Special Branch: The Living Dead

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 05:39
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:15 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The previous thread was getting mighty long, so here's the new one - our FOURTH!

Summary will come later (hopefully with a little help from us all) aswell as the list of current characters.

Here's the previous threads:

1.Special Branch: Unbound

2.Special Branch: The Chasing Of Wild Geese

3. Special Branch and the HUGE Hospital Bills

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:11 PM


Crouched by the door to the hospital, Safe laid out his plan to Wisp using gestures only. While it was a second language to him, years of combat having honed this skill, Wisp had a little trouble understanding at first but it didn’t take him long to get up to speed.

Safe watched as Wisp disappeared into the dark. He didn’t doubt for a second in Wisp’s ability. While he may be rash and…well… young, the “kid” was sharp, sharper than one ought to be at his age.

Standing for his part in this, Safe looked down at the little girl. Yet another enigma. She hadn’t said a word, yet she hadn’t tried to run or show signs of panic. He grinned at her and mussed her hair. “Just a little longer little one.”

Safe squared his shoulders, adjusted his hold on the little girl and walked directly at the figure by the gate.

“Excuse me sir. We were inside visiting my wife when the alarms went off and everything went crazy and guards ushered us out. What’s happening? Is she going to be alright?”

The man at the gate looked at Safe. It was obvious that he was trying to figure out if Safe was for real or not. “Y’all might want to try a different story. I’ll give you credit though. I almost believed that one.” The man casually dropped his cigar and ground it out with his boot.

“Lucky for you, I was waiting for you” He says with a small smile which slowly bled off his face.

“Is that a fact?” Wisp’s voice comes from behind the man. Wisp’s gun is jammed in the man’s neck.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” The man says slowly raising his hands. “I’m here to help you. The names Huxley.”

“Yeah right!” Wisp near spits the words and he jams his gun tighter under Huxley’s ear. “Your just another Crimson flunky and this is just another trick.”

“Who do you think left that door open? Who do you think blacked out that security cam? Why else would I be standing in the dark by an open gate when all the rest are locked up tight?? Someone wants you alive and outta here.” The man implores Safe.

“What’s your role in all this? I thought the Alliance had this planet in there back pocket?” It was Safe’s turn to ask questions.

“Phaugh! The Alliance is run by idiots. There’s no love of the Alliance with me. Nor the Crimson Guard for that matter. I uphold the law. Keep the peace. Sometimes we’re on the same page, sometimes not. There was a time when the Alliance stood for something.” The man shook his head sadly.

“Some of it still does.” Safe says quietly. Catching Wisps eye, Safe nods and Wisp reluctantly releases his grip. “Thank you Huxley.” Safe shakes the other mans hand.

“Oh… here, I almost forgot.” Huxley says handing Safe a business card. “Find these people. They’re the ones that wanted you free.”

Safe accepts the card and he and Wisp disappear into the night.

Huxley watches them go for a minute, then prepares to leave when a noise at the backdoor catches his attention. More people were coming out. ‘How many were there?’ Huxley thought. That was his last thought for a while as a gun barrel cracks the back of his head and he slumps unconscious to the ground, oblivious to the woman stepping over his inert form.

Nothing would interfere with her vengeance.

OOC: Sorry for the length, but I think I've tied up the loose ends... I think.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 2:36 PM


SR lay prone on a rock shelf half way up a hill outside the perimeter of the "secret military base". He scoffed at the idea of the military's concept of secrecy. Cordon off a section of real estate from the local population with concertina wire and machinegun nests, hire local contractors to build a installation on site for lowest bid and then when all the work is finished hang big signs saying that all tresspasers will be shot on sight, some secret! He watched through binoculars as what appeared to be prisioners began streaming out the installation. Ah the inevitable systemic failure followed closely by a prision break. He contemplated firing up his camp stove and making cocoa and popcorn as he watched the show, but he discard the silly thought and began to move forward. This was a golden opportunity, up until this point SR had merely been satified to watch the base and gather intelligence now he was going inside. The guards, if there were any left, would be looking to catch fugitives not intruders. A few well placed rifle shots eliminating key officers and sargents would make the confusion onto panic and then all SR had to do was slip in quietly, load up a truck, shuttle or mule with some weapons, food and medical supplies and then be on his merry. It was a crazy plan but that was why it would work, because no one would dream it might happen. SR noticed a small knot of soldiers gathering around one individual who appeared to have a element of command who was gesturing and shouting orders. SR's rifled cracked once and the officer fell to the ground. SR continued moving in crouch toward the perimeter fence.

Scorpion Regent

OOC: I hope this doesn't throw a monkey wrench into anybody's story line. I'm just trying to get foot in the door so to speak.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:26 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen had almost forgotten what the smell of clean was. She had stood under the shower for an hour every time she had had one in the last few days since she became gainfully employed. Her job wasnt overly complicated, difficult, or exciting. She stood by Mr Jenkins chair looking stern whenever he had meetings and she sat by the door whenever he didnt. Shed been invited into the pool with the bimbettes a few times but wasnt interested at all.

She stepped out of the shower and clawed for the towel in the steamy room. She wrapped the soft cotton against her skin and stood gazing in the mirror. She hadnt lived this good in.... a long time. She never expected it in prison.

She dressed quickly and returned to the main chamber. There was a new man in the room and Vixen was immediatley on edge. He was dressed in a guards uniform and talking in hushed tones to Mr Jenkins, they both went quiet when she appeared. She walked over planning every move the guard could make in order to snap his neck.

"Mrs Goddard" Jenkins spoke to her "This man is from the resistance. Your friends have been located and put in touch with his cell. You will be leaving here with him now in order to make contact"


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 12:14 PM


Ghost looked up at Mr. Safe quietly. He didn’t scare her as much as other adults did. His name was Mr. Safe after all. Truth had told her very long ago to trust when she felt someone was safe or someone was bad. She had never trusted Mr. Carson, or any other adults till Ms. Seryn and Mr. Safe…She wondered what had happened to Ms. Seryn, shivering she cuddled closer to the man holding her, being careful not to bump her injured arm, he might be scary but the other adults were scarier. And he had protected her so far.

