Special Branch: Unbound

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 13:10
VIEWED: 17715
PAGE 3 of 3

Friday, June 9, 2006 4:45 PM


OOC: Sorry for the delay. Work, illness and I was waiting for Soul, you know the usual excuses. I will contribute something over the weekend.

The story is quite good and I don't want to just contribute fluff.

Edit: It's the ISSCV/Epsilon that is tagged.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:01 PM


Safe pauses a moment, running his hand through his hair, considering. Then, pulling an object from his pocket, he calls out. “Seryn! Catch!”

Seryn looks up from the Nandi’s controls as Safe tosses a small object to her. She catches it deftly in her left hand. It looks like a keyfob, a small black device with a single button on it.

“It’s a locator. Press the button and we'll be able to find you. You two stay safe, y’hear me?” Safe calls out. His customary grin replaced by a genuine look of concern.

Safe stands a moment as the Nandi lifts off and streak towards the horizon, then he turns and heads for the Epsilon, almost running into Soul. “You think that’s wise?” He says.

Safe rubs the back of his own neck “I hope so... I truly hope so...”

“’Tash says there’s an old iron ore mine on the back side of the moon. We can lay low there for a bit ‘til the heat dies down.” Soul says, watching the Nandi until it is no more that a glint in the distance.

“Look Soul, I’m sorry you’re wrapped up in this. They’re looking for the Epsilon and I’ll be an added bonus, but you they won’t know you...” Safe pauses recalling their past and shoots Soul a mischievous grin, “or will they?”

Grunt walks up to the two men, eyeing first one then the other. “I don’t want to interrupt, but times a wastin’.” Shifting his attention to Safe, “I’ve managed to rig something up. The tag is attached to the Nav-Com, and removing it would pinpoint our position. What I have managed to do is set it up so you can jettison the Nav-Com once you’re in flight. The down side is you will have to do all jump calculations by hand, which is a problem if you’re in a hurry.”

“Thanks Grunt, I’ll manage.” Safe smiles wearily at him, “You guys leave first, that way I’ll cover you tracks.” Safe shakes each man’s hand. “Good flying.”

Grunt sprints off to the Dagger. Soul strolls up the loading ramp of Destiny’s Shadow, turns and nods at Safe, then hits the close button and heads for the bridge.

Safe closes the hatch on the Epsilon and turns to find Rosie smiling at him. He had momentarily forgotten about her. “Well it looks like you’re with me. Strap yourself in Rosie.” Safe turns and enters the cockpit.

A pair of boots are propped on the consol. Safe drops into the pilots chair and looks over at the owner of the boots. Citizen, his hands folded behind his heads, nods casually at Safe. “You still owe me, Y’know. Besides, I never really liked Boros.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 8:21 PM


OOC: ok so i want to bring in alternate versions of shadow and ghost and have several ideas to start over with them, however i'm a little confused as to where everyone is so i can figure out if my idea will work or not. These would be new versions of shadow and ghost (ignoring what i've posted on the tree but basically the same characters and backstories). So if someone could recap where everyone is that would help.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:37 AM


OOC: Hi April!

Short update;

-Seryn & Needy, in the Nandi, are looking for Wisp and heading to town. Needy has some past to deal with.

-Soul and his crew in Destiny's Shadow are headed for an abandoned iron ore mine on an orbiting moon.

-Safe, Citizen and Rosie/TheRealTree/TRM (if C & TRM are still around. They haven't posted in a while) are in the ISSCV/Epsilon trying to draw off the Alliance by ditching the tracking device in space. They will meet up with Soul et al and come back for Seryn & Needy when the coast is clear.

If any plans or plots are left out, let me know and I will adjust/correct/fix/etc.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:32 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Boros, Helo Holding Facility:

Kyra McTaggert walked confidantly towards the prison guard standing guard outside Cell 15H. She had gotten into the building without much trouble, but knew that the last obstacle - getting by this officer - might not be so easy.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" he asked simply as she approached him.
"I need to talk to Milton" she spoke loudly, so much so that her words echoed down the halls, no doubt clearly audible even to the man inside the cell.
"I'm sorry, but Mr Reeve isn't to have any visitors. Orders from Commander Book"

She leaned in towards him, her expression softening as she pleads "Please, he's my brother, I need to talk to him"

"I wasn't aware he..."

