The hall monitor checks out

UPDATED: Sunday, August 27, 2006 05:21
VIEWED: 5080
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:20 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

OK, I almost did this yesterday and I talked myself down, remembering why I love it here and how many friends I have...
I get on here every day because I don't want to miss anything. It seems there are things worth missing.
Apparently there are a few members of the site who think I behave as an annoying and bitchy "hall monitor" on a regular basis. What to me is stating simple facts is to them an attack.
*takes shaky breath* Yesterday in this thread here, I said that the topic was already being discussed and gave a link. I had nothing else to say on the subject as I don't watch SG1. I knew the threads couldn't be consolodated at that point, I just wanted to point out that the topic had already been broached and there was a discussion clipping along about it. For some reason I thought it would be useful. I also somehow thought that it might let someone know to check around in the future before starting a thread. That's really all there was to it, believe it or not.
Yes, duplicate threads annoy me. Yes, threads in the wrong place annoy me. And yes on this thread I did say why after losing my temper because the original poster jumped down my throat.
So then more people jumped down my throat. Not just in-thread but in messages.
When I tried to explain that I was upset at being jumped on, I was told that their reaction was justified but mine was not, and that I did come off as bitchy and should pretty much just shut up.

So I'm shutting up, basically.

I care about this community. Maybe too much. I care about the people and I invest myself in conversations. And up until about two weeks ago, I always felt completely welcome. I no longer feel completely welcome. It's like a very strange party where some people are giving me hugs and others are continually pushing me towards the door.
I need to get my temper back in check. I'm in some kind of vicious spiral where I get annoyed about something, which leaves me open to be more annoyed and still more annoyed and finally angry and hurt, so I'm feeling oddly sensitive. I really can't take the idea of the possibility I will be attacked, and it's likely I will see even the merest slight as an attack right about now, let alone being referred to as "bitches-r-us" or similar.

Magdalena, Oddsbodkins, DancingNeko, PaganPaul, Penguin, DesktopHippie, Tristan, SpaceAnJL, Whitefall, msg, QuietSerenity, nvghostrider, FollowMal, citizen, and any shiny supportive people I might have forgotten, I'll miss you. You've gotten me through a lot in these past few months, and I know you care about me as I care about you.
Hopefully this will be temporary. I really can't say how long I'll be gone. Please take care of the Forsaken for me.

pdcharles, I don't know if you're still around. A certain person mentioned you to me when I said I defended people when insults were thrown at them rather than adding insult to injury, as I felt was being done to me. I was told that many people jumped on you for something you had not done and I hadn't been there. I didn't see it, and I'm sorry. I hope you aren't gone. Or if you are, that it's temporary as I hope my absence will be.

So... so that's it. I've said my bit, and I wish you all a hopefully temporary farewell.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:27 AM


*runs after PR*

Don't leave because of this.

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:28 AM


Come back soon Miss PhoenixRose!

We will keep the Forsaken threads warm for you!

You will be missed...I learn so much from you...about everything!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 6:33 AM


Boy, I'm sorry to hear that you're taking a leave of absence, Rose. We'll keep the (Forsaken) home fires burning. Hope everything works out just the way you want it to!

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:00 AM


I made you a little something...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:01 AM


Checking me out?? Why thank-you... wait, there's more... OOhhh, boy am I embarassed. Seems I should READ EVERYTHING first.

Hang on a moment Rose, whilst I get up to speed (mostly to hide my shame)

Ok....umm hmm... yes, I can see that... way outta line... Soulda seen it as a service... Well now, that was uncalled for... wait there's a link... ok, I see nothing wrong with that... whew, that a lot of readin'.

Rose, I tend to stay out of a lot of threads, mainly because I am an atrocious typist and that the typed word is SOOO lacking emotion. What should come across as a suggestion, may be read as an attack.

Seems to me, you have more friends here than you know. Give it another chance. I never like to see a browncoat leave, especially one with such a sparkling personality as yourself, and I've only spoken to you a few times.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:13 AM


Yeah, place wouldn't be the same without you. I'm sure nobody meant ill. Sometimes folks get rowdy, is all.

