Redemption of the Broken Vessel - Chapter 2
Friday, June 23, 2006

Jayne is still recovering, but no one knows for sure what exactly that means. Warning: the open is graphic in nature.


Disclaimer: all things Firefly/Serenity are the property of Whedon et al. I’m not making a bit of coin on this. Just playing with his toys.

I strongly recommend reading “The Way” and “Judas and Mercy” as they are prequels for this series.

Rating: R for violence and language. The first bit is graphic and not for the faint of heart.

Chapter two

The feel of the man’s neck pushing into Jayne’s forearm was rewarding. With only a bit more pressure, the blood flow would completely stop and eventually, the neck would break. This go tsao de hwoon dun deserved no less.

He steeled his eyes and looked into the ones directly across from him, looking so much like his own. This sumbitch couldn’ta been his pa. No way his ma would stoop so low.

“Jayne!” a mute voice called. “Jayne, let him go!”

He leaned in further, his father’s strained breath hot against his face. “I’m gonna end you.”

The fucker smiled, infuriating Jayne even further. He leaned more weight onto his arm.

With the focus at the neck, Jayne did not see the hard, straight fingered punch into his kidney. Releasing the hold, the son bent over enough for his father to knee him in the face. Jayne flew back, nearly crushing his mother under him as he landed hard onto the wood floor.

“Always were too stupid,” the raspy voice criticised. “How’d ya manage t’live this long?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand then eyed Emma who knelt down next to her son. A creepy smile formed on his lips. “Been a long time, love.” He took a step. “Still lookin’ fine after birthin’ two pups.” He drew his tongue across his teeth.

“Don’t,” she growled in warning, her body rising.

“Don’t what?” Another step. “Ain’t no law says a man can’t sex up his wife.”

“We ain’t married no more, Ren.” She stepped back, hitting the wall behind. She eyed Jayne, groggy on the floor. She was on her own.

“Yer my woman. I’ll do what I please with ya.” With a quick grab, he held her wrists tightly. Her struggles only made him laugh. He jerked her arms above her head and held them fast to the wall. He leaned in to her lips then jerked his head to her ear and licked it.

“Ta ma de!” she yelled. “Get away!” She squirmed to free herself, but he only strengthened his hold. He rather enjoyed her pitiful attempts to escape. Made him even hornier.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered into her ear. “Keep tryin’ t’get out. Yeah, that’s the way.” He bit her lobe and felt her try to jerk away.

“You ain’t gonna have me!” she screamed through clenched teeth.

Suddenly, her arms were released. Seeing Ren pulled away, she immediately understood that Jayne was now back at his father, tackling the man to the floor. Ren rolled backwards and was on his feet instantly. His agility surprised Jayne, but he kept up his attack. Aiming for another run, he was backhanded across the right cheek. His father’s ring cut deep into the skin and Jayne felt the blood begin to trickle. He shook his head. He wasn’t seeing too clearly after the knee to the head, but he wasn’t going to stop. His ma deserved everything from him and she was going to get it.

Jayne lunged at the man’s knees, throwing him off balance. Ren smacked his head on the floor and Jayne was on top of him immediately. He used the momentary shock to throw his own punch. Teeth were heard cracking on that. Ren jerked his hips unbalancing Jayne again who was pitched forward. Flipping over then standing, Ren waited again. “Come on boy. That yer best?” He spit blood and a tooth. “Had worse from eighty year old nuns.”

The mercenary was about to do another fool charge when the cocking of a revolver stopped him cold.

“I said don’t,” Emma’s voice called from behind the loaded gun. “And I meant it.” Her hands were steady, her aim true.

“Now, Emma,” Ren began, his arms open wide in deference. “Why’d ya gotta ruin the fun? The boy and me was just gettin’ inta it.” He moved forward.

The gun echoed loudly in the small house.

Later... Zoe stared at the kitchen wall, absently circling her finger around the lip of the empty mug before her. It wasn’t like her to be so still. She liked moving, doing. The beginnings of a smile formed as she thought on how Wash liked moving, too. She liked how they moved together.

Now she was moving alone and she didn’t much care for it. She huffed. During the war, the last thing anyone expected was for Zoe Allayne to find love and settle into it. She most of all. But there he’d been, all crazy shirt loud and hideously moustached. It had given her a creepy chill down her spine to even be in the same room with him, yet somehow, he had worn her down.