Then they were outside and Ghost shivered, the thin hospital nightgown she wore was better than what she usually had to wear, but not by much. And it did very little to fight the chill that had settled on the planet.

Night time was very dark, monsters lived in the dark. Whimpering a little she gripped Safe tighter, hoping she was right about him and he would protect her.

OOC: Wow it's been awhile...Sorry school is busy but I'll work on getting better.(Oh if anyone has an idea for the password of sanctuary and room 000, or those mysterious people that gave Ghost that information a few posts ago feel free. I really had no clue where to go with it.)


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:19 PM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

OOC: I'm in the middle of writing a post but I haven't had chance to complete it. I'm gonna finish it tomorrow and post it (and hopefully if I've got time, I'll post a summary too)


Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:58 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

OOC: SR - that\'s not screwed up any of my plans.
Great writing from all of you. Sometimes this thread is just too much fun

Kyra glanced down at the body before her.
In stony silence she remained, shocked, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
How could this be? she wondered.

As the man she had fought with slowly and easily took the lowered gun from her hand, she could but look on.

Her thoughts took her back to the moment when she had last seen the man she had gunned down


One Year Ago:
She hadn\'t done any work that day. She could barely focus knowing the retribution she was about to face. The article had gone out, despite her best efforts to prevent it.
Carl had said it would make her career.
\"A gutsy expose will put you in the limelight, after that you can write what you wanted\" he had told her
Tell that to Bernie.

He arrived that day just after five in the evening. She didn\'t know when or how he had heard the news, only that he wasn\'t there to congratulate her.
He stormed into her office and flung the article at her.
Staring at her for a few seconds with that look of anger broke her heart, if only because she knew how she had broken his.
Biting his tongue, he turned away again before ever having spoken a word.

\"Bernie\" she called out to him
\"You...\" Words failed him.
\"I didn\'t want to...\"
\"How the hell could you do this?! You\'ve... you know you\'ve probably ruined me. That\'s it. I\'m screwed.\"

\"It was my hundan of an editor. I asked him not to print it\"

\"But you wrote it.\"

She was silent

\"Everything. Everything you told me was a lie. How could you? For months you pretended to...\" he interrupted himself, gathering his thoughts.
\"And for what? A story? You would go through all that just for a story?! To make a name for yourself?
\"Why stop there? You want my full client list, or is the paper only interested in outing my more well-known clients?\"

\"I\'m sorry. I didn\'t...\" Kyra had tried to explain. \"It wasn\'t all a lie... what we had. You have to believe me\"

He glared at her with such intensity, she felt he could see right through her... but not enough for him to accept the truthfulness of her words.

\"I don\'t have to believe anything you say. Not anymore\"

\"Bernie\" she pleaded, her voice strained as she felt herself give way to tears

\"No. You don\'t get to call me that anymore\"
With that, Bernard Needham left the office, and her, forever.


\"Get down on the ground\" Soul ordered as he pointed the woman\'s own weapon at her head.

Tears had begun to roll down her cheek and, her body shaking, she slowly complied with his orders.

Her knees in the gravel, she reached across gently to touch the lifeless body beside her.

\"Don\'t move\" Soul ordered.

Kyra choked on tears. Then the man that held her hostage said something she couldn\'t quite believe.

\"Needy, are you okay?\"

What came next was even more unbelievable.

A grunt sounded from the body
Then it moved

As Needy stirred, Kyra began to feel sick with unease.

Needy sat up, the exposed gunshot wound to the head was healing over at a remarkable pace.

Soul breathed a sigh of relief.

Kyra could but gasp and watch the world spin as she passed out.

OOC: Another long one. And I probably won\'t get the chance to write again till tomorrow night at the earliest, so if anyone wants to follow on the events (like Soul), then the plan is that Kyra is taken with us


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:54 PM


Huxley groaned, twitched a little and worked numb fingers between the rough gravel and the cheek he'd used to break his fall.

Someone was really going to pay for that stunt.

Jeeze, you do them a favor...

Sick of waiting, tired of risking his ass, knowing that somewhere there was a warm room and a beer he could be rejoicing in, he stood, staggered a few steps, then made his way in the direction the patients had come from.

As he came upon the little party he noted their situations, guessed what might have happened, and figured that she, the one kneeling with a gun to her head, was the peice of go-se who laid him out. He removed his own gun from the holster, and signalled his friendly intent to the dangerous looking guy holding the other firearm.

"Hey" Huxley looked at the other guy, recognised him as part of the little travelling circus the Seryn woman had had with her. He looked vaguely more awake at least.

The dark guy instantly raised his gun to meet him, and just as quickly Huxley pointed his gun at the woman, stilling her where she'd moved to bolt.

The other, Needy, spoke softly, restrained the gunman, and Huxley grinned.

"So how you guys doing? Enjoying the night air?" He kicked the woman on the ground "the local wildlife?"

His grin faded, he reached down and hauled her up "We move. Now. Guards are gonna be here any second - we go now" and he started walking.

Past the gate and well into the shadows of the narrow streets, he sensed that his high handedness hadn't won him any friends with the guy with the gun. Sticking out his hand, he grinned "Huxley - sherrif about these parts, we have a doctor friend in common"

"Soul" the guy reluctantly volunteered, still less sure of him now he knew what he did.

"Soul? Remind me to ask you 'bout that sometime." He grinned again "For now, lemme ask you bout that friend of yours - the pretty little widow Antares, you know if she likes flowers? Or's she got herself an unreasonable love of something else?"

Soul stared at him, Needy looked up to, but then fell back to his own thoughts, his expression unreadable. "Seryn?" he asked, "you sick... don't you know she's dead?"

Huxley caught his almost disgusted expression. Then he laughed.

"Man.. this is... I love this place!"

(ooc - i think i may have gone to far on, sorry for the high handedness! but let me know, and as always, i'll alter it!)


