Veronica Mars in danger of cancellation

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 5, 2005 09:58
VIEWED: 8032
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Saturday, March 12, 2005 2:13 AM


The ratings for Veronica Mars are and have been extremely low (although they have grown a minimal amount), which isn't much warrant for the network to renew it for another season. They really need to see a growth in viewers and increased fan support. I'm not sure how many people here at FireflyFans actually watch the show but I thought I'd come and beg people to at least give the show a try. It's fine if you don't like it. I don't expect everyone to fall head over heels in love with it but at least give it an hour of your time. This is not your average, run of the mill, teen angst show. Veronica Mars is intelligently written, has an amazing cast, and I really think it has something for everyone. So pretty please with cherries on top, give it a try.

If you don't know anything about the show, there's some brief info at

You can also go to UPN's official website at or Neptune High at, which is an excellent fan site.

Veronica Mars airs on UPN Tuesdays at 9/8c

Next week (Mar. 15) VM is a rerun ("Silence of the Lambs") and there will also be a rerun Mar.22 ("Clash of the Tritons"). New episodes start back Mar.29.

For those of you already fans of the show, go to to find out about some ways you can help save the show.

Farscape, I-Man, Wonderfalls, and Firefly are all shows I love that had so much potential and were cancelled prematurely. I don't want to have to add Veronica Mars to that list. So please, check out the show.

And I know none of you know me. In fact this is my first post in this community. I just really wanted to get the word out about VM so maybe a couple of new people will decide to give it a try.



Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:00 AM


America loves a winner!

I've tried to avoid watching V.M. One, because I'm getting too old to watch shows based on characters still in H.S. Two, because it IS a good show, and I'm afraid I'll get hooked into lliking it, which will lead me to watch it , which will lead to it being cancelled and leaving ( once again ) with that icky empty feeling.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:15 AM


I would watch it. I would LOVE to watch it, in fact.

But I don't get UPN. *muttergrowl*

I'm trying to get the episodes by other means, but that, of course, doesn't really help the ratings...

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:42 AM


As far as ratings go, I'm pretty sure unless you have a ratings box, it doesn't matter whether you actually watch or not. However, you could let UPN know that you love the show by letters or sending in the $2 found at Save Veronica Mars. Or you could send in letters/sign up at tvshowsondvd/amazon to help get VM on DVD, which would probably be more beneficial to you since you don't have UPN. There's plenty of ways to show the network that you support the show.

And as a side note, I also didn't get UPN or at least that's what I thought. Where I live, the local channel that carries the WB used to switch to UPN after the WB primetime shows were done airing. However, it started airing only the WB about a year or so ago. I had been downloading VM episodes until one night while channel surfing, I happened to come across Top Model. Turns out another channel airs UPN primetime and I just didn't know it. So you might want to make absolutely sure none of your local channels carries UPN b/c I thought mine didn't and it turns out they did. :)


Saturday, March 12, 2005 4:56 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I've tried to avoid watching V.M. One, because I'm getting too old to watch shows based on characters still in H.S. Two, because it IS a good show, and I'm afraid I'll get hooked into lliking it, which will lead me to watch it , which will lead to it being cancelled and leaving ( once again ) with that icky empty feeling.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Trust me when I say I know that icky empty feeling. I've had far too many of the shows I love cancelled by stupid networks *cough* Scifi/FOX *cough* who I now wish to beat over the head with something large and heavy. (I'm not bitter or anything... ) The reason I'm willing to still fight for those struggle, underrated shows is b/c I think they deserve it. TV has seriously gone to a very dark and fiery place and what few good shows manage to escape need all the support they can get. UPN saved Roswell for another season and took over Buffy from the WB. I think if the fans show support for VM, they'll listen. I might be wrong but I don't want to sit by and watch yet another great show go down the drain.


Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:10 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I really like Veronica Mars, and watch it every week. My situation is similar to TheCrazyKind's, since there is no UPN affiliate in my area. Where I live there is also not a WB affiliate either, but the local FOX channel runs the WB primetime lineup starting at 9PM (Central), and my cable company runs the UPN primetime shows on their second C-SPAN channel from 7-9pm. Because of that reason, I'm not sure I could help VM even if I did have a ratings box, but I'm going to send off a note to UPN to let them know Veronica Mars is the only one of their shows I watch at all.


Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:22 AM


Unless UPN are really stupid then I don't think they will cancel Veronica Mars. Veronica Mars is the only good show they have ever created. They didn't create Buffy.

If they are smart they should release the DVD set of season 1 before they show season 2. It will no doubt sell well on DVD and attract a bigger following, which will lead to a ratings boost for season 2.


Saturday, March 12, 2005 11:12 AM


Veronica Mars is truly outstanding, well worth saving. I voted on a "save Veronica Mars" online petition a week or so ago, but don't recall where it was. The push to save Mars, i.e., give it a second season, was at that time very strong, and probably still is. Critics love it. Remember, Alyson Hannigan is on the show, and may well have a big part in season two.

So, please do everything y'all can to save "Mars."

TheCrazyKind, a week or so ago I posted that Hannigan was going to be on Veronica Mars, on this forum. The thread, "Hannigan goes to Mars," was seen by only about 5-600 people, and has now drifted into obscurity.

Thank you for your insight and for bringing this great show once again to this worthy forum.

Zoic, great idea on the early DVD. Can that actually happen?


Saturday, March 12, 2005 5:32 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by thecrazykind:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I've tried to avoid watching V.M. One, because I'm getting too old to watch shows based on characters still in H.S. Two, because it IS a good show, and I'm afraid I'll get hooked into lliking it, which will lead me to watch it , which will lead to it being cancelled and leaving ( once again ) with that icky empty feeling.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Trust me when I say I know that icky empty feeling. I've had far too many of the shows I love cancelled by stupid networks *cough* Scifi/FOX *cough* who I now wish to beat over the head with something large and heavy. (I'm not bitter or anything... ) The reason I'm willing to still fight for those struggle, underrated shows is b/c I think they deserve it. TV has seriously gone to a very dark and fiery place and what few good shows manage to escape need all the support they can get. UPN saved Roswell for another season and took over Buffy from the WB. I think if the fans show support for VM, they'll listen. I might be wrong but I don't want to sit by and watch yet another great show go down the drain.

Yeah, I use to believe in things when I was your age too.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:10 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Yeah, I use to believe in things when I was your age too.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "

Hey, Farscape got a mini series, Firefly is getting a movie, and Wonderfalls got put on DVD. I know it happens.


Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:17 PM



Originally posted by Ruxton:
Veronica Mars is truly outstanding, well worth saving. I voted on a "save Veronica Mars" online petition a week or so ago, but don't recall where it was. The push to save Mars, i.e., give it a second season, was at that time very strong, and probably still is. Critics love it. Remember, Alyson Hannigan is on the show, and may well have a big part in season two.

So, please do everything y'all can to save "Mars."
TheCrazyKind, a week or so ago I posted that Hannigan was going to be on Veronica Mars, on this forum. The thread, "Hannigan goes to Mars," was seen by only about 5-600 people, and has now drifted into obscurity.

Thank you for your insight and for bringing this great show once again to this worthy forum.

Zoic, great idea on the early DVD. Can that actually happen?

VM is a truly great show and even if this post only convinces one person to go check out the show, that's one more fan to support it. I cross posted this on a couple of Farscape forums and a Lost one as well so hopefully it will get some people's attention.

And it's wonderful to hear that there's a good amount of fan support behind the show. I just hope people keep sending in letters and telling people about the show. Oh, also, you can find the petition and a poll through


Saturday, March 12, 2005 7:20 PM


Yeah but I have to say the Farscape miniseries came too late and suffered not only from the cast looking as if they were in clothes too small (metaphorical sense here) but the storytelling suffered Sci-Fi's new 'Let's cram good mini-series into two nights' syndrome. They would've been better off with three nights if they were going to focus on the baby so much.

