Special Branch: Motherhood for Heroes

UPDATED: Friday, May 4, 2007 07:36
VIEWED: 21028
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 6:19 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Sounds great to me Safe


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
As Soul had stepped through the airlock door, Safe had stepped into the doorway, effectively blocking it as Soul made contact. Wisp was on notice at Safe or Soul’s signal to pull away at the sign of trouble, while Jack and Needy manned the inner airlock door...

"Looks int'resting" Jack tried to make small talk with the former companion as they looked on at the union of the two crews.

"That it does" Needy replied simply, trying to keep things simple, so that he could focus on the voice in his head.


The Being spoke in words that Needy could not make out. It was not English. The language he spoke was old, very old.

"I'm sorry?" Needy asked.

"This ship will play a large role in you fulfilling your destiny. It is where you will take your first steps." The Being explained in words he could understand

"Is that right?"

"Yes. But there is more."

"More?" the reluctant hero asked

"Yes. There is one on this ship who doesn't belong. They are not to be trusted."

"Who?" Needy demanded.

"It is not time for you to know."

"But... if they are a danger to the others, I must warn someone. I have to stop them."

"No. That is not what you must do."

"Then... what?"

"You must be patient, and observe. This one will prove very useful"


"Bernie" Kyra interrupted. "Are you... can I talk to you?"

"I don't think..." Needy started before Jack jumped in.

"It's ok. Go. Things seem fine here."

Needy looked through the small round window at Safe and Soul. The crew did seem friendly enough, and Safe seemed to be offering the help they required.

"Ok, thanks" he replied to Jack, before walking off with Kyra. "What is it?"

Once she was sure they were alone, she explained.
"Your pilot showed me the schematics of the ship we've just docked with."

"Yeah?" Needy asked.

"Well..." she started, a frown appearing on her face "I think I recognise the ship's code"

"What do you mean? How would you..."

"It's my job to know."

"Who..." he started to ask before redirecting, "Are they dangerous?"

"No, you misunderstand me." She leaned in close to Needy. "It's... it's a presidential ship."

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, March 16, 2007 8:35 AM


Safe walked quickly back through the Epsilon grabbing Needy, unceremoniously, by the arm as he passed and dragging him along in search of Seryn. A curt nod at Amy and she wordlessly fell in step with them.

Seryn looks up as the three enter the med centre. Catching the look on Safe’s face, Seryn becomes all business. “What’s going on Safe?”

As Needy retrieves his arm, Safe crouches and tickles Fin’s toes . “I need you and Needy to… chat up the crew of the other ship. Something ‘bout them doesn’t ring quite true and the woman, Ciran, has Soul spooked.” Safe let this sink in watching the annoyance melt off Needy’s face to be replaced with a mixture of shock and puzzlement mirroring Seryn’s look.

“Ya I didn’t think that was possible either, but if it spooks Soul, that make me more than a mite nervous.” Seryn and Needy nod in agreement.

“Soooo you’re hoping we can get them to loosen up and let something slip.’ Seryn says slowly, putting the pieces together in her head.

“Exactly. Way I figure it, Needy, with your background, you have a much better chance than a hard-assed military type like myself, at getting them to open up. Plus between the two of you, you can read the stuff they don’t say, know what I mean?”

“Where do I fit in Safe?" Amy pipes up.

“Sorry Amy, but someone needs to keep an eye on the little ones. Plus I want to keep some cards back. Not wise to show our hand all at once.”

“What are you going to do while we're ‘interrogating’ the crew, Safe?” Needy asks.

“I’ve asked Wisp and Versa to keep their eyes open while they are doing the repairs. I’m gonna help Wisp to free him up to check their computer log. You good with that?” Safe looked around at the three.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, March 16, 2007 2:45 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp wandered towards Liam with a warm and confident hand which was accepted a little less than relaxed.

"So Im gonna need to get to the bridge to get an assay of the details."

"Well" He replied " its not too difficult really its just.."

"Its never just if a ships been drifting a spell. Your gonna tell me somethings blown, which from my guess is gonna be something in your burn not your engine cos ur still breathing, but therll be side effects and other stuff which i need to talk to your ship about"

Liam shifted a nervous muscle above his left eye for an infentesimal spasm before becoming composed. "Sure, shiny, your the expert"

"Good" Wisp walked past him already having worked out the way to the bridge. " Oh and one more thing" Wisp said without turning back "Safes coming over next and I need him in ur engine room if you could help"

A smirk spread over his face as he heard a stuttered afirmation from behind him.


Vixen sat by the airlock cradelling a sullen expression. What was she doing here?? She was a criminal, a Gunhand at best. She wasnt good with people, or machines, or being told what to do. Yet suddenly she was playing third wheel to the Waltons family space ship while being distrusted by over half the crew and disliked by most.

She wanted to offer to help but knew theyd say know. So she had taken it upon herself to guard the door, even though she wasnt allowed a weapon.

Fun Times.


Upon entering the bridge Liam was close behind Wisp and was very helpful in pointing him towards the engineering console.

"I dont need the console just and upload point to the ships hard drive" Wisp instructed him trying to sound apologetic rather than patronising.

"No we operate independant servers. You'll need that console"

Thats very odd. Independant servers require a bigger memory core and are only found on top of the line cruisers. They were designed to keep encrypted data secure and prevent hacking or viruses. There was absolute no need, point or use in having one on a ship this size.

It also meant he'd have to access the memory section if he wanted any information.
The memory section which was located at the desk at the opposite side of the bridge.
The memory section that had a nervous and slightly stubbornly informed crew memeber between him and it.

Comedy and That


Monday, March 19, 2007 12:44 PM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
“What are you going to do while we're ‘interrogating’ the crew, Safe?” Needy asks.

“I’ve asked Wisp and Versa to keep their eyes open while they are doing the repairs. I’m gonna help Wisp to free him up to check their computer log. You good with that?” Safe looked around at the three.

"That's fine by me" Needy replies, whilst glancing over Safe's shoulder and spotting Kyra in the background looking over at them curiously

"I'll get right on that, just... give me a sec." Leaving the group for a moment, he heads back over to Kyra, who's facial expression was a combination of curiosity, worry and confusion.

"What's going on?" she asked

"It seems you're not the only one to have doubts about our new friends."

"That is a presidential code, I'm certain of it" she confidently replied.

"Yeah, well, whatever they're up to, Safe wants to know. Seems like there's definitely something... something about them. It's got Soul spooked and he's not the type to get that way"

"So what are you gonna do?" she asks

"Just check 'em out. Get whatever information from them I can. See if we can ascertain if they pose any sort of threat, or even if they're just gonna be a lot of hassle."

"I see" Kyra says, her voice softening, "I guess I'll let you get to it then. I'll check back with Milton see how he's doing."

"What? Why?" Needy responds surprised.

"What? You've got work to do right?"

"Yeah," he says almost laughing "but that doesn't mean you have to go away."

"You want my assistance?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I? Finding out things is your specialty"

For a brief moment, Needy's words hit her hard. Was he referring to what she had done to him?
Was he being cruel in bringing that up?

No. He didn't mean anything by it, she soon realised, reading the innocent expression on his face.
It was just her reading into it too much.

"I guess, I could find some stuff out" she admits reluctantly

Needy smiles at her warmly before instructing "C'mon then girl. Let's dig up some information"


Thursday, March 22, 2007 8:55 AM


Satisfied that everyone was on the same page, at least he hoped, Safe headed back to the other ship.

