experiencing the after-effects. Set post-BDM.

The Storm - Chapter Two
Mal assesses the damage done to his ship and crew after the blizzard crash.

The Storm
Serenity hits a snowstorm. Set post-BDM

Hearts Missing You
Mal has an interesting way of remembering dates. Jayne noticed. Not a slash fic.

Carrying the Burden
Mal does a little introspection and gets a little shock.

Bones break, words crush - part two
The immediate after-effects of the Big Blunder by Simon. The first part can be found <a href=""here</a>.

Beware the Bored Teen
Mal and Jayne experience something together (not what you're thinking). Set post-BDM. Warning for some harsh-ish language.

Sailor Boy
Simon takes a meal at a skyplex and does a little thinking. Set post-BDM.

Cold Understanding II
It's the day after and Simon thinks upon his relationship with Kaylee and what his new life is about.