Those guys REALLY need to get back into three nights. Children of Dune was fantastic IMO for someone who hadn't read the books. Look at Earthsea. So much potential :(


Saturday, March 12, 2005 8:54 PM



Originally posted by GwenHarker:
Yeah but I have to say the Farscape miniseries came too late and suffered not only from the cast looking as if they were in clothes too small (metaphorical sense here) but the storytelling suffered Sci-Fi's new 'Let's cram good mini-series into two nights' syndrome. They would've been better off with three nights if they were going to focus on the baby so much.

I agree that the mini had some major faults but I'm one of those people that believes it was far better then getting nothing at all. The mini did resolve the major storyline. Should it have been longer? Most defiantly but I would take those crammed four hours over 'to be continued' any day. And honestly, when it comes to Scifi, what can you expect? They're not exactly known for quality television anymore. It's a shame because it really use to be a great network.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005 9:28 AM


Thanks for reminding me about the $2 bill thing.
I just printed mine out. I meant to do it when I first read the TV Guide item, but didn't know where to get one (the mag didn't say). I signed the online petition, too. The only painful part was checking the 35-49 Age Demographic option. Youch! Oh, well it was for a good cause. VM is one of my favorites this year.
Nice to meet you, Crazy!


Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:45 AM


People have to tell me about these shows at the beginning. I heard about this show way too late. I searched around a bit for a place to download the episodes and get caught up but I didn't find anything. So I gave up. Looks like I won't be let down if it gets cancelled though. That's some consolation.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:09 AM


Aw, Zeek, it's never too late! We can help you get caught up on story lines or answer any questions you have. You can check out Veronica's Desktop at the UPN site. If the show gets another season, there will probably be summer reruns as well. You don't have to give up the ship yet!


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:48 AM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
Aw, Zeek, it's never too late! We can help you get caught up on story lines or answer any questions you have. You can check out Veronica's Desktop at the UPN site. If the show gets another season, there will probably be summer reruns as well. You don't have to give up the ship yet!

Eh I'm a purist when it comes to stories. If I can't get it all first hand then I don't go for it at all.

Don't worry though. I found a source for the episodes last night. We'll see if I can't get caught up before the season ends.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:54 AM


Glad to hear it.


Sunday, March 20, 2005 2:25 AM


You know "Veronica Mars" is the best thing on TV, right? Do your friends know? Does your family? Are you struggling to find a way to describe the show that doesn’t sound a) cheesy, b) too teenagery or c) just like Buffy or Nancy Drew? Have you managed to persuade them to watch only to have them go “Huh?” because they’ve missed the last [insert number] episodes and the show's intricately woven mysteries and multi-layered characters are too perplexing?

Well we were in the same boat and did something about it. Welcome to Mars, a beginner’s guide to "Veronica Mars". We have as much or as little as the newbie needs to catch up. Want a detailed episode description? You got it. Need to get a character sketch? It’s there. Want to know who killed Lilly Kane? So do we all, but how about a summary of the investigation to date or a list of all the clues, episode by episode? Come and spend five minutes or five hours and you’ll be as sharp as Veronica with what’s going on.

Between us, we will show the clueless what they’re missing. They will thank us. There will be chocolate.


Sunday, March 20, 2005 2:52 AM


Veronica Mars is a TERRIFIC show. Like WYK, I maintain a large website and very active messageboard that covers it and ABC's LOST (and also the known Whedonverse *wink*).

If you are interested in weekly reviews by excellent reviewers and intelligent discussion of each episode, updated regularly, I would like to invite you to visit S3: The Soulful Spike Society at:

I think you will like our friendly, fun intelligent atmostphere. And of course, rocks! Not trying to take anything away from them!

S3 Web Admin


Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:53 AM


Hey WYK!!

Man! You've put some serious time and love into that website. What an outstanding job! I sincerely recommend anyone who has, or contemplates, a website to visit "" to see how it ought to be done.

Your efforts make everything clear, and those of us who have loved Veronica Mars from the start can also benefit from a visit to your site. It explains a LOT.