Maybe it was the dinosaurs that got Zoe thinking differently about the pilot. She huffed again. Yep, they certainly got her thinking that this man was a little simple in the head to be playing with toys.

Maybe it was the first time they had a tight run in with the Alliance and Wash’d shown just how un-simple in the head he was. Hadn’t taken him more than ten minutes to lose them through the bit of expert flying he’d done. Though her stomach had recoiled at the tossing and sharp twisting through the dusty canyon, he’d managed to get Serenity through seemingly impossibly small holes to come victorious on the other side.

Maybe it was when he shaved the damned lip rat.

Sighing deeply, she rose, cleaned her mug then headed to the hold. She felt the need to be alone some and Newhall afforded her that. Though the planet wasn’t overly Core, it wasn’t entirely Rim either. It sported enough niceties that Zoe decided to partake in one.

Walking down the ramp, she quickly passed through the docks and made her way to the edge of Te Junction. She remembered seeing a tourist brochure at the hospital on what to do while on Newhall and thought that the park east of the town would be a nice diversion.

She wasn’t disappointed when she found the green space. The tallest trees she’d ever seen rose high into the dusk sky with leaves as wide as her hand from pinky finger to thumb. A little creek emptied into a small pond and the rustle of water over rocks brought back memories the woman hadn’t thought on in years.

Zoe Allayne hadn’t been the most popular of girls back home. No one was surprised that she went into the military as most figured she was the tough type. She didn’t let anyone think otherwise. Thus, she wasn’t popular with the boys or young men. Too intimidating when they could have the easy town girls or milk-fed country ones who’d give the boys no lick of trouble. Zoe screamed hard ass and do not touch on pain of death.

Still, she’d managed to find one or two young men, mostly visitors, who would find her warrior woman status appealing. Without penetrating her armour, she let them come into her life and enjoyed herself for the moment. It was at a park not unlike this one at Te Junction that Zoe had first been sexed. She’d been seventeen and she didn’t care how old he’d been. To say that she’d been disappointed with the event was like saying the battle on Hera was just a rock fight.

Standing at the pond, seeing the orange sun reflecting off the little waves, Zoe put her hands on her hips and listened. After a few moments, she unbuttoned her vest then pulled her shirt off. Continuing to listen, she removed her boots and pants then strode purposely and straight-backed into the pond. Ai ya if it wasn’t cold! She didn’t much care. Taking a deep breath, she pushed herself into the water, allowing it to flow all around her. Coming up for air, she turned onto her back and looked at the orange sky.

For the first time in her life, she was doing something bold and unexpected and un-Zoe like. She smiled. Wash would have been so proud.

“So, I gather yer tellin’ me that yer stayin’?” Mal looked from his hand now held by Inara to her soft eyes. The light glow of the ship’s bridge gave her a look of ease. “That is what yer sayin’. ‘Cause if yer not then I’m a bit on the side of confused.”

Inara gave her Companion smile, lips together and wide. She remained silent.

Mal scratched his head, feeling his own nervousness surfacing quick. She picked a hell of a time to go all non-arguin’ on him. Perplexed him so.

Before he said more, Inara spoke. “There’s something you need to understand, Mal.” She gazed back at his hand, rough and gentle. How many guns had he held in these hands that had killed people? So barbaric. So protective.

“Still waitin’ t’understand, Inara.”

She faced him directly. “I’m a Companion.”

Mal’s eyebrows went up. “Kinda got that with the wh - renting of the shuttle and such.”

She smiled a little more genuinely. “It’s who I am.”

“Still with ya.”

“It defines me in the same way that your coat defines you.”

He narrowed his eyes and stepped back, taking his hand with him. “Just a coat.”

Her earrings jingled quietly as she shook her head. “It’s who you are. Defiant. Independent. Moral.”

“War’s over. Been through this.” He couldn’t back away further without bumping into the console or falling down the stairs. What in stars was she gettin’ at anyway? Already knew these things and it weren’t like her t’state th’obvious.

“Yes, the war is over, but it helped make you into the man you are today. My training has done the same.”

He straightened. “I ain’t interested in yer wiles, Ambassador. Speak plain.”

The Companion straightened herself. “I can’t give up my job to be with you.”

