Life Goes On- Ch 2- Ocean
Saturday, September 16, 2006

General Jaylee, angsty, sexy easy fun. Kinda slow startin out.


Kaylee and Simon were sitting outside the infirmary talking. Well, Simon was talking and mostly over Kaylee. “You can’t just repair ships for the rest of your life. I mean Serenity is going to fall apart eventually and then where will you go? Don’t you have any plans?” At this point Kaylee was near tears. He had been poking at the way she lived, her ship, her family, how she talked for near on two hours! She was about to point out that maybe if Simon didn’t think about those things than maybe they wouldn’t bother anybody. Before she could say anything a faint voice interrupted. “You can’t change the current.” It was River in one of her less lucid states. The psychic put her ear to Kaylee’s chest, right above her heart. “All ready the tides are pulling away from you. I hear the ocean,” she murmured, turning to Simon. “But you’re not the shore.” With that, the girl turned and fled the room. Simon was quiet for a moment. He finally turned to Kaylee and said “We have to talk.” ***** Kaylee was sitting on the floor. All the feeling had gone from her legs. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been sitting there with her back against the wall when Zoe sat down next to her. She was sure she looked a mess; she had been crying for a while, her face felt sticky and red. Zoe didn’t say anything. “Simon left me.” Kaylee whispered. Zoe didn’t say anything. “He said that he wasn’t in love with me anymore. He didn’t say it right out loud but I could tell he never loved me.” Zoe still didn’t say anything. “But the worst part was that I was going to ditch him first. I just didn’t get the chance.” Kaylee started to cry again. Zoe put her arm around the girl and said “You’ll be fine.” She didn’t smile.

***** “What the hell happened to you?!” Jayne shouted. The merc was surprised as hell when he saw Kaylee’s tearstained face. That gorram doctor had walked by only a moment before, looking a little serious if not his usual self. “Jayne!” Kaylee rushed into his arms. Jayne could feel her face, wet and hot, pressed into his chest. “Gorramit girl, get down in my bunk before somebody sees me!” Kaylee laughed. She clambered down the ladder into his bunk and Jayne followed. Kaylee sat on his bunk and fell silent. Jayne sat next to her. For a minute neither of them said anything. Then Kaylee burst out “He never loved me!” It was hard to tell if she was angry or just disappointed. “Hell, girl I could’ve told you that.” Kaylee just sat looking at her boots. Jayne pulled his flask out. “Have a drink with me.”

***** They were both pretty drunk. The poor man’s excuse for gin that had been in Jayne’s flask loosened Kaylee’s lips. “You don’t even know the best part,” Kaylee laughed. “I was going get rid o’ that stuck up moron, piece of go se anyway!” Kaylee hiccupped and kept laughing. Jayne smiled. He was glad she was happy, if a little drunk. And why shouldn’t she be happy? The whole reason she had been unhappy (at least according to her in drunken ramblings) was no longer her problem. Kaylee yawned and stretched. She knew she was drunk, but she felt better. Maybe she had never loved Simon and it was just a sex thing. That sounded so ridiculous in her head that she started laughing all over again. “What’s so funny girl?” Kaylee looked up into Jayne’s face. He was smiling at her and that made her feel better. She was too drunk to care why, but it made her feel better than what Zoe had said. Then she realized she was getting wet just looking at him. “Can you keep a secret Jayne?” Kaylee slurred. “Nope, never in my whole life.” Kaylee giggled. “Well, I’ll tell you anyway, Jayne Cobb.” She leaned into the big merc. Here breath was in his ear and for a second Jayne felt like pulling her down on top of him and ripping open her shirt. He paused to think about this and ended up listening to her instead. Kaylee paused for a moment and whispered “Simon is horrible in bed.” The two looked at each other and burst out laughing. “Gorramit Kaylee! I don’t wanna know that!” Jayne laughed. Suddenly Kaylee asked “Can I stay here tonight?” She blushed, realizing how that must sound. Jayne looked at her. “Well sure. I’ll sleep on the floor and you can have my bed.” It was, Jayne thought, one of the more gentlemanly gestures of his life. “No, Jayne. Can’t you stay here,” she patted the bunk, “with me?” “Kaylee, I ain’t too sure what you mean.” “I just want you to sleep here,” she patted the bunk again. “With me. Next to me.” Jayne was confused. “You mean just sleep?” he finally asked. “Yes.” Kaylee said. Relief flooded her face when he nodded and shrugged. Kaylee kicked off her shoes and took off her belt, dropping both on the floor. Jayne did the same and curled around her. “So,” he said. “How exactly do you do this without sexin’ first?” “Well…usually, you just sleep the way we are, back to stomache.” “Oh, okay.” A few minutes passed before Kaylee said “If it’s such a big deal to have sex first, I don’t mind.” When Jayne didn’t say anything she turned to look at him, but he was asleep his arm around her.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 12:18 PM


Ya know...Simon's a dink sometimes, but I can't imagine him being this much of an asshole. Uptight, yeah. Proper, oh Hell yeah. But cruel like this? Have issues with that...but I still respect your power to make this happen;)



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