Slim as Dimes, Part 4
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.


Slim as Dimes, Part 4 By belasera NC-17…ish

Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck. Spoilers for the BDM!


“Kaylee” It was her turn to Shush now, “Shhhh, no Jayne.” She wasn’t ready for him to be sayin’ her name, wasn’t ready for anything at all to be said. This was enough, just his breathing like a spent racehorse that she’d missed more than she’d known. For just a flash, she let herself imagine what he looked like, tangled in his sheet, chest rising huge before falling, one arm across his eyes as his cheeks lost their red heat slowly. She shuddered back a groan that she knew he heard anyway and turned away from the wall, but not before whispering just loud enough. “Night Jayne.” He didn’t answer, just turned from her as well and slept, and Kaylee was spent and sleepy enough to admit that she’d listened hard for it. ………………………………………………………………………………….. Breakfast was a wretch of a time. Simon sat next to her, smiled sweetly at her and Jayne ignored her completely, seemed not a stitch bothered by the situation. She nearly believed it. Didn’t matter ‘bout him, anyway, wasn’t really about him, what she knew had to be done. She knew what was needed, though she could barely believe it was the truth. Her and Simon had to be ended. Didn’t matter none about Jayne, it wasn’t gonna be done for his sake. Just a thing that had to be done was all. She kept reminding herself, when Simon flirted comfortably with her as they washed dishes, when he grabbed her hand after and pulled her to the engine room. It was goodbye, she thought to herself, or maybe even a last try. She did try, she was there for him, she wrapped her arms around him and didn’t think of another thing in the world, and it so nearly worked that it changed her mind. A bit longer, a bit more, she could polish them back up until they shined again. But seemed no shiny thing in the ‘verse could stop her from wanting what Jayne offered, and that night he beat her to it for the first time ever. Maybe he did mind, then, ‘cause it was him that moaned first, moaned in a way that was like beggin’ and she couldn’t say no, and couldn’t stop her tongue from making a word out of her breathy reply. “Jayne…” They were like two idiots, didn’t know to say anything but the other’s name and “Yes, yes, please.” He was a ragged chant in her ear that went straight through her, soaking her as it did. She didn’t know what more she could do, she gasped and panted and willed the wall to dust but it didn’t budge, wasn’t ever gonna budge. Jayne musta been thinkin’ the same thing, when he rasped out to her, “Kaylee, oh good goramn I wanna see you.” She couldn’t answer, just mewed stupidly for a moment before her wits made an appearance. “Jayne, oh, Jayne, no..nonono” “Don’t say no, just talk to me, please” She couldn’t talk, she couldn’t trust herself at all. “no” Real small but he heard all right, his breath steadied a bit and she heard him shift, slowed her own hand and panted herself still. “This ain’t cheatin you know.” He said it like he almost thought it was true, and she gave a little laugh. “Yeah it is Jayne.” “Naw, it aint’t cheatin ‘til I come over there.” Kaylee’s breath caught in her throat, the thought was like a hard burn in her body, and he knew. His voice was darker than she’d heard, near like a threat when he asked, “You want me to come over there?” Kaylee stammered out an answer, ‘cause he seemed need one. “I…Jayne, it’s too much, please don’t…I” “It’s alright, I know you can’t say it and I won’t come over ‘til you do. You’re safe. This is right good right here, you and me and this goramn wall.” “Don’t be..” “Naw, I ain’t angry none, baby, this is good, just hearin’ you moanin’ and knowin’ it’s for me. Is it for me?” That she could answer, and she did with a sigh. “Yeh, it’s for you Jayne.” “That’s real fine then,” His voice got ragged again and Kaylee knew he was touching himself, she reached down to join him as her heart sped up. “Soon though, I’m comin’ over there soon, Kaylee, you know that right?” She stilled, didn’t trust herself to move her lips ‘cause she knew what she’d say, the words already rollin’ through her head loud as a train. “Yes, Yes, Yes!”


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:18 PM


Oh man, those two are SO in over their heads! I LOVE IT.

I can't help but wonder what Simon would think... but I actually don't really give a damn.

I can't wait for more. You're on a roll!

Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:15 AM


I know I'm supposed to be making coherent sentences right now, but...


That's some good ficcing right there.

You're my Big Damn Hero right now.

Last coherent thought before I make my way to my bunk... MORE PLEASE?

Thursday, October 20, 2005 1:38 AM


I love you! You make me like Jayne/Kaylee, which is impressive, as I tend toward the Simon/Kaylee end of the spectrum when it comes to het fic.

Anyway, I'll be in my bunk

Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:27 AM


These stories are so great. I can't wait for part 5!

Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:28 AM


Ruttin' A. I knew this was gonna be good when I saw the pairing and the author's name. Don't be keeping us in suspense.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:14 AM


Oh my God, please send him in there...! I love Jayne/Kaylee and this is one of the best fics I've read. Plese update soon!

Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:53 PM


You're goooooood.

Can't say I'm a big fan of Kaylee/Jayne, but I really admire your style. Seems like the characters come natural to you. I envy that.


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The Snake in the Apple Tree 3
Last and dirtiest of the Apples series.

Saint Jayne
Saint Jayne performs his first miracle. Zoe, Jayne, Heaven, Hell and all that flies between. Post BDM.

Mornin' Glory
Jayne and Kaylee in the lazy morning. Could be a sequel to Slim as Dimes if you’ve read it, but stands find by its lonesome.
More R than NC-17

Inked on Sabbath
By request. How the job went wooly in Slim as Dimes, though it's a complete story on its own.

Slim as Dimes, Part 6
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 5
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 4
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.

Slim as Dimes, Part 3

Slim as Dimes, Part 2

Slim as Dimes
Oh, the things you hear in a cracked spaceship…I’m going back to my first love, Jayne/Kaylee, with a smattering of Simon for good luck.