which character do you think you're like vs who you'd like to be

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 21:45
VIEWED: 1547
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Saturday, April 19, 2008 4:11 PM


I think I'm alot like Wash...goofy and funny, but also smart, and reliable when stuff gets serious. I'd like to be Zoe: smart cool, level headed, resourceful, classy...etc. etc.
friends of mine have repeatedly told me I'm alot like Mal which is kind of cool, but bugs me on some levels. a) I'm a girl, and I don't like tight pants, b) I think he's an ass most of the time, but I don't think I am. (chronic denial maybe). I can sort of see where they are coming from re my attitude to romance (ie. if the person you like likes you back head for the hills!), and the fact that I'm a total pit bull when people mess with my loved ones. I've been told I have the same leadership style as Mal, and I don't know if I should feel good about that...but I do. Nothing wrong with thinking on your feet, and it's not like I beg or expect people to follow me they choose to. Stuff always seems to work out despite messy beginnings, and frankly there's nothing more invigorating than successfully getting yourself out of a fix.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 8:30 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I really and truly do think I am most like Kaylee... I fell in love with the show when she kissed Mal on the cheek and said, "I love my Captain..." I knew in that moment this was someone who wasn't afraid to show her softer side, who had the courage to be who she was despite the vulnerability that this can sometimes cause her... I knew I was a lot like her in that I am determined to show people the positive emotions I have and not just express the negative ones!

I wish I were more like Zoe though, tall, strong, sexy, tough, a sharp shooter who is not afraid of a battle and doesn't let her emotions get in the way...

Though I do like being a Kaylee too... I love people and love listening to their stories, I lap up new stories and experiences, I love to be loved and I love to 'have good sex!' and I really feel it when someone says something mean about me no matter how hard I try to not let things hurt me and no matter how much I can 'analyse' why someone is doing something and even when it's obvious that they are really lashing out at me to cover their own behaviour or to justify something they've already done or said, it still hurts like hell... I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve!

CPT Magda Martin, CO of India Co. (Australasia)


Sunday, April 20, 2008 9:17 AM


People around me say that I'm a Kaylee/River, or a pre-acadamy River, and I agree with them. I'm kinda sweet, tend to be very cheerful when I'm hyper, etc. I also have a very high IQ, have some brain problems, and I've even gotten my head cut open! (it was in a car accident, though, and the doctors were the ones stitching it back up).

I'm going to jump off this bandwagon of wanting to be Zoe, and say I wish I was more like a Wash or a Mal, though. I would like more joke-telling ability, and more leadership ability, which are things in which I am seriously lacking. As for not wanting to be Zoe, well, my mom is a Zoe-type, and she's not always easy to live with. She's not easy to live with most of the time. So I'm not exactly in love with the whole "warrior image" deal. I respect Zoe alot, but I wouldn't want to be her, or be around her (see how she picks alot of fights with Wash?)


98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 12:41 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I think I'm most like Simon but would rather be more like Wash, or a combination of Wash and Mal if that doesn't sound too crazy.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, April 20, 2008 4:54 PM


a combo of Mal and Wash would be could be tough, and not so tough depending on your Wash is not afraid of his emotions, and admitting he cares about people.I used to be River like when I was younger(pre receiving intense social training, so I could "fit in" better). I don't make random comments like her anymore because I've been made self conscious of them...kinda wish I was still oblivious.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 4:23 PM


I'm a lot like Mal. Which is mighty helpful because at work, I'm in a position where I have to be like Mal to make sure anything gets done. (In fact I wind up making a lot of executive decisions because my supervisor can't even go to the can without consulting somebody above him.) Also, more than a few people have commented on the physical resemblance: in fact, whenever there's a showing of costumes, I almost always come away with Best Mal Lookalike.

However, I'm a little bit like Jayne sometimes - selfish and/or stupid in some respects. And yes, I've said it before and I'll say it again - I do not like Jayne, and I don't want to be like him at all. If anything, I'd like to be even more like Mal, in control no matter what happens, and able to keep my head even in the lousiest of circumstances.

Inara and Mal
Argue what's canon
'I'm not a whore;
The term is Companion!'

Captain of the New England Browncoats


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 9:45 PM


I always think of Mal as a guy who's a leader by default, and not by choice...he's the guy everyone turns to when stuff starts it's journey down the toilet, the guy who has to make the hard decisions, and then listen to everyone whining about it rather than offering their own alternatives...feels allright to be part of a group that's like the character ...even for those of us that suffer from his less likeable flaws.






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