Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Inara wants to get some. Inspired by a line in 'The Shiny Affair of Mr. Pink' by beautifool. Jayne/Inara.


There was a big difference between giving some and getting some. Nobody knew this difference better than Inara Serra. No matter how choice the client it always left her feeling cheated somehow, as if it wasn’t enough. No where did she feel it more, then looking at Jayne. Jayne who was an idiot and a drunk, Jayne who was really no better then a pig in a sty. But still just looking at the man got her to thinking about really ‘getting some’ as Kaylee would say.

It was the part of her that hated being the Companion all the time, always having composure, always pleasing everybody else, that part of her wanted Jayne.

***** It was during dinner that she’d been thinking those thoughts, those ‘getting some, not giving some’ thoughts. Looking over at him, sipping her sake, in her head she drifted back to her shuttle. Inara never imagined them on her bed. It was always on the floor or the pilots chair, never anything as formal as a bed. He’d push open her ladylike thighs, no ‘pleases’ or treating her as if she would break from use. Just Jayne giving her some and she, Inara Serra, would be getting it for all it was worth.

She imagined his mouth on her breasts, between her legs (“down there” as most men called it), making her moan and getting her inside slick and ready. Then he’d-

Inara realized Jayne was looking right at her, a naughty look oh his face, as if he could hear her every thought. She rolled her eyes primly at him and looked away, over to Kaylee.

“’Nara, what are you thinkin on?” Mal asked, mischievously.

“What? N-Nothing!” the Companion stammered. “Why do you ask?” “Well, you’re bright red. Just blushing all over.”

‘That’s just what I’m doing,’ Inara thought, stealing a quick look at Jayne. ‘Blushing all over.’


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:20 PM


Hmm...while some would rail against this pairing concept...I see promise. Inara's constant struggle for composure and mental stability/control would get tiresome and who represents the antithesis of control and composure? Jayne Cobb;D


Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:28 PM


I for one think it's high time Inara stopped being so prim in fics and just went for it..this was great!
Sequel please! and BEB is right, this shows a lot of promise!!! Go for it!!!


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River likes the way Jayne looks at her. My first (and possibly only) foray into Rayne. Hints of Jaylee and Mal/River.

Date Night; 2/5: ...And again.
Head trauma? Not to worry. (Jaylee)

Date Night 1/5; Headache
A series of ficlets as a follow up to 'Of Bar Fights and White Knights'. Part One of Five.(Jaylee)

Of Bar Fights and White Knights
You better be a gentleman when Jayne Cobb is around. (Non-canon pairing: Jaylee)

Better Times - Ch 10 - Red
Last chapter in this story. Inara finds justice, Kaylee tries to get lucky and Jayne tries to find his way home. *Sexuality, violence* WARNING: Jaylee. :Continued in World Without Sin:

Better Times Ch 9 - Unbidden
Definately a plot builder. River tries not to fade, Jayne changes who he is while Kaylee suffers inside and out. WARNING: non canon pairings: J/K, S/Z. If you don't like these pairings refrain from reading. Dark, implied domestic abuse.

Character, Pairings: Jaylee, Crew
Rating: PG
Set: During the episode Shindig

Inara wants to get some.

Inspired by a line in 'The Shiny Affair of Mr. Pink' by beautifool. Jayne/Inara.

Better Times Ch 8 - Out of Sight
One month after Ch 7. Everyone is starting to come apart.(hello angsty?)
WARNING: Non-Canon/Canon pairings J/K, Z/S, M/I. follow up to 'Life Goes On'.

She Takes Lookin After
Kaylee hates being alone. Graphic imagery. WARNING: Character(s) death and Jaylee if you squint.