"We haven't always seen eye to eye, but I need to see him. You know the Alliance, when they get a hold of someone, guilty or not, it will be years before they let them out. Or even let anyone see them. You've got to let me in. Please"

Kyra's lie worked. Within a few minutes, the easily-swayed guard let the young woman enter - unaware of her true reasons for wanting to see the prisoner.


Milton Reeve, a companion in training and loyal assistant to the one they call Needy, was bruised and battered, huddled in a corner of the cell. Sad to say, his torturers hadn't even started interrogating him yet.

As the door closed behind Kyra, she crouched down in an attempt to make eye contact with the prisoner. "Hello? Milton?"

"What are you doing here?" he groaned.

"I'm here to help"

"Yeah, right."

"I know what you did. As much as the Alliance may view you as a traitor, you didn't do anything wrong. You just don't wish to betray your friend"

"No. You know why? Cos I'm not like you"

She paused and stood up. She wanted to walk away. She was holding out her hand to help, and he was spitting on it. But she knew he was right. She wanted to make up for it.

"I can get you out of here."

"What can you do? You're not an officer. You're a reporter, and a bad one at that. Shouldn't you be out there looking for aliens or something"

She sighed. "Needy's gone. They took him. Those that brought the trouble here, they abducted him." She took a breath before appealing to the prisoner "I need your help. We need to find him"

Kyra's comm crackled - the one that linked her to her colleague outside. "You gotta get out here" the voice said


"It's happened again. I think they're back"

"I'll be right there" she answered him. Turning back to Milton she asks, "So, what do you say? Do you want to get outta here or not?"


Thursday, June 15, 2006 5:37 AM


Oooo Bump! Definitely BUMP!

OOC: This is a very cool twist to the story!

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 15, 2006 6:37 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The Nandi caused ripples in the water as it flew close to the sea’s surface.
Inside, Seryn piloted the ship, flying slowly, whilst Needy gazed intently out the window – looking for some sign of life.

"Anything yet?" Seryn asks

Needy delays his answer, hoping that the extra seconds would change the answer.


"NO!" he snaps, causing the ship to judder as Seryn jumps slightly. "I’m sorry," he apologizes, "no sign yet". "That wasn’t mean for her". He may have taken his frustration out on her for an instant, but he knew he was just projecting. He was mainly annoyed with himself. "I was there. This is my fault. I pushed Vixen over the edge. I could have done…something... anything."

"This wouldn’t have happened if you’d listened to me"

Needy turned and was faced with the spirit that haunted him, no longer present to encourage him, but to provoke his anger, sinking to the level of “I told you so”.

"You must understand, I’m not here to scare you, but to help you fulfil your potential. If you had done so, what had happened to Wisp wouldn’t have happened."

The boy whore ignored the being yet again, though he felt he was being pushed closer and closer to the brink of breakdown.

"Wisp wouldn’t be dead..."

"F*** you!!" Needy shouted, causing Seryn’s heart to jump up into her throat.

"What the hell? Needy?!" She turned to face him. He seemed to be alone, standing by the table behind her, his palms flat on the surface as he hangs his head down.

"You need to do what I say if you want survive”" the voice whispered in Needy’s ear.
It wasn’t the only voice he could hear though. Seryn’s, the being’s, his own conscience, the voices of people he knew. All of it was coming back to him, and he was too weak to shut it out.

Needy was losing it, this much Seryn could tell, and with her hands at the controls, she was unable to do anything.

Seryn - I finally got round to adding to it and, considering I didn't know what I was gonna write when I started, it actually developed quite a bit (even if I do say so myself).

Aprilise - Glad you could join us. If there is any more info you need, just let us know (I think its safe to say that we're all a little unsure about the finer details). I think if you just get stuck in, you'll settle soon enough.