Mal’s expression showcased his confusion. “When did I ask ya to?”

Inara’s face fell. “You don’t share very well.”

He thought on this, his brain mulling over her unsaid words. He stepped closer. “Sharing.”


“So there’ll be sharing.”

Did she have to say this again? “Mal...”

“With me?”

She moved to make a sarcastic reply, but stopped herself. She did have some pride and wasn’t about to let this man steal it completely from her. She was going far enough and if wanted more, he was going to have to go the final distance.

He did.

Before... Simon stared at the scan, looking for any inconsistencies between his own diagnosis and that of the hospital doctor. He found none. He turned to Mal. “He isn’t wrong, Captain. Jayne has been affected by electrocution. But we knew that.” He shook his head. “Of course we did.”

Mal stood off to the side watching the Doc examine the medical file Zoe and Jayne had returned with. The mercenary was in his new bunk letting the painkillers dull him, while Zoe had opted for solitude. The Captain had been grateful to his first mate for stepping in to help and promised himself that he would give her a solid thank-you for it. Now, though, he needed to know what further actions needed taking.

“Just tell me somethin’ new, Doc.”

“Well,” Simon resumed his analysis of the scan and accompanying report, “he recommended a combination of drug therapies and mental exercises.” He stifled a snort, but Mal heard the choke.

“Ain’t much interested in yer personal opinion, Simon, just yer medical one.”

Simon continued. “It will be slow and most likely frustrating, but Jayne should make a substantial recovery.”

“How do you define substantial?”

Simon shrugged. “Maybe seventy percent recovery. He won’t necessarily gain back all his memories of the incident, which may be a good thing, but the lapses in language should right themselves.”

Mal crossed his arms over his chest. “That doc make any notion on his eye or leg?”

The younger man scanned the report then shook his head. “Nothing specific. Only that Jayne had injuries to those parts of his body. And the others that we already know about.” He looked back to Mal. “The doctor is good. This is the course of action I would have taken.”

“We got the drugs on Serenity?”

Simon rose and went to his locked cabinet. “Most of them, though we’re likely to run out before his therapy finishes.” He faced Mal. “This might take years, Captain.”

His lip twitched. “Don’t got years. I need my mercenary functional yesterday. We’re headin’ for Greenleaf in three days on a job that’s less than easy.” He eyed the doctor. “He gonna be functional?”

Simon ran a hand through his hair. “He’s been through a lot. To expect him to jump back into work after only a couple of weeks is pushing it. He’s still on the crutch and likely will be for some time. His internal injuries are doing very well, but he’s still not been able to eat properly.”

Mal nodded. He’d noticed how much smaller Jayne had become and it worried him. He saw in himself the changes to his form after using the weight bench for barely a week and secretly enjoyed it. With Jayne, though, that enjoyment was tenfold greater. The pride that man had in his physique was tremendous. He could well imagine how having his body turn on him was making the big man feel. “Do what ya can.” He strode from the infirmary. “A man needs to feel useful in life.”

Simon couldn’t help but agree.

Shifting his weight on the bunk, Jayne grunted loudly. He’d spent the day sittin’ and his body was stiff from it. Simon had given him a painkiller for his knee, but it seemed t’be takin’ its sweet-ass time takin’ effect. Gorram thing ached like a bitch.

Punching the pillow, he leaned back into it and shut his eye. He thought on the doctor’s words, not fully understandin’ them, but getting the gist of it nearhow. “Recovery” he’d said. Near full recovery. His brain’d be back to its usual act-before-think speed in some amount a time. Gave the man little comfort.

Truth was, he was more afraid of becomin’ the jokes they made about him. He knew they thought he was slow and dumb and sometimes he was. Hell, everyone was on some occasion or other. But he tracked better’n near on the whole ‘verse and no one could hold a candle to his shootin’ abilities. When it came to huntin’, he was the best. No different than Kaylee bein’ the best mechanic. No one made fun a her for not havin’ school smarts. She just knew engines and parts. He just knew guns and trackin and weren’t no one complained t’him about that.

But with a bum brain, maybe their ideas on him were gonna come true. Gorram it to hell, he didn’t want t’be dumb!