Friday, October 13, 2006 7:02 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp and Safe Smiled like chesire Cats when the saw Soul step from the doorway with a twlling smirk. The smiles quickly fell as the woman appeared with the gun.

What could they do??

If they tried anything Soul could quite easliy get shot. They moved closer but remained out of sight watching the scene unfold. When Soul began to grapple Wisp made a motion to move but Safe held him back with his hand and motioned to the girl. They couldnt start a battle with an innocent on board.

There attention was drawn back to the door by the gunshot and the figure of Needy was seen to slump to the floor. A sickness passed through them both before there mind told them that it would take a damn site more than that to scratch Him.

When Huxley stepped into the fray they followed him from the shadows appearing behind him as he spoke


"Man.. this is... I love this place!"

Wisp placed his gun to the mans head for the second time tonight: "you mind rephrasing that?"


Friday, October 13, 2006 1:09 PM


"put it away junior"

Huxley looked at the various faces, reached out and tickled the little girls cheek briefley. And frowned at Wisp until he retracted the gun.

"What? you mean you guys really haven't guessed yet? Man, an I thought you was intelligent folk."

Again he looked from stony face to stony face.

"We've gotta get a move on, you guys are in for a treat"


Friday, October 13, 2006 8:27 PM


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the secret base, SR is plundering away to his hearts content.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:25 AM



OOC: Just so I don't get too far behind. I have a post to make, bringing Citizen back into the picture and setting up transport for our band. Jack and Flechette, part of the underground, have prearranged with Huxley for a rendezous. Milton is going to throw a monkey wrench into the works (as per Needy's story arc) resulting in a bit of a chase.
The end result is the group arriving at Syke's hidey-hole.

Seryn I have a background idea for Sykes.

WYSB, I don't know how to tie in Vixen so I'll leave that in your capable hands.

SR, I was thinking your character might have a hand in the groups escape during the chase. If you're amenable to that?

If anyone has different plans, let me know and I will adjust.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:38 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

OOC: Just so I don't get too far behind. I have a post to make, bringing Citizen back into the picture and setting up transport for our band. Jack and Flechette, part of the underground, have prearranged with Huxley for a rendezous. Milton is going to throw a monkey wrench into the works (as per Needy's story arc) resulting in a bit of a chase.
The end result is the group arriving at Syke's hidey-hole.

Seryn I have a background idea for Sykes.

WYSB, I don't know how to tie in Vixen so I'll leave that in your capable hands.

SR, I was thinking your character might have a hand in the groups escape during the chase. If you're amenable to that?

If anyone has different plans, let me know and I will adjust.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"

OOC: I'm cool with that. PM me with ideas.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:39 AM


Infill for Sykes is fine by me.


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:32 AM


sounds good, Ghost is tagging along for now. Eventually they'll have to make their way to the Carson's for Truth and Shadow (anyone with any ideas are welcome)


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:36 PM


Jack strode into the bunker and started talking before he even cleared the doorway “C?? What are you doing here? The better question being, How did you get here? Last I saw, you were headed off with Safe.”

“This is your Mr. Stark?” Citizen asks the two men before him, shaking his head. “It’s all so clear now; never trust a mercenary to run a business. They just don’t have the tools.”

“Jack, nice to see you again too.” Citizen says with a smile. “You of all people should know how familiar I am with tunnels on this planet. In answer to your second question, Safe brought me here. But enough about me, I have to say, you have to get better paid help. These two are very unprofessional.”

“Citizen, this is an Underground movement. They donate their time for the good of the cause.”

“See, there’s your problem. Being noble doesn’t pay the bills. Give me a week and I’ll turn this into a profitable movement.”

“No thanks. I’ve seen your idea of ‘help’. Speaking of which… you didn't bring…” Jack looks around nervously.

“The monkeys? Sadly, no. As good as they were they were no substitute for properly motivated help.”

“Biting noses didn’t seem to work that well for you now did it?” Jack grins at him.

“I got you to come here didn’t I?”

Jack laughs out loud. “Yes I suppose it did. We gotta run. Flechette is topside waiting. I’ll be up in a minute.”

Citizen tosses the gun back to Carter and walks out.

“Carter, erase everything and make it look like no one’s been here since the war. Then you two head back to head office.”

The bulk transport less streaked than it lumbered along, but they had no other choice. The speedy hover-mules were too small and they only up to six people. Plus the transport had an enclosed storage space, better for keeping people out of plain view.

“Y’all took your sweet ass time. We’re gonna be late to Huxley’s rendezvous point.” Flechette shot Jack a scowl.

“Huxley is a resourceful man. He’ll adapt. Besides sweet cheeks,” Jack grins at Flechette, “what could go wrong?”

Milton sat in a dark corner in the back of the transport. No one spoke to him, which suited him just fine. The new man chatted with Versa and the bubbly Amy. The cortex he had stolen had a keypad, so he could make the contact without having to speak. He typed silently. The Alliance would deal with these self-righteous monsters. How dare they even presume to be doing what they were doing in the name of good.

After hitting the send button, Milton had a moment of doubt, but thinking of what his friend, Mr. Neeham, must have gone through at the hands of these pirates, strengthened his resolve. Either way it was out of his hands now.

OOC: April, the Carsons is close to where the ISSCV Epsilon is, so no problem.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:20 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
OOC: April, the Carsons is close to where the ISSCV Epsilon is, so no problem.

TheRealMe wakes up, sputters, and looks around. "Huh? ISSCV Epsilon? Hmmmmm.... I better figure out what's going on back there!"

TheRealMe starts scribbling furiously.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Seeing her again was not something Needy had expected.
Truth be told, he had tried to put her out of his mind, and it seemed he had been successful in doing so.

The being had told him to let the past be the past, that he could now start from scratch with his new life. But the being had also hinted that his past may catch up to him, and then and only then could he address it.

Having a gun shot at point blank range to his head was not going to make him forgive her any sooner.

After she had printed that article on him, he could have sworn his career was ruined. He lost the trust of his clientele and those within the Companion House. He almost lost his license. He was close to becoming nothing more than a common whore.
But thanks to the loyalty and help of a few true friends, he was able to re-establish himself, and regain the trust of those involved.
Trouble was, he could never trust anyone again, not like he had trusted her.