As he approached the airlock, Safe noticed a sullen Vixen watching the doorway. He paused and watched what she was looking at. On the other side of the door, Jack was mugging and joking, doing his best to make S.R. crack a smile, and even with his considerable talent at being a goofball, he was failing miserably. To his credit though, he wasn’t letting that dissuade him from trying.

Vixen, on the other hand, wasn’t as adept at being stoic as S.R. was and did break into a small smile at one of Jack’s raunchier jokes.

Safe smiled as well and placed a friendly hand on Vixen’s shoulder only to have her flinch away and glare at him.

Safe shook his head and continued through the hatch, smacking Jack in the side of the head as he passed. This, had anyone been paying attention, did cause S.R. to smile ever so slightly but Jack was too busy rubbing his head and Safe was already entering the other ship.

Safe entered the bridge to find Liam hovering over Wisp.

“Liam, lets go see what we can find out in your engine room.” Safe smiled what he hoped came across as a genuinely warm smile.

“It’s, ummm… back down that corridor.” Liam waved vaguely back down the corridor as he glanced back and forth at Wisp and Safe, clearly torn. He didn’t want Wisp to dig too deep but at the same time, didn’t want strangers poking around unaccompanied.

“See, I’m a pilot by trade, and a fair hand at mechanical work, but I find some of these old ships layouts to be too confusing for me.” Safe shrugged, apparently embarrassed at his own short comings.

“Besides, Wisp here is not all that sociable. Troubled childhood and all…” Safe whispered conspiratorially behind his hand to Liam.

Wisp rolled his eyes. Safe was putting it on too thick, but it seemed to be working. Catching Safe’s eye, Wisp glances over at the crew member standing near the other computer station.

“Who’s this then?” Safe asks steering Liam towards the other crew member.

“Well, umm… Colm. This is Colm.” Liam says, trying desperately to slow things down.

“Colm eh? Well Colm, I have a friend…. Versa. She’s got so much book learnin’ that she makes an encyclopedia look like a kiddies comic book. She’ll need a hand while Liam here helps me out.” Safe smile warmly at Colm, but he seems less than impressed. “Did I mention that she’s lovely?” Colm still didn’t bite.

Safe, not waiting for an answer, throws an arm over each man’s shoulders, like they were long loss buddies, and heads out of the bridge. “Today’s your lucky day, gentlemen. It’s not every day you come across a ship of SO many good natured, warm hearted, talented people. I did say good natured right?”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, March 23, 2007 1:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp didnt need to turn around to know Liams eyes were burning into the back of his skull just before the door closed. Unfortunatley for him He'd just left a Genius in charge of his precious bridge.

Party Time.

In one fluid motion Wisp floated across the room like a curtain on the breeze and was accessing the Memory bank. First layer personal logs, co-ordinates travel details, second layer sensor data cargo manifest etc. Third technical details. And then the road dried up. Efficent but predictable. You dont leave the file marked

Top secret underhand dealings

On your desktop. Wisp moved his fingers like a demon entering lines and lines of code and request to which the computer continued to respond with "INVALID" till one letter and wush.

The Firewall disappeared and a collection of files appeared in an encrypted format. Without stopping to actually read them he began to upload them on a carrier to the ship. Wisp wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead as the pipe crashed down into the back of his head. Surging forward he received a second blow from the counter on his nonstop trip to the floor.

The figure behind didnt follow his body down just leaned in and canceled all the actions Wisp had achieved before disappearing into the shadows.

And Wisp lay on the floor being quickly joined by a pool of his own blood as Safe was unknowingly keeping everyone from finding him.
Comedy and That


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:24 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul walked slowly past Vixen into the other ship. He had to do something, anything other than hiding. While he was the kind of person who prefered to stay in the shadows, he was more than willing to face things head-on when the situation called for it. So he made his way towards the sounds of voices.

"You remind me of someone."

Soul froze at the voice. It was the same voice that echoed through his mind at all hours of the night, the same voice that he had spent the last half of a century longing to hear again.

For the first time in a long time, Soul was actually nervous. He turned slowly, and sure enough, Ciaran stood behind him.

"You remind me of someone, too. But the Ciaran I remember has been dead a long time."

Ciaran lowered her head, her shimmering dark hair hiding her expression.

"The Marshall I remember would have never let my death stop him from living."

Marshall. No one, not even the people closest to him knew Soul's real name.


Finally, her face lifted, and there were tears in her eyes, but a smile on her lips.

"Because, Marshall Rowe, like I said fifty years ago, whn you held me in your arms as I was dying, I'm exactly like you."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, March 23, 2007 6:14 AM


Bored by the tedium of watching a door SR takes a bit of cord from one of his many pockets and practices his knotwork. He had considered cleaning his fingernails with his knife, but had discarded the idea due to its potentailly menacing under tones. He wondered if the strangers had any beer and by some unlikely chance if that beer might be good beer and if they might be hospitable and share. He realized it was unlikely hope at best and that any refreshment given by strangers to a guard at a door is beyond suspect. Yet a man can dream, but dreaming seemed too boring, no challenge. As a mental exercise he then began to put into words a way of explaining his problems to Seryn.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:53 AM


OOC: Somebody do something! I'm stuck leaning against a door.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:08 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: I'm in the middle of writing a post, will try to finish it tomorrow (and give you something to do )

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 12:37 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Woah, some excellent posts. It gets better and better!!!

Julie stepped outside of her room, and peered outside
It seemed the two crews were bonding quickly, from what she could make out.
"Julie" Linda's little voice called out from inside the room
"Hang on baby." she replied warmly "Stay here for a sec, I'm just going to check on something"

Sneaking outside, and shutting the door as quietly as possible, she looked down the corridors for a familiar face.
Instead she saw in the distance two figures walking towards her, one male and one female.
The couple were youngish, though still older than her, perhaps in their early to mid twenties.

Before she had a chance to think how to react, the pair were beside her.
"Hey. Needy... my name's Needy" the friendly man said, holding out his hand for her to shake.
Apprehensive, but submissive nevertheless, Julie took his hand and shook it. "Julie." she announced.

"Kyra" the other stranger identified herself, a genuine smile on her face.

Julie smiled back, but the confrontation had taken her by surprise and she wasn't sure how to act.

And so, entire seconds of silence filled the air between them.

Then Needy broke it. "Nice to meet a new friendly face out here in the black."

"Likewise" Julie responded simply.

Needy obviously wasn't going to get anywhere with this one, at least not yet. And so Kyra lent him a hand.

"So, you been onboard long?"

"Long enough"

The vague answer did nothing to answer their questions, but Kyra wasn't put off so easy. "Tell me about it. Out here... space can look old real quick. So, what do you do? You the pilot?"

"Oh no," Julie answered "no I'm just, just a passenger. Liam, the captain, he's my father."

"Oh, a family vessel." Kyra asked

"You might say that." Julie responded ambiguously, then: "It's not too bad though, I can't complain. We're friends and family. Can't ask for anything more when it comes to picking a crew"

The girl both looked and sounded young, but she didn't act it.

"Well, we've got an odd bunch on board here, ain't that right?" Kyra said looking at Needy, not letting the girl know that the reporter had only been on board the Epsilon for a short period

"You got children?" Julie interrupted

Needy and Kyra looked at each other and smiled. The thought of them having kids... it was still a long way off.