Least his insides were healin’ up. True, they burned some when pushed a bit, but he reckoned that was good. May be soon enough he can start doin’ some bench work. He absently reached for his left knee, the throbbing starting to lessen. Doc figured he might have a limp. That alone didn’t bother him none, but if it meant needin’ a crutch or cane t’the end of his days, well, he didn’t cotton t’that much at all. Too weak lookin’.

His eye, though, that was another cause of distress. More time he had t’think, more he thought on how not good it was going t’be t’not have full depth of vision. Needed it t’throw a decent punch or else he’d look th’fool fer bein’ too far. And with th’number a tussles he was in, needed t’see the hit comin’ from both sides, not just th’left.

‘Sides, Mal’d never let him drive th’mule with only the one eye.

He reached across to scratch his left shoulder and wondered why it was bandaged. Openin’ his eye, he stared long and hard at it, not able to remember what had been done. Part of him was grateful to the good Lord for not lettin’ him recollect th’events a that week. No one said nothin’ on it yet, but he knew it’d come some time. Had to, didn’t it? Folk were gonna ask and if that special doc was right, he’d remember somethin’, no matter how much he didn’t want to.

He lifted his sleeve and was about to pull back the medical tape when knocking at the door brought his attention away from his injuries. “What?”

The door slid a little. “Ya decent?”

He cocked a side grin. “Never been decent my whole life. Ain’t lookin’ t’start now.”

The door slid all the way to reveal the smiling face of the mechanic. “Someone sure sounds cheery.” She stepped into the room and Jayne thought he caught a bounce in her step. “Lookin’ pretty good there, Jayne.”

He shrugged, knowing she was lying. Sorta wished he’d been able to pull a comb through his hair or take a shower. He paused. That smell had been him!

“How ya doin’?” Kaylee asked, pulling over the small chair.

He shrugged again. “Why don’t ya ask yer doc boyfriend? Top three and all.” He narrowed his eyes at the expression that passed over Kaylee. Somethin’ was off, but hell if he knew what.

“Don’t got to be all mean on me, Jayne.”

Didn’t think he had been mean. He decided to change the conversation. “Look like ya been somewhere nice. All bouncy and happy.” That brought the smile back to her face.

“I thought the Cap’n told ya?”

“Not entirely. Somethin’ about bein’ with Inara.”

Kaylee proceeded to recount her training session with the Companion. She deftly avoided the subject of sex, focussing entirely on her new found confidence in self-defence.

“Now there’ll be no livin’ with ya,” he joked. “Head’s gonna be pumped up full.” She swatted his forearm, but her smile remained. “How come ya didn’t ask Zoe or Crazy?”

“She has a name, Jayne.”

“Fine, but yer still not answerin’ th’question.”

Kaylee leaned against the back of the chair. “I guess it just woulda felt funny, ya know? I’d always be wonderin’ if they was takin’ it easy on me ‘cause they know me. But at Inara’s, they didn’t and treated me just like one of their students.”

She caught the raised eyebrow. “Not that kind, ya dummy. But it turned out pretty good, I think.”

“Ya feel better about yerself?”

She nodded.

“Guess I’m outta a job fer sure then.”

The mechanic faced him, serious face on. “Don’t ever say that, Jayne, not ever. This crew can’t handle another one goin’.”

“Sure, li’l Kaylee. Just funnin’ ya.”

“Well, it ain’t funny.”

The pair sat silently for a few minutes. “Guess I should check on Serenity. Cap’n says we’re heading to Greenleaf. Got a job lined up.” She grinned and stood. “You comin’ to dinner?”

Jayne rubbed his belly, feeling the stitches underneath his shirt. “Who’s cookin’?”

“Zoe, I think, but she ain’t back yet, so it might be someone else.” Her eyes looked hopeful, wanting almost, for Jayne to say that he would be at the meal. Having another body would certainly take away some of the tension away between her and Simon.

Jayne had wanted to say yes, to see her face light up in the way he knew it would, but he didn’t. The stairs going down from the cargo hold to the guest quarters had proven tiresome and he knew going up the damn things were be worse. And there were more of them.

“Sorry. Don’t reckon tonight’d be good.”

Her smile dipped then returned, but he caught her disappointment. “Okay. Just thought ya might like havin’ some more company than li’l Kaylee.” She shrugged then left the room.

Gorram it! How was it a bit thing like her was makin’ a big man like him feel all guilty ‘bout not eating dinner at the table?

