Life Goes On - Ch 9- Do The Right Thing
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

General Jaylee. Angsty, sexy, easy fun.


River ran to Inara. “You have to protect them!” The companion was alarmed. River looked panicked. “Who? What are you talking about?” “Kaylee. Jayne. You need to distract Mal. He can’t know, not yet. Now go!” Inara didn’t hesitate. Mal would be furious with Jayne and do something rash, she had no doubt. But it wasn’t Jayne’s safety she was concerned with, it was Kaylee. Inara knew that it would kill Kaylee. She hadn’t said that she loved him out loud, but the companion wasn’t an idiot. She ran faster.

***** Mal approached Jayne’s bunk hesitantly. If Simon had been telling the truth, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Kaylee was like his little sister, ever since he’d met her screwing Bester in the engine room. But a woman would have to have less sense then God gave a cactus plant to be with Jayne for any other reason than good pay. He was just paranoid because of that gorram doctor.

***** Inara reached Mal just as he began to open Jayne’s bunk. “Mal!” she practically shouted.

The captain turned around. “Yes?” “I’ve…I’ve decided that I would rather stay on Serenity and renew my rental of the shuttle.” Mal was taken aback. Inara had fenced with him on the issue of going back to Sihnon for some time.

“Well, I, uhh, don’t see a problem with that.” Mal continued to open the bunk. “And I need…to tell Jayne something. Right now.” Inara stepped between Mal and the door. “Was there something I should tell him for you?” Mal stared at her for a moment. “Yes. Get to the galley. Zoe’s got something to say.”

***** Inara stepped down into the bunk as Mal left. She sighed as he turned out of sight. “’Nara?” Kaylee was awake. She and Jayne had been sleeping. “What’s going on?” “Mal wants everybody in the galley. Now.” Inara climbed back up the ladder. “And be more careful next time!” she said.

Kaylee woke up Jayne. “Hey. We need to go.” “Go where?” Jayne grunted. He was still half asleep. He didn’t want them to have to go out there. Hell, he wanted to fool around with Kaylee for a while.But she was already putting her clothes on.

As Kaylee pulled on her boots, she wondered if Jayne really loved her. She didn’t want to assume anything. Didn’t want to end up like Simon again. Kaylee got up to leave. “See you in the galley.” She left, wondering what was the right thing to do.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:55 PM


Ahttp://www...I was waiting for the shock and not-really-awe-but-fury from Mal;)

Still...definitely one way to keep the suspense going.



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