
UPDATED: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 06:29
VIEWED: 4726
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Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:00 PM


A sign that spring is on its way, we had our first thunderstorm tonight.

Personally, I love them. My favorite kind of weather, outside of a nice hot, sunny day. Maybe it's because it brings back memories of my childhood, when an especially strong storm would knock out power and we'd light candles and read stories.

Anyone else have an affinity for thunderstorms?


Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:02 PM


Don't really get them here in CA but love them.. have been in some doozies in Boston and Texas..

magic they are... and humbling.



Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:08 PM


Hell yes! I grew up in Illinois and we would have the most spectacular storms in the springtime. The sky would turn colors that I have never seen anywhere else. We would also get some good size hail which I thought was so cool when I was a kid. Invariably every bad storm would lead to a tornado warning, luckily we never got hit.

What I miss even more is snow. Living in NC we don't get any accumulation. This year I didn't even see any snow! Oh well, at least I can golf year round.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:28 PM


Yes, Illinois thunderstorms are pretty awesome. We have been having them all weekend. Today we even had a tornado watch... I think it touched town in the next town, poor them. One of the sweetest things I have even seen in my life: I was walking from the quad to my dorm (I go to the university of illinous, champaign-urbana) and its getting ready to rain. The sky is this amazing, cloudy purple that I have never seen before or since and it frames the tall, manor-like looking buildings of the south quad, right behind the undergrad library... I felt like I was in a strange fantasy book, it was awesome. Second coolest: Last fall, we had the most amazing pink/purple sunset you have ever seen. The pink... it was so bright, it was nearly neon, and the purple was a bright, but sort of deep, indio-ish color. I love Illinois when it is about the rain :-) And then, I love it when it does rain. I like walking around in it. It feels refreshing. I got so soaked this weekened.

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:55 PM


Yup! Love a good thunderstorm.

Used to have spectacular ones in Paraguay, where I grew up as a kid. They were fantastic! A proper light show! Because Paraguay is quite a flat country you could see the storms approach in the distance - used t be amazing!

Here in the uk, they're not as spectacular but they're ok :) Usually they come after a really hot day... and y'know it being the uk....we have like two of

The best thunderstorm I ever saw was when I was flying to the Canary Islands. It was a night flight and as we flew over Jersey we could see the clouds below light up all around us! It was incredible to see. Turbulent shaped clouds below just swelling with light and edgey beams of lightening shooting out like eager tentacles all around us as we flew over. It was something I've never forgoten. Truely wonderous.

I'd love to see something like that again.



Monday, March 13, 2006 12:05 AM



Originally posted by singate:
Hell yes! I grew up in Illinois and we would have the most spectacular storms in the springtime. The sky would turn colors that I have never seen anywhere else. We would also get some good size hail which I thought was so cool when I was a kid. Invariably every bad storm would lead to a tornado warning, luckily we never got hit.

What I miss even more is snow. Living in NC we don't get any accumulation. This year I didn't even see any snow! Oh well, at least I can golf year round.

I live in the western 'burbs (moving to Chicago this fall to be closer to work).

Last spring I was at work one day and there was the biggest rain cloud I'd ever seen. It was like an eclipse, it was that big. Within a matter of a couple minutes it went from bright enough to work by sunlight to almost too dark to work without turning on the overhead lights. Luckily I had my digital camera on me so I popped outside and took this picture:


Monday, March 13, 2006 3:00 AM


I love spring, especially just as the weather starts to turn. (Plus it's shiny thinking we're almost done with snow.)

We have some occasionally great thunderstorms out here in MI. Used to be kind of a family thing growing up where when there was a particularly nasty one we'd set up on the front porch and watch the debris float down the street ;p

I always find thunderstorms sort of relaxing, actually. I'll sleep right through the worst of them.

We just had a pretty good one out here Saturday night. The worst of the storm passed over us rather quickly, but we had some lightning strikes hit pretty gorram close to where I was working at the grocery that night. Knocked our satellite muzak out (thank god :) Apparently took out the cable at home as well.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:05 AM


I love thunderstorms. They're kinda a turn-on for me. Yeah, I'm wierd --something about nature's fury unleashed, dwarfing the insignificant monuments of mankind. Little slices of apocalypse splitting the air, gone in an instant.

The ones we usually get around here are kinda weak (two or three bolts, then it's over and the sun's out), but I saw some great ones in Ottawa.

One time, I was looking out my apartment window, and I saw five bolts strike a single building in about two minutes. It was spectacular. It was like a concerted attack. Wasn't even a particularly tall building; there must've been some sort of static charge built up.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:31 AM



Originally posted by singate:
Hell yes! I grew up in Illinois and we would have the most spectacular storms in the springtime. The sky would turn colors that I have never seen anywhere else. We would also get some good size hail which I thought was so cool when I was a kid. Invariably every bad storm would lead to a tornado warning, luckily we never got hit.

What I miss even more is snow. Living in NC we don't get any accumulation. This year I didn't even see any snow! Oh well, at least I can golf year round.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.

Well, if it's snow you want... we have a ton of it right now in Minnesota. Schools are closed, roads are mush, and it's still coming. They are even saying that if you listen carefully we should be able to hear some thunder later. Nothing like a ThunderSnowStorm.