He had stared at her with nothing but contempt as she laid unconscious on the ground.
Even when she had regained consciousness and was faced with Soul's gun at her head, he said nothing.
And when the brute known as Huxley beat her, he could do nothing but remain a silent figure in the background.
He was numb to any feeling of care for her.
He felt nothing.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 2:36 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
OOC: TheRealMe wakes up, sputters, and looks around. "Huh? ISSCV Epsilon? Hmmmmm.... I better figure out what's going on back there!"

TheRealMe starts scribbling furiously.

Is it just me or does anyone else find that disturbingly scary?

Huxley ground out his cigar with his boot. ‘Where were they?’ He thought impatiently.

From where they hid in an abandoned warehouse down one of the narrow streets, they could hear the commotion at the “hospital”. Gunshots had rung out earlier and air had filled with shouts and curses.

As if on cue, the spotlights at the gates exploded to life as Huxley checked his watch again. It would only be a matter of time before they expanded their search to the surrounding area.

He leaned out of the door and looked up and down the street.

“You’re running out of time, Huxley.” A quiet voice spoke up behind him, and Soul stepped out of the shadows.

Huxley jumped, and turned to face Soul. Huxley was afraid to admit it; the man called Soul scared him. He had the demeanor of a drawn knife, a very sharp drawn knife.

“They'll be here... trust me.” Huxley snapped.

“You’ll find I don’t place a lot of faith in that word.” Soul says as he melts back into the shadows of the warehouse.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Friday, October 20, 2006 10:08 AM


OOC: Has anyone given any thought as to the duration of this story? As in an ending? Not that I want it to end, quite the contrary, the writing is excellent, and I mean truely EXCELLENT!

My idea though, would be maybe "end" this chapter (not abruptly, in natural course), then start say chapter two. Sort of like missions.

So if everyone was on board, we could do chapters like Special Branch: Soul Mate - the search for Soul's past, or Special Branch: the Trouble with Vixen, or Special Branch: Family Ties - examining Seryn's dark family history or Special Branch: Mysteries of the Heart - More on Needy's "other" or maybe even Special Branch: The Garden - delve into TRM's Rosie and the dark figure what tore her into pieces. There's so many other stories as well from Citizen or SR. Plus it allows new comers and new characters.

Just a sugestion. What's everyone think?

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Friday, October 20, 2006 1:04 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

I'm with you on the idea, and my thoughts were that as soon as we're all free and together, we can take the ship(s) and go on missions/sort out the past.
Or go on a mission which in classic Lost flashback style, reminds a certain character of an incident/character, then have that examined/resolved.

I'm under the impression that there's not much longer left of this storyline as things seem to be coming together, theres just a few loose ends (ie where Vixen is, what Needy's issue is - though I've got plans for that, obviously - and of course who was responsbile for what happened to rosie)
I think a lot of these stories can be dragged out into the next story, ongoing plots if you will, remaining in the background whilst all the other stuff is going on, until they are properly addressed.
I'd like to know whats happening with Vixen - perhaps when we're all together, finding Vixen could be our first mission

I love your suggested titles btw - especially Soul Mate

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, October 20, 2006 5:44 PM


OOC: I'm just waiting for you guys to get back to the Epsilon!


Saturday, October 21, 2006 5:03 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen was slightly dumbstruck by the casual way in which her escape had been brought forward but as always she didnt show it.

"Ok. I just have one incy wincy detail that needs to be clarified: IM IN PRISON. They have pretty clear rules about leaving"

"Not overly. Officialy you died when u took up residence on this floor. Now this man (his call sign as you will know his is sparrow) has signed in with a guest who doesnt exist and will leave with you. There will be no shouting or jumping over fences or any other unpleasantries. When you exist he will take you to a resistance hide where you will wait for further instructions."

Sparrow remained silent during this exchange and merely nodded at the details and raised his hand when he was mentioned.

"But...." Vixen tried to voice the randomness of the event but fell flat without words. Sparrow offered his hand to Mr Jenkins and started towards the elevator pausing after a few steps and beckoning Vixen to join him.

'This is ALL messed up' she thought to herself as she entered the lift. 'This is a trap and there going to shoot me. Fun.'


Sunday, October 22, 2006 11:24 AM


Huxley looked around the warehouse. His eyes had become accustomed to the gloom and he was able to pick out the people.

He smiled and waved at Wisp’s glare. The other “patients” sat quietly, huddled together.

‘If they could pull this off’ Huxley thought, ‘The good doctor would have a good number of patients to figure out what the Crimson Guard was up to, plus The Doctor’s friends in the Underground would have their friends back’

Huxley didn’t mind helping out Dr. Sykes after all these were the people from his town, people he had sworn to protect, and it wasn’t often that a small town like his got to have a doctor with actual schoolin’. But the underground... he wasn’t entirely convinced their motives were pure.

He checked his watch again and cursed himself for doing so. He leaned out the door again, looking first up the alley towards the hospital then back the other way. Just as he was about to go back in, a bulk transport rounded the corner and doused its lights.

“Look alive people. I think our ride’s here.”

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Sunday, October 22, 2006 12:01 PM


OOC: Addiction to anything is bad...OK so Sims 2 pets is very very very fun, add to that school (the class portion of the semester is almost over next up is the full time field experiences) and you get me completely drawing a blank as to what ghost is doing and where she is. I'll try to come up with something as soon as i can figure this out.



Sunday, October 22, 2006 1:10 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Ok this is a very rough summary of characters and positions.

Soul, Safe, Wisp, Needy, Kyra, Huxley and Ghost are in a warehouse outside the hospital after there daring escape. A transport from the underground has just arrived.

Vixen is exiting the Helo prison and is headed towards an underground base

Seryn is deadish somewhere

Scorpion Regent is somewhere looting i think

Therealme is back at the epsilon waiting patiently for our return

Amybody else????


