A New Era - Chapter 4
Friday, December 22, 2006

Following up immediately on Serenity, a member of Parliament is plotting his takeover. Don't worry, the crew's in it too.


Chapter 1 and 2: Chapter 3:


Chapter 4

The coup-de-etad was set. Senator Phillip MacArthur III was prepared to deliver a newswave that would shake the foundation of the Alliance. There were four other bodies warming his office. “Should I get out the glasses, Senator MacArthur.” Dr. Ambrose Fitzgerald said to the Senator, a broad smile crossing his face. “Not yet, Doctor.” The Operative said, chuckling. “A new day is dawning, but it isn’t here quite yet.” “Can we speed this up already,” Xing Bayou said, the grim frown that always hung on his face showed signs of impatience. “Fine,” Senator MacArthur leaned forward to turn on the display. “I just wanted to savor the moment.” Xing Bayou smiled, and everyone in the room wished he hadn’t. No one needed to see his rotten gums and green teeth. “There will be time for that later, for now lets start a revolution.”


The crew of Serenity crowded around the video display of the starship Serenity. Mal knew that this was going to be it. The Operative had told him the time when they would be making the broadcast. This was the moment when the whole world was going to change. Appearing on the display was a man in a nice red suit. “Good evening.” said the man in his politician’s voice. “Two weeks ago today there was a wave depicting one of the greatest tragedies in the history of the Alliance, but what is perhaps more of a tragedy is that fact that, for the last ten years, the Alliance has kept this tragedy completely under their foot, preventing any of you from knowing the truth. This is truth…” Mal looked at the moniter and he then he looked at Zoe. He quickly pulled her aside. “Am I goin’ crazy or is that who I think it is?” Mal asked, quickly moving his eyes between Zoe and the display. “Looks like the Commander’s back in business.” Zoe smiled. This drew the attention of the entire crew, Mal quieted his voice and made it clear that he did not want them to be part of the conversation. “Look Zoe.” Mal moved farther away from the crew and said, “Don’ go mentioning the commander to anybody, understand?” “Yes, sir. But why?” “Because, when I was talking to the Operative he was telling me… well, he was telling me some sick gos se that the Commander’s been doing over the last few years that I wouldn’t put it past that chuseng xai-jiao de xiang huo lei to call me and drag me into this as soon as the Operative brings up my name.” “He can’t wave us, sir, he doesn’t know where we are.” “Zoe, there’s a reason why he was the commander. He’ll find out where we are. And I ain’t gonna say no to that man. Not after what he’s done for me and not after what I’ve seen him do to people.” The Captain was starting to get anxious, like it had already happened. “I ain’t gonna let that happen to my crew. You know?” Zoe looked down at the ground for a moment, she knew what he meant by those last few words, and it was an image that she really didn’t want in her head. “Yes, sir. I know.”


Xing Bayou was a very large, very unattractive man, one would never guess that he was one of the most well read individuals in the Core, but he was. Xing had been educated at the best philosophical University in the ‘verse, all paid for by his rich uncle. Xing paid back his uncle by shooting him in the head. “Lieutenant Malcolm Reynolds.” The private wave was one he had not expected. “It’s Captain now.” Mal smiled politely. “I was surprised you still remembered my face.” “Mal, I could never forget you. Not after that punch you gave me.” “You throw a pretty mean right yourself.” Mal knew better than to smile at the compliment from Xing. To the giant, smiling was a sign of weakness. “It’s been a long time since the war.” “Yes. Yes it has, but there’s another one coming. I wanted to make sure that you were on our side.” Xing didn’t blink. “I know that we didn’t part on the best of terms, but it’s better than working with the Alliance, or whatever they rename themselves.” “Fine.” Mal said, trying to be diplomatic. “What do you need?” “I need someone who knows war, I couldn’t think of anyone better.” Xing paused, waiting for something. “I need you to come to Osiris.” “You want me to bring my crew to the Core at a time like this? I don’t much like the idea of getting shot by some angry Alliance folk feeling a little trigger-happy. It’s not in my interest to get my crew shot.” “You will be my personal guest. You will enter my personal port under my personal protection.” Xing flashed his sickening smile. “After all, Mal, we’re going to be very good friends in the time to come. Aren’t we?”


Translation: *gos se* = crap *chuseng xai-jiao de xiang huo lei* = animal fucking bastard


Friday, December 22, 2006 3:23 PM


Oooh, a chilling start but I am a little confused. Did Mal wave Xing? Because that would seem to be directly counter to what he said to Zoe? I think this is going to get very bloody - I have that feeling. Looking forward to where you take this. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Saturday, December 23, 2006 10:30 PM


Uh...this is mighty shiny stuff...but I am mighty confuzzled. Initially thought Bayou was an Alliance flunky with delusions of grandeur, but he's a Browncoat? Or is there more going on?



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A New Era - Chapter 4
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