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wash wakes up in an Alliance Prison......after being brought back to life. Not Completed.
“Wacky Fun!!” part-2
The cage Wash is pacing back and forth. “I’m dead. No. died? Dead, died, dying. Its all the same. I gotta get out of here. After what they did to me I highly doubt there going to let me just walk out of here.” God, I feel like something from “Resident Evil”. He stops at the thought of that. Shakes his head and continues pacing. But checks his pulse…. “ just in case” he thought to him self. Only chance I have to escape is when they take me out of the cage. Whenever that is.If they brought me back, that means every one else must think I’m dead. Better yet KNOW I’m dead. So there’s help from them. He looks around, trying to find some clue to where he was. “If this is an Alliance facility, its gotta be one of the core planets. Since its most likely a secret facility. There’s only one planet I can think of. “Ariel.”
Back in the camp, Simon, Mal, Zoë are being held at gun point.Jayne walks in and points his gun behind what seems to be the shooters leader.Jayne looks at the man. “I wouldn’t get too carried away if I was you.” he put his gun down the rest follows. Simon is surprised at the turn of events “Who would have thought Jayne would EVER save the day.” everyone looks at Simon. The shooter to Mal “I take it YOU are the captain.” “why?” Mal says. “I’m sorry for extreme measures. But I had to make sure it was you.”the shooter replied. Mal looked at the man. "You said you had a job. you best tell us before we take our business elsewhere. Considering your not in any place to argue.” The shooter smiles “my name is Murray, and shooting me? Well that’s out of the question.”Murray said. “whys that?” Mal asked. “Because I know whereabouts of your little friend Wash. And believe me, it’s not six feet under.” said Murray.
Wash is sitting on the floor. Wash stands up when hears foots steps. “Easy now.” the voice says. “I’m here to help you.” Wash looks at him like he never heard a word he just said. “you know if your planning-----s-say what? Help me? Why?” the man says “Lets just say I have a little….score to settle so to speak.” he smiled. Wash gets a little worried “see that right there, that look. Really don’t like the look.” the man continues. “oh don’t worry, it has nothing to do with you.” “Really! Then why are you here?” Wash asked “ To help you get out.” the man said “And you would do that because….” the man smiles “Of the last confrontation we had. Having to do with one River and Simon Tam.” Wash looks at him. “I’m not going to tell you where they are if that’s what you mean.” “I’m going to get you out of here.” the man says. “What do you want from me? I don’t think your gonna break me outta here for free.” “I’m not.” Wash gives him an ‘I knew it’ look. “All I want from you is to not get caught. I think that’s more than fair.” “why should I trust you? You work for the Alliance, how do I know you won’t pretend to (Wash being him makes the bunny ears.) “catch” me? Turn me in and get the prize for your self? Better yet how do you know I won‘t.” “Because I want revenge, you want to get out. And it just so happens that you getting out, works for me. And for you trusting me, lets just say when I want some thing. I get it. And if I want you out. You’ll get out.” he starts to walk a way “my name is Victor, by the way. And you haven’t seen the last of me.” Wash looks slightly confused, not knowing what to do. I know I’m not the “fire fight” kinda person, I fly the ship for crying out loud! Always have an excuse for that, “Sorry! I must be on the wrong ship.” this may be my only chance to get out. Wash laughs to him self “if Zoë could see me now.”
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 2:17 PM
Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:16 PM
Saturday, April 1, 2006 6:46 PM
Thursday, April 13, 2006 1:53 PM
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