Special Branch: The Living Dead

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 05:39
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Monday, December 4, 2006 7:17 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Loving the Rosie development - talk about evolution of a character!

Needy steps towards Rosie after her surprising revelation.
"So... let me get this straight. You're Rosie. The Rosie"

"Yes. The one and the same. Sunshine above, I thought humans were supposed to be smart!" Rosie remarked.

"Sorry," Needy stepped back, dazed, "I guess we should be used to all this craziness by now."
He turned his head and looked at Milton and Kyra, who he had told to stay way back.
As crazy and oddly humourous this development had seemed, looking back at the pair brought him back down to earth, as if he'd been hit hard by a dose of reality.

The slight smirk that had appeared on his face when Rosie had spoken to him dissipated, and instead, he strode up to her and held out his hand, in a cold and informal manner.
"Nice to see you again"


OOC: Yeah, I know, its not much storywise, but I know I should get something done. I'm gonna try and backtrack later and tell things from Kyra's perspective.

In the meantime, has anyone else thought about who they would like to see cast in the roles of their characters? So far I've got:

Wisp - Tom Welling (Smallville)
Vixen - Selma Blair (Hellboy)
Jack - John C McGinley (Scrubs)
Safe - Kurt Russell (Stargate)
Bear - Michael Clark Duncan (Green Mile)
Jennings - Ryan Reynolds (Blade Trinity)
Grunt: Patrick Warburton (Seinfeld/Scream 3)
Flechette: Melina KaraKaredes (CSI:NY)
Versa: Anna Belknap (CSI:NY/The Handler)
Amy: Mira Sorvino (Mimic)
Needy - Ian Somerhalder (Lost)
Kyra - Evangeline Lily (Lost)
Milton - Sam Huntington (Superman Returns)
Robert Wu - Edward James Olmos (Battlestar Galactica)
Janus - Robert Patrick (Terminator 2)
Phelps - Peter Weller (Robocop/24)

These roles could be recast because theres a good chance theres a more suitable fit out there.
I'm still not sure about some of my characters, but I think its best if the person who created the character should have first choice who they'd pick for their characters

That being said, TRM, correct me if I'm wrong, but would you say Scarlet Johannson could be a good Rosie Walker?

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, December 4, 2006 1:13 PM


thats a funny question - I think I always had an idea of Aeryn Sun ('cept with out the Peackeeper issue regulation stick up her arse) but softer - less serious, and mostly talk. So Claudia Black.

Sykes I always had Malcom McDowell with Iggy Pop tinges.

Ok, does anyone mind if Seryn decides Jack is her new plaything? hmmmmm... Dr Cox....

*cough* 'scuse me.

Huxley (the Sherrif) - er, Blond, buffed up, kind of 'all american' stereotype. Er...?

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, December 4, 2006 2:51 PM


Spider---AnnaSophia Robb jpg

Though maybe a year older.

I'm still looking for good ones for Shadow, Ghost, and Truth.



Monday, December 4, 2006 3:15 PM


Needy offers his hand, but Rosie runs forward and gives him (almost literally) a bone-crushing hug. (She is still VERY strong).

“Oh, sorry.” She realizes that she may be gripping him a little too tightly and releases him before any serious damage is done.

“But am I THE Rosie? Well, not exactly. The Rosie that Wisp planted, the one that first came aboard this ship, is over there against the wall in pieces. THIS body grew as a bud off of that Rosie when she… uh… went into torpor.” For some reason, Rosie seems embarrassed, and a slight green blush can be seen in her very pale skin.

“Uh, anyway, when this body came loose and… umm… fell off the tree, it had an instinctive urge to eat the heart seed kept inside the previous Rosie. If it never got to the heart-seed, then this body would probably have developed as another separate person. Or maybe it would go crazy and die, I’m not sure. Anyway, once it ate the heart seed from the old Rosie, all of Rosie’s memories settled into this body and it became Rosie. I became Rosie.”

When everyone stares blankly at Rosie, she realizes that she is not explaining things well.

“Let me try again.” She pauses, chin in her hand, frowning, thinking. Then she continues. “This body that’s talking now did not exist when Rosie the tree-woman boarded this ship. But now, that tree-Rosie is gone and I am Rosie. However, I REMEMBER being that previous tree-Rosie, walking aboard, bringing my tub of dirt, and...”

Everyone continues to stare at her blankly.

“Yes,” she concludes, giving up, “I am THE Rosie. Oh, would you like to meet my babies?” She whistles, and seven tiny plant people come scurrying toward her.


OOC: Sadly, I don’t recognize most of those actors’ names. I guess I haven’t seen a lot of TV or movies of late.

I don’t think of actors when I create a new character. Somehow, I get a very clear image in my head of what a character looks like. This is the same with the Seven Brides aboard the Sereni-Tree as well, except for Bride1 (who was a rip-off from “Kill Bill”).

Sorry, Scarlet Johannsen (Jean Grey from the X-Men movies, right?) is not a good fit for Rosie Walker.

My image of the new Rosie? She seems young, maybe 20 years old. She has long, reddish hair that is curly or frizzy. That is, it sort of floats around her head rather than drapes down her back. Perhaps she regularly ties it into a fluffy ponytail, secured by one or more of her “babies”. Also, her hair is more orange in color than auburn or blood red. She has a round face and green eyes. Her skin is very pale, to the point of her seeming sickly. She is somewhat short, not quite five feet (1.52 meters) in height. She is busty and actually has real hips; fans of anorexic stick-figure supermodels would probably consider her chubby. She usually has a sunny disposition, with a smile on her face, but she is constantly confused by the antics of the humans around her.

So, she is probably not appropriate to be the uber-gorgeous female lead in some TV series or movie, but rather that female lead’s not-quite-as-gorgeous best friend. If anyone can suggest a candidate actress, let me know.

Oddly enough, I did not imagine her in this kind of detail back when she was a mysterious “small figure” with a chainsaw. Back then, she was just “small” and otherwise amorphous.

Oh, and if you go back and read the dialogue of the original tree-Rosie and compare it to the musings and ramblings of the “small figure” with the chainsaw, they should sound like the same person. That was my intent, anyway.


Monday, December 4, 2006 6:48 PM



OOC: Sorry, Scarlet Johannsen (Jean Grey from the X-Men movies, right?)

OOC: Famke Jannsen played Jean Grey in the X-men movies.

I can't think of any actor I would have portray SR. As far as what kind of person he is: cowboy/ronin/pirate with some modern accoutrements.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 3:44 AM


OOC: Sorry. Who is this Scarlet, then?

EDIT: Oh, HER. I just looked her up on IMDB. No, that isn't Rosie.


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 7:07 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Well I was going to post pictures (or at least links to picutres) with each of the characters, I just haven't got round to it yet.

