Tranquillity - Part VIII
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...


River sits on the catwalk, chin in hand. It's relatively early in the morning, about half-seven. The Shepard is awake though, as is his custom, and in prayer or deep thought. Sometimes she can hardly tell the difference. His thoughts are quiet and slow, like an old tree in a forest. Ponderous and distant enough to be ignored. The Captain is still asleep, close enough to waking to be barely dreaming and thus no bother at all, as Kaylee might say. She sits and she waits, and sure enough the grinding of the cargo-bay door precedes the arrival of Zoe and Wash. They're often early birds, and this morning they make her think of the dawn, almost reborn in each other's presence. They embrace as the door shuts behind them and River feels no shame in her unknown intrusion on this very private moment – it's serene and beautiful and it fills her with a sense of their calm. Their love is often fierce, sometimes jealous, and always passionate. Sometimes the intensity scares her; she worries she might become overfull with it and lose the part of her that is River – but not this morning. For once she almost feels gratitude to the people that cut up her brain and left her like an empty glass Wash's lips linger on his wife's, and neither of them can stop smiling. “I should go check the bridge, make sure the engineers haven't messed up the flight systems,” he whispers, between kisses. “Mmm,” Zoe says, “I feel like breakfast.” “Save some for me.” “Always.” He kisses her deeply, one final time, fingers of his left hand light on the back of her neck. “I love you,” he says and River can feel it, in the pit of her stomach, in the tingle of her limbs and her own mouth turns up in a smile she can't hide. “You too, baby,” Zoe replies and only River can see the truth of her statement. Zoe watches her husband out of sight, still with a soft smile The door crunches again and the smile is gone as Zoe turns, replaced by one subtly different, perhaps a change only River can see. She's got her armour on again as Jayne strolls up the ramp, surly as ever. “Mornin' Jayne,” Zoe offers. “Yeah,” the mercenary returns, “Looks that way. When we shippin' out?” “Scheduled to pick up the goods at fourteen-hundred,” Zoe answers as they head away from River, towards the kitchen. She sits and she waits, and next comes Kaylee, singing to herself and as bright as always. The mechanic alone of all the crew glances upwards and sees River. “Hey you,” she says, waving, “You coming for breakfast?” River stands, feeling the strands that make up Serenity threading themselves back together again. “Yes,” she replies, “I'm coming too.”


Mal is slumped in the co-pilot's chair, the only pickle in the big fruit salad that is Serenity this morning. Wash makes an appreciative noise as they launch from the dry-dock, the doctor having finally found his way back on board. “I guess Kaylee got the parts she wanted,” he says to the maudlin Mal. “She handlin' okay?” “Better than ever,” Wash replies, “Lighter too. Reckon we should make the run to Tranquillity a little quicker than we planned.” “That's good,” Mal decrees, “I got the notion this cargo is gonna burn a hole in our hull whilst we carry it.” Wash nods. “Well, we'll be touching down in.... twenty minutes. Soon find out.” Mal nods, rather less enthusiastic. “Yep.” Nineteen minutes later they have landed outside the warehouse, Wash still warbling about Serenity's improved turn of speed. Zoe and Jayne are waiting in the 'bay when Mal gets there. He thumps the button to open the doors without ceremony, bright Beaumonde daylight streaming in. Bill Wymann strides up the ramp, hand outstretched, a nod of greeting aimed at Zoe. “You must be Bill,” Mal says, taking her hand in his own. Her palms are soft, but there are fine lines around her eyes and a way of holding herself that speaks volumes to Mal about how many years its been since this woman was a Companion. “And you must be Mal,” she returns, sizing him up in exactly the same manner. “Cargo's ready for loading and then you can be on your way.” Mal nods. “We'll get started then.” He follows her back down the ramp to where the large boxes are stacked and waiting. There's nothing about them that suggests anything odd. They look like normal construction materials. Some have hazard labels, but as promised nothing higher than Grade II - Serenity has carried far worse in the past. The pallet truck chugs over, old and oily but sturdy enough to trundle the crates inside. Mal watches carefully, lest anything unexpected should be slipped in with the load but there are no tricks he spots. In twenty minutes the job is done and they're ready to go. “See you on Tranquillity,” Bill says casually, and he nods, turning to leave. Her hand on his arm stops him and he looks down into cool blue eyes. “And Mal? Don't open the boxes.” There's no trace of mercy there. It's an icy warning, plain as day. Just as he was starting to feel like this job might go right. “Why would I want to do that?” he asks, smiling at her politely, “Just construction materials, aren't they?” She smiles thinly. “That's right.” “See you in two weeks, then,” he says, feeling her gaze on him all the way back up the ramp. He doesn't turn around to look at her again, just hits the button. The doors close behind him with a slightly ominous boom and he's left staring at the wall of boxes that now fill his hold. “I hate mysteries,” he mutters, before hitting the comm button. “Wash? Take us out of the world.”


