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General Jaylee. Angsty, sexy easy fun. WARNING: Sexual content (again with the yay!!)
Jayne sat next to Kaylee in the galley. Zoe was smiling at them all. “I got something to tell all of ya.” She paused. “I’m pregnant.” Kaylee and Inara burst into applause. River smiled beneficently, having known all along. Mal sat brooding. Kaylee claimed she’d hit Simon after he’d manhandled her for no reason. But Jayne had been right there and Simon had renewed his accusations of the mercenary taking advantage of little Kaylee. It did lend credibility to his suspicions. “Well captain, ain’t you going to congratulate me?” “Hmm? Of course.” Zoe shook her head at the captain, smiling. Mal was looking at Jayne and Kaylee. Kaylee gave Jayne a look, slipped her hand into his. Then she got up, kissed Zoe on the cheek and moved to leave. Mal grabbed the little mechanics hand before she left. “Hey xiao mei mei. We haven’t talked in a while. You wanna come see me on the bridge later.” It wasn’t a question. Kaylee smiled at Mal, a little worried. “Sure. See you then cap.”
Kaylee was in the engine room. The door slid open. “Simon, if you’re looking for an apology, you came to the wrong place!” she called out from under the huge engine block. “Sorry, wrong man.” It was Jayne. Kaylee stopped working and practically ran to him. “Kaylee, I –” She had her mouth on his before he could start. Jayne was starting to enjoy this kissing business. Kaylee always tasted like strawberries. It was the damnedest thing. Kaylee had shimmied her legs up around Jayne’s hips. Just being this close to Serenity’s heart got her so hot she was fixin to tear up another one of his shirts. “Kaylee…I gotta tell you something.” Jayne could hardly breathe. He wanted to throw her down on the floor and sex her right there, but what he had to say was too gorram important. Kaylee looked at him. “You’re not gonna leave me are you?” Jayne almost laughed until he realized she was serious. She looked up at him expectantly. “Well, I know I pretty much said it last night…I love you, Kaylee.” Jayne said sheepishly. Kaylee laughed, relieved. “I was afraid. I thought…it doesn’t matter.” Jayne held her. “I needed to tell you. In case you didn’t know. Cause I heard you this morning. You said that I was your man. I wanted you to know that you’re my girl.” “Yeah?” Kaylee pushed him to the floor. “Well, now I’m gonna have to prove it.” She straddled him on the floor, snapping off her coverall. Before she could even get her shirt off, he stood up, holding her legs up around him, pushing into her against the engine casing. Kaylee was so hot from all of it, the engine, Jayne saying that she was his girl, punching Simon, even the possibility of getting caught that she came about three times.
Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:01 PM
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