Amateur retouch of Serenity Image
Saturday, November 20, 2004

Found at UIP Netherlands site, . Resized (not enough pixel depth to do a good job, IMO) as far as I could take it. Adjusted contrast, brightness, hue/saturation, etc. If nothing else, you can get a better idea of wardrobe...



Saturday, November 20, 2004 3:04 PM


Other than Capt. Tightpants not wearing tightpants and the new look of the Cargo Bay, I like it. I'm not too hot on the new look. It's too shiny. Hopefully this isn't what it will look like in the BDM.

Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:30 PM


Good job on this zoid...I've been playing with touching it up too and I was getting good results on some things, but you got better results on others. So I took your image and overlaid mine, took the opacity on mine down a bit so that both images showed and merged them. Ended up with something almost workable...mind if I post it? Feel I should ask first since I used your image. :-D

Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:02 PM


Why the heck does everyone look some much thinner? IMHO Adam look too thin. and I LOVE Adam!

Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:23 PM


Where's Book?

Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:46 PM


Where's Inara?

Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:46 PM


Hey, at least Wash is still in a Hawaiian shirt, not some lame-o flight suit.

Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:00 AM


No Book, no Inara -- Wash is packing HEAT now? Zoe and Mal lost their tan pants. New boots on just about EVERYONE, and no combat boots for River? WTF?

Ah, well. Their still out Big Damn Heroes, stupid changes and all...

Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:01 AM


Kaylee's not wearing a jumpsuit, which is a thing that throws me. She looks like she got there late and didn't have time to get into costume before the picture was taken.

Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:03 AM


I hope Serenity herself looks the same from the outside

Sunday, November 21, 2004 11:51 AM


I think the set's shininess (the reflective kind, not the quality ;) ) is a result of (Book)special(/Book) lighting.

And Wash's gun may be a scene-specific thing; given how he seems to be standing, I can't imagine that particular holster being very comfortable when sitting.

Bear in mind, of course, this is a staged publicity photo, which has about the same relationship to a movie as most movie trailers.

Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:07 PM


It also makes sense that eventually someone would buy River some clothing of her own. But it is kind of weird that Zoe's boots are now brown and Mal's are now black. Oh well, as long as the plot is clever and the lines are funny, they could wear brown paper bags and I wouldn't care.

Monday, November 22, 2004 4:36 AM


Umm, I know why Inara & Book aren`t in that shot, I won`t divulge it here but there is a reason.

(UK Mag SFX #125 (XMAS) p18)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004 6:48 AM


Don't know if anyone noticed or maybe its a new addition to the site, but just above the picture you've been working on from the Netherlands site is a link to a 1024x768 wallpaper of the same thing.

Thursday, November 25, 2004 1:12 PM



saw the link and is it bad that I started sobbing madly? ;)


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Serenity Day Countdown timer
This is a capture of my desktop, with the Serenity Day Countdown timer displayed. You'll need the *free* Yahoo! Widget Engine (from to run it. The widget is fully configurable and reusable (just reset the message and countdown date from the widget's Properties submenu).

Unfortunately, I can't put the widget itself up here in the BlueSun Room. It's only 128 KB, smaller than this accompanying picture; but the site won't allow a ".widget" filetype to be uploaded. Code-wise, it's pure XML and Java, so not to worry.

So, you'll have to email me in order to get it, and give me a return email address that accepts attachments. A necessary evil, at this point. If someone wants to host the little thing so that everyone can get a copy via straight download, that would be groovy by me (just let me know first, okay?)


Serenity Countdown Widget, Final Version
This is a picture of the final 'widget' I made at the suggestion of a Darksyde over on the General Discussions board. These run on a cool little Java engine called Konfabulator ( ). The widget's a counter to the movie. 106 KB for the widget attachment (about the same size as this picture).

You will need the free konfabulator to run it. It's all xml and java; it gets system and input dates and calculates, then draws windows through doc interface. Looks perfectly safe (simple); snippet code from If you'd like one, I can email the gizmo to ya'. BlueSun won't take anything but pictures (widgets are zip files containing graphics and plain-text config files).

Enjoy... -zed

Per Browncoat request, a Java widget...
This is a picture of a 'widget' I made at the suggestion of a poster over on the General Discussions board. This thing runs on a really neat little Java frontend called Konfabulator ( ). The widget's a counter to the movie. 18 KB small. you will need the free konfabulator to run it. It's all xml and java; nothing but get dates and calc, draw windows through doc interface. Looks perfectly safe (simple). If you'd like one, I can email the gizmo to ya'. BlueSun won't take anything but pictures (widgets are zip files containing graphics and plain-text config files).



Amateur retouch of Serenity Image
Found at UIP Netherlands site, . Resized (not enough pixel depth to do a good job, IMO) as far as I could take it. Adjusted contrast, brightness, hue/saturation, etc.

If nothing else, you can get a better idea of wardrobe...

Movie banner I posted at the NOB, v. 2 (small)
Text only, for now, because of file size limitations at the NOB (21K? Who's working a 14Kbps creeper at Paramount?). This is the little file NOB got.

Still, it capsulizes what I have always found most appealing about the show, from its inception...


Movie banner I posted at the NOB
Text only, for now, because of file size limitations at the NOB (21K? Who's working a 14Kbps creeper at Paramount?). This is a better one than they got, with transition effects.

Still, it capsulizes what I have always found most appealing about the show, from its inception...


What Firefly Will Be About (avatar)
This one picture says a thousands pages of words, regarding where I think the series was going...

zoid's desktop with little javascript countdown to BDM
You too can have a real-time countdown until the opening night of the BDM on your desktop...