Life Goes On- Last Chapter - Bastard
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

General Jaylee. Angsty, sexy, easy fun.


Kaylee sat with Mal on the bridge. Mal was uneasy. He got ready to confront Kaylee. He’d been sweating this all day. They’d finally left space around Sol 3 but the images of Jayne’s mother and the dead Alliance soldier still floated through his head. ‘Definitely not my finest hour,’ he thought. “I saw you and Jayne together today.” He was lying in the hope that if it was true, she would confess right then and there thinking he knew everything already. He felt like a real go se bastard. Kaylee drew a sharp breath. She was confused and startled. “Do you mean in the galley when Zoe told us?” she asked slyly. There was no way he could have seen them in the engine room. Jayne had sexed her right up against the closed door. “No. I mean after.” Mal looked down, ashamed. Kaylee saw his face and thought she was caught. He’d seen her with Jayne after all, however the hell that had happened. “Oh,” she said.

Mal wanted her to deny it. When she didn’t he wasn’t disappointed, but he was furious. “Gorramit Kaylee! I thought you had more brains then to do something this stupid!” Kaylee looked at Mal, near tears. “Mal! Don’t talk to her that way! You don’t know anything about the two of them!” Inara’s voice came from the door. “I know enough to know that Jayne Cobb will never love anyone as much as he loves himself! You knew about this didn’t you? I’ve got half a mind to throw you off my ship! All three of you!” “Mal don’t you think you’re over reacting to this?” the companion said coolly, betraying no fear or sadness. “You didn’t say anything about this to me! Neither of you! That’s just as bad as lying!” Mal looked angry and pained when he looked at Inara. “You lied to me.” Inara looked away. “He loves me.”

Both of them turned to Kaylee. She was standing looking at the floor. Tears slid down her face. “He loves me and I love him. And I’ll leave,” she looked up into Mal’s face. He realized she was just as angry as he was. “But don’t you say anything about him, Cap. That’s my man you’re talking about. Even if he is a selfish bastard, I love him.” With that, Kaylee left.


Simon walked right into Kaylee as she stormed off the bridge. He’d been looking for her and wanted to apologize for being such a bastard. “Kaylee! I want to talk to you!” “I don’t want to hear your go se opinion right now Simon. Go away!” “Kaylee wait! I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” Kaylee turned to look at him. “Why would you apologize to me?”

Simon paused. “Because, I’ve been a real bastard about everything. I was…selfish and…I was stupid. I’m sorry that I was so…cruel.” Kaylee laughed incredulously. “That’s great. But you already ruined everything. That was real cute telling the captain about me and Jayne. I was going to tell him soon too. Now we might get thrown off Serenity.” So angry at the thought, Kaylee began to cry again and she whirled around looking for Jayne. Simon was taken aback. Thrown off? He’d have to do something.

***** Jayne was lifting on the deck when Kaylee found him. She sat down on the bench and didn’t say anything. “Hey darlin. Wanna fool around?” Jayne said, smiling.

Kaylee laughed. She looked up at him. “Whoa, what happened? Was it Simon? Cause I’ll kill that…” Kaylee shook her head.

“It’s the captain.” Kaylee whispered. “He’s going to throw us off. Inara too. For keeping it from him.” Jayne was shocked. How had Mal found out? It was down right unsettling that he’d known. Then it dawned on him. Simon. That fe yu doctor! Couldn’t keep anything to himself. At that moment, River and Simon stepped onto the deck. Simon walked up to Kaylee and Jayne. “Well, you’re both staying!” Kaylee looked at him, shocked. “What?”

“I told Mal that River and I would leave if he kicked you off.” “What about Inara?” Kaylee asked. “I’m sure that..ah..they’ll work something out.” Simon said. Slightly more suspicious Jayne asked “Why?”

“Well, just proving I’m not a bastard is all.”


Wednesday, September 20, 2006 8:51 AM


Oh ok... thats where I probably read this one. These are very good, do u write more?

Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:04 PM


Gotta admit...the stuff's good...but too short. Gotta get into showing and telling a bit more to get lots of feeback, dannii;)

Still...definitely gave the Jaylee shippers something to twitterpate over:)



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