And go visit

Here are some whupass numbers of interest for Veronica's fans:
Results of E! Online's Fifth Annual "Save One Show" Poll:

Total number of votes: 686,323

15. The Wire (HBO): Less than 1%
14. Kevin Hill (UPN): Less than 1%
13. Medical Investigation (NBC): Less than 1%
12. The West Wing (NBC): Less than 1%
11. Jack & Bobby (WB): 1%
10. North Shore (Fox): 1%
9. Joan of Arcadia (CBS): 2%
8. Point Pleasant (Fox): 2.5%
7. Enterprise (UPN): 3%
6. Tru Calling (Fox): 5%
5. Life as We Know It (ABC): 5.5%
4. Charmed (WB): 6%
3. American Dreams (NBC): 7%
2. Arrested Development (Fox): 9%
*** 1. Veronica Mars (UPN): 56% ****
Come on, now, Sugar.
Bring it on, bring it on, yeah!

If you care, mail a letter to Dawn Ostroff urging her to keep Veronica Mars around. The address: Dawn Ostroff, UPN President, 11800 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025


Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:04 PM


Thanks for the kind words Ruxton, but I don't deserve all the credit. The website is the result of an insane, highly experimental, colloborative group effort by 12 posters from TWoP who had this crazy idea to create a website to help introduce new viewers to the show. We are amazed that a group of strangers spanning multiple time zones and 3 continents was actually able to create, design and launch the website in less than two weeks. It's just a sign of how we love the show and how much we want it to succeed.

You can read the more about how the site was created on our About the Site page.


How good is Veronica Mars?

Veronica Mars won the recent Eonline Kristin save our show poll with 56% of the votes. Arrested Development came in second with 9% of the vote. Veronica Mars had approximately 320,000 more votes than the second place show.

When given a choice between voting for Veronica Mars or Marti Noxon's Point Pleasant in the above mentioned poll, members of voted for Veronica Mars.

It is the highest scoring (based on recapper and user grades) show this season at Television without Pity.

It's the only show from the UPN/CBS conglomerate to land on Entertainment Weekly's list of top ten shows of 2004.

A writer in the March 13-19 edition of TV Guide called it the best show you're not watching.

I hope you guys give the show a chance.


Sunday, March 20, 2005 1:49 PM


Not to darken any spirits, but I think Firefly is a testimony that unfortinately, putting ads in papers and magazines, signing petitions etc. aren't enough to save a show. More viewers might, so watch the VM, but I don't think we can expect letter writing to work...

you can't take the sky from me


Monday, March 21, 2005 2:51 AM


The one advantage Veronica Mars has, that Firefly and Wonderfalls never had, was the support of the network. Rob Thomas (creator of VM and Cupid) has talked about the tremendous amount of support, faith, and patience UPN has shown for this show. If VM aired on Fox, the TPTB would have forced Rob to make the show and the lead character less dark and would have canceled the show after a few months.

Imagine what Firefly could have been if Fox gave Joss as much freedom as UPN gives Rob.

Rob Thomas:

I worry a great deal more about making her soft. I mean, I'm so on the other side of the fence on that -- I worry more about her becoming cute and lovable, bordering-on-popular Veronica Mars, and everybody loves her -- that will make me nervous.

I want to keep her edgy, and something that I like about the network is that they haven't made her a good girl.

["Ruskie Business"] is our best episode. It's a bit lighter, a bit smuttier -- it's the first time I've ever turned the script over and heard back from the network that they had no notes at all. In my entire career that's never happened.

Even though Firefly and Veronica Mars are set in two vastly different worlds, the first time I watched VM, it struck me that this is the kind of story Joss wanted to tell. Both shows examine how two bitter, jaded heroes try to cope with the harsh world in which they live.

Both Mal and Veronica are just normal people, without any super powers, who became bitter and jaded after a tramatic event. For Mal, the war was his turning point; for Veronica, the murder of her best friend, being abandoned by her mother, and being drugged and raped were her turning points. They know they can never return to the person they once were.

Neither of these characters are saints. They both do things that some might view as unethical. Mal is a thief who lives on the fringes of society; Veronica is a amateur teen detective who lies and schemes to strangers and those closest to her, in order to find the answers.

Yet underneath the bitterness and questionable ethics, there is still a real sense of hope, optimism, and decency. Instead of giving in and giving up, both of these characters pick themselves up, and make a new life for themselves. Life might have stepped on them and kicked them while they were down, but they refuse to break.