Please don't leave us.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:39 AM


Heaven forbid you actually try and build people up rather than break them down. That would damage the delicate sensibilies of all "those folks" who project their insecurites by posting insults rather than attempting assertive, adult conversation. And how hard is it to speak, let alone type, without cussing every other word. It happens in the heat of the moment, but how hard is it to develop ones vocabulary enough as not to need to disrespect yourselves by cussin' and carryin' on.
I'm glad we have folks like PR around. Sometimes we need someone to point out that we may be out of line in a very acceptable manner.
I'd rather have a Browncoat like PR to mention that I may be a bit out of line rather than have anyone else "tell" me the same thing.

We love you Phoenix Rose.



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:42 AM


*reaches over to hug PR*
*sputter* But....but...our conversations were getting interesting and fun! *mock whine*

Seriously though, come back when you're feeling better. It seems some people take things the wrong way whenever anyone doesn't fit their notions of how everyone should act. ...and since this is the internet, people seem to forget that there's a person on the other side of the screen.

Side note: This is the second time in less than a month that people have decided to leave because others here are taking things and making them into personal attacks. I don't know where these people get off (and I don't care how old they are -- 12 or 200). It seems though, that these people are "popular" (whatever they say, most people seem to follow their lead). ...Then again, I've come here and felt to a certain extent as an outsider, cautiously welcomed but eyed as if I'm going to break the fine china or steal the family heirlooms, so *shrug*...take it as you will.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:42 AM


PR.. please consider this before leaving.

I had never posted anywhere before I came here and before joining the Appreciatin' Nathan crew on the BB.

I've learned in this years time that these things come and go on boards. That most often if folks will remember to live and let live that this sort of thing blows over.

There's been a lot of strife on our board lately.. dunno what exactly has caused it. I think we all pick up on it, whether we want to or not.

I do know that losing you from our family ( even for a short while) is not something I'm happy about. I hope you know how much you're held in esteem around here. Cuz you are. You are a much loved member of our crew.

I remember a time that I said too much in jest on my other board. We were just kidding around and it went too far. When someone chided us for it a bit.. I got so offended. I announced I was considering leaving... and the no's just poured in. Made me feel so loved. I vowed not to do that anymore. It's so hard to convey in typing what you really feel. Even with emoticons helping, it's difficult. We need to all give each other a break about that and seek to understand before we think we're not welcome or before we're not kind.

I hope you won't leave.
I hope you'll stay and come to the galley with us.
Share a cup of coffee.

I think it's time to send FloralBunny on another one of those raids or some such that she does.
I'm hungry for blackberries.

*hugs* and PR

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:50 AM


PR - don't leave us. You were one of the first people to reply to my posts and make me feel welcome!

I'm gonna miss your shiny icons and everything.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:56 AM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:

Then again, I've come here and felt to a certain extent as an outsider, cautiously welcomed but eyed as if I'm going to break the fine china or steal the family heirlooms, so *shrug*...take it as you will.

Oh my goodness, this is not good. DancingNecko I hope that you will not feel that way after this!

You are a welcome part of this family. First off, we ain't got no fine china or family heirlooms, just us here in the black.

Just us, here.. on this site.. liking this show and these stories. Feeling like family, cuz we admire a crew that made themselves into a loving family. Sharing a loss of something we love so much and would give anything to have back. That's what brought us here.

The friendships we make are what keep us here.

(Well, that and Mal's good looks j/k --- couldn't resist.)

Seriously, the friendships are what are the icing on the cake. Because these friendships are over the internet and because we can't see each other, I think it takes special care to develop them and keep them.

Ahhh, but when we do, look what we have.
Look at Done The Impossible and you will see what those friendships meant to those folks.
And what good can be done with those friendships.

You are a part of this family. Nuff said.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:41 AM


aww hey you don't need to be going over some daft wee thing PR, you're a part of this place, far more then i am, and don't ever let them make you forget it! (confused...i am)

stick around, or take the shortest break you can stand and come back



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:57 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
you're a part of this place, far more then i am,

Nope, Oddbodskins, not far more than you are, exactly like you are! You are part and parcel of this family too.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:09 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
you're a part of this place, far more then i am,

Nope, Oddbodskins, not far more than you are, exactly like you are! You are part and parcel of this family too.

hey i'm aiming for comforting, don't go correcting me

but thank-you

anyway, OT aside, still stands PR, don't let the bastards get you down xD



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:10 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
you're a part of this place, far more then i am,

Nope, Oddbodskins, not far more than you are, exactly like you are! You are part and parcel of this family too.