"We... no we..." Needy started

"No, I mean, like on your ship?" Julie clarified

"Oh, yes we do actually. Got a handful of them." Needy smiled, whilst Kyra let out a huge sigh of relief. "They keep us on our toes."

"Are they about? I mean... can I meet them?"

Needy looked at Kyra, not quite discerning the girl's motive.

But before any questions started, Julie explained. "I've got... well, we've got a girl on board who's quite anxious to meet some... erm... non-adults. You might say she's been out here on her own for a long time"

"Sure, I guess" Needy started. "Your girl got a name"

"Yeah, Linda. Her name's Linda"


Elsewhere, SR stood staring into space, wondering how the hell he got given the lousy job of guarding a door.
"Oh hell" he muttered to himself "Give me something. Action, drama... a gorram drink"

"Hey" a voice called out
The face was unfamiliar to him, though he soon would find out her name was Maxine, and she was the small vessel's pilot.
"Hey" SR replied reluctantly
"You say you want a drink?" she asked him, her demeanor friendly enough.
"Yeeeeah", he uttered, his words drenched in both curiosity and suspicion.
"Huh, you and me both buddy-boy"
"Buddy boy?" SR thought to himself.
"I thought you guys were the ones that had the supplies. You ain't got no drinks?"
"No," SR began to explain "We do but..."
"You have? You wouldn't have any... strong stuff would you?"
"Well, actually"
Maxine mouth gaped open and she smiled. "Well dammit buddy-boy, lets go get some"
Taking his hand, she dragged him away from the door
SR thought about telling her that he really should be standing guard, but as she led him away and the thought of tasting some sweet alcohol once again entered his mind, he couldn't remember why he was standing guard there in the first place.

OOC: Let me know if that sounds ok SR, at least you're free to do some roaming now (after some drinking of course)
If you're not liking it, just let me know.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:52 AM


OOC: Sorry Needy but SR is a old and cynical pirate who is not easily swayed buy a sweet face or the rumor of drink. He might flirt and make small talk, but like the bad ass bouncer at the door of the club he knows his job. He might be the last line of defence for Seryn and her child, and he's not going to forget it. Thanks for the jumpstart.

IC: Maxine suddenly felt the grip on her hand tighten and she was nearly pulled right off her feet as SR stands his ground.

"As much fun as all that sounds, I'm on the job and that job is to watch this door. I don't know you and unfortunately that's the thing. We are here to render aid, but that don't mean we're a bunch of saps. Now if all this works out I imagine we'll follow you to the next comfy patch of dirt where your captain and mine can share drinks and swap lies. If you want to hang out and jaw, shiny, but I'm not leaveing this door and you're not getting through it till I'm told otherwise. Nothing personal you understand. You're all sorts of welcome to just stand there and tell me your life's story, cuz my eye's could ask for a better place to rest."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:11 AM


“I don’t get it.” Safe says as he pushes himself back out from under one of the Dwarf’s two main engines. “We’ve found a number of minor problems, mostly just maintenance issues, but nothing that would cause the engines to quit. Even with all of them combined, it’s not enough… Versa, what did you and Colm find?”

“The wiring is all intact. In fact it’s set up better than what the manual describes.” Versa replies waving a rather large book.

“You’ve read that entire book??” Liam asks incredulously.

Versa just shrugs off the comment, “In fact, there’s been a fair amount of high-end stuff added on.”

“This ain’t no run-of-the-mill tramp hauler.” Safe levels a stare at Liam .“When we’re done here, you ‘n me are gonna have a nice long chat as to how come that is. BUT, right now we have bigger fish to fry. Versa let’s roll her over again and see what happens.”

Versa nods at Colm, who stands in front of a consol identical to hers. They both key in the start-up sequence and hit enter. The engines whine and slowly begin to turn but no ignition.

“Shut ‘em down.” Safe calls over the noise to Versa, shaking his head.

As the engines wind down Safe suddenly cocks his head to one side. “Did you hear that?”

Liam looks at Safe puzzled. “No. What did you hear?”

Intent on finding the source, Safe doesn’t answer, instead he directs Liam to climb up on top of the engine, while Safe grabs a trouble light and slides back under the engine.

“Why didn’t I think of this before?” Safe mutters to himself. “Liam, see where I’m shining the light? Follow that hose up to where it connects to a box. Six other hoses connect to the same box. Check all the connections.”

Safe’s suspicions are verified by Liam’s gasp of shock. “Safe, 3 of the hoses are worn through!”

“Ya, I don’t think so…”

After cutting out the damaged sections and reconnecting the hoses, they try again to star the engines. The engines whine and start to turn. After a few tense seconds they start spinning faster and the whine diminishes to a stead hum.

“Safe, you’re bleeding!” Versa says indicating Safe’s hands and forearms.

Safe looks down and sure enough, visible through the grease and grime, he has several cuts.

“It ain’t fixed right unless you’ve bled fixing it.” Safe grins at the ecstatic group.

“Contact Wisp and let him know we’re done. I’ll help Liam clean this up.”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:14 AM


Safe keys up his comm., "Scorpion, Jack, nobody gets off this ship what ain't our crew. The engine didn't break down by itself. It had help."

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, March 30, 2007 8:44 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: oooh, exciting stuff.
SR - thanks for letting me know. Sometimes I can slip into writing the characters all the same, but obviously not everyone onboard is so erm... piratey (yes thats a word... I think)
I'll see if I need to adjust anything in the previous post, I just hope this post is more your character

Needy and Kyra led Julie and Linda into the bowels of their ship, showing the pair of them around whilst searching for the youngsters.

"I'm sure Linda will make a friend or two here." Kyra started "the kids... well, some are a bit shy and some may put on a show of being guarded, but I'm sure they'll welcome her. She seems nice"

Linda looked up and smiled at the nice lady. "Where are they?"

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere" Kyra smiled. She had told young Linda the children's names: Ghost, Shadow, Truth and Spider. Linda had said their names were strange, and Kyra had to agree.


Maxine found the man standing before her intriguing. He certainly was not a man to be swayed so easily. A man with military sensibilities, loyal to the mission.
She started to talk to him about her life, the story of how she came to be on the ship, but she suspected he wasn't listening. Or at least that was the impression he gave off.
Instead of being offended by his ignorance though, she found herself more attracted to him. Who was this guy?
The man didn't divulge much, not even when she asked him questions. He kept them short and succint.
When she jokingly asked what was behind the door he was guarding "your porn collection", he responded by giving her a stern look.
"Sorry. It just must be something really important"
He confirmed it with a blank look.
A man of few words perhaps, or maybe one that didn't trust her.
"Sorry, I'm prying. Forget it. So tell me about yourself. Ex-Alliance perhaps?"
"That's prying" he stated matter of factly. He didn't trust this woman. And maybe he was right not to.
"I guess. So should I talk about me more?"
SR didn't respond.
"Or I could help you guard this door if you want."
No answer
"Yeah I'll do that then"

After moments of silence, SR finally opens his mouth again.
"Why aren't you with the others? You're the pilot right? Shouldn't you be helping my friends figure out what's wrong with your ship"
Now Maxine seemed to be the silent one.
"Well, I uh. I've taken a look at it plenty. Figured I'd deserved a change of scenery"

"Hmm." was SR's only response.

Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe keys up his comm., "Scorpion, Jack, nobody gets off this ship what ain't crew. The engine didn't break down by itself. It had help."

SR eyes Maxine now with more suspicion than other.
"What?" she gasps, feigning shock. "It's not..."

"Who are you? Really!"


"What are you looking for?" SR demands.
He was beginning to see through her little charade.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, March 30, 2007 7:14 PM


OOC:that's not me either! Talk about defamation of character. It's a good thing I don't take this stuff seriously. No worries Needy, you don't know me well so there is no reason to expect a perfect mimicry of me.

IC: SR listened to "Maxine" with one ear for the actual story and the other listened everything else: how she prounced her consonants and vowels, her choice of words, intonations and accent. He watched her body and it's language, looking for that elusive "tell" that would reveal the truth within. When she asked him questions he dug down into a bag of tricks to keep her out. Sometimes he would play it vague, he made jokes and occasionally he would reverse the question back on her. He kept his lies few and far between to keep is credibility up to snuff. She tried to weasel her way through with pleas and bribes he was firm. His boss wouldn't have it and if he didn't do his job he would be terminated, literally and besides he had his proffessional pride to consider. He he found her story interesting though he didn't necessarily believe it. He kept thinking that alcohol would make this game easier, but he couldn't trust anything she might offer and he couldn't leave his post to get his own so he simply had to play it sober. The conversation had lulled and they were exchanging looks that hinted at the possibility of chemistry when they were rudely interupted.

Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe keys up his comm., "Scorpion, Jack, nobody gets off this ship what ain't crew. The engine didn't break down by itself. It had help."

SR didn't even blink when her heard the message. He had been half expecting trouble anyways so he played it totally cool and decided to see what "Maxine" would do. If she was a amatuer his poise might throw her off her guard, though that seemed unlikely.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:48 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Gorram it! To tell you the truth I was gonna keep my last post of you short and sweet, so that I didn't wrtie so much for your character and risk screwing it up... but I got carried away.

I'll let you write your stuff until I work out how to write your character better

Nothing to add storywise right now

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Saturday, March 31, 2007 6:03 PM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
OOC: Gorram it! To tell you the truth I was gonna keep my last post of you short and sweet, so that I didn't wrtie so much for your character and risk screwing it up... but I got carried away.

I'll let you write your stuff until I work out how to write your character better

Nothing to add storywise right now

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?

OOC: Ball's in your character's court, make a play.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, April 2, 2007 3:17 AM


“Safe, Wisp isn’t responding.” Versa called out.

“He’s probably just caught up in his work.” Safe replied wiping his hands with a rag. “Liam and I are about done here. We’ll take a stroll up there to see how he’s doin’.”

As the two men walk down the corridor, they pass a door, bolted and padlocked from the outside.

“What’s in there?” Safe asks, slowing down a bit.

“Ummm… fire damage from a candle. Careless mistake. Plan on having it repaired when we reach our destination.” Liam replies, grabbing Safe by the elbow to urge him onward.

Safe looks down at the offending hand and back up at Liam, who swallows and releases Safe’s arm.

“Why lock it up?”

“We have children aboard. It’s to keep them out so they don’t hurt themselves.” Liam says matter-of-factly, his composure returning. “Now, lets see how your friend Wisp is doing, shall we?”

Safe looks at the door once more, and continues on with Liam.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, April 5, 2007 7:18 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe keys up his comm., "Scorpion, Jack, nobody gets off this ship what ain't crew. The engine didn't break down by itself. It had help."

SR didn't even blink when her heard the message. He had been half expecting trouble anyways so he played it totally cool and decided to see what "Maxine" would do. If she was a amatuer his poise might throw her off her guard, though that seemed unlikely.

Scorpion Regent

'Maxine's' eyes went slightly cold and she slowly backed away from SR and deeper into her own ship.

"I should go see if my captain needs any help with that." she said as she sidestepped out of sight into a nearby door. SR was ready to duck back into familiar territory if she were to reappear with a shotgun, but after three minutes she showed no sign of returning.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 7, 2007 5:09 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen was bored silly watching that door. So much for inititive it hadnt gotten her anywhere. She Wandered around the Hangar in a wide circle trying to look indifferent yet mean. You know like a pitbull on a warm day laid against a fence.

'Maybe I should offer to help somewhere?' She thought to herself. 'No too generous'

So she sat back down by the door and willed, prayed and wished for someone to start a fight.
Comedy and That


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:27 AM


OOC: Somebody do something quick!

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:45 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul dances.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:21 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul and Ciaran stared at each other, her last statement ringing in his mind. It just wasn't possible, and yet here she was, in front of him.

Her last words suddenly made sense, but something, some sort of deeply buried cynicism still couldn't let him believe that the flesh and blood woman in front of him was really the love he had lost all those years ago.

"I can't believe you're really here," he said. "It almost feels like that first night we met on Osiris, right outside the theater. Remember that?"

Ciaran nodded, a tear sliding down her cheek. "I remember it like it was yesterday."

"Really? Because the way I remember it, we met on a tramp freighter during a Reaver attack, quite a ways from Osiris." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a rather wicked looking black dagger. "You're not Ciaran. Who in the hell are you?"

Her demeanor changed in an instant. "Well, it would seem that you are as smart as they told me."

Soul's vision sudden blurred, but when it cleared it wasn't Ciaran standing before him. It was Seryn.

"Nice little trick, huh? You wouldn't believe how helpful this is. Maybe even more helpful than your phasing."

Soul's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

His vision blurred again, and then Ciaran was back in front of him.

"This look will do for now." She shook her head and started to walk away.

Soul raced around her and pinned her against the bulkhead, the blade of his dagger shimmering in darkness.

"Why don't we try this again," Soul hissed.

For a moment, fear flashed in her eyes. "It wasn't supposed to be here. Not in the black."

"What are you talking about?"

She stared straight into his eyes, unflinching.

"They found you, and they are coming for you. You know that the Expendables don't take very kindly to one of their own running away."

Soul nearly dropped the dagger.

Ciaran smiled, a wicked grin on her face. "They are coming to kill you, Soul, and there's nothing you can do to stop them."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 10:39 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul dances.



"Well, that went well" Kyra uttered to Needy as they walked through the bowels of the ship
"You think?" Needy asked
"Sure. It must be lonely for that little girl out here on her own, no friends. And the kids seemed glad to see a new face... well, apart from Spider for some reason."
"Yeah I guess."


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe keys up his comm., "Scorpion, Jack, nobody gets off this ship what ain't our crew. The engine didn't break down by itself. It had help."

Kyra and Needy stop dead in their tracks.
"What the..." Kyra starts, her voice filled with confusion
Needy's reaction is fast "Go get Julie and the girl"
"What?" she asks genuinely surprised "You can't think they..."
"No... I don't think so... but they shouldn't be left unsupervised. We took them off their ship. If someone like SR or Safe saw them on our ship, well they just might get the wrong idea"
"Ok," Kyra says "What are you going to do?"
"I'm gonna find out exactly what's going on."


Milton had been left on his own for quite a while.
Both his new friends and old had deserted him as they apparently tried to assess the true nature of the crewmembers of the other ship.
Milton didn't mind so much, he liked the quiet, but at the same time, he wished that there was at least one person there to keep him company.
And he preferred if that person was Amy.
She sure seemed like a nice girl, well, woman. Attractive and charming. And not the least bit cold towards him, which he had half expected coming on board a ship with a variety of different people and personalities.