Seryn - Claudia Black seems like a good fit, I could go for that. For some reason,up until now, I'd been picturing a blonde for the character... dont ask me why

SR - Well I could probably think of a few actors that could fit the cowboy/ronin/pirate role, but it might help if you gave a round about age, young/old? Mickey Rourke perhaps or a "Man on fire" Denzel Washington? I think SR might be a bit younger than them though

TRM - No scarlet? fair enough. She just popped in my mind. Well your description should be a big help, I'm just trying to picture someone right now. When you said "redhead" I immediately thought of Kristen Dalton from the Dead Zone ( but shes a bit older than 20

I'll keep thinking and see if I can throw out some suggestions

As for my character Clayton, I'm pondering Stuart Townsend or Sean Patrick Flannery... or I could go in the completely opposite direction

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:25 AM



Originally posted by NEEDY:

Seryn - Claudia Black seems like a good fit, I could go for that. For some reason,up until now, I'd been picturing a blonde for the character... dont ask me why

SR - Well I could probably think of a few actors that could fit the cowboy/ronin/pirate role, but it might help if you gave a round about age, young/old? Mickey Rourke perhaps or a "Man on fire" Denzel Washington? I think SR might be a bit younger than them though

OOC: The imagination does interesting things when left to its own devices. I thought Seryn was beautiful and she wondered why.

For SR think late thirties - early forties. Clive Owen (King Arthur, I'll sleep when I'm Dead), Tcheky Karyo (Wing commander, The original La Femme Nikita) or maybe Ralph Fienness (Strange Days). Remember Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in Die another Day? When he gets out of the prision camp, that's the look, hair long, beard, lot's of scruff. A bit of faded flash living on the edge like Antonio Banderas in Desperado. What did the Rangers look like in Middle Earth, regal bearing, shabby clothes, muddy boots, bright swords. Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe: a bloody killing officer, a real veteran soldier hardened from years of battle, promoted up from the ranks, not some foppish dandy who bought his commision with his parents money. Dirty Uniform, clean rifle. A survivor, like Christian Bale in Reign of Fire. You get the drift.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 9:54 AM


OOC:S.R. I like Tcheky Karyo or Christian Bale. Both fit the picture I had in my head.

TRM, I pictured Rosie as Melanie Lynskey of Two and a Half Men or Sara Rue of Less Than Perfect back before she lost all that weight, season 1.

For some reason I was also picturing Seryn as a blonde. Not the "bleached" or Platinum-over-processed-starlet blonde. A "dirty" or sandy blonde.

Leonardo DiCapprio keeps coming to mind for Wisp.

Hopefully, I'll have more to add to the story tomorrow.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 10:25 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
OOC:S.R. I like Tcheky Karyo or Christian Bale. Both fit the picture I had in my head.

TRM, I pictured Rosie as Melanie Lynskey of Two and a Half Men or Sara Rue of Less Than Perfect back before she lost all that weight, season 1.

For some reason I was also picturing Seryn as a blonde. Not the "bleached" or Platinum-over-processed-starlet blonde. A "dirty" or sandy blonde.

Hopefully, I'll have more to add to the story tomorrow.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."

OOC: I always knew that Seryn to be a lady with tresses of raven black, of course I didn't have much of a choice, She told me a ways back. I've never automatically assumed anything specific before she told me, just that she would be beautiful and attractive that way that only smart spunky women are.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I fell in love with a lady whose personality outshone all her physical shortcomings. No one could understand the attraction to look at her, but to talk to her on the phone, you were instantly caught in her spell.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:29 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: I think of Soul as a bit of Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. Morose, determined, haunted past, all that good stuff. - - .


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:47 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
OOC: The imagination does interesting things when left to its own devices. I thought Seryn was beautiful and she wondered why.

Just that at the time I just didn't see her as that way - attractive maybe, but far from classically 'beautiful'. But if Claudia Black would be playing here then i'm just going to have to cope with the burden of being gorgeous.

For SR think late thirties - early forties. Clive Owen (King Arthur, I'll sleep when I'm Dead), Tcheky Karyo (Wing commander, The original La Femme Nikita) or maybe Ralph Fienness (Strange Days). Remember Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in Die another Day? When he gets out of the prision camp, that's the look, hair long, beard, lot's of scruff. A bit of faded flash living on the edge like Antonio Banderas in Desperado. What did the Rangers look like in Middle Earth, regal bearing, shabby clothes, muddy boots, bright swords. Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe: a bloody killing officer, a real veteran soldier hardened from years of battle, promoted up from the ranks, not some foppish dandy who bought his commision with his parents money. Dirty Uniform, clean rifle. A survivor, like Christian Bale in Reign of Fire. You get the drift.

*melt* Sorry, you just said Clive Owne, Sharpe, Ranger and Christian Bale all in the same sentence - you're going to have to give me a moment...




... ...

Ok, back to the story....

IC - Seryn looked carefully around the door way, spotted the rifle and removed it from Carson's reach. Straightening back up, she handed the rifle, which she saw with some grudging respect was at least kept clean, to Safe, who left to start looking over the the outside of the house.

"So...? The children? where are they?"

"They ain't here, while stuff sitting rusting in the back, gorram brats haven't been here for days"

She was inclined to believe him - he didn't look anything but seriously annoyed. "So, where have they gone? Shouldn't you kind of know where they are at all times? They're your wards..."

At that moment Ghost came running up the path, yelling something to her, but Seryn couldn't make it out.

At the sight of her though, Carson let out an inarticulate growl and moved forward, fists clenched. But he couldn't get far - Sr moved the gun to press at the underside of his jaw, swiftly moving his taller frame to hide his action from the little girl.

Spider saw it though, and a look of grudging admiration came into her eyes.

Seryn kneeled and caught the little girl, who calmed a little "They're not here miss Seryn - they went to the hiding place, we go there sometimes, when..." she threw a nervous glance at Mr Carson.

"So you know where they are?"

"Yse, they left me a message"

"Ok, go back to Spider. Safe! Back here, we're leaving!"

She made to walk away down the path, but turned, Carson stood regarding her, sneer back on his face. Her blood boiling she approached him, waited until SR moved aside, and knee-ed him as hard as she was able in the groin.

It wasn't much, but it had to do. Safe joined them and dropped the now unloaded rifle on the downed guys head, then grinned.

"Man you can make a point when you want to... No other kids about, i think they all went. We'd better get there quick, and then be off this rock.... did you narrow down the co-ordinates?

Yes, Sykes and Jack should be sorting them now. We need more than a mule or the Nandi - i suggest we load everyone onto the Epsilon, fly quiet as possible overland, pick the kids up on the way past, then get out of here.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 12:26 AM


OOC: We have talked about the Nandi and Epsilon but what about the Dagger? Did its crew head off in their own direction?


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 3:15 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- LEO!!! Christ im meant to be clever and a little rugged not a poncy stuck up twit!! How dare u.

Anyway-"Rosie...Wow. I knew those seeds were special but these are amazing characteristics!! I need to do some scans" Wisp wandered over to the storage compartment and removed his laptop like itd never been away. he immediatley started some scans of Rosie and her discarded tissues.

"Wow your cellulose structures have bee radically altered, these peptide chains are halfway between plants and Archea!! You seem to be able to access genetic material thats been locked away or borrowed from whatever you come into contact with. This is amazing. Look at these chlorophyll pigments!!! They absorb in the 550 through 400nm band and the secondaries create a perfect flesh tone!!"

