A New Era - Chapter 5
Sunday, December 24, 2006

This is a little bit more graphic chapter. It gets a little bit bloodier and the plot thickens.


Chapter 1 and 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:


Chapter 5

“Good evening, Dr. Fitzgerald.” The Operative said, stepping out of the shadows the way he did best. Doctor was a purely figurative title from when Fitzgerald had the intention of doing something productive, like healing. Now he was only a man of politics with a very shiny title. “You shouldn’t sneak up on me, it makes me uncomfortable.” Ambrose Fitzgerald did not look up from the book that had currently held his attention: Untimely Meditations, from some earth-that-was author named Nietzsche. Damn, Dr. Fitzgerald thought to himself, they had some funny names on earth-that-was. “You’re not supposed to be comfortable. You’re not supposed to be stealing.” This got Dr. Fitzgerald’s attention. “Yes, we know about that, and it’s more than a little bit bothersome.” Dr. Fitzgerald put the book down and stood up. “You know there are three guards outside, and with the push of a button they’ll be in here.” “They’re dead. I killed them on the way in.” Fitzgerald did his best not to look afraid, but he knew that he wasn’t fooling the operative. He just let the pause between them hang. It wasn’t because he had nothing to say, he had plenty of last words. He didn’t speak because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get the words of his tongue. “Do you know what your sin is, Doctor?” He didn’t answer this. “It’s gluttony.” The Operative looked at him, stone-faced. “You had the opportunity to be a king, but you couldn’t resist taking some for now.” Still, Dr. Fitzgerald stood silent. In a moment, Dr. Fitzgerald’s body was frozen and falling. He landed on the sword, the blade passed cleanly through his sternum and out through his spinal column. The Operative removed his sword and walked out, carefully stepping over the bodies of the three guards he had killed on the way in.


Xing Bayou and Mal Reynolds shook hands on the ramp of the starship Serenity. They smiled, trying to act like they had once been friends. River Tim new better, she didn’t even have to read either of these men’s minds to tell you that they were uncomfortable. Of course, River knew what they were thinking anyway, but she didn’t have to. River took great comfort in knowing that she was not entirely dependent on being psychic. “It’s been a long time, Captain.” “Almost too long.” “I knew you’d end up on a ship. It suits you.” “Thanks.” “Shall we take a walk?” Xing looked at River Tam, hinting gently to Mal that he wanted this discussion to be very private. “Lets.”


Kaylee and Simon didn’t care that it they were on the ground, it wasn’t any different to them. What they cared about was that they were both off of work. No one had been shot, stabbed or burned quite yet today, and Simon figured he would take advantage of the fact that Kaylee didn’t have to work in the engine room constantly while the ship was on the ground. After taking sufficient advantage of their free time, they lay next to each other, staring at the ceiling. It was that kind of silence that signals mutual satisfaction. “Simon?” “Yes.” “Are we going to get married?” Simon looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of a way to answer this question that wouldn’t get him pushed off of the bed. “Do you want to get married?” “I don’t know, it just sounds shiny. All of the people in white and music and dancing, it sounds fun.” Simon rolled over and kissed Kaylee on the cheek. “If it’s what you want, it’s what I want.” And with that he got up to take a shower. Damn, Simon thought to himself while he started the water, I’m getting good at this. As Simon Tam got in the shower, Kaylee came in, looking to take a little bit more advantage of their free time.


Thursday, December 28, 2006 6:56 PM


Uh...Simon? You may have learned that lesson, but it's temporary;)

And I can't wait to see what Xing and Mal chat about...



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A New Era - Chapter 5
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