It was during these thoughts of Amy that he was interrupted by a figure moving quickly towards him.
It was Needy.

"Hey, everything alright?" Milton asked innocently, but his faint smile was soon wiped off his face when Needy took his arm and forced him to walk with him
"What's going on?" Milton asked, this time with the sound of fear in his voice
"Trouble" Needy states plainly
"Wh-what's happened?"
"Someone on their ship is hiding something"

"What do you mean?" Milton struggled to comprehend the situation
"One of them sabotaged their own ship. There's something going on"

"That's what we're gonna find out" Needy said, as they both headed for the Dwarf.


Edited to add:
Soul! What an excellent post. I'm all excited!!!

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:36 PM


The rest of the walk to the cockpit was in silence. Safe’s a thoughtful silence too many things didn’t fit.

Liam’s a nervous silence, he was beginning to wonder if inviting these people aboard was a mistake.

“Wisp, call up the….” Safe says as they walk through the hatch to the cockpit, pausing when he didn’t see the young electronics wiz. “Wisp?”

“Where’s your man?” Liam asks, now his nerves showing. “We ask for help and you use that to snoop where you’re not wanted??”

Safe was more confused at this point that concerned. Looking around, he noticed a chair at the second terminal overturned. He reaches the chair in a few quick strides, lifting back upright. There behind the chair, unconscious on the floor was Wisp.

Worried by the small pool of blood, Safe quickly checks for a pulse, and is relieved when he feels a strong beat. Looking up to see Liam turn towards the hatch, Safe’s gun flashes out and Liam’s progress is halted by the clicking sound of the guns hammer being pulled back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Safe snarls.

Liam turns his hands in the air. “Easy now, I was just going to get the first aide kit.” He points cautiously to the wall beside the hatch where the kit hung.

Safe nods and Liam continues to the wall removing the kit and retuning to kneel next to Wisp. “Listen, I’m no pirate. This is a peaceful family ship. I assure you, I have no idea how this happened.”

“We’ll see just exactly what you do know shortly.” Safe takes out his comm. “S.R., Jack. Round up the crew of the Dwarf. Absolutely no one is to let them aboard the Epsilon. Treat all as if they were armed. And Jack, find Soul. Seryn, Needy report please.”

“Is that really necessary?” Liam looks pained.

“Ya, ya it is.” Safe keys up the comm. again, “Versa, bring your friend from the engine room up here please.”

Safe looks back at Liam, “Maybe you want to tell me what you’re really doing out here.”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:13 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy meant business. You could tell by the serious "no fei-hua" look on his face
Needy could be straight-faced no nonsense when he needed to be, Milton knew that already, but now he was looking at him different.
After what Amy and Versa had told him, he didn't know whether he was dealing with the Needy he knew, or something... someONE else
Looking at him, he couldn't help but feel he was looking at someone who was on auto-pilot, someone that you didn't want to get the wrong side of. As good a man Needy was, Milton had never seen him that way before.
Had he changed for the better? He didn't know.
I guess time would tell.

Needy's comm came alive.


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

"Seryn, Needy report please.”

Milton had trouble remembering who everyone was, but he believed it was the man they called Safe hailing him.

Needy responded immediately to the call, without batting an eyelid as if... as if he was on autopilot.

"This is Needy. Over"

"Needy where are you?" Safe called over the comm.

"I'm just heading over towards the dwarf now. What's going on?"

"Wisp's been attacked..."

"Is he ok?" Needy asked, faintly concerned.

"Should be. We're rounding up our little visitors. You seen any on our ship when they shouldn't be, you bring 'em over"

Needy hesitated, surely there was no need to mention that he had invited two of them over and introduced them to the children.

"That clear?" Safe asked

"Yeah" Needy responded. "All clear. I'll see you in a minute". With that he flicked a switch on the comm, ending his transmission.

"EVerything ok?" Milton asked "You want me to go and check the rooms?"

"No!" Needy responded suddenly, catching Milton by surprise. "We'll meet up with Safe first, see what's what before we go running around."

"Okay" Milton replied reluctantly as they continued to walk together. There was definitely something very off with Needy.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:32 AM


SR locked the door to the epsilon behind him and toggled up his com link.
"My door is secured and I'm moving aft to organized the personel. Where do you want them once I've found them?" Suddenly SR felt a shiver run up his spine.

"Safe, does Wisp still have his comm link with him?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 12, 2007 5:41 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR locked the door to the epsilon behind him and toggled up his com link.
"My door is secured and I'm moving aft to organized the personel. Where do you want them once I've found them?" Suddenly SR felt a shiver run up his spine.

"Safe, does Wisp still have his comm link with him?"

Scorpion Regent

OOC: And I just felt a shiver run up my spine!!! Excellent stuff

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, April 13, 2007 9:51 AM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
"This is Needy. Over"

"Needy where are you?" Safe called over the comm.

"I'm just heading over towards the dwarf now. What's going on?"

"Wisp's been attacked..."

"Is he ok?" Needy asked, faintly concerned.

"Should be. We're rounding up our little visitors. You seen any on our ship when they shouldn't be, you bring 'em over"

Needy hesitated, surely there was no need to mention that he had invited two of them over and introduced them to the children.

"That clear?" Safe asked

"Yeah" Needy responded. "All clear. I'll see you in a minute".

Safe watched Liam carefully bandage Wisps head, while he waited for the others to report in. Needy’s hesitation struck a nerve with Safe. He was just keying up the comm., to reprimand him when he paused. The realization that Needy wasn’t one of his soldiers to boss around was like a splash of cold water. He was getting caught up in the action…again. Sighing he lowered his comm. slowly.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"My door is secured and I'm moving aft to organize the personnel. Where do you want them once I've found them?" Suddenly SR felt a shiver run up his spine.

"Safe, does Wisp still have his comm. link with him?"

Safe’s eyes narrow. “Back up” he tells Liam who does so without hesitation. Safe checks Wisps pockets, never taking his eyes off Liam. Finished he sits back and keys up his comm. “Bring ‘em to the bridge. Scorpion, good catch. Wisps comm. is missing. Be careful.”

“Sit over there” Safe orders Liam waving his gun in the direction of the computer consol chair.

“Hey Safe. What did you wan…” Versa and Colm enter the bridge stopping abruptly upon seeing Safe pointing his gun at Liam.

“You.” Safe says to Colm, “Over there too. Versa, keep an eye on Wisp please. Have you seen Seryn?”

“Not lately, why?” Versa asks kneeling next to Wisp.


“Soul, what’s going on?” Jack approaches Soul and Ciran, looking back and forth between the two.

Ciran looks at Jack considering for a moment then bursts into tears, slapping Soul across the face, “Pig!” She she sobs at Soul and pushes past Jack, sobbing into her hands.

Jack looks at Ciran startled then back at Soul accusingly. “You know… I never took you for that kind of man.”

“Idiot!” Soul snaps at Jack and tries to follow Ciran, but she’s nowhere to be seen.

“She just played you, you chump.” Soul glares at Jack.