As Wisp rambled on in what to everyone else was gibberish to himself the rest of the team who hadnt headed to the Carsons slowly backed away and left him to it.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:23 AM



Originally posted by seryn:*melt* Sorry, you just said Clive Owne, Sharpe, Ranger and Christian Bale all in the same sentence - you're going to have to give me a moment...




... ...

Ok, ....

OOC: melt all you want, for goodnes sake don't apologise. If there is one thing I won't stand for it a good woman apologiseing for melting! It's your inalienable right to melt so do so without shame. If there is a place to day dream then this is it, so take your time. Not to be a nitpicker, but I actually said Clive Owne, Sharpe, Ranger and Christian Bale all in the same paragraph, but I get your point. Now there I just said them in the same sentence. You seem to like that, so what the hell, I'll do it again, Clive Owne, Sharpe, Ranger and Christian Bale. Pay attention guys, this is important. Find out what women want and get it for them. If she's worth it, well then she's ..., worth it.


IC - Safe joined them and dropped the now unloaded rifle on the downed guys head, then grinned.

SR picks the man up by his shirt front and slams him against a wall. He then retrieves the rifle and pushes the barrel across the man's throat.

"Now that we have your attention, I'm going to say my piece. The only reason I don't kill you now is so that I can use you in a experiment of human nature. Now we are going to leave. I will return, won't say when, and when I do, If you are back to your old ways then I'll take my time killing you as slow as I can. If you prove to me that people can change, well then I'll consider you a different person and be on my merry. Got it?"
Carson only nods with no air to speak. Sr releases the pressure on his neck and he falls to the ground again. SR slings the rifle across the yard. Safe gives him a quizzical look as to the pitching of the rifle.
"You never know where he might have spare ammo stashed."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, December 6, 2006 6:30 AM


As the group turns to leave an ungodly shriek fills the air. “Mrs.” Carson appears around the corner of the building, broom held high, and runs straight at them.

“She’s mine!! You can’t have her!!”

The group only has time to turn when she’s on top of them, catching Safe, last in line, flatfooted.

Safe only puts his arms up to protect his face. Taking the brunt of the beating on his forearms, he makes no move to counter attack.

“Stop!” Seryn shoves the woman away from Safe.

Mrs. Carson turns her attention to Seryn and raises the splintered broom but before she can swing, S.R. catches a handful of her greasy hair yanking her head back.

Seryn doesn’t hesitate. Her right arm streaks out, punching the woman in the throat.

Mrs. Carson slumps gasping to the ground.

S.R. releases her hair and wipes his hand on his pants.

Safe crouches in front of Mrs. Carson, who despite having trouble breathing continues to try and spit curses at them. “Listen to me. The Alliance has your hover craft. Seems it was used by unknown persons to attack an Alliance funded hospital.” The woman’s eyes widen. “I would imagine it won’t be long before they come here.” Safe smiles at Mrs. Carson, “But then you’ve nothing to hide, right?”

Straightening up, Safe turns, “Let’s get out of here, times a wastin’.”

OOC: WYSB, Leo's taken some gritty roles lately but I have to agree, I think he's a fop too. It was the 'idea' of his type that I was suggesting. Young, cocky, smart, not afraid to get dirty, type of thing.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, December 8, 2006 4:44 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Straightening up, Safe turns, “Let’s get out of here, times a wastin’.”

"Hey remember this one?" SR asks reffering to Spider. "She ain't exactly innocent; I guarantee that if we take her with us she'll cause trouble, most likely thieve us down to our skivvies and turn us in to the bronze, brass or copppers once we're played out."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:21 AM


Seryn watches the exchanges dispassionately, dimly aware that she should feel something. Mercy maybe. She grimaces, and turns to where the two girls were again out of sight.

"So where are they? You said you know where they are? How far away is it sweetie?"

Ghost looks up at Spider - it had been drilled into her that she was never to tell anyone the location of their hide outs, no one at all.
But Spider lost patience, and did it for her "Its on the river as it leaves the canyons, few miles form here - caves near the bank, i'll show you"
Ghost nods, and latches back onto Spiders leg, just as SR and Safe come into view.

Seryn watches the girls still, note the reaction to SR words - mostly hate, but a curious look in the narrowed eyes too... Grinning, she turns to the men. "Spider here is going to take you out to where the others are hiding - and probably coax them out of the cave for you. I trust SR that I can rely on you to keep her in sight and out of trouble at all times? I know you are aware of her... habits. When you get back from collecting them, we'll be ready to go, immedietly, I'll make sure of that."

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, December 8, 2006 7:39 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

After Wisp had spent a few hours going over Rosies results he looked up to find himself alone. Vixen had zonked out on one of the bunks in the back and everyone else was outside. He wandered up to the Pilot seat and began activating sensors and things.

It seemed like a lifetime ago since hed piloted this very ship down with only a single engine. It had been a lifetime ago. It was time to leave this planet behind. He wanted to go to Ariel, To see if Danielle was real. At the same time he wanted to settle down on a little moon and live a simple event free life.

He was picking up the Nandi a few miles away on the edge of town, Seryn would want to fly her ship. Safe and his team would fly in the Dagger. Im sure if he asked nicely he could fly in the Epsilon.

Would they fly together?? Would they part ways and exchange christmas cards?? Would They have a reunion every year?? Who would these kids go with?? The Nandi was too small, would Safe have to act the father figure??

A smirk crossed his face at that point.

The one question he couldnt escape, the one that kept repeating and escalating, ebbing and weaving through his brain:

Would they come back for them??


Saturday, December 9, 2006 5:52 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Seryn watches the exchanges dispassionately, dimly aware that she should feel something. Mercy maybe. She grimaces, and turns to where the two girls were again out of sight.

"So where are they? You said you know where they are? How far away is it sweetie?"

Ghost looks up at Spider - it had been drilled into her that she was never to tell anyone the location of their hide outs, no one at all.
But Spider lost patience, and did it for her "Its on the river as it leaves the canyons, few miles form here - caves near the bank, i'll show you"
Ghost nods, and latches back onto Spiders leg, just as SR and Safe come into view.

Seryn watches the girls still, note the reaction to SR words - mostly hate, but a curious look in the narrowed eyes too... Grinning, she turns to the men. "Spider here is going to take you out to where the others are hiding - and probably coax them out of the cave for you. I trust SR that I can rely on you to keep her in sight and out of trouble at all times? I know you are aware of her... habits. When you get back from collecting them, we'll be ready to go, immedietly, I'll make sure of that."

"Okay, I'll watch the grommet. Seeing as we are not the most popular people and we have just a little time and lot of smalls in tow may I suggest we get some sort of transport, perhaps we could borrow one of the Carson's "Buckboards" for the trip. It would be a form of poetical justice."

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:09 AM


Rosie plops down in the seat next to Wisp. Concern shows on her normally cheerful face. "Is something wrong, Wisp? Uh, I'm sorry I got mad back there. I didn't mean to shout."

