Signed up for.
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tran-qui-li-ty. - Inara. Kaylee. Pre-series. Short and sweet. Free for all ages.


---------------------- Signed up for ---------------------- - -

She didn't like surprises. Not really.

Certainly, there was the odd moment or several where the unexpected had hit her pleasantly, pulling the joy at something even higher for the lack of preparedness, but... in general, no.

Surprises were a disturbance of the equilibrium.

They put ripples into her lake surfaces, smudges onto her sparkling mirror surfaces. They.. walked over her immaculately trimmed front lawn surfaces. Imagery-wise.


Of course, a popular and widely known Companion suddenly travelling with criminals on the Rim, she had a certain taste for the ruffled and scruffy flavours of life, as long as they took place outside her mindsphere.

She liked her expected unexpectedness.

There was very little unexpected about Kaylee.

She had expected a certain ignorance from Border people. She had expected a certain clumsy admiration. She had expected a certain amount of... dirt. And unrefined language. And carnality. And truly abysmal taste in clothing.

She had fully expected to like Kaylee in spite of it, upon first sight. Like she had expected to like most people, upon first sight, simply for being new.

She had not expected, though, to love all of those things quite so much, wrapped up in her lipgloss smile.

Two weeks on board, and she was running a 500 credit brush through hair that hadn't been washed in four days, listening to Miss Kaywinnit Lee Frye-with-an-e's mind-bending sexual escapades and ignoring grease stains forming on her brand-new upholstry. Giddy and giggling like she hadn't in ten years.

Like the world was wide open in more ways than one.

She had gone out hunting for something extraordinary and there it was waiting for her in a death trap of an engine room.

It didn't knock her out of place, but she had never seen it coming.

Surprisingly unsurprising.

Just the way she liked it.





Sunday, March 23, 2008 9:47 AM


Interesting view in that something seemingly undersirable to Inara would be her source of joy.

Sunday, March 23, 2008 11:35 AM


I like this, I think they both want to know eachother's world =>

Keep flying ;)

Monday, March 24, 2008 9:38 AM


Thanks for the feedback, you two. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Monday, March 24, 2008 11:55 PM


loved this! great p.ov. work - very true to how i would Inara's expectations to have been. also you have a great way with descriptions - vivid, touching and gently humourous all at the same time - e.g. 'They put ripples into her lake surfaces, smudges onto her sparkling mirror surfaces. They.. walked over her immaculately trimmed front lawn surfaces. Imagery-wise.' a fine balancing act there:)

Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:52 PM


I really like this! I always loved Kaylee and Inaras friendship:D well done, very shiny!!((((:

Giddy and giggling like she hadn't in ten years.

^^^^^Kaylee does have that effect on people^.^


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Can't look, can't look.
River, Mal, post-movie, unfluffy. - Kinds of memory. Out of nowhere. Every war, every side.

Basic Skills
Inara is organising her drawers. - Very short moment in a young student's day. Free for all ages.

Do you know what a Grizwald is?
Post-Serenity, Mal, Inara, fruit, contemplation. 2x2 made me do it.

Nandi didn't die. - Short, unfluffy, free for all ages.

Job Hazard
Crack-fic. With a chubby little crew. Set anytime. Because Mal has a bad temper and worse luck. Free for all ages.

Signed up for.
Tran-qui-li-ty. - Inara. Kaylee. Pre-series. Short and sweet. Free for all ages.

The Calm
Before the storm. - Inara. Post-movie. Quiet drabble of introspection. Free for all ages.

Data For Storage
Inara and the art of observation. Jayne and the art of being Jayne. - post-movie, quiet, free for all ages. Written back in April '06.

The common denominator is woman. - Spastic poetic voice takes on Zoe and Inara. Short, a bit abstract. Free for all ages, no spoilers.

Slice It Forward
Mal/Inara/Cake fluff. There might be metaphorical meaning hidden inside, but I won't tell if you won't. Rated C for cake, cute and calories.