Very well said!!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:16 AM


threads about convincing PR she's wanted, which she blatantly is, not about making me feel better, i'm perfectly secure in here, and plan on sticking around like the proverbial bad smell.
very like, come to think of it



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:00 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Originally posted by Dancingneko:Then again, I've come here and felt to a certain extent as an outsider, cautiously welcomed but eyed as if I'm going to break the fine china or steal the family heirlooms, so *shrug*...take it as you will.
Oh my goodness, this is not good. DancingNecko I hope that you will not feel that way after this!

Yeah, you one of the family here.


First off, we ain't got no fine china or family heirlooms,
Yeah. Between Jayne & FOX, anything that can be broken or stolen is already long gone.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:32 AM


Nooooo! You can't leave PR!

Ain't been here very long but I know that you are an important part of what makes this site special. I know that right now you may not see it but you are.

Who cares what some ignorant posters have to say. It takes everyone to make this place special. You are a large part of that. Even I can see that and I have just scratched the surface of what this site has to offer.

Everywhere I look you are attached to a thread and inserting either some valid and intelegent points or the needed tension breaker. Not to mention the emotes. (I love emotes just don't know how to make them).

I do understand your fustration also. Since being here I have seen some strange postings by people. Some off color comments or just plain rudeness for no apparent reason.

Yet almost imediatly afterwards you and FMF and FollowMal and Mags are there to comfort the person that was attacked. That is impressive! That will be missed along with everything else that you contribute. You cannot give up. If you do then they win.

Also you will be sorely missed by all.

You do it so well. So I guess it is my turn to try....

Don't listen to them they are just looking for a fight. You cannot judge this place by these Trolls. This is the best site on the web or else we would not be here. If you go there will be less good people and sooner or later the Trolls will rule the 'verse. Please stay



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:39 PM


Hey Cybersnark and FollowMal:

Thank you for your comments. However, it's a situation that I've noticed. Post a comment or a question on certain threads and if you're not interesting or popular or something you're ignored.

If you post a flamin' complaint in a thread (even if it's not aimed at anyone in particular), it's been taken as a personal insult and lead to threads and PMs about how "wrong" and "uniformed" you are. Go back and clean up the comments after being asked to, and the feeling is still that you're a pariah -- little better than what's been accidentally been stepped into.

(If you're in doubt, check out the last snafu regarding RiveR6213 and Kaneman. Whilst I thought the whole flamage at myself was cute and toasty, this website chased off another member on one person's say-so. While it wasn't a long time off, the fact remains that the person was chased off, and that certain persons thought they needed to play "mommy" and/or treat everyone else involved like they were under ten.)

...And (to tie into the whole thread), I looked up PheonixRose's post on the thread mentioned. The first post may have been abrupt sounding, but it was simply a refrence. The follow-up posts from others were so * snarky that I'm tempted to butt in (and probably start another round of angry threads.)

[insert incharater threadjack here] for the eyeballin' me funny 'round the fine china and the heirloom silver...might've been when we were visiting those Core-bred folk to help them smug..*ahem* transport their finery to their new home. (Y'know, now that I think about it, I do beleive that the labels had "F*X" on 'em...maybe that's what Cybersnark means...)

[end incharacter threadjack]

As for the being an outsider vs. insider/"family" -- maybe the best way to put it is feeling like the cousin that most of the family can't relate to for some's nice to see him/her at the reunions and parties, but interacting with them for 15 minutes per event is enough thank-you-very-much. Love 'em as much as you like, they're still somewhat of an outsider. I don't mind enough to throw a fuss, or bother caring, but I do notice it and I'm sure that others do too at times. (It's human nature, we tend to like others very closely like us more than others.)