Plus the both shows have great snarky, laugh-out-loud dialogue.

Here's a sample of what critics have said about Veronica Mars.

I hope more people give this show a chance.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005 3:24 PM


Hey!! It's coming on RIGHT NOW!




Friday, March 25, 2005 7:26 AM


OK I've watched the first two episodes now. So far I'm convinced enough to keep watching.

I have problems with each episode so far though.

"You know what they say, 'Veronica Mars, she's a marshmellow'." - seriously wtf?

And the second episode containing Paris Hilton. There should be a big disclaimer on that. Tell me she's not in any of the rest of this series please.

Other than that the episodes seem to have decent plots. The dialogue seems to be forced witty a lot. Still not a bad show though.


Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:21 AM



Check out: ""

Go now and start reading.


Monday, March 28, 2005 7:18 AM



Originally posted by Ruxton:

Check out: ""

Go now and start reading.

No way. I'm very anti-spoiler. Unless that site reveals nothing past the second episode of the series, me no clicky. Thanks anyway.


Monday, March 28, 2005 8:40 AM


Zeek, I can promise you no more Paris Hilton.


Monday, March 28, 2005 9:44 AM


Zeek, it gives the ideas of the episodes, but no spoilers. Your're not told anything you don't want to know. But it's time to get caught up because the last seven eps of season 1 start tomorrow, and WILL reveal a lot of stuff you will need to know about.

So go already. That's one of the best websites I've seen.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:42 AM


Zeek, just wanted to remind you that a new episode airs tonight at 9 pm. Tune in!


Friday, April 1, 2005 11:31 AM


I'm very tempted to boycott this show now. Didn't anyone else get brutally attacked by the AIM adds on Tuesday? I actually had to find a hack to remove the darn things. UPN

If they didn't all make a ton of noise that would have been one thing.


Friday, April 1, 2005 11:51 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
I'm very tempted to boycott this show now. Didn't anyone else get brutally attacked by the AIM adds on Tuesday? I actually had to find a hack to remove the darn things. UPN

If they didn't all make a ton of noise that would have been one thing.

If you have an older version of AIM, you can download a program called Dead AIM that takes off all the adds and does some other nifty stuff. It doesn't work with the new versions of AIM though, so I don't know if it will help you.

Anyway, don't stop watching the show just because of the UPN's advertizing! I've actually really been enjoying this show. Who woulda thunk UPN would have something else worth watching...

I'm Dancin' like a Monkey!
-Gir, Invader Zim


Friday, April 1, 2005 11:54 AM


What are/were the AIM ads? Commercials? Spam?
I try not to pay attention to either, so I don't understand the outrage.


Friday, April 1, 2005 12:42 PM


I never, ever watch ANY ads on TV. If you doubt their great harm to your mind and reason, next time some blinking-light, gorram worthless crapola comes on, look at the wall behind your computer. Note the blinking-light effect. The light-pulse frequency interferes greatly with your ability to think. If you doubt THAT, try doing a simple math problem in your head while watching the blinking lights. It'll be IMPOSSIBLE.

TURN OFF ALL ADS, if you want to keep your reason.


Monday, April 4, 2005 7:57 AM



Originally posted by oddness2her:
What are/were the AIM ads? Commercials? Spam?
I try not to pay attention to either, so I don't understand the outrage.

They were just commercials. The problem is that they had sound with them. If it was just a blinking ad I wouldn't have cared. But I was cleaning up the house and every minute the thing would break into "VERONICA MARS ON UPN!! blah blah blah...". It was extremly annoying.

Once every hour would have been enough to annoy me, but once every other minute is uncalled for.


Monday, April 4, 2005 8:32 AM


Oh. VM is the only UPN show I watch, so I'm spared these promos on their other programs.


Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:50 AM


ONLY SIX to go, and it's on TONIGHT!


Tuesday, April 5, 2005 9:58 AM


Yeah! Between "Gilmore Girls", "Scrubs", "House" and "Veronica", Tuesday night is back to being THE night to watch TV.






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