Jack looks into Souls eyes for any sign of a falsehood. “Crap!’ he curses at himself. “I shoulda know better. Safe’s looking for you. We gotta round up the crew and passengers of the Dwarf. Somethings up.”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, April 14, 2007 7:02 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp awoke in a white room feeling surprisingly perky. Well room wasnt quite the proper word; More eternal etherial expanse. There was just white- Everywhere. No walls, no floor, no end.

He stood up (although he was pretty sure there was no actual motion involved) and let out a quisical sigh.

"Fine little mess this is. Your dead."

"Not yet" Said a voice behind him. He spun round to find the woman hed seen in his dream back on Boros, the one who'd told him to follow Needy.

"Not you again! See I followed him im here in space"

"There is another being here who threatens his mission. You must help the one you call 'Soul' stop it."

"Then ask Needy! He's the one who signed on for this and got the free invincibility pen. Im just a Handsome Genius who got caught in the middle"

"He cant be asked. The ones from his past cant know of His mission yet. Their roles will become clear later"

Wisp dipped his head into his hand and turned round. Unfortunately due to the rules of this sub universe the woman was still infront of him after he'd turned. 'Damn this dream world'

"Ok this being. Is it like you?? Or Needy?"

"It is something else. It must be stopped. It threatens His mission."

"Now im gonna guess I cant know what this mission is??"

"The wheels of it are already in motion. No mortal can stop it"

"If no mortal can stop it then why the hell does it matter if I do what you say??"

"Because there are those who arent mortal who want this mission to fail"

Wisp felt dizzy again. All the white blurred and span in a rainbow of all colours. He soon awoke though on the floor of the bridge was a pounding head.

"Soul.....Help soul..." He muttered before passing out again.
Comedy and That


Saturday, April 14, 2007 1:40 PM


Seryn wandered the halls of the strange ship, trying to recal what exactly she was meant to be doing. She'd had a notion to go find the children, introduce them to Ghost, see if they let anything slip, but the light headedness had grown stronger the more time she spent aboard the Dwarf. She'd been out of sorts lately, what with everything it probably wasn't surprising... but she felt dazed, and convinced she was being watched, that someone was moving around her. Paranioa wasn't her thing, she shrugged it off and tried to shake some sense back into her skull
It didn't help that precious little seemed to be right about the ship. It seemed too clean, maybe she was woozier than she thought, but she could have been sure some of the grime on the walls and ceilings were paint effects, the fixtures were messed up on top, but inside the lockers it was clean and sound - almost like new. Wollen blankets had no pulls or holes or unravelled edges, bunk walls no scuff marks, it was wierd.
She almost drunkenly slipped through corridors and on impulse let herself into what she expected to be a crew bunk, but it was strange, cold - no personal clutter. There were clothes and toiletries, but nothing seemed real about them either. Just a handheld terminal and several pages torn from a book of some kind, others covered in notes in sharp spiky script. Turning them over absently she almost didn't see the small image etched into the side of the terminal casing.


Her blood ran cold. She'd seen it before, an insignia, a small scratch on a metal ring. She remembered it very well, it was the first time anyone had dared strike her. She'd been furious at that, and remembered how she'd noticed the ring, close to the angry bite mark she'd left on the guys hand.
Two hours later her uncle had packed up and left forever, she'd hear from him two or three times, enough to know that he was 'safe' somewhere, but they'd scared him bad, bad enough to leave his wife and children, his mistresses and his business, even his highly lucrative scams and run and hide.
Deciding that whatever was going on, better working minds than hers needed to see it, she turned back to leave the room. Only to find her way blocked.

hey, sorry it overly dramatic and may not fit with what people wanted to do, but i couldn't think of another way to explain why she's been out of the action for weeks and weeks. I'm having a hard time keeping up with the story, not sure why but bear with me!
I also don't want to take anything away from the current storyline with Wisp and Soul - the person just entered could be friend or enemy - if no one wants to do anything else she plans to faint her way out of it.


Saturday, April 14, 2007 4:56 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
she turned back to leave the room. Only to find her way blocked.

SR was standing in the door.
"Hey tag a long, Safe wants me to round everybody up and bring them to the bridge. It wil be nice to have some I can, (sort of) trust to watch my back and and make me look less threatening when I say things like: 'Everybody keep their hands where I can see them and form a single file line towards the bridge.' Where's the humonculus of power?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:27 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Some great posts as per usual, although personally I've struggled to find time for writing of late (and when I have time, I'm usually uninspired). I'll try to add something now though


The children played quietly - Linda, the Epsilon's newest young passenger, smiled and laughed at the other children's attempts to "get along".

Julie watched them all with a warm smile. It had been a while since Linda had had anyone of her own age to play with. Even though she hadn't made "best friends" as of yet, it was a start.

Strangely enough though, for some reason Julie couldn't quite explain, her smile faded. The children were carrying on enjoying themselves as normal, but the older teenager looking on suspected something was amiss.
Almost as if she could sense a presence watching them.
And all of a sudden, Julie began to feel very uncomfortable.


Needy and Milton arrive at the Bridge of The Dwarf, immediately spotting Safe, an "out-of-commission" Wisp, along with others holed up together in the small space.

"Hey. You see any of them as you were heading here?" Safe asked straight away

Needy and Milton looked at each other, the apprentice unsure how to answer... so his mentor took the lead.

"Cos one of them did this to Wisp." Safe replies coldly "And I don't want any strangers on our ship that have no right to be. Not till we find out what's going on here."

Safe had already observed who was in the room prior to Needy's entrance, and he knew for a fact that at least two were absent.

"Where are the two girls?" he asked

"Sorry?" Needy asked, feigning ignorance.

"The girls. There was a younger one, maybe about three, and an older one, a teenager."

"You can't think..." Needy started but was interrupted

"We can't afford to trust anyone right now, no matter what appearances are"

Safe seemed to be acting out of character, but Needy couldn't be too sure. Maybe he was just establishing his command of the ship, taking it upon himself to lead the others - God knows they need it. Or maybe it wasn't that at all, maybe it was just Needy. It was just his perception of Safe at that given moment.
The others didn't seem surprised at his behaviour... but then again, who were they to judge? Had they ever seen him in this situation? Who knows?
It certainly didn't help matters though, that all throughout the conversation, another conversation was taking place.


"He's unstable." The being told Needy.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can see it, in his eyes. He's losing it."

Needy stared at Safe intently. Was the being right? It hadn't lied to him thusfar

"He is not fit to lead. None of them are. They will reign destruction down on everyone. So is the destiny of mankind. Only you can stop it."


Needy's conversations are cut short by the sound of a voice crackling on the communicator.

It was Kyra.

"What is it?" he asked apprehensively

"I got them."

Safe took the comm from Needy and asked "Who?"

"Julie and Linda. They're with me. Just to be safe."

"Bring them to the bridge on the Dwarf" Safe ordered.

"I'm on my way" she answered

Needy merely stared at Safe, a combination of anxiety and mistrust rising in his soul.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:52 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp dragged himself from the blackness again and managed to see of the urge to fall back again. His head pounded in waves like a storm was surging in his temples.

"Hey there little man" Came a voice from above, still a little muffled from the concusion but ringing clearer "you gave us a little scare"

It was Safe, Caring yet slightly sarcastic. Wisp tried to stand up but found his synapse a little sluggish and only managed to sit against a console.