Rosie Walker, plant woman


Monday, December 11, 2006 5:51 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"No No, Its great! If i was a respected scientist id have three nobel prizes in you!! This research material will occupy me for days. I dont care you got mad, I got a little crazy myself with the gun toting. I just wanna get off this rock. And we will as soon as The Von Trapps return back with the ankle biters."

"Oh good" Rosie replied slightly unerved by the idea of research in her but happy she could crush his skull if she felt like it.

"Now wanna help me with the preflight checks??" Wisp offered in friendship while he fought back a smug superiority master complex for creating her.

"Well...erm...I dont know how" She replied embarrased as a flush of Phloem tubes carrying a pink photosynthetic pigment filled her cheeks.


"Well you learn pretty good so far, so watch me and youll be flying in no time"


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:59 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm kinda at a loss of what to post. I did have an idea of how to keep us all together, though. I still have Destiny's Shadow. I can have 'Tash's head bring the ship back, and have Soul's crew gone for some reason or another. The ship is big enough to hold everyone.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, December 11, 2006 1:31 PM


Revised to show Rosie’s personality. She is very naïve and inexperienced with "human stuff". Also, she would never contemplate violence against her friends or companions!


Wisp wrote:
"No No, It’s great! If i was a respected scientist I’d have three nobel prizes in you!! This research material will occupy me for days. I don’t care you got mad, I got a little crazy myself with the gun toting. I just wanna get off this rock. And we will as soon as The Von Trapps return back with the ankle biters."

"Oh good," Rosie replied, slightly confused by the idea of research in her but happy she was no longer alone. “But I don’t think that I’d like prizes put inside me. I’m not a piñata! And what are ‘Von Trapps’ and why would they bite ankles? Are they some kind of parasites? Or are they mechanical traps that you use to catch a ‘von’? What’s a von? Oh, wait! Is ‘von’ another word for ‘ankle’?”


"Now wanna help me with the preflight checks??" Wisp offered in friendship while he fought back a smug superiority master complex for creating her.

"Well...erm...I don’t know how," She replied, embarrassed as a flush of Phloem tubes carrying a green photosynthetic pigment filled her cheeks.

Blushing a pale green.

"Well you learn pretty good so far, so watch me and you’ll be flying in no time"



Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:35 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Bullets flew all around as people shouted across to each other from all sides.
To the left, Needy and another woman were hiding behind a wall, armed to the teeth.
Other men and women - some she recognised, some she didn't - were already in the midst of the action, firing at uniformed alliance soldiers.

Needy and the woman came out fast, firing all around.
Dust sprayed up from the ground, and blood coloured the walls.
All hell had broked loose in this small backroad.

Then before she could scream out to warn him, Needy was hit with a bullet, straight through the heart.

As he fell, she cried out "No!"

A man in the distance heard the cry and quickly ran to her.

She tried to put her head in her hands in grief, but there was a problem with that. As she raised her hands up, she spotted the gun in her hand, still smoking. Then she realised what she had done. She had shot him.

She dropped the weapon, and looked at her hands in shock.
They were covered in blood.

She tried to wipe the substance off of her hand, but it was no use, the blood had already seeped through and stained her hands.

Wrapped up in her own confusion, she had failed to acknowledge the fact that the man that had ran towards her was now standing beside her, a gun trained at her head.

She slowly looked at the man. He was dressed in army fatigues, a soldier equipped for battle. A sniper rifle hung on his shoulders whilst his other weapon, a standard issue revolver remained pointing at her.
She shouldn't have recognised the man.
But she did.
His face...

It was Needy's.

"I'm-I'm sorry" She uttered softly

"So am I" He replied, before pulling the trigger.

Kyra woke up suddenly, her heart skipping a beat as she threw her body forward to an upright position.

She looked around her. She was still in the transport, only she was alone. Those who had travelled with her were nowhere to be seen.
Fortunately she could hear voices in the distance, and footsteps. Footsteps getting louder.

Her nerves on edge, she anxiously waited, and did so quietly, so to not attract unnecessary attention to herself.

Then a face appeared in the open doorway of the transport.


It wasn't long ago she was desperate to help him out, free him from his prison, now it seemed like he was going to help her.

"You are awake" he said, seemingly surprised to see it

She stumbled in her thoughts, wondering what was the best thing to ask first. Only one thoughtcame to her mind though. "Bernie?"

"What?" he asked, before realising what she was asking and corrected her. "You mean Needy."

She blinked in agreement

"What about him?"

"Is he... okay?" Her throat was sore, and her voice came across as croaky

"Yeah" he said reluctantly.

"But... how?"

"I don't know. He just is. C'mon we gotta go"

"What? Where?" It was a lot to take in for any person... especially someone just waking up after having been rendered unconscious.

"Outside. We're moving. Needy's request."

Kyra's scrunched her face and strained her eyes. Her head was killing her. She rubbed her eyes with her fingers and held her face in her hand.
Was she still dreaming? Nothing made any sense

"Are you coming or what?"

She leaned forwards and looked into his eyes with intent. "What is going on?"

"I don't know" Milton replied, emphasizing each word individually.

Seeing Kyra's face drop with worry though forced him to calm his spirit somewhat. She wasn't the enemy.

"Look, I don't know where we're going, but it's no problem. I just think he wants us to move to somewhere he thinks is safe."
Milton's voice was so sincere that he almost believed the words himself. He wanted to believe them, he just feared that he was wrong.

"You sure he's ok?" Kyra asked, getting ready to move off the seat

"Yeah, he's fine", he reassured, though in reality he thought "At least I hope so"

"But how?"

Milton shrugged. "I thought you of all people would understand. You've seen some pretty weird stuff right?" he put on a smile.

"Yeah, I guess. It's just..." she stopped as she stepped outside of the transport, Milton taking her hand as she hopped off the raised step onto the ground.

"Just what?"

"I just... never thought anything like that would happen to him."

She looked forwards, spotting her former lover in the distance.

"He was... so perfect. Now? I don't know. I don't know if he's the same person I knew"

"Everybody changes" Milton responds, slightly ill-at-ease with the fact that she was seeking comfort from him of all people

"What do I say to him?"

Milton is quiet.
Since when was he her confidant, her go-to-guy? Not too long ago he was calling her a traitor, and now they were best friends? Hardly. Trouble was, he couldn't help but feel the need to listen to her, to comfort her.
"Just give it time" he encouraged. "Give him space. He'll come to you"

"What, even after I..."

"Even after what you did, he'll come to you. He'll forgive you."

"You think"

"Yeah. He's a good man"


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:46 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

After the conversation with the new Rosie, Needy was forced to listen to the voice in his head talk about destiny and the role he had to fulfil. He had heard it all before and frankly he was getting tired of it... but it was true nevertheless.

"They are a problem" the Being told him "both of them. They need to be dealt with"

"I know. I'm handling it" Needy said

"It needs to be done soon. They can't threaten your mission."

