Wish Upon A Ship
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Simon/Kaylee. Missing scene from Our Mrs. Reynolds.


Author's Note: I realize you all might have been hoping for the final installment of “Six More Weeks of Winter” but I must report that this little one shot wouldn't get out of my head and so here it is for your enjoyment. Simon being a “smooth playa”


“Do you think they can see us from here?” Simon's voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned towards Kaylee who was sitting next to him on the cold hull above the bridge of Serenity.

“It ain't like any of um' would think to look. Top of Serenity's not usually were people enjoy the fun of a shindig.” She smiled at him sheepishly and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. It had been her idea to watch the celebration on Lilac from on top of the ship. A fresh warrant had come out on the cortex that very morning so River and Simon were ship bound. So instead of missing out on the festivities Kaylee had suggested their current perch as a possible place to enjoy the mood and music. Simon turned his head and looked back at River who was back quite a ways on a more flat surface, dancing her sweet little heart out. His heart warmed to see his sister happy.

“She's so pretty. The way she moves, it's ain't like anything I ever saw before.” Simon hadn't noticed Kaylee also looking back at River and he smiled as he watched her eyes dance along with River.

“Yes she is,” Simon said softly, his heart aching with sorrow for the life his sister should have had. He looked back at the townsfolk dancing and playing music, trying to ignore the sudden pang in his chest. The people below seemed so joyous and Mal had even joined in the festivities, dancing with a young woman whose short hair gleamed in the fire's glow. Simon's gaze drifted up to the blanket of stars above him. They didn't seem to glow so brightly back home. Not like here, it was like trying to count the grains of sand on a beach just to look upwards and imagine how many points of light shimmered above him. A streak of light suddenly dashed across the sea of stars and he closed his eyes. It may have seemed juvenile, but he couldn't help but wish upon that shooting star.

“We'd have parties like this all the time back on Harvest.” Kaylee wrapped her arms around her knees underneath her think woolen blanket. “My daddy used to sit and play the fiddle and we'd just dance and dance.”

“Do you miss it at all?” he asked, enchanted by her face by the glistening of her skin in the fire's flickering light.

“Can't say there ain't times I not be missin' my momma's cookin' or the way my brother's would give lil' Jared Yang a hard time for comin' round just to see me.” Kaylee paused, taking a deep breath and letting the smile fade from her face for barely a moment. “It's been over a year since I seen um. I send a wave once a week, tell my momma and daddy how I am. Minus of course the robbin' and basic crime in general. Prolly whoop me if they knew half the stuff I did.” As she admitted to her omission she'd leaned into him and gave a knowing chuckle. Simon's heart beat instantly doubled as her shoulder pressed into him.

'Do it,' he mentally instructed himself. 'Just put your arm around her' He took a deep breath, trying to gather the mental fortitude he needed. Then he gave a loud yawn and stretched both of his arms into the air. He looked up into the sky unable to look down at her as he finally made the move he'd been attempting to make for weeks. It was too bad Simon didn't look as he dropped his hand quickly or else he might have noticed Kaylee had once again turned to watch River dance. If he'd looked he might have avoided bringing his elbow quickly down onto the top of her head.

“Owww!” Kaylee exclaimed as she grabbed her mouth with both hands. Simon's heart sank as the realization of his mistake washed over him. “I 'ink I 'it my 'ongue.” Kaylee managed to get out as a pained grimace appeared on her face.

'Even with the help of cosmic wishes I'm still an idiot.'


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:12 PM


aww, this is such a nice little missing scene. I always wondered why River and Simon weren't at the little party in that episode!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:15 PM


Very nice. You capture Simon's frustration towards his emotions for Kaylee very nicely. Well done!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:31 PM


Sweet. Poor Simon! I'm glad I finally know what Simon, Kaylee and River were doing during the party.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 12:36 PM


this was very nice and cute. And well written....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:24 PM


I love it. It's so in character too. I could see that happening exactly. You have a great grasp of the characters.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:31 PM


AWWW That was so cute! You know how I love missing scenes, and this one was great! I loved that Simon knocked his elbow on top of Kaylee's head, making her bite her tongue! Love hurts!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 2:22 PM


It would have been amusing for Kaylee to have a lisp on that episode...
Don't laugh at the elbow happens... Just as well he didn't try for a foot massage...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:21 PM


do not panic! I writing it, it's just going to take time to get it write

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:47 PM


Loved Simon's closing thought. Yup, a boob but we still love him. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 5:19 PM



Wednesday, May 24, 2006 4:45 AM


Oh yes, priceless ... do we know for sure that Kaylee is from Harvest? I'm working on a story right now and I kinda need to know.

But I loved this and how Simon is so trying to be suave and failing so spectacularly! We can't say the boy doesn't excel at most things ...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 1:27 PM


wow, my first oneshot seems to have garnered such lovely feedback.

Sad thing... I was so excited to do a one shot and now I can think of 5 different ways to carry this on. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:05 PM


Great work here, Silly...Duck! Loved Simon's unintentional injury to Kaylee due to bad timing:P


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:24 AM


If you can think of ways to carry it on, then do so. Make a longer story out of it.

Very good Simon and Kaylee voices, and yay for River happily dancing away.

Friday, June 9, 2006 7:30 PM


Oh Simon, there ain't a power in the 'verse that can save him from making an ass of himself.

Great work!


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Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 6 of 6
The crew get their "cargo" but where's Mal?

Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 5 of 6
Mal is a BDH, and it comes back to bite him in the butt.

Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 4 of 6
Mal stumbles upon a new job and has to ask for Inara's help.

Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 3 of 6
Mal gets drunk and hilarity ensues, crew enjoys Mal's misery. Inara doesn't.

Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 2 of 6
Mal loses the job and he's out for blood at who did it. Jayne's going a little crazy

Episode 15 - You Can't Go Home Again: Part 1 of 6
Mal goes back to Shadow and recieves a less then warm welcome. Simon/Kaylee at the end. Set after OiS, this whole episode is suppose to be like it was just the next episode in the series.

Zoe's Goodbye
Bewarned... a big damn hero dies

Wish Upon A Ship
Simon/Kaylee. Missing scene from Our Mrs. Reynolds.