Safe - I wasn't sure about introducing Kyra (yes its me), I was worried it might be too many plots, too soon. But I figured, it'd be best to do it whilst we're still on Boros. I've been thinking of introducing abother character since before this spin-off thread occurred

Lastly, in my post where the being says "Wisp is dead", doesn't mean its true. So don't think I've just took it upon myself to kill him off.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, June 16, 2006 8:39 AM


OOC: Hey ya'll thanks for inviting me. I wrote this last night but with the site being odd i couldn't post it. Anyway, this post kinda ignores what i posted on the Serenitree regarding Shadow and Ghost. Anyway some basic references on the characters. Truth is 15 and very protective of the girls, Shadow is 10 and a tomboy, she also gets mistaken for a boy a lot (and does not usually correct this assumption) because of her clothing and her keeping her hair under a hat, Ghost is 6 and the baby, she does not talk to anyone except Truth and Shadow. :OOC

This was their place, a place only a few people knew of, a place where they could be safe. Shadow had been shown it on her first day with the Carson’s, by another child who had the “honor” of being chosen by the family to be their children. Then at seven and three they had been, and still were the youngest taken in by the family. Truth had been twelve at the time, but had taken in the two scared new kids and helped them, protected them as much as possible from the adults wrath, made sure they were fed, and gave them their names.

Real names after all were for real children, Children with mommies and daddies, Children who went to school, Children who weren’t the Carson Kids. Real names were also a liability to the Carson’s. If people knew real names they could look up who you were and trace you to the Carson’s. That was what Truth had told them on their first day in the Carson home.

The Carson’s had other names for them. “Orphan, Brat, Maggot, It” …those were only the tip of what they called the children, and even those were used rarely, usually they were called much much worse, when the Carson’s acknowledged them at all. Truth had told them early on the Carson’s were only in it for the free labor, and money the government paid them to care for the kids, and for the uses the children had.

It was only a few days after their arrival that Truth had shown them the safe place, A place where the Carson’s couldn’t get to them, a place where it was safe to use real names.

The woods were secluded and no one entered the land surrounding the Carson’s home. The small clearing was towards the back of the property, near the river. Most of the river was dangerous, the currents strong and there were several areas where rapids and waterfalls were common, but here it was calm, good for swimming and fishing.

Despite the river’s calm no one dared travel down it far enough to find the little oasis.

Three years later their little paradise had become a home for them. Sure technically they still lived in the small, dark, dank basement of the Carson’s home, but they spent many nights camping out under the stars in their little cove, especially after the worst of the bad days with the Carson’s.

It was on one such day the three of them were sitting in their little cove, The youngest of the three sleeping on a blanket her arm wrapped in a makeshift sling, Shadow fishing at the river, and Truth tending a small fire they had made. The Carson’s had kicked them out earlier in the day and had told them not to return for two days, had handed them a loaf of stale bread and nothing else, and left them to fend for themselves.

All Truth could figure was those strange men who had come by earlier had had something to do with it, and they were looking for someone.

They would be ok though, luckily they had been stashing supplies here for years, blankets, food, and medical supplies.


Truth glanced over quickly to where Shadow stood trying to pull something from the river. Running over to Shadow he helped pull the man to shore.



Monday, June 19, 2006 3:44 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

“Needy?” Seryn calls out behind her. The companion had resorted to banging his head with force on the table top. “Needy, I need you to get a grip.”
Her words fall on deaf ears as he ignores her pleas.

”What the hell is wrong with him?” She knows she needs to do something. It’s only a matter of time before he seriously hurts himself, or worse, hurts them both.

“If you can hear me, you might wanna hang on” she tells him, before pulling back on the controls, lifting The Nandi up into the air, causing him to fall backwards and slide along the floor to the wall.

With the ship clear of any immediate obstacles, she flicks a switch – turning on the autopilot – and, leaving the pilot’s seat, approaches the companion.

With the ship now stabilized, he sits quietly by the wall with his wrists to his temples – his elbows touching each other as his arms attempt to provide a shield from the world around him.

“Needy. Needy, listen to me” she implores. “You need to fight it, you need to come back to me”
“I have no idea what I’m doing” she thought to herself “I’ve no idea what’s wrong with him All she could imagine was that whatever was wrong had been brought on by what had happened to Wisp.

“Listen, it’s not your fault what happened to Wisp. But he might be out there still. We’ve got to try and find him. You told us that. But I need your help. I need you to come back to me.”

Seryn had no clue whether or not her words were of use. She couldn’t see his face for his arms; she couldn’t tell if he had heard her, or rather, if he had chosen to listen to her.

“Dammit!” she screams frustrated as she steps back and turns away from him.

