Lost on Easter Island PIRATENEWS 2 6/19/2012 6:49:47 PM
100 ! AURaptor 6 6/19/2012 5:07:49 PM
American education scores v. other countries Niki2 5 6/19/2012 4:33:55 PM
Firefly Avengers ANTHONYT 1 6/19/2012 3:03:48 PM
Jayne on castle meatpuppet42 3 6/19/2012 1:34:21 PM
Firefly Dreamz JO753 4 6/19/2012 12:34:33 PM
So you think humans are unique? Niki2 10 6/19/2012 4:18:32 AM
Tooting my own horn Ryce 7 6/18/2012 9:15:06 PM
Secret Space: It's official, NASA replaces all astronots with Terminator drones PIRATENEWS 3 6/18/2012 7:30:41 PM
AshkeNazi Jew raped 685,000 people PIRATENEWS 1 6/18/2012 4:31:52 PM
180 Days without China ANTHONYT 4 6/18/2012 3:04:11 PM
THE OTHER SHINY CAPTION GAME ROUND #119 - It Just Keeps Flying..and flying...and flying... CUNNINGORANGETOQUE 22 6/18/2012 1:20:14 PM
BEIJING NUKED !!!! AURaptor 2 6/18/2012 11:13:32 AM
In my Inbox Today... ANTHONYT 32 6/18/2012 10:50:18 AM
More on the Veterans Administration Niki2 3 6/18/2012 4:10:52 AM
Fall TV Lineup! Wishimay 18 6/18/2012 1:32:04 AM
Making a Major Deal out of a Minority Character ANTHONYT 31 6/17/2012 8:00:07 PM
A Big Problem for Republicans Niki2 16 6/17/2012 4:06:48 PM
HBO puts George W Bush's head on a stick PIRATENEWS 24 6/17/2012 3:11:19 PM
Science News: Is River's ESP Real? two 61 6/17/2012 11:33:20 AM
North Carolina tries to outlaw climate models Niki2 3 6/17/2012 9:28:30 AM
Calif. Lawmakers Pass Budget on $15.7B Deficit Niki2 3 6/17/2012 5:47:12 AM
Socker Power? ANTHONYT 3 6/17/2012 3:08:00 AM
I knew it was too good to be true.... 6IXSTRINGJACK 8 6/17/2012 2:41:41 AM
Pedophilia, rape, homosexuality, penguins PIRATENEWS 1 6/16/2012 7:32:59 PM
Ya gotta love it! Niki2 7 6/16/2012 5:55:11 PM
Who'd-a thunk it? Niki2 2 6/16/2012 12:43:47 PM
Shrinkage?? Wishimay 3 6/16/2012 10:36:59 AM
Latest Democrat sex scandal whozit 2 6/16/2012 7:47:26 AM
Gun Care Question: Cleaning Vera BYTEMITE 17 6/15/2012 3:20:51 PM
To the Progressives WULFENSTAR 40 6/15/2012 3:00:18 PM
The "RWED" in 6 steps..... 6IXSTRINGJACK 37 6/15/2012 2:15:48 PM
An Obamination chrisisall 102 6/15/2012 1:20:34 PM
Wisconsin AURaptor 57 6/15/2012 12:27:40 PM
MSM Attacks Romeny , Gives Obama a Pass-- not PN NewOldBrownCoat 20 6/15/2012 7:58:34 AM
A good article on what's going on in Europe kpo 11 6/15/2012 3:56:29 AM
Bunnies, Bambis, Buzzards live in the Suicide Forest PIRATENEWS 3 6/14/2012 7:46:24 PM
Were the Hands of Blue Inept? m52nickerson 10 6/14/2012 7:04:24 PM
Dark Age Premium Prices ANTHONYT 5 6/14/2012 3:48:54 PM
Carbon dioxide levels rise to 400 ppm Niki2 45 6/14/2012 3:17:17 PM
Marines Versus Romans: who would win? pizmobeach 22 6/14/2012 2:34:44 PM
Stupid things Republican politicians say to appeal to their base kpo 22 6/14/2012 12:29:31 PM
It sucked whozit 2 6/14/2012 12:12:17 PM
Romney's first 100 days in office Niki2 4 6/14/2012 9:48:13 AM
Family net worth plummets nearly 40% Niki2 21 6/14/2012 8:17:51 AM
President Romney of Caucasiastan Niki2 3 6/14/2012 7:40:15 AM
DOJ says it will sue Florida over voting rolls purge Niki2 17 6/14/2012 7:26:55 AM
Zombie Ammo ANTHONYT 6 6/14/2012 6:37:47 AM
The Avengs VETERAN 4 6/14/2012 12:31:56 AM
Bring On the Dancing Horses Kwicko 1 6/13/2012 4:57:25 PM