A New Era - Chapter 6
Tuesday, January 2, 2007

My continuing FanFic about life after Serenity. Mal begins to get dragged into the uprising against the Alliance. Also, interaction between Mal and Inara.


Chapter 1 and 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:


Chapter 6

Xing Bayou and Malcolm Reynolds walked slowly through the port of Osiris. “It’s been a long time.” Xing smiled at Mal, and his teeth made Mal shiver. Xing Bayou was the only man really capable of disturbing the Captain, and there were a lot of people who’d tried. “I heard that you were responsible for that little broadcast.” “Who told you that?” “A good friend. I trust him.” “Good to have those kind of friends.” “Yes, especially in a time like this.” Xing stopped walking for a moment. “Mal, I need more friends like this. I realize that we have had our arguments, but we were both on the same side. I need to be sure that now we are on the same side.” “Ain’t that something? Bein’ around all these politicians hasn’t kept you from staying a straight shooter.” “I’m not a politician, Mal, and I hate them as much as the next browncoat, but in a time like this it is very helpful to have friends with those kind of skills.” “It’s good to have all of the friends you can get.” “I’ll take quality over quantity any day, but that’s one of the reasons why I called you.” “How d’ya mean?” “I mean that I need good friends. Friends that I can be sure will watch my back. There isn’t much honor left in the Verse, Mal, but I know you’ve got some. That’s why I wanted you here.” “I’m not a soldier any more Xing.” “That’s what I told myself, too, but we both know it’s a lie. I’m the same man I was during the war, Mal, the only difference is that I’m better at what I do.” “Yeah,” Mal chuckled, trying to pretend like he was at ease, “I always wondered what that was.” “You’ve seen me at work Mal. As much as you would like to forget it, I know you can’t. That’s why you came here, because you would rather be with me than against me.” “Really,” Mal smiled, “I thought it was the war buddy bond.” “Captain, I am not Zoe. I am no one’s war buddy.” Xing decided it was best to stay focused on the present. “Anyway, this evening there is going to be a party held by the Senator leaving our little revolution, and I was wondering if you would come as my guest.” “I hope you don’t mean as your…” “You would have to bring your own date. And please, she should make an impression.” He smiled. “Not the mechanic, please.” This was unnerving, because it made the Captain wonder exactly how much Xing knew about his exploits, and about the crew. He wasn’t comfortable around the giant, intellectual wangba dan, but he managed to smile. “I’ll be there.” “Thank you.” Xing was about to leave as he turned for one more thing, “and please, not Ms. Tam. I would rather not make that kind of an impression.” Again unnerved, Malcolm Reynolds returned to Serenity to do something that he hoped he would never have to do again, because every time he had ended up in a gun fight, and he did not want to be in a gun fight right now. Especially not one with Xing Bayou.


Inara Serra sat alone in her shuttle. She was taking a little time off, partly to recover and partly because this political turmoil was bad for business. She heard Malcolm clear his throat before he walked in the room. This was his way of asking for permission to come in, which means that he wanted something. “Come in.” “How are you?” “I’m fine.” She didn’t like that Mal was uncomfortable. She would rather have Mal comfortable and insulting her than polite and totally lost. “Would you like to sit down?” She said it just like she would say something to a client to get them to feel at home. She had hoped Mal would notice and make a joke about it. He didn’t. “Inara, I’ve been invited to a party,” he seemed totally lost at asking this kind of a question, it was the first time Inara had seen him vulnerable. She knew it wasn’t her, and she knew whatever it was couldn’t be terribly pleasant. “I’ll go with you. What kind of an occasion is it?” She could see Mal loosen up a little bit. “It’s being held by a politician. I am going as a guest of an old friend. He wants me to make an impression.” “Then I’m glad you to me, Mal.” She let the silence hang for a moment. “Mal, are you alright?” “Yeah,” he looked up, “I’m fine. It’s just… bringing back some old memories. You know?” Inara thought better than to ask, she just smiled and tried to pretend that she was flattered at Mal’s invitation, as she would with a client. She tried to detach herself from him, by treating him like a client, because she knew that he would find a way to let her down. He always did.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 10:14 AM


Well, that surely was a mean comment for Inara to end on. If she feels that way why agree to go with Mal? I am disconcerted by Xing, feel that he is dragging the Captain into something he may not get out of. Which means dragging some or all of his crew with him. I hope he doesn't let that man manipulate him. Ali D
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:21 PM


Oh...I think Inara's "discontentment" with Mal began a looong time before "Heart of Gold," IronMan;)

Stil...I can definitely see Inara starting to pull away again, post-BDM, as she struggles to deal with what she has done and witnessed concerning the government that she once had complete faith in. I just hope Mal can help keep her safe from whatever backlash Xing & co. have cooked up:(



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A New Era - Chapter 6
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A New Era - Chapter 4
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A New Era - Chapter 3
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