Bringing in the Wash - Zoe/Wash (START)
Sunday, November 6, 2005

Who doesn't like a good fire fly of bullets? Over cards. >:)


Once upon a time...... There was Wash..... and Zoe
BUCKY AND BOB - Not yet!!....................

Year 2512 Fall New Cannan (Written by Blake and Jena)

Zoe growled internally as she smashed the butt end of her shotgun into the face of the man in front of her. Blood spurted from his nose, running down his chin, a few drops ending up on her clothing, not that she much noticed considering everything. She could sense as much as hear Mal holding off four in the next room, and picked up the pace, kicking the man over as he clutched his broken nose. Idiot. This planet was annoying her. It had annoyed her since they first set down and the officials had tried to levy a fine due to Serenity's color, and it annoyed her more since they had 'borrowed' Serenity's pilot. The man might be overly talkative and have a tendency towards inane humor at the most inappropriate moments, but dammit, he was theirs!

A second man rose up in front of Zoe, a large knife clutched in his hand. She brought the 'mare's leg' up, peering down the sight at him. "You really want ta do that?"

There was a heartbeat that split between them as he considered his options, and then wordlessly turned and ran, which Zoe was just as glad of. Ammo was expensive. She came up to a door, resting her head against it just long enough to hear the murmur of voices, Wash's distinctive among them, and then took a step back and fired at the lock, shattering the metal before she kicked the door open. Within four pairs of eyes turned to look at her, each man holding a hand of cards, Wash among them and looking rather triumphant as he laid his hand down. "Lao Tyen Yeh!" Wash near jumped out of his seat, blinking in more then simple surprise. His cards flew half way across the table for his fingers flung them as such and he reached down to the side out of habit where he kept the modified crow bar. The only problem was he wasn't in his seat on Serenity and there was nothing to grab but the chair leg of the next man sitting on it. Or the man's leg itself, which came with it's own recipe for trouble.

Seeing real guns lifting towards Zoe at the intrusion, he was quick to switch gears, "Whoa, whoa, whoa now. Hold up just a minute." His pale fingers rested on the barrels of the nearest men, giving them a slight push downwards. "Woman. You nearly made me soil my pants." Another blink, taking in her fighting state, Wash added, "Where's the fire?"

"I suggest you put those down less someone wants to get hurt." Zoe kept her own weapon up at the ready, glaring daggers at Wash. He was playing cards with them. What in the gorram hell was he thinking? "We were under the impression your stayin' weren't voluntary." "S-s-Staying?" Wash glanced at the men and then back to Zoe, utter confusion across his face. "I'm playing a game of cards. Seven card Stud. Poker, to be exact." When that received no reaction from her, he added, "It's a game. Some people bet money on it. Others strip down. Perhaps you've heard of it?" Still seated, he looked at her as if she had come in to tell him she was pregnant with his baby or something crazy like that.

"The note we received ship side was more along the lines 'f, "we're keepin' the pilot" since ya did such a bang up job with that crop dustin' they needed." Zoe took a half step back, letting the tip of the gun lower ever so slightly. "But ifn that's really what you had in mind I'll tell the Captn that we owe someone an apology."

Wash looked at the fellahs sitting around the table, their guns still drawn and pointed at Zoe. He found that odd, especially when her weapon lowered its barrel. "What are you talkin' about? I didn't make a decision to not come back!"

That's when Wash got on his feet to stand and about that time, two sets of hands clamped down on his arms, dragging him back down in his chair.

Eyes wide, he looked at Zoe and exclaimed, "How Job Bu Jian?!!" "That's what I thought." The words were calm and the mare's leg belched forth a shot, wounding but not killing the man closest to Zoe. She chambered another round, looking at the others and preparing to move and quick. "That was a warning. You only get one, then things're gonna get messy." "Ta Dub Guqy!" When they let go of his arms to return fire, the pale, blond man did not run away free. Instead, he used the ability to move to cover his head and take to the floor. His rump sticking up to be a better target than his head.

The men did not seem to want to take heed and instead they began to open fire on Zoe.

Zoe moved...and moved quick, into the room and behind the cover of a stack of boxes. She never had figured out why so many folks left such things around, but she wasn't upset either, needing the cover. Her return fire was methodical, taking time to aim each shot, but there were also the realities of four on one. "Wash! Get out of there!" The men were shooting back, stepping around him as he hid under the card table. "Where in the gorram hell am I supposed to go?!?" He lifted his head as if to try and move but found himself ducking back down when the men opened another bout of fast rounds. "I'm goin' to get shot!" At any rate, he did manage to move to one side of the table while the men took cover backward behind additional boxes and machinery. Wash was right in the middle of the lime light. "Knock the table over." She gave the instruction as she spun out from behind the cover, firing twice. A body hit the floor with a thud, someone wasn't going back home. Zoe might have felt bad about it, but they had started the whole thing. She was just here for Wash, and was glad to see him in one piece, though she refused to admit it. It was the most obvious thing to do, yet that idea hadn't struck him until Zoe said it too him. Okay. So she didn't just say. It wasn't a suggestion. Her voice more or less ordered it and he wasn't in much of a position to argue. Lifting up, he threw his shoulder into the round table and ducked behind closing his eyes as it came crashing to the floor. In silent thought, Wash moaned, 'There goes my winnings.' As the fire continued over his head, Wash popped open one eye and looked around his surroundings. "Rung Tse Song Di Ching Dai Wuo Tzo..." He flipped over the top of the table so the legs were sprawled out on their sides towards the men firing behind him. Wash was on the leg side, as if he was protecting himself from Zoe's fire. Not wasting a perfect opportunity, one of the big guys came out and dove down thanks to the table cover to grab Wash.

~~~tbc....(to be continued)~~~

Zoë Warren-(Written for by ZoeIWarren) First Mate
Hoban Washburne-(Written for by HobanIWashburne) Pilot


Monday, November 7, 2005 12:38 AM


Your Zoe is excellent but I can't believe Wash turned the table on the wrong side so he was covered from Zoe's position but vulnerable to the enemy. Yowzer, what we gonna do with that man? Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, November 7, 2005 9:16 AM


just like any and all men, goes off with a bunch of guys he barely knows for a game of 7 card stud and ends up in the middle of a firefight...useless *throws hands up in exasperation*


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 7:52 PM


AMDOBELL / Bellona - Yeah. Wash pounded it the wrong way. Gotta love a pilot in the company of the thugish. Thanks for the comments!


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Bringing in the Wash (D) - Postlude to 'Loose The Gorram Moustache!' Zoe/Wash
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Bringing in the Wash - Zoe/Wash (START)
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