Later... The shelves of books didn’t contain the ‘verse’s best collection of classical or modern writings. Sure, there was The Art of War and a worn edition of Divine Comedy, but the library lacked real substance. Mostly, there were dime store books about swashbuckling space pirates and heroes coming to the rescue of a desperate town. Simon huffed. His own life was little more than the pocket novel he now had open on his lap.

He flipped some of the pages then gave up and leaned his head back against the couch, eyes staring at the cold ceiling. His life really was a soap opera from Earth-That-Was. Genius sister kidnapped by corrupt government, forced to undergo traumatic training, covert rescue and escape on a piece of go se ship that threatened to kill them all at any moment. Add in a motley of rimworld crewmembers and the picture was complete. He chuckled in spite of himself.

“Hey, wanna share the joke?”

Simon righted his head and stuttered at seeing Kaylee bright and shiny in front of him. Yes, she did look shiny. Being at the Training House had brought her glow back and he couldn’t help but smile. “Oh, look good.”

Kaylee grinned then took a seat in the chair nearest Simon. “Thanks. You, too.”

Simon looked away, feeling himself warm at the comment. But he knew she was right. Since Jayne’s removal from the infirmary, he’d been able to sleep better and his stress had gone down. Though his sleep was broken by dreams of Kaylee, he wouldn’t admit that to her. “Thanks.”

“Simon,” the mechanic began softly, “I know I hurt ya plenty and I know that this ain’t easy, but I do appreciate ya tryin’ and fixin’ up Jayne.”

He slid his hands across his knees. “I am a doctor, Kaylee. It’s sort of my job to help the sick.”

“That ain’t what I meant.” Her voice had a touch of reprimand in it. She quickly changed that. “I want you to be happy, is all. I think River is, here, on Serenity.” She laughed lightly. “Sometimes I seen her just stop, turn her head and listen. Like she’s hearin’ part of a conversation.”

“That’s what you do,” Simon said. “She and you both listen to the ship. It’s a wonderful gift.”

“Nah, that ain’t what I do. I hear when Serenity’s got something wrong t’say t’me. River, she just likes talkin’ to the ship.”

Simon smiled. “She’s a little strange that way.” He looked to Kaylee. “I’m glad we’re friends, Kaylee. You’ve helped so much in making this life...bearable for me.” He saw her features change. “I’s just so different from Osiris. It’s...I...”

“I know what ya mean, Simon. I do. Can’t imagine what it musta been like for ya those first few months, givin’ up everythin’.” She smiled once more. “Maybe when we get to Greenleaf, you can give yerself a bit of a vacation. You know, just go out and have some fun your own self.”

“Oh, I don’t know. The Alliance probably still has-”

“Simon, if ya spend yer whole life worryin’ on what if’s and maybe’s, you’ll never live it. Just come out, for an afternoon, maybe mornin’. It’ll sure make ya-”

Both Simon and Kaylee turned their heads to the sound of the low scream. Simon immediately jumped and headed for River’s room. Finding it empty, he turned to Kaylee, now behind him. The look of worry was intense. “That was-”

“River. I heard.” Kaylee stepped back as Simon went back towards the infirmary to get to the cargo hold, thinking she might have hurt herself in there. Before he went two steps, whimpering came clear as day from the bunk across the hall. Pushing back the door, Simon saw her cowering in the corner of the empty bunk, Book’s old room, her hands crushing the sides of her head.

“River?” Simon knelt down, gently reaching to pull her hands away. “What’s happened?”

“He saw. He saw and he remembered.” She began shaking her head. “Too fast. They’re all around. Spinning. Falling.” She shut her eyes tight.

Simon looked up to Kaylee. He’d seen this with River before. They both had.


“Mei-mei, what’s going on?” At the touch of his hands, his sister thrust herself into his chest.

“Jayne. Remembers.” Her voice was barely heard. She turned her neck to look at Kaylee, eyes begging her to do something to shut the images from her head.

The mechanic quickly left the brother and sister and went to Jayne’s room. Pulling open the door, she stared open mouthed at the scene before her.

Before... The ugly man did a slow pace in front of Jayne, his voice calm and a smile on his face. “I want you to know, Mr. Cobb, that this isn’t personal. Truly, it isn’t. Though I know that seems difficult to believe in your situation.” He grinned to show his ugly teeth. “Impossible is probably closer to the truth.” He looked to his left instructing the man there to pull up on the rope he held.