Sunday, October 22, 2006 10:25 PM


Sykes finished his work at the computer. All of his files, the data he'd gleaned from his work over the last few years joined the rest on a small storage device, which he tucked into the pocket of his pants.

The computer itself was set to destroy everything at the flick of a switch. It was ott and melodramatic, but, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was due to leave soon anyway.

For a long time he'd suspected that they'd taken their experiments elswhare - Boros had become noisier, certainly since all this ruckus with that Needy guy.

Well, nevermind. He dropped his last few belongings into a canvas holdall, stored his supply of medicines in his med kit and went back to drinking coffee and waiting.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:34 AM


ooc - ok, would anyone object if i just wrote a post that wrapped this all up? or indeed, if someone just wrote a post that did so? I don't know if theres anything important anyone needed to get in, but this is dragging on and on - I think a resolution of writing lots of things into one post would halp next time, or not, i don't know, i just know that we seem to have been trying to escape for months now and only actually moved a few hundred yards...

I'm a whiny moo i know, but i shan't apologise for impatience!

You love me really, I know.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway?I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:41 PM


OOC: Why, of course we love you, Seryn! However, by adding a quote from the Tick, why, the sky's the limit!


Thursday, October 26, 2006 12:22 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Huxley Looked aroun impatiently as the transport rolled to a stop in front of him. The guest list for the party was considerally larger than planned and there was just not enough room. It was a harsh decision but a lot of the escapees would have to wait for a return pick-up. Mentally he was dividing the group into priorities, The ones they came for were top of the list followed by children and women and finally the men.

He walked over to the door and tapped twice folloed by once once and three times. After a slight pause the door was lowered and a young woman exited. As she reached halfway sown the ramp a voice from the crowd shouted


OOC-Not quite a wrap up but definatley hurrying it along


Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:20 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Yes, I know, I've been gone awhile. SORRY!!! Busy life here. I'll post as soon as I can come up with something!

Oh, 2 things:

Soul Mate is a brilliant title!

2. I love the way you all write Soul. Seriously!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, October 27, 2006 2:47 AM


OOC: Ok, sorry for the absense. I had a horrible cold and the old imagination factory was sparking but producing no fires. I'll fix that today.

Wisp, just so we're on the same page... the transport that pulled in, is it the same transport driven by Jack? Also, your man Jenkins would'nt happen to be the same guy from the Dagger would it? If so, it makes sense that they made a stop and picked up Vixen on the way. If that's the case, nice wrap up!

I'm gonna write a bit of a chase, to include SR and then arrival at Sykes. I'll keep it short and sweet. From there I suppose we can regroup and decide where to next. There is still a mystery awaiting us back at the ISSCV Epsilon.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Friday, October 27, 2006 5:35 AM


A small figure walks into the cargo bay of the Epsilon. It surveys the ruin that was once the plant person Rosie Walker. The feet of the figure stick to the sappy fluid that has covered the deck. It frowns.

"Well, I made quite a mess, didn't I? Hmmmm... Well, my pretties, why don't you four stack her pieces neatly over there against that wall. You never know, we might need some fire wood."

Four tiny plant people raise themselves up on their roots and scurry across the deck to obey.

"And the rest of you... get a mop."


Friday, October 27, 2006 10:23 AM


The transport rumbled out of the warehouse and down the narrow street. In the back Wisp and Vixen sat huddled together. Safe watched the two for a bit. He wasn’t sure whether they were fighting or happy to see one another or a bit of both. What patients they could take sat quietly, those they couldn’t; Huxley had stayed behind to help them disappear. Soul sat near the front keeping watch through the small window, and Needy cradled the woman that had tried to kill him.

“I trust your foray was… successful” Citizens comment caught Safe off guard.

“Hunh… wha?” was all he could think of. To tell the truth, Safe was basking in the leftover rush from Amy’s unexpected embrace and kiss earlier. Plus it was good to see Jack and the rest again.

“You make this many ‘friends’ wherever you go?” Citizen allows a small smile.

“Only the important places I go.” Safe grins back. Safe’s smile falters as Soul quickly slides the window closed and turns to the back, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Just as Safe is about to ask, the door opens and Flechette comes through from the cab. “Versa, we need you up front. There’s a roadblock and we need you to talk our way through.”

Ghost senses the concern and stays silent, but one of the other children doesn’t share her premonitions and cries out.

Safe, Citizen, Soul, Wisp and Flechette draw their guns in unison and make their way to the back door, as shouts erupt outside. The transport lurches forward and shots ring out outside.

OOC: I'll finish this off tonight and hopefully have time to post some character info.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Friday, October 27, 2006 2:04 PM


The transport leaned to one side as it rounded a corner. When it righted itself, the partition window separating the cab from the back opened.

“Safe, we’re in for a bit of a chase. You got any exploding ‘gifts’ for our friends back there?” Jack called back.

“We’ll do what we can Jack.” Safe turned and looked at Citizen. “You have any of your little surprises left?”

Citizen shook his head “Sadly, no. And I left my kit back on the Epsilon.”

“Well then, we do this the hard way.” Safe looks at the others, getting a nod from each, and he and Soul roll up the top half of the rear door.

Two Alliance hovercraft sped after the transport. One was about to overtake the transport when the rear door rolled up and a hail of gunfire met it.

It was obviously a military issue craft as the shielded windows seemed to shrug off the bullets.

“It’s not working” Safe hollered above the rush of the wind. “We need something heavier.”

Flechette looks up suddenly, and works her way back to the front of the truck. Returning a minute latter, she held a three foot rod with ball attached to one end.

“Is that what I think it is?” Safe and Soul say in unison.

“Yup. A sonic mine. Versa keep the one she found a while and has been tinkering with it.” Flechette said as Wisp gazed in amazement at the sonic mine.

Leaning out the back of the transport, Flechette raps the base of the rod on the tailgate, launching the ball into the air. Arms spring out from the side and start spinning. The ball hovers and a weird shimmer fills the air underneath it. Everything caught in the sphere under the ball, slows like the air became solid.

Their cheers of victory are cut short when they realize that only one hovercraft was caught in the mine.