"I said I'll handle it," Needy replied "I know what I have to do"


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:10 AM


OOC: Just so I have it straight, do we want Safe, S.R. Seryn and the girls to go back to the Epsilon (which has the Nandi docked on top) and take it to find the tots? April?

I figured once we got off planet, we could either rendevous with the Destiny and or go to the secret bunker Seryn suggested. To tell the truth, the Dagger had totally slipped my mind. Plus I didn't want to use it and come across as a "duex es machina" sp?.

Sorry about the delay, work has been nuts, but I won't go there... happy thoughts happy thoughts... and any free time at home has been spent getting ready for Christmas. I've two little girls (7&10) that are bouncing off the walls with excitement. This is a story I don't want to just fluff out something, if you know what I mean.

Safeat2nd- Sir Kei & Sir Luc on the Sereni-Tree, befuddled handyman on Destiny and proud contributor to the Special Branch


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:19 AM


“As much as I may find myself regretting these words, but I agree with Reagent. We need some transport. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t want to take one of these… vehicles… only to come back and find the Alliance waiting for us. I say we go back and get the Epsilon and go get the little ones in that then head straight off planet.”

Looking around he sees nods of agreement.

“Besides, I’m getting sick and tired of this rock.”

Back at the Hanger:

Safe , Seryn, S.R. and their young charges board the Epsilon. While the others stare in wonder at the little plantlings, Safe strides, all business like, towards the cockpit.

“Oh, Hey Rosie. You’ve done something to your hair.” He says in passing then bellows “Wisp! You got this bird ready for flight yet?”

“Yessir!” Wisp hollers back, giving an over exaggerated salute and rolling his eyes.

Safe grins as he drops into the co-pilot seat. Putting on his headphones, he keys up the intercom. “Needy, Jack are our passengers all tucked in?”

Wisp looks at Safe puzzled. “Aren’t you sitting in the wrong chair?”


“Locked and loaded Safe.” Jacks voice replies over the com.

“Good to go.” A subdued Needy responds.

“Ok, get us in the air kid.” Safe says as he brings his controls on line. “Seryn, bring Spider up here once we’re airborne.”

“Hey Wisp, do me a favour and remind me once we’re out of this to retire from giving orders… again.”

OOC: in case anyone has forgotten, the ISSCV Epsilon is shaped and configured roughly like a tour bus, only a little bigger.

Oh and let me know if this has thrown a wrench into anyones plot and I'll amend it accordingly.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, December 14, 2006 5:05 AM


Seryn approaches where SR stands watch over Spider.
"Safe wants her forward. I'll take her."
"Right." SR moves aside as Spider stands up.
As they move off a thought crosses SR's mind.
"Do you still drink coffee capt'n?"
"Yes, but don't call me that anymore."
"Well over a cup of coffee we can figure out what you want me to call you."
Spider takes all this in as a smirk crosses her face.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, December 16, 2006 3:13 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp pulled the bird into the air smoothly without a hitch. Eventually he settled into a low orbit and turned round to the crew.

"Where do I head?? I need a rough direction to head in. Suggestions??"


Monday, December 18, 2006 4:18 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Special Branch Living Dead Summary

Ok I don’t know how good this will be but here goes:

At the start of the thread Wisp and Safe had just busted out of the medical facility with little ghost and met the underground guy called Huxley. SR appeared doing some theft. Vixen gets busted out of Jail by the resistance. Soul and Needy escaped with friends and met up with Needy’s old friend Kyra who shot him but of course its needy.

Citizen infiltrates the underground and meets somebody he knows. The underground are transporting Needy’s Other friend Milton. The medical escapees hide in a warehouse for a while.

Sykes (the doctor looking after the deadish Seryn) blows up his computers. Transport arrives in warehouse complete with Vixen, Citizen, Jack, and Fletchette oh and Milton.
The people in the transport pull off a very exciting car-chase/gun fight.

That bloke Roberts who is somehow helping Needy went Professor Xavier on some guys ass and made him shoot himself.

We final find out Seryn is still alive!! Yay!! Safe punched Sykes and everyone had A jolly nice reunion. SR appeared at our door so we Let him join our band of merry men women & children.

Milton appears to have jolly rogered the resistance but now regrets his actions upon finding Needy alive. Some snipers appeared and Wisp had a dream.

Seryn bonds with ghost and wonders how she’s the same ghost she knows just not. The evil Carsons re-enter our story. And Seryn convinces the motley crew to play social services.

A branch of the resistance got arrested.

Aprilise posted a FANTASTIC and intresting background into the carsons history. Safe shows his paternal side and we meet the Girl Spider (cool name a cant imagine the christening) and after much debate she joins our party.

Clayton and Robert Wu discuss Needy’s dark new powers and motovations.

Rosie (after much anticipation) has shedded her woody exterior and become a proper Humanoid plant girl!! Even if she does ramble on a bit.

SR Seryn and Safe (too many characters with S’s) arrive at the Carson’s farm and through a process of blackmail threats and violence locate Shadow and Truth.

The appearance of the characters is decided upon and follows as
Wisp - Tom Welling (Smallville)
Vixen - Selma Blair (Hellboy)
Jack - John C McGinley (Scrubs)
Safe - Kurt Russell (Stargate)
Bear - Michael Clark Duncan (Green Mile)
Jennings - Ryan Reynolds (Blade Trinity)
Grunt: Patrick Warburton (Seinfeld/Scream 3)
Flechette: Melina KaraKaredes (CSI:NY)
Versa: Anna Belknap (CSI:NY/The Handler)
Amy: Mira Sorvino (Mimic)
Needy - Ian Somerhalder (Lost)
Kyra - Evangeline Lily (Lost)
Milton - Sam Huntington (Superman Returns)
Robert Wu - Edward James Olmos (Battlestar Galactica)
Janus - Robert Patrick (Terminator 2)
Phelps - Peter Weller (Robocop/24)
Seryn-Claudia Black (farscape)
Sykes- Malcom McDowel
Jack-Dr Cox (scrubs)
Spider---AnnaSophia Robb(Charlie and chocolate Factory)
SR- Cant decide so a strange genetic cross breed ofClive Owen (King Arthur, I'll sleep when I'm Dead), Tcheky Karyo (Wing commander, The original La Femme Nikita) or maybe Ralph Fienness (Strange Days). Remember Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in Die another Day? When he gets out of the prision camp, that's the look, hair long, beard, lot's of scruff. A bit of faded flash living on the edge like Antonio Banderas in Desperado. What did the Rangers look like in Middle Earth, regal bearing, shabby clothes, muddy boots, bright swords. Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe: a bloody killing officer, a real veteran soldier hardened from years of battle, promoted up from the ranks, not some foppish dandy who bought his commision with his parents money. Dirty Uniform, clean rifle. A survivor, like Christian Bale in Reign of Fire
Soul-Jensen Ackles(supernatural)

Then we all reappear at the Epsilon and set off for wacky space born adventures.

(inbetween theres been many flashbacks that were too numerous and indepth to write about)


Wednesday, December 20, 2006 9:21 AM


Rube watched, his hand shielding his eyes from the wind, as the Epsilon rose up through the roof of his hanger with more than just a little relief and some pride. The old bird looked good cleaned up and his makeshift docking bracket holding the Nandi atop, looked real good from where he stood.