A kind word turneth away wrath, but not as well as superior firepower


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:35 AM


Nothin' better than a good thunderstorm. I lived in Oklahoma for a year and they have some great ones. Now I live in California where we don't get them too much, but we did have some thunder this weekend and even a bit of snow on the hills. It has been some strange weather that is for sure.

I love my captain


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:47 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
I go to the university of illinous, champaign-urbana


Yup, had some nice thunderstorms up in Chicago last night, nothing like watching a storm over the Chicago skyline.


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:50 AM



Originally posted by mattcoz:


God, that cheer can get on my nerves. :-)

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:14 AM


I love storms, and snow, and rain, and all the weather like that, it make late winter/early spring my favorite time of the year, which makes you something of a pariah in a place where most people spend all year working to fly to the sun, but opressive heat and sun headaches just don't do it for me sadly.

That plane ride sounded out of this world, I adore flying, I don't even read, I just spend every second taking in all the little sensations. But we flew to Barcelona a while back and came through the clouds just as the sun was turning them all these vibrant intense pinks purles and oranges. I could have died right then happy as larry, but not now, I want to see a thunderstorm from above...

We finally got some decent snow here, it only stayed for a day, but that was enough, I came down in the morning and my mum reckons my face just lit up, she said I couldn't have looked more excited if "Hugh Jackman had covered himself in chocolate sauce and sid 'well, come on then'"

I guess I like snow.

So, I had a good weekend, roll on the April storms. Though they ain't as good as yours. From my one brief visit to the States, I discovered that you guys do two things (at least) brilliantly - Dragonflys, and Weather.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:30 AM


Retrovertigo, I was gonna ask where you were from, because we had our first T-storm last night too. I'm prolly 175-200 miles to your west.

Honorbound, you deserved that snowstorm. :) Last weekend we Iowans got dumped on big time and you were spared. Now it's your turn.


They couldn't take the sky from them.
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!

... C'mon Universal, and greenlight a sequel...


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:36 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:

Originally posted by mattcoz:

God, that cheer can get on my nerves. :-)

Oh come on, it's great! Especially when it's so loud that the arena shakes, or when they're on the road and you can still hear it on the tv broadcast.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:18 PM



Originally posted by grizwald:
Retrovertigo, I was gonna ask where you were from, because we had our first T-storm last night too. I'm prolly 175-200 miles to your west.

Yeah, I'm about 35-40 miles due west of Chicago.


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:10 PM



Originally posted by Honorbound: Well, if it's snow you want... we have a ton of it right now in Minnesota. Nothing like a ThunderSnowStorm.

w00t! A wholle entire thread for people who love T-storms, this is thrilling! Mmmmm, thundersnow!
*squidges all the stormy ones*

I'm from MN, in PDX, OR, and missing thunderstorms more than most anything else about MN ('cept my friends, and deep deep lakes).
When I was a kid, before it was illegal for kids to have any fun, mom used to let us put on our swimming suits and go outside to play in summer storms. Oh, boy was that fun.

The last summer I was in MN, a train of storms passed over my place in the middle of the night. The center of an enormous storm passed right overhead, and it was the most gripping, exciting heart pounding eye searing thing ever. I felt like I was really inside it. Ooo!

Where I live now is nicely situated to see whole storm systems float pass by in all their glory, enormous thunderheads just on the far side of the river - sometimes half a dozen of them in a sunny afternoon. Beauty in the extreme, but sadly, we almost never get thunder and lightening.

It snowed on Wednesday night, and I opened my door to 4" of brilliant white on the deep green grass. It made me shout with pleasure.

Aztecs used the term firefly metaphorically, meaning a spark of knowledge in a world of ignorance or darkness.


Monday, March 13, 2006 8:54 PM



Originally posted by liminalosity:
When I was a kid, before it was illegal for kids to have any fun, mom used to let us put on our swimming suits and go outside to play in summer storms. Oh, boy was that fun.

I have a friend who got reported to social services for letting her kids do that...

But, yeah, I've always loved the energy of a good storm - the wind, the downpours, the light and colors. Definately awe inspiring.

I have to admit, though, I'm a little bit less enthusiastic about them now that I have scared little kids, a freaking-out dog, and a house surrounded by many big trees just waiting for a gust of wind to knock them onto it.

Ain't. We. Just.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:50 PM


We ain't had a good T-storm here in my part of Kansas yet this year. I can't wait. Sitting out on my porch, watching the cars go by, strummin on my guitar. Nothing beats it.

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. - Buffy


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:13 AM


Eh, they're great as long as they don't yeild hail. We now have to patch our roof, our siding, our mailbox, 2 windows, our shtters, and it totaled our van.
Noone was hurt, though.

Sure sounded cool, though.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:29 AM


It seldom hails here, and the hail is usually small and not very dense. A couple years ago I was outside in a brief hailstorm with hail that looked like lightweight but bouncy styrofoam bits. It was so cute. Lasted about 3 minutes.

Aztecs used the term firefly metaphorically, meaning a spark of knowledge in a world of ignorance or darkness.






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