Should I go back? Take him to the others, let Safe or Soul deal with him? It seems they know him better than I. But… if Wisp is in the water, every second counts, I can’t just…


She turns round. Needy, still sitting, is looking up at her. His face is calm and collected, though in his eyes it seems as though he is confused with her.
“What are you doing? Have we found him? Why aren’t you flying?”

As scary as his breakdown had seemed, his sudden transformation was even more unnerving.
She didn’t know if she was safe being alone with him.


OOC: Well, I wasn't planning on the ending being so... cryptic. I guess I didn't know how to put things back to normal in just one post - but I didn't want to drag that little breakdown out - I'll probably revisit it later from Needy's view.

I think it's about time for a new thread. But when I just thought about doing the summary and looking what had happened, I realised how hard TRM's job was at Sereni-Tree.
I, or Seryn (or whoever wants to do it) could do a brief summary of the entire thread, or just a recap of the last few posts.
But I think the best thing, considering the number of new characters, might be that we each provide a bit of a recap of certain events for our characters - as well as a description of the new characters. Soul did a good job anyway with his introduction to Destiny's Shadow's crew. And Aprilise has done so too.
Doesn't have to be much, but I think it would help.
Just my opinion though.
You could either post them within the thread (as an update or something) or send them to myself or Seryn, for inclusion in the main summary at the beginning of Thread 2.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:40 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Im not back im just posting this from colege before my exam.

Just wanna say i think all the plots ive missed are great and ill be back as soon as i can!!!

ps-my myspace is still working so if anyone wants to contact me try


Friday, June 23, 2006 10:59 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

As Kyra exited the cell, closing the door behind her, she discovers the guard that had let her in was sitting unnervingly close to the door.

Suddenly a worrying thought crosses her mind. Did he hear our conversation?

“Everything sorted?” the guard asks her, interrupting the thought before it had time to set in.

“Sorry?” she asked softly, desperate to conceal her guilt.

“Your brother - You said what you need to say?”

“Oh, yeah.” She replies, careful to disguise the relief that had just passed over her. “It’s just… brothers, they can be so stubborn sometimes”

“I bet”

After thanking the guard for his help, she quickly makes her way towards the exit – Payne’s announcement to her had made everything more urgent. They had been given a window of opportunity, and it was doubtful the window would remain open for long.

First though, she needed to get Milton out. And she knew exactly who to turn to for help.


1 year ago:
“You’re out!” Carl Perry’s voice boomed.

“What?” Kyra gasped

“You heard! I’ve covered your back one too many times but this…” he holds up the news article in question, “you’ve gone too far this time”

“It’s the truth”

“It’s fei-oo”

“Well, we’ll let the readers decide”

“No, we won’t, because this isn’t going out there. I told you to leave the stories of aliens, ghosts and reavers at home; that if you wanna stay a reporter, you give me a real news stories. But you can’t do that can you”


“Don’t Carl me. What about the job I assigned you?”

“I can’t do that”

“You’re a reporter; you’re supposed to get your hands dirty. You’re not here to make friends, you’re here to tell the stories people wanna hear. Expose the truth.”

“This is the truth!” Kyra shouted, grabbing the article he had thrown down.

“But people don’t wanna hear that sort of news. They want to read of crooked politicians and sordid affairs, not about children being raped to death by Reavers”

Kyra breathed heavily through her nose as she tried to contain her frustration and anger. “What do you want me to say Carl?”

“Well that depends. You’ve run out of lives. Are you going to do the story I assigned you or not?”

“I can’t…”

“Then there’s the door, it’s been nice knowing you”

Carl may have been a no-nonsense boss but, even so, the ultimatum still came as a shock to her. She had gotten used to being under his wing of protection. She was a good reporter – this much he had told her plenty of times - but it didn’t seem enough now. IT seemed his hand was being forced

“What’s the story again?” she surrendered.



“Kyra?” Carl responded upon accepting the call on his mobile cortex

“Hey, Carl”. Kyra replied on the video screen.

“What is it?”

“Remember the story I did for you?”

The story? Of course. Why? What is this about?”

“Remember what you promised me?”


“Carl…” she interrupted him before he could answer. “I need to cash in that favour.”


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:10 PM


new thread then.

Still working on the summary, need to get bits straight about April's characters and kyra's bit, so bear with me.

Feel free to post there however.






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