He continued to watch as the Epsilon banked and then flew off, staying close to the ground. When it was out of sight he shivered a little recalling the plant people. “It weren’t right, not right at all. Plants shouldn’t aughta talk” he muttered as he cast a nervous eye at the cornfield across the road, then hurried into his hanger, closing and locking the door behind him.


Safe rose out of the co-pilots chair as Seryn escorted Spider, Ghost in tow, to the cockpit and motioned for Spider to take the vacated seat.

Spider’s apprehensions were quickly replaced by excitement and wonder that she struggled mightily and unsuccessfully to hide from the strangers.

At Spider’s direction, Wisp piloted the Epsilon along the river as it wound through a wooded area, staying close enough to the water as to kick up a wake. The Epsilon finally rocks to a stop at the mouth of a small clearing not 100 metres from the foot of a water fall, and hovers over the water.
“You sure this is the place?” Safe asks Spider from his spot crouched between the pilot and co-pilot chairs.

“What? You think they’re just going to standing in the open waiting for you ‘knights in shining armor’ to swoop down and carry them away to Fairy Tale Land?? Get a grip. I’m not even sure yet why I’m helping you mooks out.” She glares at Safe , Wisp and Seryn.

“’Cuz if you don’t you’re gonna learn fast enough if you can fly.” S.R. says from behind Seryn as he approaches the cockpit.

Seryn turns and glares at him. Safe and Wisp stifle chuckles.

“C’mon little one.” Safe says as he scoops Ghost up in his arms. “Time to get your siblings.”

OOC: Nice Summary Wisp! I've got one final bit ready to go and hope to post it prior to the holidays. Just waiting for April.

In case I don't get the chance, Merry Christmas everyone! I know I've said it time and again, but this thread is fantastic! And you guys/gals have made it that way. Thank-you for letting me part of this incredible story!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, December 25, 2006 5:22 PM


Merry Christmas Everyone,

Sorry it's taken me so long. I am working on a part to get us through meeting Truth and Shadow. I am going to try to finish it tonight so hopefully I'll have it up.



Thursday, December 28, 2006 7:11 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Ever since taking her seat beside Milton in the Epsilon, Kyra had spent the majority of the time thusfar with her head in her hands, suffering from what could only be described as an atomic hangover.
Milton had given her some painkillers as soon as they boarded but they sure did take their time to work.
As the pain subsided, Kyra began to think about what had happened.
The vague answers she had been given now seemed as satisfying as a kick in the teeth. If anything, she had more questions.
Like how did Bernie... scratch that... how did Needy get involved with these characters?
She had heard that prior to meeting him for the first time, he had broken a few rules and gone up against a gangster to help a woman named Serenity, but she wasn't sure of the details. In fact, it was one of the only things he had not told her much about. Perhaps he was ashamed for some reason, she wasn't sure. Even so, allying himself with rebels seemed out of character.
Unless of course, there was more to the story than she knew. And of course, being a reporter she should have realised... there's always two sides to every story.
She was willing to hear their side at this point. But right now, nobody was giving her any answers, and she couldn't pluck up the courage to just come out and ask, at least not with Needy sitting only a few feet away.
She just wanted him to forget she was there. She didn't want to be seen by him, she couldn't bear the thought of it.
Was it shame? Possibly. But the question lingered
"What if he never could forgive me?"

The ship slowed as it came to a stop.

Kyra realised she had no idea where they were heading. What surprised her though was that the unknown wasn't scaring her. She could be leaving everything behind, they could be off to another planet for all she knew, and yet it didn't faze her.
She might miss one or two people - Clayton, Perry - but that was all. Truth be told she had already said goodbye to it all. From the moment she found out Needy had died (or so she thought) and picked up that weapon, she understood that there was a good chance she might not be around for much longer.
And she was okay with that because... because she felt she had nothing left to live for. Or rather, nobody to live for

But she was wrong.

She did have someone out there... someone in here, in this ship.
It didn't matter where they were heading as long as she was with him.
As crazy as it sounded, even though she felt she didn't want to be there onboard with him, she knew she didn't want to be anywhere else.


Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:01 PM


Spider looked down at Ghost again, then back up at the adults. “Bratling, you know I won’t be able to get there with you on my legs like that, why don’t you let one of the adults carry you.

Ghost shook her head looking cautiously over at SR. “No hurt ‘Pider?” she asked cautiously. “Don’t be silly bratling, The adult is not going to hurt me.” *at least not till you let go she thought to herself… *on second thought.

“On my back munchkin.” Spider said kneeling down so the younger girl could climb up. “Hovercraft won’t work, the trees get too dense to fly them, and they don’t do well over the river. A hover bike would though, more maneuverability. Wouldn’t trust any of these things though, the only people who even attempt to fix them is Idiot boy and the brats.”

“A ship will work as long as it works over water, can’t fly through the trees, but if you can fly over the rapids you can follow the river.” She said as she looked at the assembled group.

Spider sat silently on the ship, Ghost sleeping soundly on her lap, the young girls head resting on the older girls shoulder. She was really starting to regret trying to rob this transport. First she was threatened with death…ok that wasn’t so out of the norm, it was rare to go a whole day without a death threat of some kind, usually more than one. Second she was stuck watching Bratling, She was not a babysitter! Third she was stuck being babysat by Violent Guy…note to self think of better nicks for these goobs. Fourth she was going to have to explain to Idiot Boy why she was near Bratling. On second thought when did she ever listen to anything that Idiot told her….


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
Wisp pulled the bird into the air smoothly without a hitch. Eventually he settled into a low orbit and turned round to the crew.

"Where do I head?? I need a rough direction to head in. Suggestions??"

“You just have to follow the river, most people stop when the rapids get to level 5, go past those and there is a waterfall, a big waterfall, Drop close to the water level at the bottom of the waterfall and within a mile there is a series of rivers that connect to the river we are following, Just passed those is the cove, If you hit the second set of rapids you went too far.”


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe rose out of the co-pilots chair as Seryn escorted Spider, Ghost in tow, to the cockpit and motioned for Spider to take the vacated seat.

Spider’s apprehensions were quickly replaced by excitement and wonder that she struggled mightily and unsuccessfully to hide from the strangers.

At Spider’s direction, Wisp piloted the Epsilon along the river as it wound through a wooded area, staying close enough to the water as to kick up a wake. The Epsilon finally rocks to a stop at the mouth of a small clearing not 100 metres from the foot of a water fall, and hovers over the water.
“You sure this is the place?” Safe asks Spider from his spot crouched between the pilot and co-pilot chairs.

“What? You think they’re just going to standing in the open waiting for you ‘knights in shining armor’ to swoop down and carry them away to Fairy Tale Land?? Get a grip. I’m not even sure yet why I’m helping you mooks out.” She glares at Safe , Wisp and Seryn.