Edited to add:
*gentle tone to Kelkhil*
Kelkhil, what if it's one of those who supposedly come rushing in every time for everyone else's defense that starts throwing out the barbs? Because the thread name is from a snarky comment made by someone who "defends" others. This isn't only the trolls who pull things.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:48 PM


s'mostly you i chat to day-to-day in the tag neko, s'not because i feel obliged or because i view you like a distant cousin (i detest a great many of my relatives, so that wouldn't be very flattering now would it? ^_~ ) but because i want to chat to ya =P



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:24 PM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:
.....the cousin that most of the family can't relate to for some's nice to see him/her at the reunions and parties, but interacting with them for 15 minutes per event is enough thank-you-very-much. Love 'em as much as you like, they're still somewhat of an outsider......

hey cuz...didn't see you over there... i was stuffing my face with potato salad.....

all seriousness aside, i get your meaning DN and just wanted to say, welcome to my world....


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 1:25 PM


PR, some people are just a bit too sensitive for their own good. Not you I'm speaking of...I read the thread you linked. Don't let the little things like this get to you. I also see you as a "hall monitor" at times, but always in a good way. If something's going on in another thread, I know that you are usually aware of it. Someone has to keep up for those of us who can't!
Take some down a lurker for a bit. When you're ready, we'll be here waiting.



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:18 PM


Dancingneko - I am not sure if the *gentle tone* is sarcasm I will take it as not. I would not have taken offense to what you wrote either way.

I guess I need to be more Troll specific.
What I meant is that there was a line crossed. What I concider a Troll is someone who flames for a reaction or follows a poster around flamming them every time they post or flamming a person in their personal e-mail. Which happened here. The way I look at it PR's cyber personal space was encroached upon. Personal e-mails are just that, personal. They should only used if envited by said person. To use this information to continue to attack someone because they stopped responding to you flamming is rude and uncalled for.

I am not sure about the Title of this thread. Was it a Flamish comment or was it basically a quote from an e-mail attack that we did not see? I took it as the latter if I am wrong then I am wrong. I do not know all that transpired, I just know that the e-mails crossed the line.

As far as the protectors starting something, I cannot say I have seen it. But as I have said I am still trying to learn how to navigate the site. Half of the time I have to use my responses in my e-mail to find the threads that I was posting in.

All that I know is that PR has never done wrong by me and I would like her to stay.



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:35 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by FutureMrsFillion:

Not a big SG fan. But I am sorry that it is being canceled.

Why do those stupid shows about everybody loving some dufus or the King Dufus of some such stay on tv and good shows get canceled?

And yes, I know there is another thread on this topic.

So what.


That's where the title of this thread comes from.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I forgot the part where I go, "Nooooo! You can't leave!" and cling on to your leg. You're on of the big guns around here PR (at least to me), and leaving is not an option...

On a more serious note - Leave if you like, come back if you like; the emotes will be waiting to attack you.

It's like that, see?

Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:50 PM


Phoenix, I'm sorry you feel badly about that thread. On message boards where I am a bit more involved, I do that sort of thing all the time, just to be helpful. And sometimes people do jump on you. And it sucks. And I wish I coul tell you that it gets better, but sadly *shurg*. Sometimes, you just gotta take it in stride.

((hugs)) I hope your break helps you, and that you feel charged and happy when you come back (because I know you will).



aka Greyfable and/or Katie

like the avatar? there are more. grab one here: Happy Summer of Serenity! -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:54 PM


*Takes tissue box out of PR's hands*
"Stop your crying!..Oh,the doors that way!"


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:00 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
*Takes tissue box out of PR's hands*
"Stop your crying!..Oh,the doors that way!"

Leave her alone Kaneman. She is mad at me and allowed to vent, so take your acid and go home.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:09 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Originally posted by kaneman:
*Takes tissue box out of PR's hands*
"Stop your crying!..Oh,the doors that way!"

Leave her alone Kaneman. She is mad at me and allowed to vent, so take your acid and go home.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM

Try being nice once in awhile. Well, it's true.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:26 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Leave her alone Kaneman. She is mad at me and allowed to vent, so take your acid and go home.

did I miss something?
why is she mad at you, FutureMrsFillion?

edited to add: oh yeah, I see now, I missed that post in the SG-1 thread...
well she is probably mad at me for the Buffy/Angel DVD thread someone posted in the General arena...