“River?” says the Shepard, face full of concern. She is hiding under the kitchen table, completely frozen with fear. “Are you okay?” She turns her eyes up to him, huge in her terror. “She's here,” she breathes in a tiny voice, “She's here and she's smiling.” “Who's smiling?” Book asks, utterly mystified “They're loading up the teeth,” River whispers, almost hyperventilating now, “They're loading, they're loading...” She can't continue, dissolving into silent sobs. Book puts a reassuring hand on her arm, disturbed to feel how tightly the girl is holding herself, like a coiled spring. “Come out from under the table, River,” he tries, speaking as soothingly as possible. She merely shakes her head, rocking back and forth now. Jayne comes down the steps, rubbing dirt from one of the crates off his hands. “She off her axle again?” he says, calmly pulling out a snack bar from one of the cupboards and ripping the packaging. “Could you go and find her brother?” Book asks, knowing Simon is likely to be the only one who can persuade River to come out. Jayne takes a bite from the bar and chews it, considering his answer. He respects the preacher, has done since he saw him knee-cap a man from nine-yards, and with a shrug sets off on his task. “Sure, why not. Not as if I have anything better to do...” He almost walks into Simon, hurrying to the kitchen himself. “Is River-?” he begins. “In the kitchen,” Jayne answers, “Her normal crazy-self.” Simon sprints up the stairs and drops to his knees by Book. “Thank you,” he murmurs to the preacher, who stands out of the way but remains in the kitchen, watching them with pity. Simon puts his own hand on his sister's arm and the frightened concern he radiates cuts through the rising hysteria. She tries to focus on his face, on the words he's saying rather than the ones he's feeling. “River, what's wrong?” “Teeth...” she manages, “They're here and soon they'll be biting... Teeth.” “I don't understand,” he says carefully, “Who's teeth?” “Her!” she shouts suddenly, and sobs again, “The one that came... the one that... that bought me and sold me. Her teeth. Dragon's teeth. She'll breathe fire on us all and they'll be nothing but dust. Everything burns.” “River,” Simon says, a lump in his throat he can't quite swallow. She's been doing so much better, he thinks, Why now, why this? . There's no logic, no pattern but he won't let it beat him, won't let them win, those that have done this to her. He draws in a deep breath. Emotions under control, he tries again. “River, come out from under the table.” She feels him clamp down on his feelings, tossing aside the mingled anger/pity/confusion/sadness with an ease that makes her weep harder. “I'm fed up of...of feeling,” she cries, “I want to sleep again, Simon.” “Come out from under the table,” he repeats softly, though there's a part of him crying inside, “Come out and I'll give you something to help you sleep.” She finally does as he requests, collapsing like she's boneless into his arms, and he half carries her past the preacher, back to their room. Her tears have soaked his shirt by the time he's deposited her on the bed and he reaches into his red-bag for a sedative. She turns her face away from the needle and grips his fingers tightly as she lays back, her eyes screwed up as if she's in pain. “I'm sorry, Simon,” she manages, and he can't tell if she's lucid or lost in some corner of her damaged mind. “I shouldn't have listened to her. Stranger danger. Shouldn't go with them... even if they-if they... offer you sweets or a puppy or...” She's asleep.


Thursday, March 8, 2007 12:20 AM


Lovin it lovin it loving it!