“’Cuz if you don’t you’re gonna learn fast enough if you can fly.” S.R. says from behind Seryn as he approaches the cockpit.

Seryn turns and glares at him. Safe and Wisp stifle chuckles.

“C’mon little one.” Safe says as he scoops Ghost up in his arms. “Time to get your siblings.”

The small group stepped silently off the ship, Spider in the lead.

“Well?” SR said fingering his weapon

“Yo Truth get out here!” Spider yelled.

Everything was silent for a moment…then a young girl peeked out of one of the caves. When she saw Spider she ran out to the older girl babbling.

“Spider! Spider! Come help now!” Shadow said grabbing Spider’s hand the moment she noticed the older girl, completely ignoring the adults and the ship behind the older girl.
“Brat, Calm down. What’s goin on?” Spider said trying to get feeling back in the hand the ten year old was gripping tightly.
“He’s hurt, He was better for awhile then yesterday he passed out and I pulled him from the river but he wasn’t breathing then I remembered what you said about what to do when someone is’nt breathing after being in water and he started again but then he started shaking and got really hot and cold and hot again then…and Ghost was missing and he was worried and and…” Spider grabbed the girl by the shoulders and knelt in front of her. “Breath…you’re not doing him any good if you are panicking and you definitely won’t if you pass out. Ghost is fine, see she’s over there. Now run and get your things, then take your sister and get on that ship over there, I’ll take care of the Idiot ok?”

Shadow looked nervously at the assembled group of adults she had just noticed then back at Spider, before grabbing Ghost’s good hand and running into the caves to do as Spider had told her. Spider watched them go then made her way to the cave Shadow had gestured to during her babble. Not caring whether the adults followed or not.

OOC: Happy New Year everyone (figured i'd try to get this up before 2007 not as great as it could be but at least I got it up.


Monday, January 1, 2007 5:31 AM



Originally posted by Aprilise:
“Spider! Spider! Come help now!” Shadow said grabbing Spider’s hand the moment she noticed the older girl, completely ignoring the adults and the ship behind the older girl.
“Brat, Calm down. What’s goin on?” Spider said trying to get feeling back in the hand the ten year old was gripping tightly.
“He’s hurt, He was better for awhile then yesterday he passed out and I pulled him from the river but he wasn’t breathing then I remembered what you said about what to do when someone is’nt breathing after being in water and he started again but then he started shaking and got really hot and cold and hot again then…and Ghost was missing and he was worried and and…” Spider grabbed the girl by the shoulders and knelt in front of her. “Breath…you’re not doing him any good if you are panicking and you definitely won’t if you pass out. Ghost is fine, see she’s over there. Now run and get your things, then take your sister and get on that ship over there, I’ll take care of the Idiot ok?”

Shadow looked nervously at the assembled group of adults she had just noticed then back at Spider, before grabbing Ghost’s good hand and running into the caves to do as Spider had told her. Spider watched them go then made her way to the cave Shadow had gestured to during her babble. Not caring whether the adults followed or not.

OOC: Happy New Year everyone (figured i'd try to get this up before 2007 not as great as it could be but at least I got it up.

"Can you say 'Hypothermia' boys and girls?" says SR as he slings his weapon and quiclkly grabs his pack and follows Spider into the cave. He looks back over his shoulder and yells, "Some one grab a stretcher I'll get him ready to move."

Inside the cave SR finds a Spider crouched over a boy who is clearly in a bad way. SR quickly pulls a poncho and a sleeping bag out of his pack. He lays out his poncho on the floor of the cave and puts his sleeping bag on top of it.
"Get him out of his clothes." He instructs Spider. She looks at him with a look of contempt and disgust.
"His clothes are wet and we don't have time to dry them too. If you don't want to help get out of the way." Spider reluctantly begins to undress the boy though she stops at his underwear.
"good enough," SR remarks as he quickly puts the boy into the sleeping bag. He then bends two chemical heating pads until they crack and activate, which he places inside the sleeping bag with the boy. He zips the sleeping bag all the way up and puts a wool hat on the boys head, just as Safe arrives carrying a old military surplus stretcher followed by Truth, Ghost and Seryn.
"What we got?" asks Safe as he sets the stretcher down next to the tarp.
"Looks like hypothermia to me."
"Girls," says Seryn, "gather up your's and your brother's things we need to get him on the ship in a hurry."
SR and Safe use the tarp to lift the boy and the sleeping bag, all in one, onto the stretcher. SR puts on his pack and then he and Safe pick up the stretcher and make their way back to the Epsilon.
"I got some heat packs in the sleeping bag to to get him warmer." Says SR.
"Yeah, but that's on the outside, his core temperature is too low."
"I know. Does the Epsilon have the capability of making tea? If not I have a camp stove."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, January 1, 2007 6:47 PM


On the Epsilon:

"I know how to make tea!" Rosie replies, happy to finally be confronted with something familiar. She rushes off to the tiny room with the kitchenette.

Rosie Walker, confused plant woman


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:30 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On the Epsilon:

"I know how to make tea!" Rosie replies, happy to finally be confronted with something familiar. She rushes off to the tiny room with the kitchenette.

Rosie Walker, confused plant woman

"Now all we need is crumpets."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:49 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Go se happens.
People get unlucky - get mowed down by hovermule's, are mistaken for terrorists and shot, are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Other people are a bit more fortunate.
By some incredible fluke, they pick the right numbers in the lottery and win millions in credits, their lives change overnight. Or they meet the perfect partner, and live a long happy life together.
Other people... can't be categorised in either.
I don't believe in fate, or destiny, or in any of that fei hua. I don't believe that our lives are written out for us. We make our own destiny. Like the good book says, "time and unforseen occurence befalls us all". Sometimes we just are, like I say, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Go se happens.
But on occasion, I meet people, I hear of things that makes me question that. Coincidences happen, sure. But there are times when it seems that things do happen for a reason. When things can't be explained so simply.
I just don't know whether whatever's happened to Needy has happened for a reason.
He died, but then he came back. And now it appears he has strange powers. Robert seems to think he is being controlled by something, some other force, some invisible man? I'm not sure.
I don't know if I believe in God, but after all I've seen, I know there is something else out there, there has to be, even if we may not be able to see it.
I just hope Needy isn't a victim of circumstance, but there is some good reason for whatever he's going through

What Robert has described though, sounds eerily familiar. As if it's happened before. Cases of people claiming to be possessed are surprisingly common, though normally they originate from convicted murderers. But every now and again, genuine people with nothing to gain have reported them.

If I'm to find out what's going on with Needy, the least I can do is use my resources to check up on these other incidents

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 6:33 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp stays in the cockpit while the child resquers annoymous do there business. He listens to the comm to check for chatter that might give them any trouble, but nothing does. He sits back and enjoys five seconds peace for a change.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:01 AM


Moments before Wisp actually reaches a state of relaxation, Rosie barges into the cockpit carrying a tray. "Would you like some tea, too?" she asks.

Rosie Walker, tea-making plant woman


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:58 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"Girls," says Seryn, "gather up your's and your brother's things we need to get him on the ship in a hurry."