"How you feeling?" Needy asked

"like Gosa dumbass" Harsh but obvious "Now get me some Actin Cortasine from a med kit you owe me that much"

Needy had a bemused look on his face and was about to speak up but for some reason he just accepted it and went to find the med kit.

"Now wheres Soul?"
Comedy and That


Monday, April 30, 2007 5:15 AM


OOC: Sorry guys I'm getting nothing right now.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, April 30, 2007 7:18 AM


OOC: Ok, give me a bit. I have some ideas floating around. Just let me figure out how to make them coherant.

Plus I want to re-read the post so as to try and string things together.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, April 30, 2007 7:59 AM



Originally posted by NEEDY:
Needy's conversations are cut short by the sound of a voice crackling on the communicator.

It was Kyra.

"What is it?" he asked apprehensively

"I got them."

Safe took the comm from Needy and asked "Who?"

"Julie and Linda. They're with me. Just to be safe."

"Bring them to the bridge on the Dwarf" Safe ordered.

"I'm on my way" she answered

Needy merely stared at Safe, a combination of anxiety and mistrust rising in his soul.

Safe tried to read the look in Needy’s eyes. He was acting out of sorts lately. Matter of fact, he’d been acting out of sorts ever since he’d been shot. Now it looked as if he had drawn his former companion down the same road he was traveling.

As if to emphasize Safe’s suspicions, Milton kept glancing nervously back and forth between Safe and Needy.

Safe keyed up his comm. again, “Flechette, do a sweep of the Epsilon. Start at the cockpit and work towards the back. Secure the hatch when you get there. Is Amy with you?”

“Ya, she’s watchin’ the wee ones. We’ve already done the sweep and locked up tight, Scorpion and I.” Came Flechettes response.

“Do it again.” Safe said flatly. “Wait… Why’s Amy watching the children? Where’s Seryn?”

“I got her.” SR replied. “She just went into a cabin. She’s acting kinda… I’ll get back to you.” Safe wasn’t sure, but he thought he detected a note of concern.

“Safe, Jack here. Soul’s with me. We’re trying to round up Ciran. We should be up there shortly.”

“What do you want with my wife?” Liam almost shouted. “Surely you can’t think she did this?” Liam took a step forward.

“Right now, I don’t know what to think.” Safe turned to face Liam. “None of you have been overly ‘chatty’. Something else is going on here and I intend to find out what.”

“If you ... pirates lay so much as a hand on my wife, so help me I’ll…”

“Think very carefully about what you choose to say next.” Safe growled, his hand resting meaningfully on his gun.

Liam’s crewmember, Colm, grabs the back of a chair, intent on using it as a weapon, when the click of a gun hammer being cocked stopped him abruptly. “You best be planning on sitting in that chair.” Wisp smiled at Colm over the sights of his gun, wincing through the lingering pain.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, May 1, 2007 10:35 AM


From a Spectators seat
This story is fantastic! It's neat how you guys are so familiar with each other's characters!

....umm. any chance I can join in on this?

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 5:38 AM


OOC: I have no problems with it Jazaf. And you've hit on the main reason I like this story/thread so much, everybody does their homework and it shows. It really makes the story richer... so to speak.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 6:41 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Sure Jazaf, it'll be great to have some new blood breathe life into the story. Feel free to get stuck in so to speak

"I'm on my way" Kyra replied into her communicator before swiftly ending the transmission.

"Are we in trouble?" Julie asked, her voice anxious and concerned.

Kyra thought long and hard about how to respond. She didn't think they were in trouble. But how was she to know? She didn't know what the situation was, nor how this man Safe was going to react to it. Still, it was better to keep the young woman cool, and not frighten her into doing anything stupid - like running away and getting herself hurt by a trigger happy gunman.

"No, its just... it's best if we're all kept together in one space. That way, we're all kept safe."

The words seemed to calm the new passenger somewhat. Meanwhile the younger girl Linda trailed in front of them without a care in the world.

Then, Kyra seized the opportunity to ask a question that's been bugging her since meeting the both of them.

"How old were you?" she asked plainly

"Sorry" Linda replied, pretending not to understand the question, though secretly, she'd been hoping nobody would ask

"When you had her? How old were you?" Kyra's eyes stayed with the girl in front of them "You must have been young"

"Yeah. I was young."

Kyra waited for an answer. She recognised it was a tough subject for the woman, but needed to learn more about her nevertheless.

"I was fourteen." she admitted "Actually, we have the same birthday. I gave birth to her on my birthday"
Tears welled up in her eyes, and Kyra dared not push the subject. She certainly didn't want to upset the girl, but all the information she got from her would help get under her skin.

"That was courageous of you to raise her so young" Kyra said

"I couldn't give her up, despite..."

Julie took a moment to gather her thoughts and Kyra realised the reason for her becoming pregnant so young. The verse was filled with all sorts of scum. And a little part of Kyra hated the fact that she was making the girl relive it.

"She's my daughter" Julie re-established.

And on that confession, they found that they had reached their destination.

Both crews were gathered around inside the bridge and tension was in the air.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 7:21 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- Jazaf Nice to have you on board!

Vixen followed the crowd to the bridge wondering what the cafuffel was all about. Upon entering Wisp grabbed her by the collar and placed a gun into her hand.

"Vixen me and you got a job to do, lets go" Wisp told her while dragging her back out into the hall.

"Woa woa woa slow down your high horse there Willy what job??" She said pulling his arm off her and placing the gun into the back of her jeans. Shed already checked it was real, loaded, and clean in the split second between the rooms.

Wisp gave a embarrased look around "Err i dont quite know what the job is"

"So youve dragged me out of what looked like a great evening of interogation/casual torture for this??" She crossed her arms and spoke a few more derogatry sentances with her eyebrows while Wisp tried to formulate a reply.

"Well I dont know all the details but I DO know Soul is in trouble and Ive been told to help him??"

"By WHO?? Nobodys the boss of you rag tag do-gooders. I have half a mind to kick off and declare me leader at least then we'd get some work done"

"LOOK!" Wisp grabbed her by the arms and shoved her against the wall "He might not have time for your petty tantrums and I certainly dont so stop being a whiny brat and help!"

She stared at him for a second before nodding. Wisp released his grasp and headed off into the ship.

"Just so you know ill break your arms next time you grab me" She said following behind.
Comedy and That


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 2:34 PM


From the Spectators Seat
Shiny! I'll tweak a few things then lay down my hand later.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, May 3, 2007 3:03 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul marched into the bridge, a rather pissed off expression on his face. Jack followed behind, his expression one more of confusion than anything else. There was no pause in the ex-Expendables steps as he drew his dagger, the green runes glowing menacingly, and threw Liam up against the bulkhead. He placed the edge of the blade up against the other man's neck and gave him a glare that would have caused Hannibal Lecter to faint in fear.

"If you tell me that you had anything to do with this, I'll make sure that nothing stands between this blade and the wall behind you."

Liam swallowed hard and tried to squirm in Soul's grasp. "Had anything to do with what?"

Soul stared, his gaze unwavering, murder in his eyes. "Ciaran. Tell me you didn't know."

"Know what?" Liam practically screamed.

Their eyes were locked for another minute, and then, just as abruptly as it had begun, Soul released his hold and Liam collapsed to the floor.

The release of breath by everyone that had been watching was nearly enough to ruffle Soul's hair.

