‘Superbugs’ Found Breeding in Chinese Sewage Plants 1kiki 1 12/16/2013 6:18:55 PM
"Homeland" downgrades Morena Baccarin whozit 9 12/16/2013 5:57:52 PM
Scientist: Eruption Of Yellowstone Super Volcano Would Be 2,000 Times The Size Of Mount St. Helens AURaptor 4 12/16/2013 4:01:00 PM
FBI disrupts shootings through interventions Geezer 3 12/16/2013 12:58:33 PM
Ryan: We’re Willing To Hold The Debt Limit Hostage Again Niki2 1 12/16/2013 12:31:18 PM
If guns kill people.... 6IXSTRINGJACK 2 12/16/2013 6:16:48 AM
Michigan 'Rape Insurance' Bill Passes Into Law Niki2 12 12/16/2013 5:33:06 AM
Stupid crook tricks, D.C. Style Geezer 2 12/15/2013 2:26:54 PM
Health insurance enrollment by Hispanics is lagging in California Geezer 7 12/15/2013 1:24:35 PM
Mandela - Rest in Peace SHINYGOODGUY 61 12/15/2013 1:16:46 PM
White House delayed enacting rules ahead of 2012 election to avoid controversy Geezer 1 12/14/2013 11:12:55 PM
Australia high court overturns ACT gay marriage law Geezer 18 12/14/2013 7:53:20 PM
Belgian Senate votes to extend euthanasia to children Geezer 11 12/14/2013 5:37:12 PM
"‘God Help Us’: Fox News Columnist Calls Pope Francis the ‘Catholic Church’s Obama’ Niki2 66 12/14/2013 1:43:32 PM
John Boehner Crushes The Tea Party -- But Can He Do It Again? Niki2 2 12/14/2013 10:00:22 AM
Why Is Fox Paying Fired Executive $8 Million In Hush Money? Niki2 1 12/14/2013 9:30:28 AM
NBC/WSJ Poll Shows Majority of People Reject the Republican Party and Their Views Niki2 3 12/14/2013 7:04:10 AM
Duke Lacrosse accuser, Cyrstal Mangum... AURaptor 78 12/13/2013 7:36:26 PM
Reality Ensues. FREMDFIRMA 4 12/13/2013 5:36:24 PM
Deaf signer at Mandela funeral a fake Magonsdaughter 21 12/13/2013 5:26:02 PM
Commie Jane Fonda and her Phoney Foundation (Not PN but should be the one reporting this story) whozit 1 12/13/2013 10:58:27 AM
Stay classy, Barry. AURaptor 48 12/13/2013 10:24:46 AM
In More Bad News For GOP, U.S. Ends Bailout With Sale Of GM Stock Niki2 2 12/12/2013 7:23:27 PM
Evidence of Sanity. FREMDFIRMA 17 12/12/2013 4:10:28 PM
Republicans moving to overhaul 2016 primary process Niki2 10 12/12/2013 2:34:00 PM
John Boehner: Conservative Groups Have 'Lost All Credibility'; Paul Ryan: "It's a strange new normal, isn't it?" Niki2 3 12/12/2013 1:48:54 PM
GOPers Launch ‘Talkathon’ To Slow Action Niki2 2 12/12/2013 11:16:05 AM
Local leaders planning for climate effects Geezer 1 12/12/2013 8:26:04 AM
Another show that nearly got past me TRAVELER 6 12/12/2013 6:30:15 AM
Florida Governor’s Continuing Crusade To Shrink The Vote Niki2 2 12/12/2013 4:48:33 AM
Z-Man arrested on domestic violence charges AGAIN. ElvisChrist 58 12/12/2013 4:05:13 AM
Flat tire in Alaska AURaptor 4 12/11/2013 11:21:34 PM
Remember that X-Files episode with the creepy inbred hicks? Yeah, It's real.... Wishimay 4 12/11/2013 4:48:34 PM
Limbaugh Accuses Pope Francis Of 'Pure Marxism' Niki2 16 12/11/2013 4:04:13 PM
Boehner Snaps At Conservative Groups For 'Using' House Republicans Niki2 2 12/11/2013 3:39:44 PM
Defying the dictators at Mandela service Niki2 1 12/11/2013 12:32:03 PM
Report: Younger Women Nearing Pay Equality With Men Niki2 1 12/11/2013 12:17:55 PM
Supreme Court may back EPA on air pollution rule Niki2 1 12/11/2013 11:59:52 AM
Dick Cheney Didn't Regret His Vote Against Freeing Nelson Mandela, Maintained He Was A 'Terrorist' Niki2 27 12/11/2013 10:44:51 AM
It's A Deal! Paul Ryan, Patty Murray Announce Budget Agreement Niki2 1 12/11/2013 9:33:06 AM
The Rapper Jongsstraw 12 12/11/2013 9:19:18 AM
Apologies BYTEMITE 8 12/11/2013 9:15:25 AM
Gene therapy scores big wins against blood cancers Geezer 1 12/11/2013 8:12:45 AM
Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Costs Me About $4,500 More Jongsstraw 2 12/10/2013 9:09:17 PM
MSNBC host equates ‘Obamacare’ with N-word Jongsstraw 10 12/10/2013 6:14:10 PM
Florida Democratic congressman loses $18 million in ponzi scheme Jongsstraw 1 12/10/2013 4:30:26 PM
Tea Party trashes Cruz for Mandela praise Niki2 10 12/10/2013 2:00:35 PM
South Carolina voting on bill to end Obamacare in state Jongsstraw 3 12/10/2013 1:35:34 PM
Yet ANOTHER govt shut down! AURaptor 5 12/10/2013 9:35:51 AM
Christmas is Safe in Texas SHINYGOODGUY 2 12/10/2013 7:01:18 AM