I am always really sad when people react so strongly to something that isn't personal;
fact is that at this forum it isn't possible to take down a duplicate thread,
it either stands as a duplicate or it gets converted into another of the endless stream of random threads...
it just isn't important one way or the other.

I would be very sorry to see you go PhoenixRose,
this site is just for fun, and it should be fun for everyone.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:28 PM


Please don't go, PR! There are some folks that can't be happy unless everyone and their cousins are paying attention to only them and their point of view. I've been called a bleeding-heart commie peacenik (complete with beret, black turtleneck, goatee and bongos!) because I asked for a little consideration and restraint in a thread.
Unfortunately we're a little too big a crew now to fly completely under the radar, and a few questionable folk make their appearances now and again. Yes, it was nicer without them. But if you leave, the whole love/hate ratio will move a few points in the wrong gorram direction! So please, for the rest of us, stick around. Pretty please?

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:29 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


did I miss something?
why is she made at you, FutureMrsFillion?

It's there in the quote I provided above to help someone figure out why the thread is named like it is.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:37 PM


You know I was going to ignore this thread for the most part. PR is mad and she is allowed. But as it grows and grows I feel that I should say someting.

Yes I sent a PM to PR. I did not "flame her". I pointed out to her that she wasn't the hall monitor and that what differnce did it make if there were more than one thread. The reason I did this? because a member who has been a part of this forum since 2003 and posts very irregularly created a thread - *gasp*, at the same time Followmal posted a similar one. So instead if ignoring the duplication, or posting something in a friendly manner - PR simply states that there is already a thread. Had I been that person, the one that created the thread I would have been embarrased and certainly left feeling unwelcome.

So I pm'd her, because I am a grown up and choose to deal with things on a personal rather than public basis. I aslo mentioned to her that her later post stating that she was trying to keep the site from being bogged down was ludicrous since she posts huge pictures all the time. We all do. So don't tell someone that their 1 little thread is going to bog the forum down.

She responded to me and I explained to her that refreshing honestly is nice, until it becomes rudeness and that whether she meant it as rude, perception is what is important.

As for what this person called her, I didn't see it and I told her that.

Now if we want to start huge threads about this fine, we are just clogging up the forum.

Am I sorry that she feels bad. Of course. But how do you think the person that innocently started a thread felt?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

one of the Forsaken TM


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:47 PM

KANEMAN are a peice of work! Well, it's true.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:48 PM



Originally posted by yinyang:

did I miss something?
why is she made at you, FutureMrsFillion?

It's there in the quote I provided above to help someone figure out why the thread is named like it is.


Go to and vote Firefly!

And you dingaling are a trouble maker.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:51 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Ooh, trouble-maker! I like it!

::sticks an 'I am Trouble' sticker onto her shirt::


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:56 PM


Shame on you. Why dingaling? Why?


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:00 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Why? Because Traveler gets a kick out of it, and his laughing scares the neighbors.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:06 PM


DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE US! Why listen to idiots and let them effect you so. There are many, many more people here who value you than not PhoenixRose. So please don't leave the site even if it is temporarily. Everyone has a bad day and everyone can be a bitch/asshole and overreact. Don't overreact now. Please.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:06 PM


Dingaling, I just read in a thread that you are a platypus. What gives? Kinda strange. I always pictured you as a baboon. Well, it's true. Can you wear sandals with webbed toes?


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:10 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

::makes a platypus sound::


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:17 PM


Dingaling, I am going to watch the Yankees game. You stay out of trouble. You know what they say about trouble making platypuses(?). There's a special place in hell. Have a good evening/day. 'Till we meet again you little webbed toed browncoat.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:26 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Bye for now, Kaneman! Hope your team wins!


Go to and vote Firefly!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:29 PM



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:57 PM


*on a nearby moon, the bun pushes her bonnet
back in order to see better. adjusting the
bandana which covers much of her highly
recognizable face, she looks around and
locates her target. slowly she pulls the
great pistol out of the folds of her skirt.*

Sorry, sonny, you chose the wrong job.