The group open fire again, hoping to slow the hovercraft.

On the hospital rooftop a lone figure, attention caught by the gunfire, gazes through the scope of his high powered rifle. Chuckling softly to himself, he breathes out slowly, squeezing the trigger. Alliance is sooo stupid….

The driver of the hovercraft slumps forward. The craft losses control, swerving from side to side, bouncing off the alley walls, before wedging itself sideways and coming to a complete, loud, stop.

The group in the transport scratches their heads in confusion except Soul. He searches the area for signs of another gunman.

The figure on the rooftops considers for a moment then loads a different shell into his gun and targets the transport. Anyone running from the Alliance warranted watching. Again breathing out slowly he squeezes the trigger. ‘Tag, you’re it.’

Touching a button on his watch, a ship materializes out of thin air, hovering above him. Sling his bag of swag over his shoulder; SR climbs the rope ladder into his ship.

Soul looks up, “You feel that?”

Safe nods.

“Jack can’t drive. He’s probably nicked a post.” Flechette says “I best go up and take over. You close up here; we’ll be at the good doctor’s in a few minutes.”

On the outside of the transport, in one of the bullet holes a little red light blinks on and off.

OOC:Sorry for the length. I hope this gets us closer to the end. I'll post character info later this weekend.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Sunday, October 29, 2006 7:31 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: I've neglected this story way too much, I'll try and add what I can before I go back out again. Also, Safe - have you got plans to mention what Milton's up to now? Or is that coming?

It had been one year since Needy had had to deal with Kyra. He thought he had put that behind him, but now here she was, sitting beside him in the transport as it hurtled away from enemy shots.
Kyra had been rendered unconscious, for all their sakes.
They were all fugitives, and having an outsider with them was dangerous. The only reason they took her was because she was better off with them than dealing with the SG. Plus, she and Needy had a history.
No doubt, given the look on her face, she had believed he was dead. Trying to explain his undeadness, not to mention miraculous recovery from a gunshot wound, was not something he felt in the mood for doing.
He pulled her tight to him.
He didn't know what to think about the situation. He was in two minds. A part of him just wanted to hold her tight, to say how much he missed her and loved her.
But then the part of him that remembered what she had done felt nothing but anger. He looked at her face and recalled how she had betrayed him and wondered how he could possibly see past that.
Then again, there was another part of him, a third mind as it were. And that felt nothing. A quiet observer looking on, far removed from the situation, from emotional connection, from everything.
He leaned her body across him, resting her head on his shoulder as he placed his hand on her forehead.
Could he heal her as his body healed him?
Could he turn back time and just return to when everything was perfect?
He wished he could.
But everything was just too complicated.
He had made a dedication to the one that had brought him back. And he knew deep down that this wasn't to last. It would only be a matter of time before his friends would have to take second place in his life. More important things would have to take place.
He didn't understand them, he didn't know if he wanted to understand them. He only knew that it was a commitment he had made, to honor the one that had given him back his life. And sacrifices would have to be made

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, October 29, 2006 7:54 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The facility was practically empty.
The majority of people still in there had stopped breathing a while ago
The shadow of a figure stretched out across the bloody bodies left behind by the one called Needy.

"You underestimated him" the figure uttered calmly

"Maybe. But I'm not the only one" Robert replied, his voice tremoring slightly

"You requested your part in the interrogation and we granted it. You told us you had control of the situation, that he would surrender the information to us. You lied"

"No. His responses told you everything you needed to know"

"We know he did it..." the man started, before his voice rose in anger "BUT WE DON'T KNOW HOW HE DID IT!"

Robert stepped back a bit as the man blared at him

"We wanted to know HOW he did what he did and you did NOT get him to provide that information!!"
The man was slowly reaching into his pocket, pulling out a concealed weapon

"No." Robert admitted. "But I never wanted him to"

"What?" the man stood still, his hand remaining in his jacket pocket

"This was never about what you wanted to know. But what they needed to know."


"The people who care about him. Needy's a very special guy, especially to his friends"

"Who do you work for?!" The man in charge demanded, his weapon now displayed and aimed at Robert Wu's gut.

Robert closed his eyes and concentrated. His breathing slowed and eyelids fluttered.
As he opened them, the man in front began to realise what he was doing, and fired the weapon. But it was too late
Unknowingly, the man had raised the gun so that it was aimed at his own temple. His thoughts ended instantly

"Not for you" Robert simply replied.
He didn't want to do it, but he knew it had to be done. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time he was responsbile for somebody's death, but fortunately in this case, no one could prove his involvement.
The SG needed to be stopped. They, like the Alliance, could not be trusted, especially with whatever technology Needy possessed.

Pulling out his messenger, he looked at the message that Clayton had not long sent him

Typing his message as he vacated the premises, Robert replied:

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, October 29, 2006 8:02 AM


OCC: WHOA... I like this Robert Wu twist very much!

And CRAP!! I forgot all about Milton... I had a scenario all worked out too...

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Monday, October 30, 2006 12:00 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

In the back of the transport, Soul kept his eyes on the small window beside him. Every few seconds, however, his gaze drifted down to the two objects he held in his hands. The one was a picture from long ago, faded and creased, but still portraying the face of Soul's first love from long ago.


Then the other picture, the capture given to him earlier. A man with a tatoo, a tatoo engraved in Soul's mind's eye forever.

He knew what he had to do, what he had been given the opportunity to do when the universe had changed. But he couldn't do it alone. Not this time.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:30 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"What happens now??"Vixen asked to Wisp huddled together in the transport.

"We get to the ships take off amd get as far away from here as possible"

"No I mean after that. Were wanted fugitives now, Theyve already proved how far there willing to go for us"

"Dunno. I really Dont Know"


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:25 AM


Milton sat quietly in the back of the transport, absorbing as much of the conversation between his ‘captors’ as he could. What he heard and saw wasn’t helping calm his second guessing. These people didn’t behave like kidnappers or killers at all. The man called Jack had an easy smile and a seemingly ends supply of quips and jokes. Amy had a bubbly personality that made it hard for anyone not to like her. Versa had all the mannerisms of a librarian. Flechette had an edge to her but the way she carried on with Jack and the new comer Citizen, it was hard to see her as a killer.