Shadow looked to where Spider stood. Waiting for permission from the older girl.

"Brats, do as your told ok. Get your gear, then come on to the ship. They'll take good care of the Idiot." Spider said still not quite knowing why she was taking charge of the bratlings. He was going to owe her big time for getting himself hurt and leaving her to take care of the brats.

Shadow looked at her for a moment longer then frowned "You'll take care of Truth till we get back." The words more a statement then a question and holding just enough hesitation and sadness in them that Spider had to nod. "Yes Bratling I'll watch him for you. Now GO!"

She watched as the girls scurried off before boarding the ship.

Spider really hoped she hadn't lied to the girls. Josh had to get better. He just had too.

She stood in the corner watching the adults work on getting Truth's temperature up and waiting for the girls to come with the trio's belongings. It wouldn't take them long, they, like her, never had much, and all four of them kept everything they owned close by just in case. That was one thing they had in common. Her belongings were in her backpack, still securely held on her back.



Thursday, January 4, 2007 6:07 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The kids started marching in with canvas bags looking forlorn and scared. The rest of the crew seemed busy warming up the other kid so Wisp decided to make himself useful and sort em out.

"Hey kids, Theres some seats up here why dont you come and sit yourselves down and tell me your names. Im Wisp"

He smiled a broad honest smile and they came closer. He just had to distract them a little for their sakes.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 2:27 PM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
The kids started marching in with canvas bags looking forlorn and scared. The rest of the crew seemed busy warming up the other kid so Wisp decided to make himself useful and sort em out.

"Hey kids, Theres some seats up here why dont you come and sit yourselves down and tell me your names. Im Wisp"

He smiled a broad honest smile and they came closer. He just had to distract them a little for their sakes.

Shadow stood back for a minute glancing over to where Spider stood and where Truth lay surrounded by other adults. She saw Spider turn towards her and nod.

Ghost had no problem going over to the man but Shadow wasn't so sure. Spider wouldn't let anything happen to them though. Making her way over she sat beside her sister.

"I...I'm Shadow, and dis is Ghost"


Monday, January 8, 2007 10:08 AM


ooc - Well, certain parties have decided that it's time Seryn was having the baby.

Nevermind that by my reckoning, in narrative time she's only about 7 or eight months gone at most...

So because i wasn't able to engineer the situation i wanted, i'm just going to steal memorable bits from everything i've seen. That ok with you guys?


Truth lay still, pale except for where he was blue, only very shallow breaths and the occaisional eyelid tremor letting them know he was still going. Sykes had rushed in and taken over - his old emergency training taking over, and in less than five minutes even the biggest ugliest crew member was following his isntructions without question.

"Well, we have his temperature up, his breathing is getting stronger. Its a wait and see job." Sykes ignored the relieved sighs and started checking the boys feet, rustling about at the silver sheeting they had wrapped around him.

Safe turned to Seryn, motioning her to check the boys skin for cold damage on her side, and froze suddenly, mouth open in shock. "...eeeeww..."

"What? whats wrong" she followed the line of his vision down and began to swear.

Almost immedietly a hundred hands were on her, cries of you have to sit down, rest easy and do you need a towel? ringing through the air. She had to almost scream to get them to calm down and stop pushing her.
"I'M FINE! .. i just need a mop or towels or something..."

"No you should sit, or lie down"
"She needs to keep walking!"
"Gas and air!"

"I'm ok, I am not going to go lie down, i'll be fine, it takes hours and it doesn't even hurt..." A look of confusion came over her face, and suddenly breathing seem to be relegated to 'maybe afterwards' "ow! ok, ow ow ow ow, pain... pain! ow, ok, going to go find... going to... ow..."

The contraction passed and she looked towards where Sykes was still tending Truth, "Sykes? When you've got a minute..."

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Monday, January 8, 2007 7:36 PM


Rosie arrives at Seryn's side with both a towel and a mop, but seems at a loss for what to do. "This seems to be a terribly complicated and painful way of having offspring. Have you ever considered just dropping seeds?"

Rosie Walker, still-confused plant woman


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 11:56 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul stands beside Seryn, and for a moment he has a flash of another life, where there is a child waiting at home for him. He offers Seryn a sad smile.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:45 AM


SR takes all this in and knows it will be unlikely that there will be anything he can do, yet he must ask. He calmly takes hold of Seryn's hand and looks her in he eye.

"Cap...Seryn, if there is anything you want me to do or get just say it. I will help if I can. If you wish me gone, I'll make myself scarce."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp was telling the kids a few jokes distracting their attention from Seryns evacuation of child, and Truths Hypothermia, Stick with what you do, When a harsh bleeping went off behind him.

"Two seconds kids" He said with a spin of his chair. Pulling Up His HUD the screen filled with numbers and figures but most importantly a map in the centre showing their location and a red triangle appearing at the edge.

"Err Ser..Sco..Anyone in charge!!" He Shouted back " Theres a gunship Inbound and seeing as though were parked of shipping routes without a flight visa theyre gonna come say hello. I need to be moving sharpish!! So do we need a hospital or Is it back to the Dagger or am I breaking atmo??"

No response. Babies on the brain. Wisp pulled The engines into a steady lift and layed in an evasion course away from the gunship.


Saturday, January 13, 2007 2:15 AM


Seryn found herself flapping her arms somewhat like a chicken, trying to get all the hands off her.

"Ok!This is going to take hours! Every single one of you will go and find something to do elsewhare NOW!"

she paused for another contraction, then when she looked back the area was epmty but for Sykes looking after the boy and ScorpianRegent staring at her. She'd just done her best Captains voice, so of course now came his traditional belligerence. Slowly she started doing a slow circuit of the room, then she decided that finding somewhere to sit was a better idea, and to change out of the dirty clothes, and to locate the drugs cabinet...

Sykes looked up from the boy, unconcren carefully etched on his face, then stood.

Ok, go to the infirmary, stay there, just wait for me, you're doing ok, it'll take some time.

She felt reassured, and mostly happy that they'd managed to pick up a stray doctor... until she realised that Sykes was a surgeon by training.

Making for the door, SR hot on her heels, she stopped suddenly - a beeping was coming from the cockpit, and she distantly heard Wisp raised voice, then the ship lurched suddenly and started to climb.

She closed her eyes and dropped her head, then looked up at SR "Can you go see?..."

He hesitated, then ran away down the corridor.

Sykes hesitated by the boy, then motioned to Rosie, who had waited, unseen by the others.

She looked from him to the boy, who was now breathing strongly, and back up to the look of worry on Sykes face and made the leap "you are concerned for the baby?"

He grimaced "Its far to early - and she's had too many complications... its going to be a miracle if there are no problems... and this place is hardly equiped... Don't anyone know, especially her - if something happens she can worry then. Would you look after Truth?"

"Yes, i will, i believe you would want to be given luck now? Or... wished luck? Well, i wish it."

"Thanks, everything helps"

ooc - ok - i'm not going to write some big long post on what happens now - suffice to say its a typical birth, everyone continue with the story until they hear cries.






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