Sliding the dagger back into it's sheath, Soul found the pilot's chair and slowly settled into it. He looked around at all the faces, some familiar, and some not, and began to tell his story.

OOC: Depending on the responses, I may or may not post Soul's story. I'm not sure if I've let enough slip about his life to give you all enough to go on. Let me know!

Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:06 AM


"Guys! We need to start using are heads here and less threats of violence. A guilty person is not going to admit anything under threat of pain because admission will lead to death. A innocent person isn't going to admit anything because there is nothing to admit. If you are going to start torturing people I want none of it and I'll be leaving. I've been wanting a beer for three hours now."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 3, 2007 6:39 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

“This is a story I haven’t told anyone in a long time, and I’m not even sure I’m going to tell all of it. I’ve been around a long time. Where I’m from isn’t important, but the fact that I’ve been traveling among the stars for about 500 years is.”

Soul paused a moment to let that sink in.

“I’ve gone by many names over the years, but this is the one I always come back to. I’m sure that if you look hard enough on the Cortex you’ll find mention of a ‘Soul’ at quite a few points in history. Bottom line, I just don’t age, and I can’t die. Sure, I’ve been killed more times than I care to remember, but every time, I wake up somewhere else in one piece. Oh, and I can phase out of this dimension, which allows me to travel through walls, as well as retrieve things from elsewhere in this dimension.”

He paused again, and looked around the room at the faces staring back at him, some with wonder, some with incredulity, and still others with a cross between fear and anger. Then there was Safe wearing a knowing expression, as if his suspicions had finally been confirmed. Soul took a deep breath and continued.

“I haven’t trusted anyone in a long time, at least not until I found a few people who accepted me without question, something I haven’t had in a long time. Not since Ciaran.”

Liam glared at him, but Soul ignored it.

“About fifty years ago, I met a woman who changed my life. Her name was Ciaran, and I told her everything. I held nothing back, and she fell in love with who I was, not who I pretended to be. She became a rock for me, something I could finally hold on to. You have no idea what can happen to a man after 400 some years wandering the black. I didn’t quite become a Reaver, but I sure came close. Then I lost her. She was shot the day I told her what I could do, before she could even respond. All I saw of the shooter was a tattoo of a laughing skull wearing a jester’s hat on a red diamond background. I didn’t get a chance to chase after him, though. Ciaran was dying, and with her last breath, all she said was "You" Then she was gone. I chased after the shooter then, but I never caught him. When I returned to Ciaran, though, her body was gone, too. No explanation.”

Soul turned back to Liam, his eyes burning once again.

“Care to tell me how, fifty years later, in the middle of the black, on a derelict transport, I see the woman I love, alive?”

“I…don’t know,” Liam replied, softly. He glanced up at Soul, his face softened. “I honestly don’t know. I only know her as my wife.”

“I’m not sure she’s even truly that.” Slowly, Soul reached into a pocket and pulled a tattered photo of Ciaran out of his pocket, one that he had carried with him ever since he lost her. He passed it over to Liam.

“Is this your wife?”

To everyone’s surprise but Soul’s, Liam shook his head. “No, I’m sorry.”

Soul took the picture back and slipped it into his pocket. “I didn’t think so. I met her in the corridor earlier, and she did something rather interesting. I don’t think she’s really your wife, Liam, or my Ciaran. She can mess with people’s minds, making them see her as someone totally different. That’s why I saw her as my Ciaran, while you still saw her as yours.”

“Wait. She’s not my Ciaran?”

Soul lowered his head. “I’m afraid not. Which means that either she has your wife somewhere, or…” He let the thought hang in the air. “She’s somewhere on one of these two ships, and since she can make people see her as someone different, the only way to weed her out is to get everyone from both ships together and find the duplicate.”

One of Liam’s crew perked up. “There’s a meeting room here that would be large enough.”

Soul looked over at Safe, and the other man nodded. “Fine. Let’s get everyone together.”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Thursday, May 3, 2007 7:45 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Oooh, plenty of good stuff to sink our teeth into. Excellent! I'll try and post either tonight or tomorrow. My sister's getting married at the weekend, so doubt I'll have chance to then

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:07 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by NEEDY:
OOC: Oooh, plenty of good stuff to sink our teeth into. Excellent! I'll try and post either tonight or tomorrow. My sister's getting married at the weekend, so doubt I'll have chance to then

OOC: Tell her congrats from all of us!!!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:15 AM


OOC: Yes, indeed!!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:23 PM


Boros; Helo Detainment Facility
The Warden blankly stares out of a nearby window while the remainder of his guards try to salvage what they can from the jailbreak. Without turning he continues the conversation “So, you‘re after….Them are you?”
“No, I‘m only after one individual, I‘ve heard he was seen traveling with them.”
“Yet the bounties on the others are of no interest to you?”
“They don‘t concern me as of yet but, He does.”
“What‘s wrong? Afraid they might be too much for you?” the Warden jokes.
“I never start a job until one is completed.” came the curt reply.
The Warden turns, frowning at the young man standing in front of his desk. The young man in question was known simply as Kurren. He had a reputation of only accepting one job at a time and of being an expert knife fighter. His skin revealed his African heritage, while his slightly slanted eyes suggested that he shared genes with those of the Orient. He wore loose cargo pants that held several knives clipped to the belt loops. “It‘s just as well, they are not even on the planet. By the reports I received the fugitives made a stop at Carson‘s Hovercraft.” The warden’s face became slightly flustered “before they… disabled one of my Interceptors.” Kurren smirked, “Sounds like they‘re a resourceful bunch. I might get to have a little fun with them.”
‘Bounty Hunters….what an odd lot.’ the Warden thinks to himself, as Kurren exit’s the room.
“Mr.Carson! Open Up!”
Kurren took a moment from knocking on the door and looked at the Mules laid out in the yard. Some of them seem like they haven’t been serviced in months, he could easily spot no less than four with large rust spots. The door creaked open behind him and a weak voice answered from just beyond, “What you want?” Kurren turned around to see a woman with scraggily hair with a nasty bruise on her neck, obviously the reason her voice is light and strained. “I have some questions for Mr. Carson about the….visitors you had a while back.” Kurren put an emphasis on visitors hoping the lady was smarter than she looked, fortunately, she was.
“James! Feller out here wants at chat ‘bout the Kuh Wu Cheong Bao Ho Tze Se Duhng that wot took our kids!” Some shuffling and a few grunts could be heard approaching from behind the woman. When James Carson finally made it to the front door Kurren couldn’t help a cursory glance and the man. James was a little shorter than Kurren but he suspected the icepack suspended between the businessman’s legs had something to do with that. “They did this, want you to know that. To me and the Mrs‘s” James said, motioning to his affliction and to his wife’s neck. Kurren merely nodded not wanting to voice his opinion based on James’ alcoholic breath. “They came, demanded a few of the ingrates that are in my care, battered me and my wife and then flew off. One of them even threatened my life.” James continued with his wife nodding emphatically, “I never caught their names but they went and rustled my wards. Ain‘t no way in the Verse those folks can cared for them better ‘n me.”
Kurren could see he wasn’t going to get the information he wanted from these folk so he thanked them for their time then walked away into the showyard.
Among the Hovercraft, Kurren looks up into the sky as if looking for a trail left in the clouds.
“If I was running from the Feds…..where would I go?”

OOC: I'm using the Serenity RP Guide as a reference on this, just so you know.
Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter






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