To make matters worse, they had stopped and picked up what appeared to him to be a frightened girl, but the way Citizen watched her said there was more to her than her appearance let on. The name she gave seemed somehow appropriate... Vixen.

When they pulled into a warehouse and the back opened, Milton started to get up expecting this to be his last moments and hoping at the same time that the Alliance would hurry up and get here. But people started board the transport, some dressed only in hospital gowns. He paused, confused, when a ghost walked up the ramp.

All the blood drained out of Milton’s face and sat back down hard. It couldn’t be him, could it? And yet it looked just like him, AND he was carrying Kyra. What was going on? Maybe they had kept him here and were only now getting around to killing him now.

Needy greeted Milton’s captors with smiles and hugs and was too busy to notice Milton, which suited him just fine as he shrank further into the corner. What had he done? WHAT HAD HE DONE??

OOC:Seryn, post away. You've yet to write anything I didn't like.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:10 PM


the transport shifted suddenly, tossing the lot of them out of their reveries, the ground grew rough, it was evident they were traversing some pretty crappy roads. Needy and Citizen stood, and Jack called back,

"Er, yeah, guys you'd better hold on, some rough road here" He grinned and shrugged, he wasn't a tour guide. Flechette smiled at him.

From his vantage point Milton had watched what he could see of their route, it had alrmed him slightly that they had appeared to be driving right into a river, but now it seemed they made a turn into a tunnel of somesort, judging by the way they were lurching about, it was a tunnel that hadn't been used in a very long while.


Sykes started at the sound of the alarm, flipping on a monito he waited for the picture to settle and grinned. They were here, at last.

He fixed another cup of tea, stuffed the leaves and other bits into a box and threw his coat on.

taking the tea over to the corner of the room he surveyed the images on the screen.

"You sure about all of this? You want me to know it all?"

She glanced at him, dark circled eyes bright for the first time in days "Yes, its going to be of more use to you. Plus..." she pointed to a passage on the screen "Poking about my uncle private files, i found this, no one else ever knew about it - he left it to his son but he died, so its been abandoned for years, but its a real bunker of a place, and huge, had to acommodate his mistress and all of her staff, plus others - ought to be a good place to hide out."

"It has interesting possibilities, we'll see how it all pans out... you ready to go?"

"yes, did you pack the tea? " He nodded, "and more blankets? and spare jumpers?"

"Yes, you know coldness isn't actually a side effect"

"Try telling me that after you've died!"

he grinned "come on, the cavalrys here"

Pausing only to pack the portable computer and grab the final blanket form her bed, they made their way through the short passages, to greet the arriving vehicle.


Safe looked out through the windows, the tunnel was long, and best as he could guess, it was leading them right back to the centre of town, they'd taken several sharp turns, and just before what looked to be a cave in, they'd turned down a service tunnel.

The bouncing stopped, and they halted before a large pair of doors, yellow and black striped.

That doctor stood there, waving, grinning from ear to ear. Safe blood boiled, that bastard had left them all to rot, not to mention that he was responsible for ki... Safe stopped, recognising the other figure now that she had lowered her arm and stopped frowning at the sudden light and noise. Seated atop a large metal container, hair loose and ragged and dressed in a mans shirt and what looked to be three different shrugs and cardi's was Seryn.

He watched as she sipped tea slowly but continually, then seemed to straighten and stand up - waiting, expecting someone.

Expecting them. He started yelling the gangs names, laughter in his voice, then burst through the doors and leapt to the ground.

Followed by the others he pushed the doctor out of his way he ran to the pile of luggage and stood as she pushed the hair off her face, took another sip of tea and smiled at him.

"Hi.." She looked pale and deflated, but as she watched the rest of them leap from the car behind Safe, something of the old twinkle showed in her eyes.

"Well, don't all leap on me at once."

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Thursday, November 2, 2006 10:19 PM


"No, really, don't feel you have to be all happy or whatever."

"What did you do? - Why didn't you warn us? We..." He didn't finish.

"Some kind of sedative, and how could I when they would have known what was planned before it even reached your ears?"

Glancing over the stunned expressions, she realised that she actually didn't want the big reunion now, she was just desperetly wanting to get off this godforsaken rock. Forcing herself into briskness, she picked up the tea flask and moved stiffly towards the vehicle, Sykes quickly shoved their stuff, all but his med kit and the spare blankets in the storage lockers and followed as she climbed awkwardly into the passenger compartment, and greeted the very confused looking Ghost.

ooc - no idea how you lot want to react to all that - it would have been a fun (totally ripped off of course! saw that coming!) plot development if concluded swiftly, but i kind of bored and annoyed... with it. No more homages! React in your own time, for now she's going to curl up on an imaginary-doctor-cushion and fall asleep. Until we get back to the Epsilon and onto a new adventure!

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, November 3, 2006 2:08 AM


OOC: I'm sorry i haven't posted in a bit, Full time kindergarten field experience has begun. I'll try to get something written during lunch (or when the kids go to art or pe or wherever it is they go today) if not then during my break at work tonight. It might not get posted today but i'll try to write something.

got to go now


Friday, November 3, 2006 2:44 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The team stood facing seryn in a moment of akward joy. They had all come to terms with so many different things that no longer held true.

How long had it lasted??

None of them knew, or cared now it was over. They were all the same as they entered yet entirley different. They had been shaped into harder purer forms of the same people. They had callings and purpose.

They walked down for a happy greeting as they all smiled like fools and laughed like twelve year olds with mucky magazines.

"See I told..." The doctor began before Safes fist connected with his jaw. It was meant as a simple gesture of annoyance as he didnt break it and all the group felt like doing it.

"thats the last time you lie to us!" Safe said with a joking smile offering his hand in friendship which Sykes took with a nervous smile.

"You all look terrible" Vixen said with her hard ice exterior

"Look whos talking!!" Wisp replied bringing about a new round of giggling.