The last bit with River was so heartbreaking.

Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:37 AM


I am most intrigued!

Safe to say, this cargo is going to cause Trouble, but exactly what kind, that's going to be fun to find out!

Are we going to see/hear more of Inara? I'm curious about her thoughts on this, considering she set them up with this job that's.. apparently not quite 100% clean.

And oy, you have my heart breaking for River. I love the contrast of conventional River-writing that you use, her momentary appreciation of the gift forced upon her, and her wish for oblivion during her episode. Few people exlpore these sides, that need for hiding and escaping rather than being actively productive in solving whatever the problem might be, even though it's a very natural feeling to be had.

For some reason your series makes me babble, sorry. *g* More!

Thursday, March 8, 2007 1:37 AM


I am most intrigued!

Safe to say, this cargo is going to cause Trouble, but exactly what kind, that's going to be fun to find out!

Are we going to see/hear more of Inara? I'm curious about her thoughts on this, considering she set them up with this job that's.. apparently not quite 100% clean.

And oy, you have my heart breaking for River. I love the contrast of conventional River-writing that you use, her momentary appreciation of the gift forced upon her, and her wish for oblivion during her episode. Few people exlpore these sides, that need for hiding and escaping rather than being actively productive in solving whatever the problem might be, even though it's a very natural feeling to be had.

For some reason your series makes me babble, sorry. *g* More!

Thursday, March 8, 2007 2:46 AM


Brilliant, love the way this story is unfolding. I really feel for River, all that turmoil in her brain as if the answers are teetering on the edge of reason so she can't get anything more coherent out that a vague warning. And poor Simon, trying so hard to do whatever he can for her though I don't think drugs are the way out though for River, a little oblivion through sedation though gives her a small measure of relief. Not really liking Bill Wymman, knowingly setting the crew up to handle a cargo so dangerous their own people won't touch it with a barge pole. While I would like to think Inara is unaware of the danger of this job it is obvious Bill is quite happy to put every single one of Serenity's crew in danger just to get it done. And that is all kinds of unsettling. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:00 AM


This is so good, please post again soon!

Wash and Zoe are adorable, and I liove the way you've captured River's mind-reading-ness. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:48 AM


Oh cao...why do I get the feeling that dear ole Bill (and that should have been the first since of trouble, since what kind of woman who trained as a Companion would decided to call herself 'Bill') has a history linked to River's admission to the Academy? I mean, it's obvious that River links Bill to the decision for River to attend the Academy and that there's probably a whole passel of Acad grads in those boxes (hidden cryo boxes perhaps)...or something of that nature going on:(

Still...brilliant work here, captainvimes! Definitely loving the direction you're taking our BDHs in this little adventure...though it will be interesting to see how much of a AU shift there will be from what Joss canonically established;)


Thursday, March 8, 2007 10:48 AM


Crap...meant "hint" not "since" in my first line above when I said "should have been the first since of trouble"


Thursday, March 8, 2007 12:22 PM


Curiouser and curiouser. Doing an excellent job of building the intrigue. Keep it up.

Rob O.

Thursday, March 8, 2007 5:26 PM


Yes, this Bill character has me concerned, too. I'm assuming that the "her" River is refering to is Bill. But for the life of me, I just can't figure out where this is going! I love it! And I wonder who's going to be the first one to open one of the boxes... Can't wait for more!

Thursday, March 8, 2007 5:26 PM


Yes, this Bill character has me concerned, too. I'm assuming that the "her" River is refering to is Bill. But for the life of me, I just can't figure out where this is going! I love it! And I wonder who's going to be the first one to open one of the boxes... Can't wait for more!

Thursday, March 29, 2007 4:28 PM


I love the way you keep the mystery unraveling a little at a time. Just wonderful.


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Tranquility - Part XV
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part XIV
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part XIII
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part XII
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part XI
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part X
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquility - Part IX
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquillity - Part VIII
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquillity - Part VII
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...

Tranquillity - Part VI
Jobless and soon to be on the drift, accepting Inara's charity turns out to be the least of Mal's problems...