Slim as Dimes, Part 2
Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Slim as Dimes Part 2 By belasera NC-17…ish

Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Oh, and any smarty pants that want to tell me whether or not Jayne and Kaylee's bunk are actually next to eachother's, DONT! ............................................... If’n he meant to tease, he was lettin’ the opportunity pass him by. Jayne barely said “mornin’” to her at breakfast, and wasn’t no awkward way to his manner at all when he asked if she wanted a cup of coffee. Made her wonder if she’d imagined all that noise in her sex crazed brain last night. Made her decide to leave it be, if Jayne was this casual ‘bout doin’ something’ like that. Kaylee didn’t right care herself, once she got over blushin’ about it, she thought it was even sorta funny, them doing’ that next to each other, and not even sayin' a thing about it. Maybe it was even normal like, more normal than Simon always keepin’ his hands to his self, anyway. Kaylee wondered, not for the first time, if he even ever touched himself. So she let the sliver of a crack be, and vowed to be quiet like a nun. Trouble was Jayne hadn’t made the same vow. She could be nunnish all she wanted, but she couldn’t pretend that was no monk next door. He was bein’ loud on purpose, had to be, way he grunted and groaned sounded like he was right on top of her. But it was Kaylee's fault too that she heard so much, since she didn’t leave her bed when he started. She just laid there, still as stone, sometimes she had to slide her hands under her bottom to keep ‘em from roaming, ‘cause she wasn’t gonna try to think on Simon when it was Jayne’s self makin’ a fuss. She waited til he was silent one night, after they’d had a bad job and Kaylee figured he was tired, she was tuckered herself but her body was beggin’ for release, Jayne or no. It was easy, when it was quiet, to let her mind wander to the doctor, to all the best brightest parts of him, even the ones she ain’t seen yet. Easy to set a scenario like a little play in her head, him sneakin’ down her ladder, crawling over her and settlin’ his lips over hers, sweet as plums. Less easy to pretend she didn’t hear Jayne, who wasn’t that tired after all, or maybe he’d been waiting for her all this time she’d been waiting for quiet, ‘cause his groans were slippin’ over hers like they was made for her. She squeezed her eyes shut, ignored the way his noises sparked her body to frenzy, just let them be part of the fantasy until she came hard, Simon’s name ricocheting out her brain if not her mouth. It only took a minute for Jayne to follow her, she heard his little gasp and then nothing but their breathing slowing, and it was less awkward this time for Kaylee to simply let it be, let her breathing match his until she fell asleep. It was same as last time, Jayne didn’t say nothin’ funny to her, didn’t try to make up reasons to be touchin’ her. Just stayed Jayne, surly and friendly by turn like wasn’t no secret they shared. “Like two of them at night ain’t the same folk as us in the mornin’” Kaylee thought with a bit o’ wonder. Nothing’ changed, nothin’ turned weird, though Kaylee started to let her eyes take a bit more in. Like the way his hands were shaped, way his muscles flexed when he picked up any little thing. She stored the pictures of him away, not that she wanted to use ‘em, just to know. What he might look like, when he was makin’ those noises on the other side. Was just a few times, and it coulda stopped there, maybe if either of them had anything different to do it woulda. Seemed they was both agreeable to something more regular though, even if it was never said. Kaylee could start it with a long sigh, just to see if he was listening. Usually he was, she’d hear him move on his bed, though she didn’t try to imagine what he was doing, just waited for his answering groan, soft as pillows. She still thought of Simon, but it was more sporadic, just flashes of him as she strained to hear every noise of Jayne’s. It was just easier, to take what was there rather than make all that nonsense up. More and more she thought that’s what it was, nonsense. Simon wasn’t ever gonna touch her, and she had Jayne’s deep groans in her ear anytime she wanted them, no strings attached. She tried to make it good for him too, sometimes using fingers, sometimes her vibrator, she’d let her little hiccups of pleasure grow and stretch until they were both gasping and near to a keen. Never no words, though, not since the first time, just noises that could mean whatever the other wanted.

Sometimes their bodies would thump against the wall between them, and when that happened Kaylee found it hard not to think of him, his thigh rubbin' the bulkhead as his hand slid along it like he could find hers answering. Kaylee imagined that’s what he did, ‘cause it was what she did herself sometimes, when her body started to be wantin’ more, she’d inch herself close and think about sayin’ his name. Jayne…she let it slip through her body long and slow until it was teasing her tongue. Only while though, and she was always glad after that she hadn’t said it, but when he knocked on the wall one night after they finished and said in a husked out voice, “Night Kaylee.” She didn’t hesitate to reply, “Goodnight Jayne” Was just nothin’ maybe, but maybe it was somethin’ new, this bridge to talkin’. Kaylee wouldn’t deny the excitement it sparked, thinkin’ of dirty things she might be able to say when she couldn’t be seen, it’d be a real thrill… But then everything changed, ship became like a graveyard so sudden and foolin’ about with Jayne was just another bit of her life that ended, like so many other things, after Miranda. ……………………………………………………………………………………


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:09 PM


And... now not so much.

Why? There's going to be more, right? Right? Aw, c'mon, Jayne and Kaylee deserve it.

And you write it so very well. Thanks for these.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:56 PM


I enjoyed this, clever how you have Kaylee watchin' Jayne out in the open, trying to imagine how he looks in his bunk when she hears him: "Like the way his hands were shaped, way his muscles flexed when he picked up any little thing. She stored the pictures of him away, not that she wanted to use ‘em, just to know. What he might look like, when he was makin’ those noises on the other side." Lovely work. All of the story is shiny. Only thing wrong with it stopped. Coitus interruptus.
Reader(us)Disturbed(us). Gorramit!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:57 PM


Oh, oh, oh no!

That was such a wonderful start to something bigger.

I mean, I guess I can see why Miranda changed everything, what with Simon and Kaylee hooking up now... poor Jayne, has to listen to them together.

But we all know that isn't going to last...

Please? More?


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The Snake in the Apple Tree 3
Last and dirtiest of the Apples series.

Saint Jayne
Saint Jayne performs his first miracle. Zoe, Jayne, Heaven, Hell and all that flies between. Post BDM.

Mornin' Glory
Jayne and Kaylee in the lazy morning. Could be a sequel to Slim as Dimes if you’ve read it, but stands find by its lonesome.
More R than NC-17

Inked on Sabbath
By request. How the job went wooly in Slim as Dimes, though it's a complete story on its own.

Slim as Dimes, Part 6
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 5
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 4
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 3

Slim as Dimes, Part 2

Slim as Dimes
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.