"Seriously what did you guys do in there??" Seryn asked.


Friday, November 3, 2006 7:44 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
"You all look terrible" Vixen said with her hard ice exterior

"Look whos talking!!" Wisp replied bringing about a new round of giggling.

"Seriously what did you guys do in there??" Seryn asked.

The group exchanged glances without words.
What they'd been through - both as a group and individually - was, for the most part, not something they wished to relive, especially Wisp.
For Needy, a lot of it was a blur anyway.

He embraced Seryn in a hug, worried for a moment that she would realise the truth, that he wasn't the same person. That even though he held her close, he was distant. And that what had happened to him over the past hours, days, weeks, months... hadn't quite hit him yet. He was just trying to make sense of things.

After he stepped back, his fellow colleagues continued to engage in conversation and spoke of how they wished to get off the damn planet, but Needy found his thoughts trailing off.

Catching the former companion staring at the transport and, by extension, the former lover that remained unconscious within, Soul approached him.

"An old friend?" he asked, trying to get Needy to open up

"I guess you could say that." He replied solemnly, before adding "Emphasis on the old"

"I imagine she had quite a shock back there"

"What, when she shot me? Let me tell you, it was no picnic for me either"

"You know what I mean. Seeing someone come back from the dead is not an easy thing to get ones head around"

"Yeah well..." Needy's replied trailed off into nothing

Soul looked thoughtfully on, as if trying to discern the thoughts of his friend

"Did you want to take her with us?"

Needy thought on this for a while, before replying. "I... I don't know"

Soul couldn't help but think of himself, or rather of Ciaran.

"Seriously consider it" Sould advised. "It seems to me that you've been given a second chance here. Even if it just means saying what you really feel, for closure. Don't leave things unfinished. It will kill you."

"Speaking from experience?"

Ignoring the comment, Soul simply states "I don't know if you believe in Fate or not. I'm not even sure if I do. But the chances of you two meeting up again... all I'm saying, is it seems you've been dealt this hand for a reason"

As Soul walks back to the others, Needy can't help but agree. "There is a reason for all of this"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:35 PM


No one in the gathering noticed the approach of a hunched figure of a man pulling a large cart a long the road. The cart was a anti-grav unit, but its forward motivators were shot so the man was forced to move it forward under his own steam. If anyone had been curious enough to peek underneath the cart's tarp they would have seen some very impressive military hardware and then a bright flash of light followed closed behind by sudden darkness as the man clubbed them over the head with a stout tree branch.

OOC: Sorry I have't been around much life has been busy.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, November 3, 2006 1:33 PM


She was a little bemused, she'd taken them punching Sykes, she'd been meaning to do that her self, but couldn't work up the energy, she'd seen they way Wisp and Vixen both had both seemed to harden, what ever had happened it hadn't been fun. She'd known Needy would be even more lost to them, but, well.. she figured he had a circular thing going on, and he was going to get a lot more distant before he came through it. She would worry about them, but it was hard, when the banter flowed so freely, almost like before.

She found a spot - beckoned Sykes over, made him sit so that she could lean against him. He drove her round the bend - as soon as she was strong enough she was cling-filming him to a tree and laughing as she drove away - but for now while whatever it was that had knocked her for six was working its way out of her system, he was her only support. Bah, idiot man. She pointed to the flask, and he passed it over. Well trained at least. From where she sat she examined the new comers, some, from their clothes, were fellow escapee's, some where obviously underground. One looked like safe, but cuter, in a matinee idol sort of way. He laughed louder and flirted outrageously anyway. And there was another woman, flat out unconcious next to where Needy settled himself. That would be an interesting tale.

She listened to the talk, joined in, and laughed as much as she was able, until out of the small window ashe noticed a figure approaching.

"Soul? ...Safe?"

"Yeah, we see him."

Jack leaned over, trying to view the figure "How he found this access tunnel i don't know, but... gotta hand it to the guy, thats one heavy load he's haulin"

"do we go say hello?" She asked, but Sykes stopped her from rising "And you'd be what kind of good exactly? Stay here, they've got it covered" She glared at him, but he laughed and stretched to wrap his arm around her shoulders. Ostensibly it was a concillatory gesture, but he also knew she knew where he kept his pocket knife and wasn't about to give her the freedom to make use of it.

"Well, heads up guys - he almost here"

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:46 PM


The man tugging the grav sled came to a stop about thirty paces away from the group. He stood up straight and shifted about clearly stretching over worked muscles. Big might be a word to describe the man, taller than most yet stocky. His face was hidden in the shade of his wide brimmed hat. His long coat made the details of his form difficult to make out.
Every one tensed as the stranger reached one hand into a coat pocket. The hand re-appeared holding a object about the size of a grapefruit. The loud crack of a rifle cocking could be heard from within the group. The stranger ignored the sound and raised the object to his face and tilted his head back, drinking. There was the sound of a stifled cough and a gasp that went hand in hand with the imbibing of spirits. The flask vanished back into the coat and the stranger took hold of the rope once again to make his way forward.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, November 6, 2006 9:56 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy had sat back down next to the woman from his past
He wanted to cut himself off. To be cold and merciless. To deny she was there, and just get on with whatever he was supposed to be doing.
But her presense changed things.
Truth was, she was there, whether he liked it or not
He touched her cheek as she lay unconscious and breathed her name "Grace"
Only it wasn't her name. Not really. It was Kyra. Grace was the lie he had been led to believe, before.
He removed his palm from her cheek and clenched his fist in anger.
She had told him it wasn't all a lie. That she had fallen for him.
He had told her he didn't believe anything she said.
Only, deep down he knew. She was telling the truth. He just couldn't get past the initial betrayal.

A figure loomed before him, interrupting his thoughts.

Needy looked up and took in the sight.

Yet again, he was taken aback in shock. Another face from another lifetime.


The former protege stammered before Needy could say a word.
"Is... is it you?"

Needy didn't answer, he just looked at him with eyes of relief

"It is isn't it? I... I think I've made a terrible mistake"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree






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