*dragging the guard into the shade of some
blueberry bushes, she tapes him into a tidy
package. taking his weapon, she empties it,
putting the ammo in her pocket as a bonus
for the crew.*

Every little bit helps. Waste not...

*murmuring similar platitudes in order to
keep herself company (not a decent radio
station on this gorram dustball!), she proceeds
over much of the disabled guard's remaining
shift to harvest berries of all kinds, stowing
them in the shuttle until no more will fit.
even the port side of the cockpit is filled
with bags and boxes.*

Bye-bye, kid.

*taking care not to blow dirt on the helpless
guard, the bun eases the shuttle up and away,
toward Serenity and all the shiny browncoats she knows are aboard.*

Shuttle Two in approach.

Thank you.

Docking in three, two, one.

*opening the door, she hears some extra racket
coming from the ship.*

Berries are here!!!

*she runs for her secret bunk, dives in and
locks the door.*

bun on the run


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:25 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
You know I was going to ignore this thread for the most part. PR is mad and she is allowed. But as it grows and grows I feel that I should say someting...
...if we want to start huge threads about this fine, we are just clogging up the forum.

I have been a lurker here for a long time, don't have much to say that hasn't already been said a lot of times, but I had to come out of hiding to say something about this.
You horrible, horrible person, how can you act like no one should be telling this beacon of the community to come back? And how, how can you be standing there acting as though you have done nothing wrong when you've obviously upset her? I'm not sure you read her post at all! She said she was just trying to give information, she said she lost her temper at being jumped on (I think quite a few people would lose their temper at something like that, though maybe not as badly) and she said she's taking a break to get her head together, and you come in here and act as though she's being completely unreasonable? Not only that she's being unreasonalbe, but that so is everyone else, for rallying to try to make her feel better? No wonder she was hurt enough to leave! I have never been so disappointed in a Browncoat in all my months of lurking.
As someone else stated above, I see PR everywhere, always willing to answer questions and hand out information, often contributing in a very real way to a thread, sometimes doing some very silly things and sometimes being completely serious. I nearly always enjoy what she has to say.
I agree with most people here that nothing will be the same without her and I hope she will come back, despite the unkind words of kaneman and futuremrsfillion.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:11 PM


Before i'm shouted at, i spend a lot of time talking to, and i'm very friendly with, both PR and FMF.

I just have to say, when did this get so goddam melodramatic?

PR posted a comment, and despite her good intentions, it DID look to be abrasive and curt.
All due to the [ sarcasm ]fabulously helpful[ /sarcasm ] way the written word has no notion of intonation and context.

FMF was offended, and replied, somewhat harshly (you have to admit sweetie that the 'so what' was very teenagery! ) but IN NO WAY AT ALL does this make her a horrible horrible person.

Both of them are adults, both of them are lovely people, both of them are entitled to express their opinions, both of them are entitled to fight, and bitch, and maybe mud wrestle (if it comes to that)

But it should have stopped at that.

This site is full of people enjoy talking to and consider good friends. BUT IT IS ONLY A WEBSITE. Its not healthy to treat everything so seriously. Life, as one bloke from Ireland said, is too important to treat seriously.

So PR, come back, make up, mud wrestle, hash it out with FMF (in private) and realise that one stupid spat is not the reason to deny yourself the pleasure of the company of lots of people who obviously like you. You're all grown up now.

The rest of you, put down the pitchforks, step away from the ducking stool and stop the cries of 'burn the witch!' because thats all this is.

And yes, i realise that this post is sanctimonius and lecturing and very, very, hall monitor like. But i'm not particularly bothered, both folks here made a mistake, both folk are nice people, both folks deal with things in their own way, even if its not always for the best. I'm not saying that either one had the right of it, i'm saying that its time to step back, resolve and move on, without finger pointing and blame assigning and general unuseful type things.

And thats it, my opinion, given with much affection but an impatient tone, and now i'm going back to the fun stuff and you can say what you like about it cause i'm not coming back here.

see y'all around.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 1:25 AM


*half-heartedly waves his pitchfork one last time*

but...but...i hardly ever get to play with it *pouts*



Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:01 AM


wet noodles at fifty paces.....


Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:03 AM


*gasps and tries to catch them on the pitchfork*







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