John Boehner proves that O-Care website works ElvisChrist 6 11/24/2013 1:14:58 AM
Tea Party woman calls for bringing back slavery and denying women the right to vote ElvisChrist 1 11/23/2013 11:41:07 PM
Christie’s Leadership of GOP Governors Elevates and Tests Him Niki2 1 11/23/2013 10:10:18 PM
Officials: Iran Nuke Deal Reached in Geneva Niki2 1 11/23/2013 10:08:45 PM
Phone calls on planes? Please, no! Niki2 1 11/23/2013 10:07:26 PM
Yet another Tea Party f**k head. ElvisChrist 1 11/23/2013 8:26:15 PM
And yet another Tea Party threat against the president ElvisChrist 2 11/23/2013 7:20:03 PM
Sanjay Gupta tells Rush to go fuck himself. ElvisChrist 7 11/23/2013 7:03:24 PM
Do-Nothing Congress Pissed Because Reid Called Their Bluff SHINYGOODGUY 13 11/23/2013 7:01:57 PM
Happy 50th Doctor Who TRAVELER 4 11/23/2013 4:52:27 PM
News media protest White House press access limits Geezer 3 11/23/2013 4:08:41 PM
Taking 'Obama' out of health care Geezer 8 11/23/2013 4:07:23 PM
Rand Paul Aids Surprise Guantánamo Bay Win for Obama Niki2 3 11/23/2013 4:06:32 PM
Bobby Jindal: Republicans must shed image as 'party of no' Niki2 3 11/23/2013 4:06:11 PM
Republicans stall defense bill again Niki2 3 11/23/2013 4:05:52 PM
State-run health insurance exchanges report November ‘enrollment surge’ Niki2 3 11/23/2013 4:05:33 PM
Obamacare - Just Wait SHINYGOODGUY 4 11/23/2013 4:05:00 PM
Scott Walker, Time Lord ElvisChrist 2 11/23/2013 4:04:22 PM
Tea Party posts death threats against President Obama ElvisChrist 2 11/23/2013 4:04:02 PM
In Landmark Vote, Senate Limits Use of the Filibuster Niki2 29 11/23/2013 4:02:44 PM
The Republican Playbook - Obamacare or Bust! SHINYGOODGUY 6 11/23/2013 4:02:28 PM
Anti-Obama ‘Revolution’ Fizzles As Only About 100 People Attend Niki2 7 11/23/2013 4:02:13 PM
Suggestion Niki2 8 11/23/2013 3:51:11 PM
Obama belittles Gettysburg Address. AURaptor 72 11/23/2013 2:41:03 PM
Halloween, the 70's, cartoons that would have never made it mainsream, and pure, unadultrated awesmenosess! 6IXSTRINGJACK 8 11/23/2013 2:37:28 PM
Socialist lawmaker urges workers to 'take over' Boeing Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 2:30:39 PM
Jury finds former Duke Lacrosse accuser Crystal Mangum guilty of second-degree murder Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 2:21:35 PM
*fingers in temple pose* Ummmm, Fascinating?? Wishimay 2 11/23/2013 2:21:34 PM
Older Democratic Aides up in Arms Over Obamacare Costs Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:55:50 PM
USPS ad for ‘holiday stamps’ omits Christmas — includes Kwanzaa Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:55:11 PM
Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger Americans Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:49:03 PM
Obamacare Site Shopping Tool Removed to Avoid Sticker Shock Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:47:58 PM
HHS Plans to Spend Up to $7B to Find Ways to Reduce Costs Under Obamacare Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:41:09 PM
James Carville: Obamacare Rollout a 'Joke,' Is President's Fault Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:39:54 PM
Insurance Commissioners to Obama: Obamacare 'Fix' Will Raise Premiums Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:37:20 PM
Exemptions to Obamcare Doled Out to President's Supporters Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:33:51 PM
Obamacare — Now You Can't Keep Your Doctor Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:29:42 PM
Gallup Poll: 63 Percent of Uninsured Are 'Unhappy' With Online Exchanges Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:29:07 PM
VP Biden: 'God Willing,' Obamacare Website Will Be Fixed Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 1:28:37 PM
Crack-Smoking Toronto Mayor Has Higher Approval Ratings Than Obama Jongsstraw 5 11/23/2013 1:27:31 PM
WaPost Poll: Opposition to Obamacare Rises to Record High Jongsstraw 3 11/23/2013 1:25:19 PM
Dollar Store Toilet "Blue" and Local Water Reclimation 6IXSTRINGJACK 1 11/23/2013 1:24:30 PM
Obamacare Poster Girl Now Without Insurance Again Jongsstraw 3 11/23/2013 1:23:57 PM
Fox News’ Hasselbeck: Obamacare is hurting ‘many’ elderly pregnant women Niki2 22 11/23/2013 1:18:16 PM
Oregon's Obamacare Site: No Enrollees After $305 Million From Taxpayers Jongsstraw 2 11/23/2013 12:30:48 PM
Chao: No Guarantee Healthcare Site Will be Fixed by Deadline Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 11:52:32 AM
Pakistani Doctor Who Helped US Get bin Laden Charged With Murder Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 11:44:15 AM
During chilly November, feds jet off to Caribbean resort at taxpayer expense Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 11:17:14 AM
Obama Biography Required Reading For Fourth-Graders Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 11:15:09 AM
Obama’s choice for Fed chair: Hurting savers is good policy Jongsstraw 1 11/23/2013 11:11:43 AM