Jayne’s arms were yanked nearly out of their sockets as they were pulled far above his head. He would have cursed, but he needed to save all the moisture he could. His captor hadn’t let him drink since he’d arrived two days ago. Whatever drugs they were knocking into him weren’t adding to his language skills.

And the light was more than burning.

The merc’s body jerked as a whip lashed against his back, cutting the already broken skin.

“It’s not about you, Mr. Cobb.” The ugly man knelt in front of Jayne and pulled a handkerchief to wipe Jayne’s brow. “You see, your captain has information that I’ve asked him for. Quite nicely, in fact.” He examined the handkerchief then folded into his pocket. His face was now inches from Jayne’s. “But Captain Reynolds refuses to tell me. That is something I cannot abide. So, here we are.” He rose and motioned for the chain to lower Jayne’s arm just enough to allow feeling to return.

Ugly Man resumed his pacing. “And please don’t beat yourself up about being caught. In truth, whichever member of Serenity I captured really made no difference.” He paused and pursed his lips. “Though I would have liked to get a little alone time with his first mate. Plenty of energy in that she-lion.” He waited a beat before continuing his pacing. “You just happened to be the one easiest for me to find. Away from your crew on a desolate planet with only an old woman for company.” He saw the slight shake from his victim, his working hand clenching and unclenching. Yes, it seemed that the hired gun had a soft spot for his dear old mother. That had been useful information.

Grabbing a glass from the nearby table, Ugly Man took a slow drink, letting Jayne watch him. He saw his captor’s eyes widen at the liquid.

“So, here we are.” He set the glass down. “Your captain, really, is the one who’s done this to you. If you’re to be angry at anyone, it’s him. If he’d only given me what I asked, you wouldn’t be in this position.” The rope was pulled taut again and another lash broke more skin.

“You are the lesson, Mr. Cobb,” ugly man whispered into Jayne’s ear. He stepped back, drew a knife from a familiar looking worn, leather sheath and with a quickness that even the henchmen were startled at, took a vicious slice at Jayne’s face across his right eye.

To be continued...

A/N: Help my muse along, please, and let me know your thoughts.


Friday, June 23, 2006 9:36 PM


The scene between the family was intense and Emma using the gun in the end - Wow!

Zoe musing on Wash and doing the un-Zoe like swim in the park, was really good.
Simon & Mal's discussion and Jayne's worry about his mental state was spot on.

I just loved all of it. Particularly Kaylee going to help Jayne....she was wasn't she?

Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:57 AM


So glad to see another chapter!

The fight between Jayne and his father was really well written --action is hard to do!--but I loved that his mother was the one to end him, it was her place to and it gives you a sense of how strong she is.

I get so sad when you describe Jayne's deteriorating physical state and the way he worries about whether he'll get better--the part about him worrying about becoming what the others think was so very good! And I love your Zoe, doing something different! (secretly I wouldn't mind if she started thinking about Jayne...*I am a bad Jaylee shipper*). And the ending just scared me, you'd better update soon because I need to know what Kaylee saw!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:34 PM


Excellent continuation of the story. I'm worried, though, what exactly does Kaylee find when she goes to Jayne? And you made me flinch with Jayne and his father and the torture...painful.

Does the last part mean that Jayne is going to have some kind of confrontation with Mal?


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The Storm IV
Serenity has survived the blizzard and help has come in an interesting form. Set post-BDM.

The Storm - III
Serenity experienced a blizzard and now the crew is experiencing the after-effects. Set post-BDM.

The Storm - Chapter Two
Mal assesses the damage done to his ship and crew after the blizzard crash.

The Storm
Serenity hits a snowstorm. Set post-BDM

Hearts Missing You
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Carrying the Burden
Mal does a little introspection and gets a little shock.

Bones break, words crush - part two
The immediate after-effects of the Big Blunder by Simon. The first part can be found <a href=""here</a>.

Beware the Bored Teen
Mal and Jayne experience something together (not what you're thinking). Set post-BDM. Warning for some harsh-ish language.

Sailor Boy
Simon takes a meal at a skyplex and does a little thinking. Set post-BDM.

Cold Understanding II
It's the day after and Simon thinks upon his relationship with Kaylee and what his new life is about.